Chapter 512 Take the elixir, wash the pulse and cut the marrow! - Ask for a monthly ticket
"It's a place where intelligence is sold like a secret agent transaction!" An Huaqing took out a map and pointed to a place in the inner city: "You need to pay the entrance fee. Don't look at me, this fee is charged by the emperor. Enter the inner city In the urban area, here, there is a red phone booth on the corner, you pick up the phone, pay to dial, and you can trade with badguy."

"Who is this guy?"

"You can tell by the name? He's a bad guy." An Huaqing smiled.

"What's the point?"

"That guy can satisfy your desire to go to the next world and enter the world you want, but only if you have enough money or something he wants," An Huaqing said.

"In order to fulfill your wish, I went to find another person and fulfilled his wish. It sounds exhausting." Du Yu complained.

Seeing that An Huaqing was trying to buckle mustard seeds directly, Du Yu immediately laughed with him: "I'll go! I'll go!"

Du Yu walked to the second city gate, and as expected, the gate was still closed, and he could only enter and exit slowly through the side gate.There are also officers and soldiers from the Tang court guarding it.It seems that these imperial soldiers are much more elite than their counterparts in Suzaku Gate. Their full armor is shining brightly, and their swords are much sharper.

This is easy to understand. The strength of the adventurers in the outer city is much higher than that of the slums. The army that can deter them must be much stronger.

After paying the inner city entry tax of [-] survival points, Du Yu passed while complaining.This old emperor is really hateful, who can afford such a heavy tax?
This is his first visit to the inner city of Datang.

Sure enough, as Bao Chang said, the environment in the inner city of Datang is ten times more beautiful than that in the outer city.

The slums ruled by the Tang Dynasty had 25 districts, 20 in the outer city, 15 in the inner city, 10 in the Huangcheng district, and 5 in the Zifu district.One of the Zhaixing Pavilion.

The location of this badguy is the 2nd district of the inner city.

At this time, it was raining in the inner city.The area of ​​the bloody city is too large, and it often rains in certain urban areas, while the surrounding urban areas are sunny.

Du Yu walked through a beautiful forest. It was hard to imagine that in the inner city where every inch of land is expensive, there is such a large forest. Finally, he saw the red telephone booth marked by An Huaqing on the map.

This phone booth looks like a Western phone booth from the 19th to 20th centuries. It is covered with red stripes and covered with glass. When you open it, you can go in and make a call, ensuring maximum privacy.

Fortunately, at this time in the Tang Dynasty, all nations came to court, covering everything, such as stools and beds, this badguy phone booth does not seem too obtrusive.

Just as Du Yu was about to open the door of the phone booth, a man excitedly walked out of the phone booth, clutching a note tightly in his hand, and disappeared into the rain in an instant.

When passing by Du Yu, the man muttered, "There is finally hope, rebellious Lu Xiuxiu, here I come!"

From the excited expression on the man's face, Du Yu could tell that at least he got the information he wanted.

It's also fun to say.

Yizhen monk, in charge of treasures and props.

An Huaqing was always giving himself tasks.

And this information?

Du Yu pushed open the door, but was surprised to find that it was no different from the telephone booth in London in the last century.

He looked left and right, and finally found a line of cursive characters written by hand next to the phone.

"Dial the phone, tell us the information you want, throw in the required transaction items through the coin slot, and when you hear a beep, the transaction is considered complete."

So simple?
Du Yu picked up the phone curiously and said, "I want to go to the Legend of the Tang Dynasty in the next world."

"Very good! I want 100 million survival points."

Du Yu heard the vicissitudes of the uncle's voice in the telephone booth, and he felt certain.

Unexpectedly, with 100 million survival points, he could change his itinerary in the next world.

Du Yu's thoughts at this time were purely that the hungry don't know the hungry.

Ordinary adventurers, who can have such a relaxed idea of ​​Du Yu? 100 million survival points, just like 100 million cash in reality, is a huge sum of money that most dicks can't get together in a lifetime.

He readily transferred 100 million from the account.

There was a burst of noise in the earphones in the phone booth, as if a little girl's cheerful laughter was heard.

"Haha, money is really easy to make."

Du Yu was shocked: "In this space, there are also phone scammers?"

In the last life, Du Yu had heard countless times about the methods used by those phone scammers. The reason why they were not harmed was because Du Yu was poor and had no money at all.

Unexpectedly, instead of being cheated in reality, he was cheated out of a huge sum of money when he arrived in the space.

The little girl's voice was obviously different from that of the vicissitudes uncle before.

Du Yu was about to dismantle the phone booth, or call the police to find out what happened, but the vicissitudes of life came from the other side of the phone: "Well! Your wish can be realized. If you need anything more, please continue to come to BADGUY !"

Du Yu thought he had been cheated and wiped off his sweat.

The phone also printed a note in a very bankable manner.

What's even more funny is that this note was actually handwritten!It was written in the same handwriting as the notice on the panel.

