Chapter 515 The strong team spied on and captured the third master alive! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

"That's it!" Li Mochou was very relieved, and her ruthless expression flashed: "Do these guys want to be beaten?"

"Second," Ning Zhong said word by word: "They say that Du Yu is the black man, which is even more ridiculous! The accuser must produce evidence, otherwise it will be a false accusation. This is basic common sense! Witnesses What about the physical evidence? If you don’t have these things, get out of here and play with your eggs!”

Hearing these words so loudly, Mai Shela, Li Tang and others became excited.

Ning Zhongze's phoenix eyes flashed: "Is that right? The third master who is eavesdropping?"

A pale and thin man slowly walked out of the shadows.

Michelle glared: "This is the headquarters of my wolf pupil team. How dare you sneak in directly? Are you going to declare war?"

The third master was seen through the concealment technique, and looked at Ning Zhongze and the others in embarrassment.

"you know me?"

He is very confident in his concealment.The wolf pupil team is a pure rookie team, there should never be someone with this internal strength and vision that can spot him!

But the problem was that he had just sneaked into Du Yu's house, and before he could gain a foothold, he was discovered by Ning Zhongze.

The corners of Ning Zhongze's mouth curled up: "Who doesn't know the second master of the White Tiger Team?"

In her phoenix eyes, she recalled the scene when Du Yu first entered the space, leading her and Yilin to deal with Shi Guodong, the third master, and the red python.

Time flies, and the world is unpredictable. In a flash, Du Yu has come back, and has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with these strong teams.

The third master couldn't remember this stunningly beautiful young woman.His greedy eyes swept over Ning Zhongze's face and figure, thinking that he should never be so forgetful.Such outstanding beauties are rare even in space.

"What on earth are you here for?" Li Tang shouted, blocking the third master's way.

The third master laughed bitterly: "It's up to you? Boy!"

He disappeared instantly.

Li Tang's eyes flashed, and in a flash, he took out his shield and blocked it at the vital point.

The third master appeared like a ghost, and let out a light sigh. It seemed that Li Tang's strong strength also surprised the third master.

But the third master's insidious dragon claw hand is still a little faster.This move broke through Li Tang's defense and grabbed Li Tang's arm hard.

Li Tang's arm suddenly became red and swollen. With a roar, he struck the third master with a shield strike.

"Hehe" the third master floated up like a crane, wanting to cut down the flag of the wolf pupil team in the center of Du Yu's house.

He came this time, originally at Shi Guodong's order, to show Du Yu off.

Li Tang's attack just now, if not for Li Tang's strength and vigilance, the third master's vicious dragon claws would have gone towards Li Tang's heart.

Killing and standing up!
This is the original intention of the third master.

But in the eyes of Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnu and Li Mochou, looking at the third master who succeeded in one blow, there was only a trace of cold sarcasm.

Seeing the third master pounced on the wolf pupil flag again, wanting to cut it off, Li Mochou waved his hand lightly.

A wave of ice soul silver needles shot at the third master.

The third master is not an idiot, his strength is second only to Shi Guodong in the White Tiger Team, and he is well-known among the adventurers in the outer city. He saw Li Mochou waving his sleeves and releasing such a sharp silver needle hidden weapon.The hidden weapon was still glowing with a faint blue luster, and it was obvious that a powerful poison was attached to it.

The third master screamed strangely: "What a bitch!"

His body turned around in the air like a big bird, and with a brilliant lightness move, he crossed the sky and perfectly avoided this wave of hidden weapons.

The third master himself thinks that this is the pinnacle of his lightness kung fu in such a long time, and it can be selected as the top ten lightness kung fu by the imperial court.

He landed lightly on the top of the flagpole, standing on a high place, staring down at Li Mochou.

"Bitch, you look so seductive, you really make the third master angry." The third master licked his lips: "Why don't I cut off the wolf's head flag and take you away. Hahaha!"

Li Mochou's eyes were ruthless, but she didn't see any anger, she still smiled and said: "It's windy in the courtyard, the flagpole is higher, stand on it carefully, talk big, flash your tongue!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the third master was laughing wildly. Suddenly, more than half of his body was numb, even his tongue was numb, and he couldn't speak. He staggered and fell directly from the flagpole. The dog ate shit, and even his teeth fell out.

Li Mochou walked over slowly, gracefully and gracefully.

The third master struggled to get up, but fell down again, pointed at Li Mochou and cursed: "Bitch, you used poison!"

Li Mochou giggled: "I'm sorry, but if you talk about using poison, your little kung fu is not in my eyes at all."

Ning Zhong winked.Li Mochou understood that at this time, she was going to play against a strong team, and the less information about her hole cards leaked, the better, so she stopped talking, walked up, slapped the third master on the face, tapped the third master's acupuncture points, tied it up and threw it in the aside.

The third master suffered a great loss, but he still chattered endlessly, and the trash talk kept coming out of his mouth: "You bitch, wait! This MT has eaten my poison, without my unique antidote, he will definitely not survive tomorrow."

Li Mochou randomly took out a pill and threw it to Li Tang, who ate it.

