Chapter 514 Breakthrough innateness, enlightenment again! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Each cyclone is condensed into a drop of pure golden internal force, which drips into the dantian, and finally half of the dantian is filled with this golden essence of internal force.

Du Yu was covered in stinky sweat, and fell to the ground weakly, gasping for breath.

The three girls were also exhausted, but they all showed surprised and overjoyed expressions.

"You have actually reached the innate realm?" Xiao Longnu exclaimed.

"Really" Ning Zhong was overjoyed: "This little thief is really lucky. He actually took advantage of this Xisui Pill to break through this level that has stumped countless people."

"What is innate?" Du Yu asked in confusion.

"In your dantian, the internal force you stored in the past was completed in the form of breath, and when you can transform the breath into pure golden liquid of internal force, you can reach the innate state. Try to hold your breath without breathing , using exercises."

Du Yu wondered, "How can you generate gong without breathing?"

He spoke, but followed his word.

In one move, Kanglong Yougui, his palm strength is as strong as a mountain, and he strikes vigorously.

Du Yu thought it was the internal force he had accumulated, so he didn't breathe, and once again resorted to the trick of diving into the abyss.

Unexpectedly, his face remained unchanged and his heart skipped a beat.

How is this going?

Overjoyed, Du Yu used Dou Zhuan Xing Yi again, and there was still no problem.

Moreover, the power of these moves has greatly increased.

"Do you understand? The Innate Realm, also known as the method of tortoise breath, you can rely on the essence of internal energy stored in your body to directly perform kung fu. This kind of attack speed and the purity of internal energy have been greatly improved. Moreover, you didn't realize that you were making moves Did you use less internal energy during the time?"

Du Yu exhaled a long breath, and used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms again.

Originally, using a move of Kanglong Yougui would cost 32 points of internal energy, but now it only needs 20 points, saving a little half.

Du Yu was overjoyed.

The attack power of internal force is unparalleled, and it is extremely difficult to defend. It has an advantage against adventurers from other countries. Just look at Du Yuhong Demon Race and Anakin.

But there is also a disadvantage, that is, internal strength is limited after all.

On the battlefield, it is very difficult for a master to make a strong move with internal force all the way, and blast to the end, that is often the fastest to die.

The conservation and efficient use of internal energy are skills that must be mastered by Datang masters.

"Why can I save nearly half of my internal energy?"

"Because of Xisui Pill," Xiao Longnv sighed, "You practiced martial arts too late, many meridians have already formed, and with little exercise, there are many stagnation and blockages in the meridians. Although the Yi Jin Jing has been continuously improved, many stubborn diseases cannot be eliminated This Xisui Pill is indeed the elixir of heaven and earth. Although its medicinal effect is violent, after forming a peak of internal force, it will open up all the twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians in your body in one breath. All silts and Impurities have been washed out, like the Grand Canal that has been thoroughly cleaned up, resting in such a spacious and smooth channel, the natural flow is smooth and the efficiency is extremely high."

Ning Zhong added: "The stinky sweat that is expelled from your body through the hairs is the accumulation of impurities in the body. I have never seen a kind of elixir that can cleanse the essence and marrow so efficiently. If this elixir is not too Overbearing, this Taibai Jinxing is truly a generation of immortals."

Du Yu looked down.

Entering Xiantian, after opening up the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, the body is warm, like a warm current flowing all the time.Not only is the majesty in the solemn scriptures, but there is no hindrance in the internal force walking, even the strange scripture paths that are usually difficult to get through are surprisingly smooth.

Reflected in the attributes, the natural benefits are great.

First of all, Du Yu's internal strength attribute was directly increased by 10 points, reaching 59 points.This is a number that makes Du Yu speechless.

Secondly, some exercises that have been practiced for a long time broke through the bottleneck in one breath!
"Because Xisui Pill has opened up the Twelve Orthodox Meridians and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, your [Yijin Bone Forging Kung Fu] has been upgraded to the ninth level: the speed of practicing the kung fu is increased by 9%, and the villain value can be exchanged for skills and skill levels. The villain's value is reduced by 80%.
"Your [Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu] has been upgraded to the fifth level, total strength +5, internal force +18, and the ability to resist attacks has been improved. (Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu has a total of 18 levels, and each level increases, and the rate of attribute improvement increases accordingly. The 13th floor upgrade this time is equivalent to strength +5, internal force +5, and the attribute has been increased by 5 points.)”

"Your [Left and Right Combat Technique] has been upgraded to the sixth level: you can use two kinds of martial arts that only require one hand at the same time, the damage loss of the main hand martial arts is reduced to 6%, and the damage loss of the auxiliary hand martial arts is reduced to 10%, and the martial arts are successful. 25% chance."

Hearing a series of good news, Du Yu was elated.

Among these kung fu, the S-level skills of Yijin Bone Forging Kung Fu, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, and Left and Right Fighting Technique are all B-level skills, and the level of kung fu is too high.Du Yu couldn't afford the exorbitant villain value and bought it directly, but he couldn't speed up his cultivation through the practice field.It can only rely on talent and comprehension, water grinds time, and water drops through stone.

But in the world of Legend of the Underworld and Bloody City Gate, although Du Yu had tried his best to practice martial arts, he was still unable to make a breakthrough.

