Chapter 510 The Welfare of the Wolf Eyes Team! - Ask for a monthly ticket
In space, the strong are respected.

Many adventurers, such as Maishela, spent a longer time in space than Du Yu, but Du Yu's strength was significantly higher than other adventurers!Amazing.

Today, facing the fierce and domineering Long Er of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Du Yu defeated Long Er with his strong fists, which made the newcomers look at him with admiration!
What are thick legs?This is the big thick legs!
Since Du Yu's strength is comparable to the powerhouses in the outer city, why bother to look far away?

Du Yu saw that many adventurers were so determined, so he had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, Du Yu was also very satisfied with the performance of these adventurers in the Scarlet City Gate. Well organized and carefully cultivated, it may not be impossible to become a big success in the future.

Those people who were facing Qin Muchu and who were not firm in their will had been swept away by the anti-wolf pupil alliance, Liu Gang's departure and other accidents, and they all fled away. The remaining adventurers were loyal by nature, so it was not a big problem.Of course, post-surveillance screening is also extremely necessary.

Seeing that Du Yu agreed to become the leader, Mai Shela, Li Tang and other backbones were very happy, and the adventurers cheered even more.

"Today, our wolf pupil team is officially established." Mai Shela stood in the center, held up a sniper rifle, and shouted: "We newcomers have our own backing! Whoever dares to bully us, we will fight them to the end!"

There were thunderous cheers from below.All the newcomer adventurers had their eyes lit up.

Seeing everyone happy, Du Yu stood up with a smile and said, "As I said earlier, I am a special person, and it is not easy for me to take risks with you. We also need to elect a vice-captain to lead everyone. I nominate Michelle , do you have any comments?"

Li Tang and other senior adventurers took the lead and shouted: "No objection."

Among the many newcomers, Maishela is old, famous, and powerful. She is the actual host of the Eastern Alliance in the Scarlet City Gate. Everyone knows that she is fair and experienced, and there will be no objections. She passed smoothly. .

Michelle seemed to have been prepared long ago, stepping onto the stage, holding two pieces of paper.

"Okay! Since everyone has elected me to be the vice-captain, I'm not being polite. The ugly words are up front. The state owns the state law, and the gang has gang rules. I have formulated the reward and punishment system and the rules of action in the team. Listen carefully, don't make mistakes. If it falls into my hands, it won't look good. One, in action"

Du Yu was overwhelmed with admiration for Maishela's ability.This woman was able to analyze the rules of action like military regulations, meticulously and without any loopholes.

She really deserves to be a well-informed big sister.

The organizational skills are really strong.

Originally, Du Yu was worried that these rebellious guys would feel impatient and even rebel after hearing so many rules.

But seeing that they didn't look impatient, but listened very seriously, Du Yu once again lamented that the deputy captain was well chosen.

Michela's prestige in the team is indeed extraordinary.

After Michela finished reading the rules, one of them raised his hand and asked, "Big sister, these reward and punishment rules are general rules of the space. Any team will make such a decision, but the problem is that our wolf pupil team has no problem with punishment, and rewards a bunch of poor people. , where is the bonus?"

As soon as his voice fell, the hall roared with laughter.

Indeed, these adventurers only have the rewards given by the bloody city gate.There is not even 100 survival points for exchanging treasures. Where can I collect team fees and distribute rewards?

The top 5 teams in the outer city are all teams with deep foundations, and naturally there is no shortage of team fees.

Michelle's face darkened, and she was about to explode when Du Yu smiled and walked out.

"Since everyone asked me to be the captain, I have to look like a captain. I will donate 100 million survival points as the starting team fee, pay the team's expenses first, and reward outstanding teammates."

As soon as he said this, everyone was petrified again!
100 survival points!

That is an astronomical sum.

To be honest, the survival points of these 48 male and female men are all less than 10 survival points.

And Du Yu, who seemed to be indifferent, generously took out 100 million as the starting team fee as soon as he made a move.

Michela was in a hurry, pulled Du Yu and shouted: "Are you crazy? Take out so many survival points? You can't pay for the team's expenses alone."

Du Yu smiled.

The reason why he agreed to become the leader of the wolf pupil team is of course not just to gain a foothold in the outer city, but to have a grander idea!

