Chapter 507 Heaven-defying rookie, beat Dragon Two hard! - Ask for a monthly pass in the eighth shift!
But the whip flew back relentlessly.

At first, Long Er didn't take it seriously, and focused all his attention on Du Yu, but the whip didn't retract as the move should, but rolled towards his neck!

"Inner force!" Although Long Er was arrogant, he had fought against many great Tang adventurers after all, and he knew the wonder and power of this inner force, so he reacted hastily.

To be honest, he dared to come here to show off his power, but also to bully the new adventurers of Datang, the difference in strength is not small.If it comes to the story world, the old strong teams such as White Tiger and Red Mang are not inferior to his Yamaguchi-gumi.

But I didn't expect that this time, instead of pinching a soft persimmon, he kicked the iron plate this time.

Long Er whipped the whip away with one punch, but with every inch of force of the whip, the tip of the whip finally hit his right cheek with a crisp crackling sound.

"You!" Long Er was really furious.

The newcomer adventurers who watched around burst into laughter.

At this moment, Long Er's left cheek was swollen by Du Yu's whip, and his right cheek was bloody scarred by the whip, which was very symmetrical, but his fierce wolf-like gaze was firmly fixed on Du Yu.

"I kill you!"

As a master in the outer city, how could Long Er tolerate Du Yu?

Du Yu's expression darkened.

This bastard is so ignorant of good and bad, even though he doesn't want to kill people as soon as he enters the outer city, he can't say it today, he wants to kill people.

The strength of Long Er's team is indeed stronger than Du Yu's, but Du Yu has experienced the tempering of the bloody city gate, like a peerless famous knife, after completing the first overfire, it has already emitted the tempting light pattern of quenching, showing its sharpness!

No matter what the price is, the second dragon will be killed first.

Long Er waved his hand.

Japanese adventurers, take a collective step forward!
The murderous aura rushed over immediately.

"To deal with a newcomer, you actually win with more?" Du Yu sneered, ready to release Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou and other heroines to fight the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Long Er roared wildly: "I want you to die! Dead people can be deterred!"

Du Yu shrugged: "You've lost your mind and gone crazy. Come on!"

He clasped his hands contemptuously.

Long Er's figure, like a violent bear, rushed towards him violently.

On his body, due to the unknown battle energy, a layer of blood-red evil energy unexpectedly emerged, and before he reached his side, it was already bloody and overwhelming.

A gleam flashed in Du Yu's eyes, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in his hand had been activated suddenly!
At the end of the last world, Du Yu's state of mind broke through, and the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon even broke through to the seventh level.The power at this time is extraordinary!
Long Er's staunch and furious attack was met by Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, a move that slashed across the river, lured the enemy deep, and pushed the boat along with the current, causing Long Er to lose his center of gravity and run staggeringly.

Du Yu's legs were so delicate that Long Er suddenly lost his focus.

Du Yu's palms turned into a dragon shape in the air, like two dragons coming out of the water, bringing out bursts of dragon chant, one palm!
Two palms!

Three palms!

It hit Long Er's generous back heavily, causing Long Er to let out a shriek and vomit blood!Fly high!
one move!
With just one move, Du Yu made all the senior onlookers stunned!
To actually beat the boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi with one move, vomiting blood and flying around, and was seriously injured. Is this strength a rookie?
It seems that even if Long Er is in the outer city, he is considered a strong man, right?

Why is this move so strong and powerful?

"It's the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" is worthy of the outer city, and soon a senior adventurer shouted and broke Du Yu's move.

"An adventurer in the slums can actually master the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?" Others didn't believe it.

"Isn't that a B-level skill? How is it possible?"

"Indeed, because I know three of them. The Shuanglong Chushui he used just now is one of them. I can't miss it." The senior man whispered.

Many seniors gasped in unison.

The newcomers cheered.

"Good job! Head!"

"It's really refreshing, boss!"

"Damn little Japan!"

"Let these domineering guys see that we are not soft persimmons."

As soon as Du Yu's Shuanglong Chushui move was stopped, he immediately launched a more violent offensive.

He is not a soft-hearted fool. For a vicious guy like Long Er, he either doesn't do anything, or if he does, he must be killed with one blow, clean and tidy.

Only in this way can the group be deterred and survive in this outer city.

Du Yu's figure was like a ghost, and his speed was astonishingly fast.

Seeing him make a move, everyone in Wangjing Tower was shocked!
Who would have thought that the result of Du Yu's duel with Long Er would be like this.

This prevention has grown to the point where they startle.

The red python was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this kid has fled to the western worlds, and he has already become awesome. If you want to kill him, you must kill him as soon as possible!"

Shi Guodong clenched his fists and made a loud bang, a fierce murderous aura shot up into the sky.Even in the outer city where there are many masters, he is still a top level existence, a master who is about to enter the inner city!
"I will kill that kid!" Shi Guodong turned and went downstairs.