"Delegate the task—to change the next world. The target world, The Legend of the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty. The fee is 100 million. (Here, 100 million is also carelessly written as 1000 million, and a zero is crossed out). Success."

"Could it be that you are playing with me?" Du Yu took the note and walked out dubiously.

Du Yu went back to An Huaqing's place, drank and chatted for a while, and then returned home.

He didn't forget that the S-level medicine Xisui Pill, which is known as being able to wash the sutras, uses dozens of natural and earth treasures in the space as materials, which can remove impurities in the body, allowing people to practice Chinese martial arts at an extremely fast speed. big boost.If you have acquired the corresponding martial arts foundation, you may be directly promoted after taking it.

Du Yu's next task is to refine this marrow washing pill to form his own powerful strength.

With the increase of space adventure experience and knowledge, Du Yu felt more and more that in order to grow into a strong man in space, he must have his own core advantages. , everything loose, can not become a real strong.

Du Yu's strength lies in Chinese martial arts.

Although he also acquired some other powers such as virus-immune bloodlines in his subsequent adventures, the mainstream has always insisted on focusing on martial arts and using western learning, and he has never slackened in his daily practice.

At this time, Du Yu was meditating with breath adjustment, adjusting his breath to the best state.

Ning Zhong sat around him with three martial arts masters, Xiao Long Nu and Li Mochou.

"Is it necessary to use this elixir to refine the body and cut the tendons?" Ning Zhong frowned. She Huashan Qizong emphasizes step-by-step and does not seek external things, so she does not agree with the use of this thing.

Li Mochou is proficient in refining medicine and using poison, so she does not reject the use of external force, but she also frowned at this time: "But this thing has been used, and I don't know the side effects. I am always worried."

Xiao Longnu pondered and said: "The above only said that it has positive effects, but pills always have advantages and disadvantages. Just in case, the three of us will protect the method for you and guarantee a success once."

Du Yu opened his eyes, his aura had been adjusted to its peak, the pure internal energy was restrained in the heart, it was not condensed, but bursts of deep and restrained brilliance appeared on the skin, which made the eyes of the three beauties sparkle again and again.

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "Masters, don't worry. I have made up my mind. My qualifications were mediocre before, and my cultivation speed was not fast. Recently, apart from two epiphany breakthroughs at the gate of the Scarlet City, several major No matter how hard I try, I can't break through that layer of fuzzy bottleneck. If I break through with the villain value, I will feel shallow in the end, I am afraid that the foundation is not solid, and the progress will be slower later."

What he said caused the three beauty masters to nod frequently.

In the space, Du Yu's villain value is an odd number, which can directly break through the bottlenecks and reach the highest level of a certain martial arts.But this shortcut, in a sense, is also the impasse of martial arts.Because there is no practice and solid understanding, just rely on the rules of space to forcibly infuse the most brilliant mind into the mind, knowing what it is and not knowing why, and can only continue to rely on the villain value to break through, otherwise it will stagnate.

If this goes on like this, there are two disadvantages: one is that Du Yu can only mechanically imitate the predecessors, and cannot create his own pattern, establish a sect, and become a master; Deep, the required villain value reaches astronomical figures, and the progress speed slows down.

The solution is to get rid of the roots and return to the essence of martial arts.

That is to be down-to-earth, one step at a time, practice and improve.

Ning Zhong was overjoyed: "I'm very pleased that you have the shortcut of being a villain, but you can still have such thoughts."

Du Yu just looked serious, then smiled and said, "Master Beauty!"

Ning Zhong looked at his lustful eyes, and spat out with a blushing face: "Don't talk about it. You have to pass this level first."

Du Yu calmed down and turned the Yi Jin Jing in the body for 7 weeks. He consciously reached the peak of energy and spirit, picked up the marrow washing pill, and gently put it in his mouth.

He only felt a burst of scorching heat gradually rising from the dantian of his waist and abdomen.

When the Xisui Pill entered the dantian, it immediately melted like snow melting in the Tianshan Mountains, and then it flowed into the branches from the dantian like a clear spring.

According to Yi Jin Jing, the human body has twelve main channels and eight extra channels.The twelve regular meridians are divided into three yin meridians of the hand, three yang meridians of the hand, three yin meridians of the foot, and three yang meridians of the foot.The eight extraordinary meridians refer to the eight meridians other than the twelve meridians, including Ren, Du, Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangjiao, Yinwei, and Yangwei.After the Xisui Dan melted, it bubbled into these meridians like snow water from the Tianshan Mountains, and immediately began to nourish and water various pulses.

Du Yu practiced Yi Jin Jing and had already reached the advanced state of the 8th floor.He is very proficient in the rotation and adjustment of the inner breath, and he did not dare to be careless at this time. He held his breath and focused on mobilizing and guiding the Xisui Pill to flow slowly towards every serious and strange scripture.

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(End of this chapter)

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