Chapter 511 Target!The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty! -Ask for a monthly ticket in the third shift

The emperor naturally kept the matter of the loss of the seal strictly confidential, and only these six people knew about the news.The emperor decreed that as long as the news leaked out, the heads of the six people would fall to the ground, and there would be no mercy.

The pressure was so great that the six of them were sweating and trembling.

"How could this seal disappear from such a heavily guarded place?" Zhuge Xiaohua asked with a frown, rubbing her beard.

"I have asked all the imperial guards outside and the inner guards one by one." Hou Xiaobai fanned his fan, his face livid: "After the Emperor reviewed the memorial, he left at midnight. The Yellow Gate closed the house. The imperial seal is still there. On the next morning, when I came to the imperial study, there was no sign of it. Naturally, the Imperial Forest Army and Ouchi guards were suspected by the first wave, but after the torture, no one was suspicious."

"These imperial guards are at least the top experts in the inner city, and the inner guards are some of the masters in the imperial city!" Ruqing whispered: "If it wasn't for their actions, who would be able to rise and fall, who would not know who is not? Do you want to steal the Heshibi Seal from under the noses of these top experts?"

"Do you remember?" Zhuge Xiaohua was still very experienced: "Three quarters? At this time, I remember that there was a vision from the sky! It was the time when the blood rain fell from the sky."

"That's right." Hou Xiaobai was shocked, and something suddenly sounded, and he said with a grin: "The interesting thing is, this is also the moment when that little thief Du Yu got the Doomsday Blade."

He walked in front of Zhuge Xiaohua, glanced coldly at the emperor's Yutao, flashed a greedy look, then coughed and reasoned.

"At three o'clock, the little thief found the Blade of Doom that had never been found before in the gate of the blood-colored city. Then at this time, there was a bloody storm and a vision from the sky, and everyone could smell the strong smell of blood. Immediately, the seal disappeared!" As if he had discovered something, he lowered his body: "It must be he who stole the seal."

Zhuge Xiaohua and Leng Xue, Iron Hand, Chasing Life, and Ruthless looked at Hou Xiaobai with idiotic eyes: "Do you have evidence for your reasoning?"

Hou Xiaobai said impatiently: "What more evidence do you need? Ladies and gentlemen! If we have another world, people's heads will fall to the ground. The problem is not that there are any loopholes in my reasoning, but that we need someone to take the blame! Even if we use plausible excuses to prevaricate Your Majesty, go and arrest Du Yu first. If you catch this man and torture him to extract a confession, he will not hand it over."

Zhuge Xiaohua's heart suddenly became clear.

This Hou Xiaobai is not trying to solve the case at all, but to frame it.

He doesn't care who the real murderer is as long as someone takes the blame.

"Du Yu, I remember that this person is a prisoner, how could he appear in the outer city in a grand manner?"

"Recently, Vice President Yimei arrested the head, no, now it is the supervisory censor. He directly appealed to the emperor on the grounds that he helped solve the case, and canceled his name as a criminal. That's why he can be so carefree." Hou Xiaobai said with a gloomy face.

"We still have to talk about the evidence." Zhuge Xiaohua said helplessly: "Otherwise, even if you invite the emperor, you won't nod, and you will be scolded bloody. You say we are all fools with big brains. Doomsday Blade, The irrelevant things like rain and the loss of seals can all be linked together.”

Hou Xiaobai bowed his head and remained silent.

Things in the world are sometimes just such a coincidence.

Although Du Yu was framed, the things are indeed in his hands

At this moment, Du Yu was thinking about how to complete the seal.

"The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty? How to enter this world?"

He was playing with the Heimuya Token exchanged by the Tianyu team, and suddenly his eyes lit up.


Since there are items that can directly return to the world of Swordsman, why can't there be items that can directly go to The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty?

Although space teleportation is an occasional probability event, but with props, it can become a 100% chance.

Du Yu was very excited.

Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Wang Yuyan and Ning Zhongze walked out from the heart of the castle.

Du Yu gave Ning Zhongze the Dragon King's power suit and the cursed armor to Li Mochou, which was in line with their tactics.

All the girls looked up at Du Yu's new house with great interest, and allotted each room with a smile.

"Are you going to make this our new home?" Wang Yuyan asked Du Yu.

Du Yu shook his head: "We have the heart of the castle, and the main base should be placed there. This is a place to stay. But now I need to find items to enter the world of Legend of the Tang Dynasty, and it is difficult to pass through the team - I still have some I can't trust them, and I'm afraid of leaking their whereabouts. How about going to the market together?"

The girls naturally cheered.

As a woman, it is natural not to let go of shopping.

After saying hello to Mai Shela, Du Yu went out Shi Shiran to collect news about the world of the Legend of the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty.

The jade seal of the He family, which was transformed from a divine tool, always gave Du Yu a sense of mystery, making him instinctively think that this thing heralds his future.

