Chapter 509 Standing on the top of the mountain, the wolf pupil team starts! - Ask for a monthly pass

"Oh, it's great!" A thin southern adventurer exclaimed in a low voice.

Here is a typical Chinese courtyard, whether it is Hui style white tile house, Fujian earth building, Suzhou garden, Yungui bamboo building, or northern cave dwelling, blue brick big tile house, Beijing style courtyard house, everything is available.As long as you can name it, it can be provided to you.

These houses are not that big.Taking the courtyard house as an example, there are only two front and back entrances, and there are no more than 8 rooms.But compared to the previous slums, these adventurers live in sewage, smelly thatched huts and wooden huts, which have been changed from shotguns to cannons.

Seeing the cheers of these adventurers, the Baochang curled his lips: "Is that good? You probably haven't been to the inner city. There, even the lowest-level adventurers can live in places like the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou and Prince Gong's Mansion in Beijing." Luxurious house! If you want a sea view room or a river bay villa, you can do it! Only there can be called enjoyment.”

He took the adventurer all the way and introduced: "Because you are newcomers, there are no vacant houses in the area near the city, so I will arrange it for you near the city wall. Fortunately, this place is clean, and there is no one living around it except you. Looking at these rooms, not only are they larger in size and there are more rooms, but more practical is that these rooms themselves have places for you to practice. Such as practice rooms, meditation rooms, meditation rooms, and martial arts arenas. If you have some expensive facilities, You can practice hard at home without leaving home, and the speed is quite good. Compared with those kennels in the slums before you, of course it is not the same."

He smiled and threw a book to the adventurers: "This is a guide to survival in the outer city. It can tell you a lot of common sense. Don't let those bastards, bastards, and seniors fool you. There is a purchase list of equipment providers on it. You You can consult in detail. Of course, it will cost a lot to set up a decent practice room in your own home. If you have no money, you can go to the city practice room. Although it costs a lot, the effect is just right! It is equivalent to 3 -5 times. By the way, the practice room in the outer city is suitable for skills below C level, and the effect of high-level skills is much worse."

Du Yu was taken aback.

No wonder I practiced B+ martial arts in the training room in the outer city, and felt that the effect of my practice was getting worse and worse. It turned out to be the reason.

He opened the guide given by the security chief.

It is clearly marked on it, bloody city, slums, outer city, inner city, imperial city and Zifu district, each area has a different skill level, corresponding to D-level, C-level, B-level, A-level, and S-level respectively.High-level area practice rooms can naturally practice low-level exercises without hindrance, but vice versa, the effect is very poor.

With the permission Du Yu obtained last time, he could only practice in the exercise room in the outer city, and practice difficult skills in the inner city, so naturally he couldn't achieve good results.

With a move in his heart, he asked the security chief: "Can we go to the inner city?"

Bao Zhang glanced at him, and he did not dare to underestimate this rookie king who dared to stand up for new adventurers and stand up to Hou Xiaobai when he first arrived, and pondered for a while and said: "Theoretically speaking, it is not impossible to enter the upper level across regions. But just like when you are in the slums, you rarely have the opportunity to enter the city. To enter the inner city, you need to pay a lot of staying fees, and you have to pay for board and lodging out of your own pocket. I know that you are at the gate of the Scarlet City. I made a lot of money, but I would like to give you a piece of advice, living in the capital is not easy! Don’t think that your little money is a lot. It’s really not enough to spend.”

After he finished speaking, he was ready to flash away.

Du Yu was very interested in these security chiefs.

He pulled the security chief and asked secretly: "By the way, you are also adventurers, right?"

The chief security officer gave Du Yu a half-smile and said, "The court secrets must never be leaked, and it is a death penalty."

Du Yu nodded.

Can't say, it's like telling.

These guys are also adventurers.

Otherwise, why did he say: "Court secrets" instead of "space secrets" is a "capital crime" instead of "obliteration"?
This is tantamount to telling Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled slightly, kept his composure, and traded a generous sum of 1 survival points.

The security chief was also clever and smiled slightly.In the eyes of others, the two are just looking at each other in love, who would have thought that the two have already exchanged love in private.

The Baochang coughed and said with a smile: "Brother, you are welcome. If there is anything I can do to help, I will never refuse."

Du Yu nodded: "We brothers are new here, so we don't understand many rules and unspoken rules, so we have to ask Mr. Baochang for guidance. If you can take care of us, we have to trouble you, Baochang. Nothing else, every day If you help me this time, you will never be left empty-handed."

Baochang laughed, this Du Yu still knows the rules.Although [-] survival points is not too much, even for adventurers in the outer city, [-] survival points can be worth the income of a world. The meeting gift is so generous, and other benefits are indispensable for helping later.

