Chapter 505 Walking through the darkness, the future is uncertain
He took the first step and came to the city.

"Datang City?" Du Yu frowned and looked around.

Zhuque Street is spacious and magnificent, well-shaped square market, well-organized, towering buildings, blue bricks and tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, cornices and corners, flowers and green bamboos, trees and shadows, crowds of people, bustling and prosperous, this style is obviously rich in ancient Chinese style Datang area.

Looking back, the city gate was extremely dark.

Du Yu sighed.

This bloody city gate has finally passed.

The chaotic, bloody, life in the slums is over.

Of course, this is also a new beginning.

Maybe, the future will be even more bloody and cruel!

The corners of Du Yu's mouth curled up, and he looked confidently at his new world, looking around at the adventurers in the outer city who were watching the newcomers, curious and tinged with disdain.

Adventurers such as Michelle also stepped out of the black hole and entered the city.

A total of 54 Tang adventurers survived.

The senior adventurers around saw a large number of new faces coming out of the city gate, and they all gathered to watch.

In the eyes of these veterans, there are surprises, curiosity, and indifference, but there are also various malicious, insidious and cunning.

"Surprisingly passed so many this time? Isn't there only 100 trials?"

"Passed more than 50! More than half. Isn't the difficulty of this assessment too low?"

"Grandma, I think I was the only one who came out on my own. The newcomer is really lucky!"

The new adventurers couldn't help shrinking in the face of the somewhat malicious eyes of the adventurers in the outer city.

This further fueled the greedy and contemptuous eyes of some guys.Some murderous and ruffian adventurers came out in a hurry and approached.

"Hush, look, we have a new partner."

"Hey, look at their piss, I bet they won't survive the next world."

"Don't think you're in heaven, welcome to hell! Rookies. Cry!"

Of course, there were also those who took the opportunity to blackmail or even rob.

A few strong men in red python robes came over, their gloomy eyes wandered around the lonely adventurers, pushing and shoving them.

"Boy! Do you know Grandpa? The main force of the Red Python team, a strong team in the outer city! If you know your skills, hurry up and donate 1 survival points!"

A young man who was left alone, being provoked anxiously, pulled out the sharp blade he had just obtained from the gate of the Scarlet City, and glared at the Red Python team.

"Hehe?" The strong man and his accomplice looked at each other, and looked at the young man's blade with a smile: "The newcomer who just came out of the Scarlet City Gate is very arrogant! This knife is not bad. It must be a C-level treasure Shall I present it to Grandpa?"

Another person smiled evilly and said: "If you really don't want to hand it over, it's okay, as long as you follow our Red Python team, it won't be long before it's your turn to rob other newcomers!"

"Yes! Join the team!" The brawny man laughed and said, "You newcomers must join the Red Python team for me! The benefits of our team are the best."

The Red Pythons weren't the only ones robbing.

Another team of adventurers wearing the badge of the White Tiger Team also surrounded several new adventurers with gloomy eyes, trying to get oil and water from them.Those adventurers are also powerful in the slums, but they dare not fight alone with these seniors who obviously have a strong team background, and they are extremely unwilling to be skinned and glared at them.

While blackmailing wantonly, they forced newcomers to join the White Tiger Team.

A stick on one side and a carrot on the other.

But these new adventurers have been in at least 5 worlds in the space, and naturally they have heard about the captive teams of Red Python and White Tiger.

If they were robbed, they would lose a treasure, but if they were forced to join the Red Python team, there would be no bones left.

On a tall restaurant upstairs in the far distance, a group of people can see the strange shape of the city gate.

This restaurant is the well-known Wangjing Tower in the outer city of space. It tastes excellent, and it has the best reputation even among the extremely picky adventurers in the outer city.

It is not only a matter of taste that can make adventurers covet, but also special ingredients and craftsmanship, making this place a place for high-rollers to spend a lot of money.

The ingredients here are all the fresh meat of Warcraft from the wild bloodland or the fresh ingredients grown in the most remote and dangerous places.Produced on the same day, delivered on the same day.A large number of low-level adventurers do not hesitate to fight with monsters, get fresh meat, or risk their lives to sneak into that dangerous place to harvest precious plants for Wangjing Tower to buy at a high price.These precious space ingredients were processed by Wangjing Tower in a special way, and then they were eaten by rich people.Eating this high-level monster meat and precious plants is not only delicious, but also improves the physical fitness and attributes of the subtle adventurer!
Of course, since the precious attributes can be improved by eating, and the food is powerful monster fresh meat and precious plants, the price of vegetables is naturally ridiculously high.In addition, this Wangjing Tower, as its name suggests, is located in the most prosperous section of the outer city, with a 360-degree circular viewing platform, sitting on the railing, you can directly see the scenery of the inner city, and enjoy the magnificent scenery everywhere in the city. Excellent.The price here is naturally very expensive.

Those who can eat here are all powerful.

At this time, there were only two groups of wealthy customers sitting on the Wangjing Tower eating.

