Chapter 506 The strong team overwhelms, Du Yu makes a move! - Ask for a monthly pass at the seventh watch!
Many new adventurers saw the legendary genius, Tianyu Aoshi team.

The young man with the leopard-womb bow suddenly showed a smile, and said to more than 50 new adventurers, "Isn't this group of white tigers and red pythons noisy?"

The crowd nodded.

The young man with the bow of the leopard embryo suddenly kicked up a big man from the Red Python team.

The big man seemed to be very afraid of the young man, and cursed at him, but he didn't dare to fight back, and took two steps back: "We are the Red Python team."

"Red Python team, scum!" The boy from Leopard Tail Bow scolded unceremoniously: "This is our Tianyu team's food, you know how to get out! Last time you were beaten by me as a team, you still can't get down now, right?"

He ignored the livid faces of everyone in the Red Python team, turned to the new adventurers, and said proudly: "If you don't want to be bullied by these dregs and have confidence in your own strength, you can come to me. As long as you can go through three tricks, or let Tianyu see Come on, congratulations."

Many new adventurers were excited.

The prestige of the Tianyu Aoshi team has long been known outside.

More importantly, this team does not seem to be a breeding team that drinks the blood of newcomers.

As long as you enter this team, even if you can't be the main force, you can get a lot of benefits by being a substitute.

But the problem is

They are also a strong team in the outer city, the Red Python team drinks the blood of newcomers, and the White Tiger team robs, how good is the Tianyu team?saint?

The new adventurers who hang out here are all veterans of space, so they can't help being suspicious.

At this time, the adventurer from the Red Python team who was reprimanded by the leopard-born bow boy blushed and shouted: "We are newcomers in captivity and drink their blood, but we always leave a way for people to survive! What about the team? With such good conditions and so many newcomers, why don’t you see your numbers increase? Or six?”

Kicking the truth, he fled backwards.

All the newcomers who were just tempted immediately turned pale.

That's right, I heard that the Tianyu team has always been a strong team, and every time they recruit a lot of newcomers, why is there no increase in the number of people?
The young man was furious, took down the leopard embryo bow, and raised his hand to shoot an arrow.

The gentle young man Tianyu lightly pressed the young man, and said with a smile: "Don't mess around. If a dog bites a person, is it okay for the person to bite back?"

He turned to the adventurers and smiled gently: "We never do any dirty things. If you want to join the team, you can find me at the apartment in the outer city at any time. By the way, we have two more worlds, just It's time to challenge the Scarlet City Gate. If you succeed in breaking through with us, you can directly enter the inner city."

After all, he Shi Shiran led the team to a bustling trading street.

"The Bladeless Team is here too!" Someone pointed forward.

A boy who was like the protagonist of FF7, Claude, was carrying a one-person-high, half-meter-wide sword, and led the team over coldly.

"The Bladeless Team got its name because of the person—Bladeless. Except for his iconic big sword, I don't know his origin, which is very mysterious. But his talent for cultivation is extremely extraordinary. Pull up and enter the city." Mai Shela whispered in Du Yu's ear, "Wu Ren is introverted, taciturn, and full of contradictions in his heart, but that unedged sword is really too powerful. The city, the most talented candidate for cultivation. Of course, after you come, you may become a troika."

"Wu Ren," an adventurer familiar with the outer city whispered, "Is he also here to recruit newcomers?"

Who would have thought that Wu Blade led the team and passed by like no one else, as if he didn't see anyone at all.

Beside him, a brown-haired girl who looks like Tifa, with gloves on, smiled at everyone: "Welcome everyone to join the Bladeless team. Idiot! Tell everyone a few words."

Wu Ren was helpless by the girl, barely showed his face, nodded, and left quickly.

"Really!" The girl stomped her little feet, waved to the new adventurer, and accelerated to chase after him.The other adventurers, all of whom were imposing and powerful, followed suit.

"Are the strong teams in the outer city the same as Shi Guoliang's White Tigers, Red Pythons, Tianyu and Wubla?" Du Yu murmured.

"More than that, there's another one." Michelle pouted: "It's the Yamaguchi-gumi. That's it."

Du Yu looked up.

It was the boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi that he had seen at the auction, a tall man in sunglasses similar to Ryuji Yamazaki, with shiny leather shoes, followed by a group of Japanese gangsters with hideous faces.

"This Yamaguchi-gumi is also a very powerful team in the outer city of Datang. It has a large number of people and is very strong. The leader's nickname is Long Er. It is said that the Yamaguchi-gumi is closely related to the wanted Black Dragon Society, but for some reason, they Putting aside the relationship with the Black Dragon Society, they still continue to openly dominate the outer city." Maishela introduced.

Seeing the arrival of Long Er, Shi Guodong and Hong Mang showed wonderful expressions on their faces.

"This Long Er is a ruthless person, he should teach that kid a lesson," Hong Mang laughed.

Shi Guodong's face was gloomy: "Don't kill that kid. I have to do it myself."

"Let's see." The third master laughed, and poured the monkey wine into his throat.

In the arena, Long Er squinted his eyes and glanced at the new adventurer this time, but found out.

Not a single Japanese adventurer.

