Chapter 513 Washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow!Great progress in martial arts! - Ask for a monthly pass

These Xisui Dan breaths seemed to be warm and cool at first, but when they passed through the main vein, Du Yu was almost so comfortable that he moaned.He started practicing martial arts in his 20s, his meridians have already formed, and he doesn't exercise regularly, the meridians of his body are often blocked, deformed, and silted up, resulting in the practice speed not always reaching the ideal state.But with this Xisui Pill, it is like a silted canal being watered by a burst of clear spring upstream, and it is very comfortable at first.

Du Yu thought to himself, although this thing has supernatural powers, it is not dangerous. It seems that the beauties masters are a little overwhelmed.

But the problem is

When these marrow-washing pill breaths gradually flowed to the avenue of seriousness and extraordinary scriptures, like snow-capped mountains melting water, they gradually attracted and gathered the internal forces accumulated in the body, gathered sand into towers, gathered armpits into furs, and the internal forces flowing from everywhere were absorbed by this marrow-washing pill. Dan's breath draws, gradually forming a river of breath that is surging!

It is as if the melting snow in Kunlun started out as a gurgling brook, but after converging with various rivers, it galloped and roared, and it was out of control, forming the Yellow River that flows straight down [-] feet!
The breath of this river of breath is completely different from the soft and cool breath of the marrow washing pill, roaring and rampaging!
Du Yu's pulse, although he has been trained in the Yi Jin Jing, is quite broad, but it is not easy to get through the narrow, blocked and stagnated pulse caused by too late in martial arts.It is as if a yellow river that has been in disrepair for a long time and is slightly deformed has suddenly withstood the test of a wave of floods that have not been encountered in thousands of years, and suddenly formed the danger of bursting!
Once the pulse bursts, it will be fatal to the practitioner.At the slightest, martial arts will be completely useless and you will become a useless person, and at the worst, you will become mad and lose your life.

Seeing the beads of sweat dripping from Du Yu's face, his complexion was sallow, and his breathing was disordered, Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou didn't know that there was something wrong with the Xisui Pill, their complexions sank, and the three women shot together, clapping On Du Yu's chest, back and waist and eyes, help Du Yu guard the meridians and prevent dams from breaking.

Thanks to the three women and Du Yu, they have both practiced the Tantra internal force chain from the Tibetan Tantra, and they have reached the second level. .

The strong inner strength of the three women fully assisted Du Yu in defending the meridians, suppressing the frenzied breath of Xisui Pill, and strengthening the embankment.

The aura of Xisui Dan was obviously unwilling to end like this, like a giant yellow dragon, galloping and roaring in Du Yu's pulse, the speed became faster and stronger, and the momentum became stronger and stronger.

Its galloping roar, of course, will prevent those blocked, silted, and distorted pulses from being opened up one by one, just like a flood rushing through the silted shallows, taking away all the sediment, widening and deepening the river, naturally playing a role in cutting scriptures and washing The miraculous effect of marrow, but the danger is unprecedented!
It's like Du Yu is playing with fire.

If he can survive this wave of flood peaks, guard the pulse dam, and prevent the frenzied breath of Xisui Pill from breaking through the pulse, he will be able to open up the pulse of the whole body, regardless of the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, all are like the North and South Grand Canal Like, unimpeded, after practicing the exercises, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

But if he can't survive this frenzied dragon with constant waves, he will be completely useless.The previous martial arts internal energy is not only completely abolished, but may cause backlash!

Everything depends on the strength of the two sides in the decisive battle.

Du Yu steadfastly guarded the sliver of clarity of the Lingtai, mobilized the hidden internal energy in every part of his body, and sent it continuously to the place where the breath of Xisui Pill passed, blocking the faltering pulse.

And Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, and Ning Zhongze, desperately, sent in a steady stream of zhenqi in their bodies, even gave up protecting the zhenqi, and almost put all their eggs in one basket to protect Du Yu's pulse.

In this way, Du Yu and the three beauties formed a community. Once Du Yu collapsed, the three beauties would also be directly swallowed back into the body by the breath of the marrow washing pill that broke through the embankment.They have no body-protecting true energy in their bodies, and they will die together with Du Yu.

"Don't!" Du Yu couldn't care about his mind, and growled: "Quickly withdraw half of the internal energy. Once I can't stand it, I will let go immediately. Otherwise, you will die too."

Ning Zhong shouted: "Leave me alone, keep your mind, as long as the altar is not destroyed, the defense line will not be broken so easily."

The little dragon girl whispered: "Remember what I taught you in the ancient tomb that there is no sorrow and no joy, no object and no self, stick to your true self, and you will be fine."

Du Yu saw the three beautiful masters with a firm attitude. Knowing that persuasion was futile, he closed his eyes and began to resist the power of the Xisui Pill with all his strength.

Wave after wave, soaring into the sky, the fragile line of defense is crumbling, and it seems that the meridian may rupture at any time.

Du Yu's Yi Jin Jing, Ningzhongze's Huashan school's internal energy, Xiaolongnv's and Li Mochou's ancient tomb school's internal energy are all integrated into one. In Du Yu's meridians, they are painstakingly guarding the fragile meridians.

