Chapter 501 Bloody City Gate Pass, Pass! - Two more!


Du Yu laughed loudly: "It turns out that the key seventh layer can only be broken through through accumulation and epiphany. No wonder I have been practicing hard for a long time, but I can't get into it."

He resolutely chose the third option.

This is not just grinding the gun against the Holy Dragon.

Rather, in this battle, against powerful creatures such as the Enemy of Christ and the Supreme Angel, Du Yu realized that his greatest threat lies in the one-on-one confrontation with powerful creatures!
His palm hit Shenglong's head heavily!

For the first time, there was a sense of horror in the eyes of the holy dragon.

Fear, this is definitely a unique word for the holy dragon who is at the top of the food chain on the mainland.

It keenly sensed that the attack of the elf ranger could cause fatal damage to it.

But there is no avoiding it!
With stunned eyes, Moliel watched Du Yu slaying the dragon in disbelief.

Du Yu's move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms caused the holy dragon to scream miserably. Even the sturdy dragon scales and steel-like head could not block the heavenly power of the seventh layer Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!


This is the terrifying damage that Du Yu caused to the holy dragon.

Shenglong's 1000 health points were knocked out by more than half.

Molly was almost petrified.

If this injury hit her, it would kill her in one blow!
From the depths of her soul, she was afraid of Du Yu for the first time.

Being able to convince the Dragon Queen with one blow, if other adventurers find out, I'm afraid that their opinion of Du Yu will rise to a new height.

In space, the strong are respected.

The key is that Jasmine knows that this holy dragon is protected by her powerful attributes and buffs.Even so, Du Yu still succeeded in one blow, almost killing Shenglong almost half of his life.

Shenglong's body was so seriously injured, and the soul body naturally felt the same, and burst into screams together.

Dragon Wolf Qi struggled out of the freezing, roared wildly, and threw himself at the soul body, biting tightly on it and refusing to let go.

It has devoured the appearance of a real dragon, and it seems to have a preference for the appearance of a dragon. Regardless of how noble a dragon is, it will kill a dragon when it sees it.

This dragon-wolf appearance is indeed a rebel expert, synonymous with wolf Gu Kuangkuang.

Shenglong's two fronts were defeated at the same time, and the body was still struggling to attack Du Yu.

Du Yu resisted the frozen breath of the holy dragon, and did not dodge or dodge. He slapped the dragon with regret, extremely fierce, and hit the holy dragon's heart.

Shenglong looked at Du Yu in astonishment, not understanding why the elf was so brave.

Du Yu's Kanglong Yougui finally beat Shenglong's chest to pieces, and with a groan, he fell heavily to the ground.

Its soul body was devoured by the Dragon Wolf Qi and became a great tonic.

Jasmine stared blankly.

This elf ranger was actually powerful enough to slaughter the holy dragon again after defeating himself.

That is the strongest creature on the continent.

Du Yu picked up a treasure box from Shenglong's corpse.

There are several precious materials in full bloom.

[Holy Dragon Dragon Tooth] [Holy Dragon Dragon Scale] [Holy Dragon Blood] are all building materials that rank above A-level in the space.This bloody city gate was originally an important place of production for precious materials.As the strongest creature, the production of holy dragons is of course very generous.

Du Yu put away the holy dragon's treasure and walked slowly towards the dying Jasmine.

"Your death has come."

Du Yu's pair of iron palms slowly opened.

Jasmine seemed to have seen that the god of death was coming.

She swallowed a mouthful of spit, and finally opened her mouth with difficulty.

"Do not kill me"

"What can you do in exchange for your life?" Du Yu stopped his palms, full of interest.

Moliel sighed, and held up the sealed dragon ball.

"This treasure, if used well, is no worse than your divine weapon," Moliel tried her best to sell it.

Du Yu shook his head: "I don't have a dragon, I can seal it, so what's the use of this thing?"

"You can seal a golden dragon." Jasmine squeezed out a smile.

Du Yu stroked Jasmine's chin playfully, and under the latter's shameful gaze, he said coldly, "Golden Dragon, how can you compare with the Queen of Dragons?"

"You are bold!"

Molly was furious.This elf ranger actually wants to seal himself?

"You have only two ways to go." Du Yu said coldly: "Either, as my thug, obediently be sealed into the Dragon Ball and respond to my call for war. Or, die! Let me search for dragon scales, bones, and blood. You choose."

Molly was silent for a while.

Finally, she bowed her head.

"I surrender"

Molly shed tears of shame.

The majestic Dragon Queen, the strongest existence on the mainland, was sealed by an elf ranger into her own sealed dragon ball, and became someone's thug.It's almost a nightmare.

But if you don't follow, it's a dead end.

Alive, there is always hope.

"Wait until I continue to cultivate and become stronger, and at the critical moment, I will bite you back!" Jasmine's heart was filled with anger.

Du Yu, on the other hand, waved his hand and put Jasmine into the sealed Dragon Ball.

"You have obtained the sealed dragon ball that seals Jasmine, the queen of dragons. In each battle, you can summon Jasmine to join the battle at the cost of 5 survival points."