"I hope so." The red python looked at Shi Guodong's figure, and then at Du Yu who was flying towards Long Er from high above, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Rourou looked at Du Yu's eyes, but it was more complicated.

He came back and became stronger, and even made these big shots have to face it squarely!
this man

Du Yu was like a big eagle, flying towards Long Er in the air.

Long Er rolled on the spot in embarrassment, barely dodging Du Yu's strong attack.

Du Yu had just landed.

Suddenly, a Japanese adventurer roared sharply and used a backstab despicably in an attempt to kill Du Yu.

Du Yu's attention was all on Long Er, and the sneak attack of the Japanese adventurer was behind him in an instant.

In the outer suburbs, there are no underdogs.

Even ordinary adventurers have probably formed mature styles of play and routines.The unique skills of this Japanese adventurer are backstabs and sneak attacks, and he has killed many strong people.

"Successful!" There was a trace of cruelty and complacency in the Japanese attacker's eyes.Team leader Long Er was defeated by this person, and the humiliation must be repaid with blood.

Just when his aura reached its peak, suddenly, a sniper bullet precisely passed through his chest!

That Japanese was beaten with blood!

If it weren't for the critical moment, the intuition of licking blood from the blade made him turn to the left side, this bursting sniper bullet would have killed him!

The Japanese, badly wounded, flew up and fell into the dust.

"Who said he was alone?" In the darkness, a woman's voice said coldly.

Undeclared war, one shot hits hard!
This is the sniper.
The Japanese adventurer raised his head furiously from the ground, and was about to strike back at Michelle when a cloud of magical flames suddenly exploded from his muzzle wound!

His flesh and blood flew all over the place!
It was Michela's magical sniper ability.

The senior Japanese adventurers roared and rushed towards Myshela in fury.

Li Tang snorted coldly, his huge body roared!

A shield stood tall, blocking the Japanese adventurers.

The golden musket in the hand of the young man who was insulted by Long Er suddenly shot a dazzling spark and shot at a member of the Yamaguchi group, causing the latter to stagger and retreat.

"Wolf pupil team!" Myshera yelled angrily: "Aren't you guys still men? Do you have balls? Why don't you fuck guys together at this time? You'll only count if you're bullied to death?"

Hearing the elder sister's words, the anger that these new adventurers had held back for a long time finally burst out.





In the end, it developed to open hands!
If you don't resist anymore, you will be beaten to the bone, squeezed out the marrow, eaten and wiped away as soon as you enter the city gate!

Those who can mix the bloody city gates are strong in the slums.

Who is willing to be bullied like this?
The same situation, the same identity, the feeling of fighting side by side at the Scarlet City Gate,
Everything made these rookie adventurers, who were originally scattered, choose to fight with enthusiasm and roar!

Man is such an animal.

If everyone chooses to be a coward, those strong people will endure the humiliation together.

But when Du Yu came forward and took the lead in counterattacking, these newcomers immediately became more courageous, took up weapons, and killed them!
Michelle skillfully organized the formation, led the newcomers, and rushed towards the adventurers of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

A bloody battle is about to erupt in full force.

Seeing these newcomers, who were so brave and tough, dared to confront the veterans as soon as they came out, the adventurers in the outer city next to them changed their expressions.

Although it is very contemptible for the Yakuza to bully newcomers, these newcomers are really different!
It is completely different from the newcomers in the past.

In the past, although newcomers would rise up to resist the bullying of the elderly, and some could even severely injure the seniors, but in the past, the team was broken up, and the newcomers fought alone, with two fists and four hands. If you want to be beaten, you have to pay the money obediently, or join the strong team reluctantly.

This time, the newcomers gathered around the very dazzling young man as soon as they came up, united and fought against the seniors.

The gates of the Scarlet City must have been arranged out of sequence, how could the newcomers hold together like this?
The eyes of these newcomers looked at the young man, clearly trusting and relying on him.

What happened at the Scarlet City Gate?
Why does this young man have such a high prestige?

Looking at Du Yu Lingran's proud figure, the eyes of the red python on the Wangjing Tower became even more fearful.

"This person must be eliminated early, otherwise it will grow into a serious problem that can compete with our Red Python team."

Just when the bloody battle was about to break out and the rookies and the Yamaguchi-gumi were about to stain the streets with blood, an elegant figure slowly floated down from the city gate.

"Stop it all!"

A figure waving a fan walked out slowly.Behind him, followed by dozens of arresters from the Six Gates of Tang Dynasty who were very imposing, with gloomy faces and holding torture tools.

"Boss Hou arrests the head!"

"Hou Xiaobai."

"Why is he here?"

"The six gates are in charge of law and order. People are killing people here, why don't you come?"

"He's wearing what looks like a school uniform. That's the responsibility for the assessment of the Scarlet City Gate."

Hou Xiaobai glanced at Long Er and Du Yu with gloomy eyes, and after a while, he said, "Who can tell me? What happened here?"

 Eight more monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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