Chapter 504 Ordered by Heaven, He's Jade Seal! -Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch

It will be delivered at five o'clock, thanks to my good friends for riding an ant to crush an elephant!The next five are released continuously around six o'clock.Ask everyone for monthly tickets, subscriptions, recommendation tickets and rewards!The child got sick at 5 o'clock last night, tossing all night, I went to have breakfast and lunch as soon as I finished the update—(this paragraph does not count words)——

The most precious treasure in the center of the reward pool is indeed transformed by a divine weapon!
"Heshibi Jade Seal (S-level equipment, the only equipment in space, 60% broken status) is an emperor, and the seals supporting the issuance of government orders are indispensable. The seals used by the emperor are generally called jade seals. This jade seal is Heshibi, the imperial authority. The symbol of the bloody city flowed into the bloody city from the real world thousands of years ago. The founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty obtained it unintentionally. It can take effect, otherwise it is regarded as a false edict. Recently, this object mysteriously disappeared from the Dragon Case of the Tang Emperor. The six doors have been searching for this object.

Additional special effect 1, supremacy: being ordered by the sky, it means longevity and longevity, and the jade seal, as a symbol of imperial power, is supreme.When skills and props are used, the authority will be greatly increased under its bonus (the authority of skills and props below S level will automatically increase by +20)

Additional special effect 2, all evils and evils are warded off: as the emperor, he should be protected by luck, and all evils will not invade.Improve all abnormal state resistance +20
Additional special effect 3, open and aboveboard: the emperor walks in all directions, and should be aboveboard.Hiding his head and showing his tail, and fleeing in fear of war are not the actions of the emperor.After equipped, you cannot use any stealth and escape props.

Additional special effect 4, awe-inspiring righteousness: the true man appears, and under the awe-inspiring righteousness, all the demons and demons are scattered.After equipped, the damage to all dark creatures (such as demons, vampires, werewolves, etc.) is increased by 50%. This attribute can be overlapped with other gains.

Additional special effects 5, real dragon emperor: Once the emperor comes out, all guests will be served.After being equipped, the owner of this item can obtain the coercive effect of the power of weather, weakening the combat effectiveness of other powers of weather by 15%. "

Du Yu smiled. Just the first attribute [Supreme] is enough to kill a lot of people!

Space skills, in fact, the biggest difference lies in the priority.

Common D-level skills priority in slums, 0-20, common C-level skill priority in outer urban areas, 20-40, common B-level skills in inner city areas are 40-60, common A-level skills in Huangcheng District 60-80, Zifu The S-level skill can only be achieved in the district, and the priority is 80-100. For some rare skills, the priority may exceed 100.
Skills below S rank, priority +20!

This is equivalent to raising the priority of a skill to a higher level!
Worn on the body, it is equivalent to a D-level skill, enjoys the priority of a C-level skill, and a C-level skill enjoys a B-level skill

This thing can be called the best auxiliary treasure.

[True Dragon Son of Heaven] The meteorological assistance in combat is even more impressive. No wonder the dragon and wolf meteorology is so impatient for this thing.The rare [True Dragon] with dragon and wolf weather can be upgraded to level 5, but it only reduces the opponent's weather combat power by 15%.

With the emperor's seal, it can be said that no matter who is an expert who meets Du Yu, the meteorological effect will be directly weakened by 45%!

[All Evil Resisting Changes] and [Righteousness] are rare attributes. At this time, they are gathered on a treasure at the same time, which greatly increases the value of this item.

The only bad thing is [Upright], you can't use any invisibility and escape props, which makes Du Yu embarrassed.However, compared to the strength of other skills, this negative attribute is acceptable.


This He's Jade Seal is still broken.

According to Du Yu's observation, the degree of damage is very serious, about 40% of the part was divided into two by a huge force.

According to the prompt, if you can get together this jade seal, once its true attributes are revealed, it will become even more terrifying!It can even reproduce the power of the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Du Yu was secretly rejoicing.

Thanks to the lack of display attributes.

Otherwise, if I got the seal of the Great Tang Emperor, even if it was rewarded by the Bloody City Gate.I'm afraid that the emperor who lived deep in Jiuchong and ruled from the south would send someone to destroy him at all costs!

Even the emperor's seal was obtained by himself, Du Yu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

However, the question is why did this thing mysteriously disappear from the emperor's case and reappear in this reward pool?
Could it be: "Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should stand?"

It is said that every time there is a major turmoil in Chinese history, the emperor's seal will disappear automatically, looking for the next owner.

The He family found this bi and dedicated it to the king of Chu. His foot was broken twice, and it was completed the third time.

Qin Wang won the government, unified Liuhe, got Heshibi, and took it as the jade seal of the country, and the fortune of the country was opened.

Yingzheng encountered a storm when he was on a boat, and ordered people to throw him into the water, and the storm stopped suddenly.

Later, he returned to the King Qin's case in a strange way.

Qin lost its deer, and the world chased after it.

Liu Bang, king of Han, entered Xianyang first, and Prince Ying of Qin surrendered, offering this bi, and the fate of the country changed hands.

Wang Mang usurped the throne, his younger brother forced the palace to ask for the jade, and the Empress Dowager of Han used it to beat the thieves. Finally, a new dynasty was established, and the fate of the country changed again.