A group of high-ranking guests, wearing a white tiger badge, the leader of the group, open-minded, with a white tiger tattoo on his chest, hideous and terrifying, looking at Du Yu who walked out of the city gate, his brows were fierce, and he couldn't help frowning up.

If Du Yu saw it, he would definitely recognize that this was Shi Guodong from the White Tigers!

His younger brother, Shi Guoliang, who was in the Xinren Adventure Pass, was bombarded and killed by Du Yu because he coveted Du Yu's evil sword manual.After Du Yu returned to the space, he was hunted down by Shi Guodong, and the two sides really had indissoluble hatred.

Beside him, the third master and Baihu were also accompanying him.

Another group of high-profile customers were covered in blood red.The person in the central position looked bloody and murderous, but he also looked at Du Yu with a vicious look.It is Red Python, the leader of the Red Python team!He also had Master Gu and Huagou beside him, as well as a familiar figure of a beautiful woman.


At this time, Rourou is no longer a young girl who has just entered the space. She is wearing a tight-fitting cheongsam, which outlines her graceful figure in a way that attracts people's imagination. Her long snow-white legs are even more perfect and breathtaking.

At this time, even the most lustful flower dog didn't dare to look at Rou Rou with lewd and lewd eyes!

Because when Du Yu and others passed the gate of the Scarlet City, Rourou, as a contemporaneous student, had just broken through the test of a pharmacist!

Has grown into a pharmacist in the outer city!

As an adventurer with special skills in life, Rourou naturally does not need to go to the bloody city gate to fight and kill like Du Yu and other adventurers, but to pass the space-specific medicine refining test. Once she passes, she can safely enter the city and continue upgrade.The disadvantage is that you can't get the reward of the bloody city gate.

Of course, many pharmacists can also choose to participate in the assessment of the Scarlet City Gate. Although it is risky, the rewards will be much greater.After all, point exchange can greatly increase the strength of adventurers.

But for Rou Rou, who is regarded as the apple of the eye by the Red Python team, these survival points are not a problem.

Beside her, there is a jade rabbit carved in pink and jade, very cute.Jumping and jumping on the dining table, sometimes picking up a space-precious green vegetable, grabbing it with two snow-white front paws and gnawing it off.The appearance of the rabbit's bulging mouth made people laugh.

This Jade Rabbit turned out to be the result of Rou Rou's weather reaching its potential form!
Relying on the Jade Rabbit weather, Rourou has made rapid progress in pharmaceutical refining!At this moment, even Master Gu and Huagou dare not insult her status.

"That guy actually passed the assessment! I didn't expect that!" Hua Gou looked at Du Yu with a calm face, his mouth crooked and his eyes slanted in anger.

He has not forgotten the shame of being played around by Du Yu in Pirates of the Caribbean.

"Wouldn't that be better?" Bai Hu clenched his fists with a gloomy face.

"I want this person!" Shi Guodong glanced at the red python coldly: "I will take revenge for killing my brother."

"This person is at the gate of the Scarlet City, and he has caused heavy casualties to my team in the slums! He also took away the compass that doesn't know how to use a compass!" With a compass that doesn't know how to use a compass, I actually dug up an artifact! I got rich rewards, my strength increased greatly, and I passed the gate of the Scarlet City. If I don't cut him into pieces, how can I solve my hatred!"

"Let's see first." The third master smiled and filled Shi Guodong with fine wine: "The monkey wine brewed by the ice fire spirit ape in the wilderness blood field is really a great tonic. I finished drinking it last time and went back When I woke up, my physical strength was +1. With our strength, it is difficult to gain a little physical strength by exercising."

"Don't get along with me." Shi Guodong didn't take his eyes off Du Yu for a moment.

"Our two teams have sent people to find out the details of this group of newcomers." Baihu and Huagou looked at each other, and said with a wicked smile: "If you are a softie, just use your hands and capture him back. To the two Big brother vent your anger!"

Caressing the Jade Rabbit softly, Jianshui Meimou glanced at the familiar figure complicatedly

She had sworn to keep this person a secret.

But she couldn't stop Hou Xiaobai and Yimei's terrifying six-door arrest.

Rou Rou took a sip of the monkey wine in a low voice, her face turned rosy.

luckily he's alright, hope

I hope I can escape the catastrophe of the White Tiger Red Python team.

In the arena at this time, Du Yu frowned as he watched the vicious gangsters of the White Tigers and Red Pythons.

Michelle leaned into his ear and sneered: "It seems that although this outer city is prosperous, the rules of the game are no different from the slums. It's just richer, but the blood behind the prosperity is also thicker. "

Du Yu nodded, he was about to make his debut.Another group of adventurers came. Du Yu recognized the leader at a glance.

Young Tianyu holding a long sword, a boy with a leopard fetus bow, a girl with a cold face, and a big man with a golden demon pestle

Team Tianyu Aoshi!
strong team!

(End of this chapter)

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