He is also an old man who has done a lot of things for profiteering. He said with a smile: "It's nothing else. Everyone is in the outer city. The rules are actually not much different from the slums. There are strong teams here, blackmailing, pulling people, captives, extortion , Drinking the blood of newcomers, everyone is a veteran. No wonder. The only thing that needs to be reminded is that if you are still in a mess, you will not be eaten by those strong teams until you have no bones left!"

These words silenced the 54 new adventurers.

As soon as I walked out of the city gate today, everyone was in a happy mood, thinking that from now on, the sky will be high and the birds will fly, and the sea will be wide and the fish will leap, embarking on a new development path.

Who would have thought that the cruel facts, the captivity of the Red Python Team, the robbery of the White Tiger Team, the cannibalism of the Tianyu Team, the bloody revenge of the Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi, the unspoken rules of the veterans, and even the yin and yang of the imperial court Hou Xiaobai towards them, could all be revealed. Let these adventurers feel cold in their hearts!
Only then did they know that although this outer city seemed to be prosperous, it was more difficult to survive than the slums!

At least, with their strength, not to mention being the overlord in the slums, they are at least in the upper reaches of the food chain, and they will not be trampled on and crushed on their faces!
Now, they have just broken through the gates of the Scarlet City. Compared with those senior veterans, their strength is incomparable, and it is inevitable to be bullied.

But the reminder from Michelle and Bao Zhang woke them up like a flash of lightning.

Although there are invitations from strong teams, do you dare to join?
You are a newcomer, it doesn't matter if you want strength or not, and you want to enjoy the main treatment?

Dream it!
We can only start from the bottom, enduring exploitation, oppression, humiliation, and even being used as cannon fodder, risking life and death.

Otherwise, why does the Tianyu team always keep 6 people?

Where have all the other rookies gone?
They were all sacrificed as cannon fodder!

There is danger, newcomers come in, there are benefits, the main force takes it, and the proceeds have to be handed over every time.

"Why don't we form a team ourselves!" Li Tang roared angrily, "Fuck it, anyway, I'm in the city and I don't know any big guys. If I go to a strong team, I'll be at the bottom!"

His proposal was immediately responded by Michelle: "Exactly! We cannot be separated, we must be united, just like the gate of the bloody city was closed. The bloody storm has been united by us, can't we continue to unite sincerely ?”

Everyone pondered.

With the successful experience of the Scarlet City Gate, these guys have tasted the sweetness of unity, so they are so serious about joining the team.Otherwise, with their rebelliousness, they would have sneered away long ago.

"I agree!" The young man who was insulted by Long Er blushed and responded: "My name is Hu Yijun, and my specialty is pistols. This time, I ranked 62nd in points at the Bloody City Gate. The treasure I exchanged is a Good guns and gun fighting skills. Let me join. Brother!"

With fiery eyes, he looked at Du Yu who stood up for him today.

Another young man who had been humiliated and knocked down also stood up and shouted: "It's the boss! I will follow you immediately. Otherwise, I will always live in such a life of being trampled by others in the future. If I can't beat you, I might as well die!" "

These adventurers, being bullied in the outer city, finally broke out completely.

"Yes! Boss Du Yu, accept us!" these adventurers shouted one after another.

Except for a few adventurers who had connections and contacts in the inner city, and already had places to go, more than 40 adventurers gathered around Du Yu, hoping to form a new team of adventurers.

Du Yu turned to Michelle.

He was used to being a lone ranger himself, and he was really not used to being asked to join the team by these people at this time.

Fortunately, Maishela is a veteran in space, and she is used to being the big sister, so she pulled Du Yu over and muttered a few words.

"It seems that you also have many enemies in the outer city?" Myshela was straightforward.

"Yeah!" Du Yu nodded, "It seems that I have a feud with several strong teams. This is because they didn't know that I was the black adventurer who entrapped them at the auction. But since Richelieu and the others have already Got it, the news will reach here soon. Several strong teams have suffered a lot, so I guess it’s time to blame me.”

Michelle shook her head helplessly.This Du Yu is too capable of provoking the strong.

"What are you going to do? Flee to the West?" Maishela looked directly at Du Yu.

"No!" Du Yu smiled: "Since I'm back, I have no plans to leave for the time being. It doesn't matter whether it's the strong teams or the strong ones, it's not that easy to deal with me."

"You need a helper." Michela nodded, "We are willing to be your helpers. And you will be the leader of the new team."

Seeing that Du Yu was still a bit embarrassed, Maishela patted Du Yu directly: "I know your stinking problem, you always want to walk alone and be a lone wolf. I won't delay your practice! Is it okay? But once we If you are in trouble and need your help, you can't refuse."

Du Yu nodded: "Good!"

Soon, under the organization of Michelle, 48 new adventurers formed a new organization "Wolf Pupil Team".

The leader of this wolf pupil team is Du Yu.

In the Bloody City Gate, Du Yu conquered all the newcomers with his heaven-defying performance and tyrannical strength!

(End of this chapter)

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