Liu Xiu seized this thing, rejuvenated the great man, and the fate of the country changed hands.

Dong Zhuo rebelled, Sun Jian attacked Luoyang, and found this object among the dead women in the dry well, which indicated that Sun Wu's atmosphere would flourish in the southeast.

Sun Jian got the treasure and immediately led his army back to the south. Yuan Shao was furious and ordered Liu Biao to ambush him.Jiangdong Tiger was seriously injured and died soon after.

Sun Ce endured the humiliation, served the enemy with his body, and dedicated the object to Yuan Shu.Yuan Shu was overjoyed and lent three thousand soldiers to Sun Ce, and the little overlord sent three thousand tigers to fight across the river and achieve the emperor's career.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor with Heshibi, and was finally conquered by Cao Cao and killed. This object fell into Cao Cao's hands and made Cao Wei's foundation.

Every change of Heshibi heralds the change of a new generation of national luck!

Could it be a coincidence that Du Yu got this thing?

Du Yu himself didn't think too much about it, as long as it made the Emperor Tang uncomfortable, he was willing to do it.What's more, this thing is so powerful.

Behind it is Ya Kun's lottery draw.He was also well prepared, and he even held a lot of points tributed by Sudanese adventurers in his hands. He made a bold move and quickly won 6 precious treasures.It is estimated that the strength will also increase greatly.Looking at Du Yu, his eyes were full of provocation.

Michelle was the third to go forward and choose the treasure.She is well-connected, knowledgeable, and smart, and she was able to take out a lot of points and exchange them for 5 genuine treasures, which are extremely practical.In addition to the U.S. military field medical kit that Du Yu bought for her, she also bought a pair of military boots that increase speed and stamina, a camouflage cloak with a high priority for cover effects, and a marksman ring that increases accuracy and priority , several bottles of potions that instantly restore mana value.It is estimated that after this exchange, her magic archer strength will skyrocket.

Behind is Li Tang

Each adventurer draws a lottery, and the time is very fast.

The treasures in the reward pool decreased rapidly.

Even if the adventurers in the back can't pick very good treasures or look down on them, they don't need to be too frustrated, because the space allows the points to be exchanged for survival points.The conversion ratio is one to five.

5 points can be exchanged for 3 survival points.For someone who is extorting tens of millions from the church, this amount of money is not a problem.But for the vast number of poor people who can only harvest 5 per world, this is a lot of money.

Finally, everything is assigned.

The gazes of Du Yu and Yakun met in the air, and electric sparks shot out.

"I heard that the emperor of Tang Dynasty doesn't like you very much." Ya Kun said contemptuously: "I hope Allah bless you. When we meet next time, you can still be so lively."

"Don't bother Allah, old man." Du Yu laughed and said, "Next time we meet, I will type out your Xiang again."

Yakun's face darkened: "Adventures in the outer city, but there is a plot of the four-nation team battle. When the time comes, I will teach you a lesson!"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows: "Very good, I'm looking forward to it."

The figures of the two gradually faded and disappeared into the air.

The final ending ceremony of the world this time is not the same as before, returning to the place where the stinking water flows and the low and cramped slums live, but

A piece of light!

A dazzling light!

After passing through the long and dark city gate corridors, 205 new adventurers finally passed through the darkness and walked to the bloody city's wide and huge gates. Looking around at the magnificent city in front of them, they ushered in a new world!
The true face of the bloody city!

Except for a few adventurers who were lucky enough to enter the city, the vast majority of adventurers in the slums, this is the first time to enter the city!
They finally saw the true face of the bloody city.

It was like a group of smelly country bumpkins entering a big city for the first time.


Prosperity, temptation, indulgence, treasures, training, cheats, beauties, and adventure are attracting this group of new adventurers

This bloody city gate is definitely a pass.

On one side of the city gate, there is a bustling city full of flowers and brocades, and on the other side, there are low-rise and poor slums where human lives are like dogs.

The solid city wall, tens of feet thick, divides all of these into two, clearly distinguishing them.

Only through that long and dark passage can one come here.

In every adventurer's heart, there is a feeling - as if in another world!
The group of 205 adventurers was silent.

Swallowing of saliva can be heard from time to time.

There was also faint sobbing.

Finally in town.

How many fellow travelers have disappeared in the wind and rain?

I can live to see the true face of this bloody bloody city, how bustling and depraved it is!
Even those adventurers who have a special relationship with the big bosses or strong teams and have been to the city, this time they used their own strength to step on this neat big stone with a width of several meters, and they felt more trembling than before. It makes a world of difference!

This time, I truly belong here.

Become one of those masters who look at newcomers with contempt and almost write their arrogance on their faces!
I am an adventurer in the city.

Although they are only the lowest-level residents in this city, even the worst adventurers here can be regarded as masters in the slums!

A low growl sounded: "Damn, I have added one skill slot!"

"Really, and the length, width and height of the storage space have increased by one meter each."

The rookie adventurers kept roaring with excitement.

"Stop screaming, go out through the front door! You will automatically enter the urban areas of your respective countries." An impatient voice sounded.

Du Yu took the lead.

He was the first to walk out of the dark city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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