The third master sneered, thinking that Li Mochou was acting: "Bitch, don't think I'm easy to fool."

But after 1 minute, all the redness and swelling on Li Tang's hands subsided

Li Tang strode over and stepped on the third master's head: "Who are you calling a bitch? I don't want to live anymore!"

He stumbled, causing the third master to yell.

"You bastard, how dare you treat me like this?" The third master was trampled miserably: "I swear you will all die miserably! Boss Shi sent me here!"

"Catch it!" Ning Zhong smiled lightly: "You'd better pray that Boss Shi doesn't come to seek our misfortune. If he comes, you will be the first to die."

The third master was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He was tied up and thrown into Li Tang's private dungeon.

"This guy is naturally nothing to worry about." Michelle said to Ning Zhong: "But it shouldn't take long for the strong teams to attack us."

Ning Zhong frowned and said, "Why are they making trouble with us?"

"This involves the interests of the outer city." Mai Shela is very clear about these ways, and explained them one by one: "In every social structure, the bottom is the hard-working people. Every time the outer city is assessed, those who can come There are not many newcomers, and these newcomers are also the cornerstone of a strong team. A strong team needs to absorb newcomers to work hard, be cannon fodder, have strong talents and talent, and slowly cultivate them into the main force."

"That's why they are all keeping an eye on the city gate. Once a newcomer arrives, they will start looting and even fight."

"However, the emergence of our wolf pupil team has changed this pattern of interests." Mai Shela said with a wry smile: "We got 90% of the newcomers into the team. This is tantamount to harming the interests of the major teams at the same time. .Everyone is jealous."

"Who stipulated that newcomers should be the bottom of the strong team?" Ning Zhong said indifferently.

"There is no rule, whoever has the biggest fist here is the truth," said Myshela.

"Then according to this logic, our wolf pupil team should show their fists!" Ning Zhongze said coldly: "The big fist is the truth. They can't understand human words, so we use our fists to make them understand." until!"

"Well said!" With a loud laugh, Du Yu lifted his legs and entered.

"You woke up from the epiphany?" Ning Zhong was both surprised and delighted.

"En!" Du Yu was restrained and confident, smiling confidently.

Seeing Du Yu's confidence, Ning Zhongze glanced at Du Yu with his beautiful eyes, and said pleasantly, "It seems that there are many benefits."

Du Yu grinned and said, "My 【Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms】has broken through the eighth layer! 【Life and Death Talisman】has also broken through the ninth layer!"

"In such a short period of time, you have broken through both of your main skills?" Li Mochou couldn't believe it.

She is a master of martial arts herself, so she naturally knows how difficult it is to go up to the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th level of martial arts.

It is difficult to go one step further with a hundred feet high pole!
Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms broke through the first level at the gate of the Scarlet City. Unexpectedly, he broke through again so soon.

It seems that the benefits of the Xisui Pill to him are greater than imagined.

Du Yu smiled confidently: "These blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. !"

Seeing Du Yu's strong self-confidence, Mai Shela, Li Tang and other backbones became more courageous.

Originally, as a new team, they suddenly faced the five strong teams in the outer city and put pressure on them together. Even the well-informed Mai Shela and Li Tang felt hesitant.

This has nothing to do with courage, but a kind of coercion of strength.

But Du Yu is so relaxed and freehand, with a strong enemy under pressure, he can also leisurely realize his epiphany and make breakthroughs again and again, which makes Mai Shela and other subordinates feel at ease.

"From tonight onwards, the soldiers will not be disarmed, and they will be ready to attack, increase intelligence and observation forces, and be ready to deal with the attacks of strong teams at any time." Du Yu said coldly.

"Are we really not afraid of the siege of these strong teams?" Mai Shela asked worriedly: "Although after the introduction of the team reward rules, everyone's enthusiasm for training is extremely high, and they are on the training ground every day, practicing extremely hard, and their strength has improved The speed is very fast. But there is still a big gap with these super teams."

"Siege?" Du Yu chuckled, "If there are only one or two strong teams, I'd be worried. The more strong teams there are, the more we will be wary of each other. As long as we are strong, who would dare to make a move out of five strong teams?" Head bird? Not afraid of being taken advantage of by others, to be a fisherman? Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

He laughed and put his arms around the slender waists of Ning Zhongze and Xiao Longnu, and returned to the house.

Mai Shela and Li Tang had no choice but to order Hu Yijun and others to be on guard and not to mention it.

Late at night.

Du Yu held a teacher appreciation banquet in the house.

Of course, it was to repay the grace of the three beauties who sacrificed their lives to save them.

Joyous songs and laughter resounded through the night sky in the outer city for the first time.

"Did he really say that?"

Shi Guodong's face was as gloomy as iron, and he stood up suddenly.

"Yes, the third master accidentally missed and was captured." A scout said with a bitter face.

The adventurer captain Bai Hu shouted from the side: "Boss Shi, we can't bear it any longer. This Du Yu will open a dyeing workshop if he gives him three points."

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(End of this chapter)

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