When Wang Yuyan came, seeing the four people practicing at such a dangerous moment, she made a decisive decision and ordered Li Qinglu, Serena and other beauties to closely guard the outside of the house, strictly preventing anyone from entering the house and disturbing the four people.This is the moment of life and death, even if unsuspecting adventurers such as Maishela come, they can disturb Du Yu and cause tragedy.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and no one came to visit at this time.

With the joint efforts of the four of them, Du Yu gritted his teeth, enduring the severe pain of the flood breaking through the blocked meridians.The sharp pain really came from the depths of the soul, piercing the bone marrow, and it was unavoidable.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fight against the Qi of Xisui Pill this time, the lives of beautiful masters such as Xiaolongnv were at stake, and Du Yu might not be able to survive in such pain!
The pain is definitely not something ordinary people can endure.

While Du Yu was cursing the so-called Taibai Jinxing in his heart, he endured the severe pain and his teeth were almost crushed.

From the depths of the bone marrow and meridians, waves of severe pain hit his altar, almost making people faint.Once fainted, the meridian without the support of resistance will soon burst, and Du Yu and the three women will be finished.

Du Yu was almost in a coma, his ears were buzzing and he couldn't hear anything clearly, but when he saw Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou's devotion to life and death, he bit his tongue hard and almost Biting off his tongue, he abruptly woke up.

"Okay! Hold on! It's about to pass!" Ning Zhong shouted.

"The more powerful the medicine is, the less lasting it will be." Beads of sweat covered Li Mochou's pretty face, Fairy Chilian had already tried her best.

Xiao Longnv was also sweating through her clothes, holding on tightly with sweat dripping down her cheeks.

Every second is so long, like a year.

Every second, so painful, in hell.

Du Yu held on desperately, and the veins on his forehead popped up: "It's about to die! This medicine is too powerful."

With a loud shout, he tried his best to hold back the aura of Xisui Pill.

"Persevere! The Xisui Pill is about to complete a great cycle and has returned to your dantian. As long as it carries these pure internal forces, it should be successful in returning to the dantian." Ning Zhong also put in the final effort.

Finally, the surging and roaring inner strength of the marrow-washing elixir finally completed Du Yu's twelve orthodox meridians and eight extraordinary meridians, like hundreds of rivers entering the sea, converging into a mighty river and rushing into Du Yu's dantian!

Du Yu's body trembled, and the inner energy in his dantian, which was originally empty, was completely filled immediately!

"Quick!" Ning Zhong said with a look of great joy: "The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has come. Compress these internal forces as hard as you can in the dantian, and store as much as you can. Once the dantian is full, the excess internal energy will directly overflow and be wasted. It will even regurgitate your meridians."

According to Du Yu's words, he took Yi Jin Jing as the general outline, and desperately compressed his inner breath in the dantian.

Xiao Longnv earnestly said: "Don't worry, use the spiral energy to store up the inner breath, so that the inner strength can be collected to the maximum."

Du Yu was lucky.

Ordinarily, other adventurers practice internal strength, at most they find a brilliant plot character master to give them advice.But which plot expert is willing to risk his life and death to lend you all his internal strength to help you open up the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians in your body?


not a single one.

The favorability is overwhelming, and at most it is to teach all martial arts. This kind of thing can only be done by life-and-death friends like Du Yu and the three beautiful masters. It can be done!

In Du Yu's body, three beauties at the master level of martial arts, in one link, one link instructs, one meridian, one meridian checks.

In this way, Du Yu exerted the efficacy of this marrow washing pill to 200% which even Taibai Jinxing could not have imagined.

Du Yu is like a nouveau riche who suddenly became rich, desperately growing his pockets, holding in them the big banknotes falling from the world.Inspired by the Xisui Pill, the turbulent internal force coming from all over the body is frantically pouring into his dantian, and he is desperately compressing it into spiral energy, forming a small cyclone to accommodate the internal force to the maximum.

This is a one-shot deal, and the growth rate of internal strength at this time will be unbelievable.If Du Yu can absorb more internal force, he will win a skyrocketing internal force attribute after the process is over.

What is even more enviable is that the three martial arts masters beside him, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze, began to mobilize their internal energy to help Du Yu compress his internal energy.

Now, not only was Du Yu stretching the bag to hold the pie from the sky, but three beauties were also helping to carry it together.

Du Yu's dantian was crazily supported and kept expanding.

"I can't hold it any longer." Du Yu growled.

"Don't give up easily, this is a heaven-sent opportunity." Xiao Longnu said in a low voice, "I will teach you a more advanced way of stacking and compressing your internal energy."

Du Yu followed the method taught by Xiaolongnv to compress the small cyclone again, compressing it into a smaller cyclone, saving every inch of space and supporting more internal force.

Finally, the last sliver of internal energy was also absorbed into Du Yu's dantian qi sea.

Du Yu's sea of ​​qi gradually merged and returned to normal.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a drop of water fell on the dantian.

In the dantian that was almost burst, it seemed as if it was raining.

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(End of this chapter)

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