Of course he didn't forget that he was going to fulfill An Huaqing's mission.

This time the bloody city gate was closed, and the doomsday blade obtained was finally handed over to An Huaqing as the equivalent of the mustard seed in the transaction, which made Du Yu feel extremely distressed.

But people can't stand without trust, no matter whether they succeed or not, at least they have to go there and deal with An Huaqing.

Doomsday Blade and Sumeru Mustard Seeds, these two things made Du Yu unable to give up.

He handed over 400 million survival points to Ning Zhongze and the others to make big purchases in the bustling outer city block, while he went to An Huaqing's tavern.

Every time I walk to this nondescript tavern with a small area and a mix of all mainstream religious architectural styles, I see the shape of the Arabic-style pointed dome, and the doors and windows are painted with Western religious paintings, but there is a pub at the door. There is a huge incense burner with incense, and there is a smiling Maitreya statue near the inner counter, while the inner wall is covered with Taoist talismans and portraits of the Sanqing, Du Yu would have laughed.

An Huaqing sat behind the bar, as if he was not surprised by Du Yu's arrival.

"You're back, how's the job done?" He handed over a glass of whiskey.

Du Yu smiled wryly, took a sip of his wine, and put the Doomsday Blade and Castle Heart on the table at the same time.

"What are you going to do?" A arrogant voice came from the Doomsday Blade: "You want to trade Miss Ben to this magic stick?"

Du Yu was sweating profusely, the Doomsday Blade, unexpectedly became arrogant again at this moment.

The little loli's voice became angry: "If you dare to sell the family, I will use the doomsday judgment to destroy this city."

Du Yu was hesitating about which one to give up, but when he heard this, he put away the Doomsday Blade with a wry smile.

The little loli's voice seemed to be laughing triumphantly: "Good boy, that's right!"

She still wanted to ramble, but Du Yu slapped it down and put it away.

"Are you?" An Huaqing smiled, "You don't want mustard seeds anymore?"

"In the last world, mustard seeds played a great role." Du Yu smiled bitterly: "But I will not give up the blade of doom. Therefore, I have to return the mustard seeds to you. Anyway, after paying the rental fee, you can Don't suffer."

An Huaqing nodded: "In this way, I will take back the mustard seeds."

The moment his hand touched the heart of the castle, Du Yu smiled wryly and stopped him.

"How about?" Du Yu tentatively said, "I'll give you 400 million survival points? Buy these mustard seeds?"

"If it were you, would you sell it?" An Huaqing looked at Du Yu calmly.

Du Yu sighed: "It seems that I really have no destiny with this mustard seed!"

He let go.

On the contrary, An Huaqing was not in a hurry to act, and looked at Du Yu with a smile in his dark eyes.

"What's the matter?" Du Yuqi asked.

"Since you like this mustard seed so much, I might as well lend you another world. But there are still conditions." An Huaqing smiled.

Hearing that there was no need to return the mustard seeds immediately, Du Yu regained his spirit and asked, "What is the condition?"

"You know." An Huaqing pointed to his own tavern: "I believe in religion, and I am interested in all religious treasures. If you can't give me the Doomsday Blade, I want another thing."

"Have you heard of the evil emperor relic?" An Huaqing said with a smile, "The next thing I want is that thing."

"Evil Emperor Sherry?"

Du Yu was puzzled for a while, then remembered.

"Isn't that from the Treasure House of Lord Yang in the Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty?" Du Yu exclaimed.

"Exactly!" An Huaqing said with a smile: "Although you have just entered the outer city, you may not be able to adapt to the difficulty of the plot here, so it is a bit unreasonable to give you such a difficult goal, but I can't do it for nothing. I will give you the natural treasure mustard seeds. In the next world, in addition to paying 100 million survival points as a rental fee, I want you to go to the world of Tang Dynasty and get me the relic of the evil emperor. Hehe, Taoist Demon, what a precious religious treasure this is.”

"Ahem," Du Yu smiled wryly.This An Huaqing is truly a religious madman.So much love for the evil emperor relic?

But Sumi mustard can make the heart of the castle into a flying fortress that can be attacked and defended. It is a treasure that I must never give up.

Since I was going to the world of Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty to find clues to He Shibi, then adding a relic of the evil emperor is just a way to hit a rabbit and drop in.

This is in line with Du Yu's expectations.

"But the question is, how can I decide the direction of this next world?" Du Yu said distressedly.

"Although it's difficult, it's not impossible." An Huaqing approached Du Yu mysteriously and said, "Have you heard of the badguy phone booth?"

"Badguy phone booth?" Du Yu was confused for a while: "No."

"How did you get along in the space?" An Huaqing was speechless for a while: "You don't even know the famous mysterious facility in the inner city, or the phone number on the corner of Badguy?"

"Badguy street corner phone?" Du Yu was even more confused: "What is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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