Summarizing the previous adventure experience, he is not weak, but under the pursuit of many powerful forces and strong teams, he panics like a bereaved dog and runs around. The reason is that he lacks reliable teammates around him!

One hero has three gangs, two fists are no match for four hands.

This principle could not be more simple and understandable.

Now, by chance, he has a group of teammates.Although he cannot take risks with everyone due to the fact that he can only perform villain missions due to his wolf-gu madness attribute, this does not prevent him from making strategic investments.

Yes, one of the basic revelations Du Yu got in the gate of the Scarlet City is to do things with a big mind and a big realm!

Prince and general, would you rather have a kind?
The Heshi jade seal of the Tang Empire mysteriously fell into his own hands. Who said that he could not raise the flag to rebel in the future and achieve supremacy in space?
Who said that I can only hide and hide and let me be fish?

Since chance has allowed me to own a side of power, why not spend some money to accelerate the growth of my power?

The 100 million survival points, for me, are only one-tenth of the church's assets.My own skills also seriously need villain points, and the meaning of survival points to myself is limited to buying treasures and basic necessities, and leaving a part is enough.

The excess should be converted into instant combat power loyal to oneself!

This is the biggest risk investment.

Du Yu quietly transferred 500 million survival points to Maishela, who was so shocked that the latter could barely speak.

500 million survival points, this is a huge sum of money.

Du Yu smiled: "100 million is the reward and action fund on the surface. The 500 million is the team's wealth. You can manage it well and use it well."

Michelle finally understood.

The man in front of him is a big local tyrant.

Judging by his calm expression, it seems that he is not offering 600 million crazy survival points, but asking everyone to eat a simple meal and pay the bill.

Maishela took a deep breath and turned to everyone: "The captain generously gave 100 million! As the start-up capital of our team. Who else dares to question that our wolf pupil team has no reward?"

Everyone looked at Du Yu enthusiastically, and shouted in unison: "Thank you for the gift, Boss! We will definitely do our best to serve you."

Du Yu said indifferently: "100 million, sounds like a lot, but it is just the first step to encourage everyone to speed up their strength improvement. I announce that I encourage everyone to go to the training ground and speed up the practice. The benefits of the team are reimbursement of training expenses. Half! Ladies, work hard."

After he finished speaking, amidst the enthusiastic applause and praise of many adventurers, he waved his hand and turned to enter his house.

Michela followed in and punched Du Yu on the shoulder: "I always say that I have no ability. Your beautiful hand is more useful than me saying a thousand words! As far as I know, there is no such strong team." Dare to say that half of the training ground fee will be reimbursed. This is real money. Once the news spreads, maybe those adventurers from the strong team will be tempted to join us."

Du Yu smiled: "We are a new team, of course we have to introduce some preferential policies, otherwise how can we attract people?"

"But the cost of the practice field is very valuable." Mai Sheila said with a bitter face: "As far as I know, the cost of a day's practice is at least 3000 survival points. Said that you will reimburse half of the expenses, and still not practice to death? I estimate that this group of people will spend every day in the training ground for this month. Even if you give me 600 million survival points, it will be over in just 2 worlds. "

"Don't forget that this is an outer city. The difficulty of the adventure will suddenly increase, and the income will also increase significantly. After the overall strength of the team improves, not only will the chance of survival increase, but the team fee will naturally increase in the future. I heard that you put the team fee Is it set at 15%?" Du Yu asked.

"15% isn't much." Mai Shela sighed, "For those bastards of the Red Python team, newcomers have to pay 50% of the income. Veteran players have to pay 20% too? Otherwise, how will the team fee come?"

Du Yu nodded: "That's good. In short, the situation will gradually improve. The other main benefit is the income from MF in the wilderness blood field, obtaining magic boxes, magic meat, and finding treasures. Just practicing on the training ground will not be enough. A strong team of steel. After a period of practice in the practice field, they will be pulled to the wilderness blood field to conduct actual combat exercises with monsters as opponents. This will improve their combat skills, increase their income, and gather morale. This is the kingly way. "

Michela nodded in admiration: "Don't look at you who have never led a team, you know the way inside better than me. In addition, you also need to explore the secrets left by the treasures of heaven and earth and the ancients. This wild bloodland is vast and vast, bigger than the earth in the previous life." It’s still big, the bloody city’s current known range is only one percent, and there are still more places that have not been explored. Many strong teams are also organizing treasure hunting teams to go deep and dig out those lost places and treasures. In the future, the strength If it is improved, we will also send people out.”