It really doesn't.

Because the Japanese adventurers colluded with Hou Xiaobai and the Shadow Thief to murder Du Yu, Du Yu got angry and drove them all to death.

None passed.

Long Er originally planned to recruit Japanese adventurers.The Japanese adventurers tend to be in a group, and it is easy to pull them all over, and then see if they can pull other oriental adventurers along the way.

but unfortunately

When he saw that no Japanese adventurers had passed the examination, he immediately glared and waved his hand.

More than 50 adventurers from the Yamaguchi group surrounded more than [-] new adventurers.

They were few in number, but at the critical moment of life and death, the bloody aura of scrambling and rolling was enough to suppress these new adventurers who had just passed the gate of the bloody city. Pairs of cold Japanese eyes stared at Du Yu and the others. .

"What's wrong with the Japanese adventurers?" Long Ersheng said stiffly, his cold eyes swept over Du Yu and the others.

Everyone didn't answer.There are not many people from the Yamaguchi-gumi, but all of them are experienced, and their attributes and skills are not comparable to these newcomers.No one wants to get into trouble.

But when Long Er saw that these newcomers didn't answer, he became even more furious, and came up to Baga and slapped a newcomer hard on the face.

The rookie didn't expect that the Japanese underworld dared to attack openly, and fell to the ground, furious, with a flashing golden musket pressed against Long Er's chin like lightning.

"Shoot" Long Er smiled contemptuously.

A cold light flashed in the young man's eyes, and he pulled the trigger angrily.

But there was only a frenzied scream of "Sha!", and a blood spray spewed out from the young man's neck, and he fell backwards quickly.

"I teach loud killing methods! Snake fists accumulate strength!" Michelle said bitterly, "You bully people."

The young man fell to the ground, coughing up blood continuously. It could be seen that Long Er was indeed extremely powerful in attacking, and with one move, an adventurer from the outer city lost his ability to resist.

A big foot wearing leather boots stepped heavily on the young man's nose, and there was a bang, the bridge of the nose was broken, and nosebleeds gushed out.

Long Er arrogantly rubbed the soles of his shoes on the young man's face, and said with a ferocious smile: "You Chi that, a bunch of shit, how dare you?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of a figure in front of him!
Tianshan folding plum hands!
With a slap, Long Er's huge body of nearly 2 meters flew backwards.

Long Er was furious in his heart!
He can see the opponent clearly, and there is no way he will be slapped in the face.

But this incomparably agile speed is like a ghost, slapping his face fiercely!

Let you see clearly, and then you can't hide.

Even in the noisy environment of the scene, the incomparably crisp face-smacking sound was still clearly heard.

All the adventurers in the Yamaguchi-gumi changed their expressions at the same time.


Shouting in unison, all the Japanese adventurers either drew out their gleaming Japanese katanas, muskets, or kunai darts and other weapons, and aimed at the visitor.

Long Er flew backwards, flipped over violently, squatted firmly on the spot, like an enraged hungry wolf, his face turned purple from shame, and there was a clear big slap print on his face, every detail was clearly visible.

"Who are you?"

He panted heavily and shouted angrily.

Du Yu smiled, stood in front of the young man, pulled up the blood-stained young man, turned around and said, "You don't deserve to know my name!"

"Let's do it!" Huagou shouted excitedly, pointing at the city gate.

"It's really self-defeating!" Shi Guodong said coldly: "I thought this kid would learn to behave after passing the city gate. He put his tail between his legs and behaved like a man. I didn't expect to be so high-profile!"

"Wouldn't it be better to die?" Bai Hu clenched his fists.

"I'm going to squeeze his head off myself." Shi Guodong said coldly and ruthlessly.The jade wine glass in his hand was suddenly crushed and burst.The third master, who is good at wine, watched the precious monkey wine flow all over the table with heartache.

In the arena, Long Er was so angry that he laughed back, stretched his neck, and made a sound like popping beans: "The newcomers in Datang are very arrogant. Your seniors don't dare to talk to me like that."

Du Yu smiled: "Your name is Long Er, right? It's a good name. You are indeed very Er!"

Long Er yelled wildly, I started to kill with noise, and suddenly disappeared in a flash, appearing in front of Du Yu, with the whip in his hand biting Du Yu's neck like a poisonous snake.

Du Yu's eyes flashed.

Although he was not used to Long Er's stupidity's brutality and rudeness, and because of some planning needs, he helped him halfway, but once handed over, Du Yu still attached great importance to the enemy.Whether it is China, Japan or Bangzi Country.

This Ryuji is indeed a strong man who has captured the lineage of Orochi Eight Heroes - Yamazaki Ryuji. Even if his speed is not as fast as his own, it is still blindingly fast.

In terms of strength, this Long Er is even better than himself.


Du Yu smiled coldly.

The mere Eight Great Snakes are boasting to the sky, but in front of Chinese martial arts, they are nothing.

Du Yu's center of gravity sank, and he dodged Long Er's whip lightly, his internal force circulated, and he flicked!
Long Er immediately rushed towards Du Yu frantically.

Snake bite!

 Dedicated to riding an ant to crush an elephant boss!Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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