It turned out that the joints that hindered my cultivation were in the meridians of my body!
In fact, Ning Zhongze and Xiao Longnv have already seen the problem, but this is beyond the human power to change. They can only comfort Du Yu and urge him to step up his practice, maybe there will be a breakthrough in the future.

However, today, with the help of the precious elixir that can only be found at the gate of the Scarlet City, Du Yu broke through the problem of body meridians and the bottleneck in one fell swoop.

Du Yu feels that in his body, the three yin meridians of the hand, the three yang meridians of the hand, the three yin meridians of the foot, and the three yang meridians of the foot are of course surging, while the Ren, Du, Chong, Dai, and Yin bridges are surging. Eight extraordinary meridians such as the Yangjiao, Yangjiao, Yinwei and Yangwei channels are also very active.In my mind, the movements that I couldn't do no matter what, finally seemed to be enlightened, suddenly enlightened!
He had a premonition that he was on the verge of enlightenment in high-level kung fu such as Subduing the Dragon's Eighteen Palms, Dugu Nine Swords, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, and Life and Death Talisman. This month, hurry up and practice, and there will be major gains.

Du Yu was so excited that he hugged Xiao Longnv and Ning Zhongze, Li Mochou and other three beauties, kissing wildly.The beautiful masters giggled and angrily told him to take a shower quickly, it stinks to death.

Du Yu lay happily in the soup bath full of potions and herbs.The herbs in this soup were all researched by Li Mochou and Yilin, and they were prepared by purchasing rare herbs collected from the wilderness blood field at a high price.Although it is definitely not as good as the S-level elixir that can change fate like Xisui Pill, after ordinary practice, soaking it in the bath can also repair dark wounds, strengthen muscles and bones, warm and nourish meridians, and assist in cultivation.If it is sold, there will be a wave of crazy buying in the space.

"It's really wise to have a master pharmacist and poison master in my family." Du Yu stretched his muscles comfortably.In my mind, I kept thinking about today's surge of internal energy in the Sui Sui Pill, and once again fell into the exploration of martial arts and internal energy, and gradually entered the innate realm of the unity of man and nature.

After a full three hours, the bath had already cooled down, Yilin blushed, probed into it and whispered softly: "Brother Du, have you finished washing?"

When she saw Du Yu lying in the bath with his eyes closed, she was startled, but when she looked closely, she found that Du Yu was meditating.

Li Mochou and Xiaolongnv came after hearing the news, after seeing Du Yuhou, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Just broke through the meridian, and entered the epiphany?" Xiao Longnv laughed in a low voice: "This guy's chances are really one after another, good luck is endless."

"That's the best way," Li Mochou said coldly: "He has benefited a lot from the gate of the bloody city, but whether it is the blade of doom or the seal of the old emperor, they are all foreign objects. Behind the city, a pack of wolves looked around, and there were many powerful enemies. The White Tiger Team, the Red Python Team, the Tianyu Team, the Bladeless Team, the Yamaguchi Team, and the six gates of the court Hou Xiaobai, which one is the best match? Improving your strength quickly, The enemy has figured out that hole card, isn't it a dead end?"

Ning Zhong commanded Yilin, Wang Yuyan and other beauties to gently cover Du Yu with a bath towel, not daring to disturb him at all, and all the beauties withdrew.

At this moment, outside the door, Mai Shela and Li Tang and other backbones looked angry, and rushed in.

"Where's the boss?" Michela looked a little better when she saw Ning Zhongze.

She was also sighing secretly.

Whether it's Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Wang Yuyan, Yilin, Azhu, Li Qinglu, or foreign beauties Elizabeth and Serena, all of them are the best choices, I don't know what this guy is doing Yes, keep this group of beauties with both beauty and strength in the house and enjoy them every day.

In the gate of the Scarlet City, these beauties played an even more important role.Elizabeth's charm, Serena's vampire army, Arjuna's disguise, Yilin's Dharma, Ning Zhongze's perseverance, Xiaolongnu and Li Mochou's fighting power are all amazing.Without them, Du Yu would not have achieved such incredible results.

Even Maishela, who is a woman, looked at Du Yu's many women with some jealousy.

In Du Yu's absence, Xiaolong's girl is indifferent, Li Mochou doesn't care about things, Yilin is timid and cowardly, and Ning Zhong naturally becomes a well-deserved housekeeper. Seeing Maishela's angry face, she asked, "Du Yu is in retreat. Epiphany, what happened?"

Michelle said bitterly: "We formed the wolf pupil team and accepted almost all the newcomers, but annoyed those strong teams. In addition, it seems that the news came from the Western Richelieu, saying that At the parliamentary state auction, the blacks who sold werewolf blood were disguised by Du Yu. The red python, white tiger, Tianyu, Wuren and Yamaguchi group who suffered a lot were extremely annoyed, and they put pressure on us and raised unreasonable Require."

"What unreasonable request?" Ning Zhong raised his eyebrows, and his willow eyebrows stood on end.

"They asked, first, to disband the wolf pupil team. These 48 newcomers should be dispersed and entered into various strong teams. Second, Du Yu should return the bid at that time." Mai Xuela said angrily.

"What a joke!" Ning Zhong laughed coldly, and his phoenix body exuded an aura of majesty: "First, we set up a wolf pupil team, and newcomers join the team voluntarily. If you like me, I have a relationship with these strong teams !Does it have to be forced by them, to be recruited by them, to be cannon fodder is the right way?"

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(End of this chapter)

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