"Jasmine's Attributes: Queen of Dragons, B+ Demonic Beast, HP 800, Attack 50, Defense 50, Special Skill: Commanding Dragons, Attack and Defense +5."

When adventurers such as Maishela and Li Tang finally arrived, Du Yu had only the corpse of a holy dragon beside him.

"Then Molly?" Li Tang asked profusely with sweat.

"Let's go." Du Yu didn't want to reveal his hole cards, and said calmly: "But I injured her severely. It is estimated that she will not be able to participate in the battle for a long time. We will immediately divide our troops, attack the underground world, and plunder points."

After defeating the Gonggen army and Jasmine, the 399 Gonggen cities, like stripped beauties, were powerless to resist and were exposed to the coalition forces' vision.Every city means at least 5000 points, 20000 gold coins and a lot of resources.In the summary link of the Scarlet City Gate, gold coins and resources can be exchanged for points.

This is the time to divide the spoils.

After some intense bargaining, the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms reached the following carve-up agreement:

[-]. In principle, the adventurers of Datang, Shinra, and the Parliament should destroy the city of Gonggen below their own territory and not cross the border.

Second, as the leader of the alliance, Du Yu's interests must be guaranteed first.The former Doomsday Volcano and the underground world area of ​​the northern desert occupy three-fifths of the entire area, and should be exclusively enjoyed by Du Yu's lieutenants.Others must not cross the line.

25. In the end, [-]% of the proceeds plundered by other adventurers must be paid to Du Yu as a reward for leading everyone to pass the level.

With this carve-up agreement, more than 150 adventurers immediately scattered and attacked any Gonggen city they could see.

The entire underground world suddenly became a killing field.

Without Jasmine, the Gonggen crowd has no leader, and has no countermeasures except to stick to the city.

Cities were reduced to ashes in the flames of war and razed by adventurers.

At this time, Du Yu hadn't recovered from the dying state of the fierce battle. Instead, he dispatched beautiful heroes such as Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Serena, Elizabeth, Wang Yuyan, Yilin, Li Qinglu, Azhu, and many more. Lead the troops on the road, attack the city and conquer the territory, and reap the fruits of victory.

Du Yu himself, sitting leisurely in the dungeon, watched his points rise up like a rocket.

With the golden dragon and silver Pegasus, the beautiful heroes ran fast. With Yilin's detection magic and Du Yu's detection technique, the map of the dungeon was quickly explored, and then nearby heroes were organized to attack.

Although the defense of the Gonggen people is still strong, and the strength of the troops in the city varies, but under the all-round attack of the alliance, the cities are completely razed.

It is worth noting that Yakun does not eat dry rice either.Ever since he observed the soaring points in everyone's standings, he was keenly aware that the coalition forces had won the decisive battle against Jasmine!

Yakun led the northern Sudanese adventurers and suddenly launched a counterattack.

The Gonggen troops on the ground were quickly wiped out, and then the Sudanese adventurers broke into the ground.

But they are late!

Gritting his teeth, Yakun discovered that the world beneath his northern desert had been razed one by one by Du Yu as a priority.

As a result of the investigation by his troops, there were only ruins, and the points had already been harvested by Du Yu.

Seeing Du Yu's points rising like a rocket, Yakun gritted his teeth with hatred and ordered the Sudanese adventurers to try their best to snatch the fruits of victory and capture one after another.

Adventurers from the four countries are frantically competing for speed and attacking the city of Gonggen regardless of the cost.

After 2 weeks, adventurers from the four countries will be prompted at the same time.

"The last city of the Gonggan people was completely razed!"

"Calculating the number of survivors"

"There were 400 trial participants who entered the gate of the Scarlet City, and 205 people successfully passed the trial. Among them, 54 were adventurers from the Tang Dynasty, 67 were adventurers from the Sudan, 46 were adventurers from the Parliamentary Country, and 38 were from the Gods. There are [-] adventurers."

"162 people died in battle in this trial, and 33 people gave up voluntarily."

"Congratulations to the adventurer who passed the level."

"Throughout the journey, you braved hardships and dangers, united as one, and finally represented the Justice League, destroying all the evil forces Hell Race and Gonggen people! You have shown courage, wisdom and strength."

"You have passed the test of the bloody city gate, you can enter the bloody city and be promoted to adventurers in the outer city."

"Now, anyone's attacking power will be stopped and statistical scores will be calculated."

"The final reward will be given different redemption orders and redemption times according to the ranking of the points. The one with the highest ranking will have limited choices!"

Immediately, on the entire continent, more than 200 adventurers burst into tears.

They finally passed the assessment and entered the bloody city.

Since then, they will be called real adventurers!
The difference between the outer city and the slums is as big as the difference between the city dwellers and the bumpkins!
 At 3 o'clock in the morning, the baby suddenly had a high fever and was sent to the hospital. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, he rushed back anxiously, and the tenth watch will start immediately!I'm really sorry to keep you waiting so long!The first 5 shifts are continuous, and the next 6 shifts are placed around [-] o'clock.I implore everyone for a monthly pass!Full Book Subscription!And recommended tickets!Grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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