Du Yu smiled: "I will lead the team then."

He remembered the Datang military surveying map he exchanged from Hou Xiaobai at the auction.These maps are very finely drawn, and there are all possible treasure places, distributed monster groups, and mineral resources in every place.For the former Lone Ranger himself, it is not very useful, but after owning one side, taking out these maps is tantamount to having state machine-level intelligence.

Du Yu did not expect such a generous return for such an unintentional move.

Du Yu chuckled, he would study these maps carefully if he had time.

"By the way, the team may expand rapidly. You also need to strengthen monitoring and pay close attention to newcomers joining. Even for old people, you must also pay attention to other people's solicitation and corruption, and their thinking dynamics." Du Yu earnestly warned.

Myshera's eyes were cold, and she smiled slightly: "Don't worry! I have been betrayed too many times, and I have already understood people's hearts. Our team is treated so well. If I am loyal to the team, I will naturally reward a lot. I have nothing to say. If Eat inside and out, eat from the bowl and watch the pot, and watch how I deal with him!"

Du Yu smiled with satisfaction, Michelle is not a simple woman.She has rich experience in leading the team, and many things can be trusted to her.

The two discussed a lot of things in detail, and when it was getting dark, Michelle came out and called everyone to a restaurant for drinks to celebrate the birth of the new team.

Du Yu naturally had to be dragged away, and drank in the dark all the time.

Although he is not used to the carnival of adventurers, Du Yu has to admit that many friendships will only become more precipitated in more contacts and exchanges.

The situation of the team was quickly found out after the wine field.

Li Tang is one of the strong players in the team.Veteran MT, who has cooperated with Michelle many times, has strong strength and excellent character.Du Yu watched with cold eyes, and quickly finalized Maishela's proposal to let Li Tang be the captain of the melee defense team.

Hu Yijun and Ma Quan, two young men, are both full-blooded stunned young men. According to Michelle's multiple investigations, they have a clean background and have no connection with other strong teams.His skills are also very good, and he performed outstandingly in the Scarlet City Gate. Du Yu was appointed as the vice-captain of the Gunners (Maxela himself as the captain) and the vice-captain of the Scouts (Du Yu as the captain).

Currently, the wolf pupil team has a total of 48 adventurers, temporarily divided into a melee defense team, a long-range gunner team, and a scout team. Du Yu, Mai Shela, Li Tang, Hu Yijun, and Ma Quan became the first backbone.

After the drinking was over, Du Yu called several people to his courtyard house and announced the appointment decision.

Li Tang and the other three, who were already drunk, immediately woke up when they heard the appointment, and looked at Du Yu with even more fiery eyes.

Being trusted and reused is always the best way to stimulate positive energy.

Du Yu smiled.With this kind of backbone, ability comes second, and loyalty is the most important.The selected few people are all loyal and have no problem.

For the backbone, Du Yu also announced more generous treatment conditions.He has the privilege of reimbursement of 80% of the training fee, the privilege of tilting the loot distribution, and the privilege of receiving Li Mochou's poison, antidote and Yilin's wound medicine for free in each world.

These policies have given the backbone more development resources, better training conditions, and more secure life support. Michelle and the others are overjoyed.

"You guys arrange training first. After 20 days of training, I will arrange to go hunting once." Du Yu waved his hand and ordered several people to go down to rest first.

This house was carefully selected by Du Yu, and it is located in the middle of the large residential area of ​​the wolf pupil team.It is a Beijing courtyard house with front and rear entrances.Although the house is not big, it is very delicate and clean, with the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, fragrant orchids and osmanthus, blue bricks and large tiles, and the courtyard is still the same.Cutting candles on the desk in the middle of the night, with the bright moon facing the window, has a special flavor.

It seems that in the previous life, this kind of courtyard house was sold in units of [-] million?

Du Yu smiled, picked up the lamp, and turned his hands.

A gigantic strategic map of the Tang Dynasty appeared on the copybook.

 Thank you for your enthusiastic support and rewards yesterday!The old pig was so excited that he didn't know what to say.Continue to update 7 today, please continue to support!Grateful.The baby improved a lot last night, and the immunity of the [-]-month-old baby has declined. Thank you for your concern.

(End of this chapter)

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