Chapter 516: White Tiger's Sneak Attack, Xiaobai's Conspiracy! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Shi Guodong punched hard and hit the table.The century-old iron-wood table growing on the wilderness blood field was instantly smashed to pieces.

Baihu was taken aback.

The power of Boss Shi is really terrifying.

That Du Yu really committed his own death, and he can't blame others.As soon as he entered the city, he dared to provoke Boss Shi.

As for sending the third master to eavesdrop on the intelligence, Bai Hu didn't think it was an offense at all.You are just a rookie team, we sent the third master there because we think highly of you.Are those ordinary teams worthy of our attention?
You ungrateful animal.

Shi Guodong said in a deep voice: "This place must be brought back. The face of the third master is the face of my surname Shi. I wanted to see what kind of cards this kid has, so I sent the third child to have a look. Unexpectedly He was actually captured. Well, take this opportunity to avenge Guoliang! What do the other parties say?"

Bai Hu said angrily: "Don't mention it. At the meeting, the five bosses hated Du Yu deeply. When you proposed to attack Lang Tong, they were all eager. Now that the third master has been captured, everyone seems to be fine. It seems. Red Mang said that he supports you to shoot Du Yu to death, but he has been busy hunting in the wilderness blood field recently, and the main force has no time. Tian Yu is very unhappy that Du Yu lied to him, but he and Wu Ren are enemies again. The two Tied as a cultivation genius. Wu Ren went to the wilderness blood field to hone his life and death, and Tian Yu was not far behind, and also wanted to go out. On the contrary, Long Er from the Yamaguchi group was humiliated by Du Yu in public, and he was very anxious for revenge, so he could come with us .”

"These bastards want to reap the benefits." Shi Guodong said indifferently: "But it doesn't matter. I just used the method of thunder to wipe out the wolf pupil team and recruit all the newcomers. Let these bastards cry."

"Have you notified Long Er?"

"Our White Tiger team, we want to clean up a new team and join hands with others?" Shi Guodong shouted angrily: "You are getting more and more confused."

The white tiger is submissive.

Shi Guodong grinned grinningly and clenched his fists: "Since the last time I used the White Tiger Burst Fist to kill the warlord Daryl of the second difficulty level of Darkness, I haven't fought with others. It's time to stretch my muscles."

"How are you going to deal with Naduyu?"

"Shoot tomorrow night! Thunder strike!" Shi Guodong didn't blush, and the sternness in his eyes flashed past.

The white tiger grinned: "Thunderbolt raid? That's a good relationship! I don't know if Du Yu's small body can hold up to your white tiger burst fist. I heard that he has many beauties under his command. Hehe"

Shi Guodong yelled coldly: "Get rid of him first, and then talk about robbing women."

On the second day, Du Yu continued to retreat on the cold jade bed.

His recent opportunity has arrived, and he must speed up his practice at all costs.

The cold jade bed is indeed one of the most valuable treasures in the world of divine carvings. The function of practicing day and night is enough to make any practitioner covet it.

The other adventurers of the wolf pupil team were divided into two groups under the organization of Michelle.

One group went to the training ground and spent a lot of money on training at 5 times the speed.

These days, these wolf pupil team adventurers who have just entered the outer city have tasted the sweetness of the outer city.The rich and advanced training facilities made them even willing to soak in the training ground all day, so that their muscles were sore and they couldn't even lift their hands.The team's generous benefits of reimbursing half of the training fees have completely ignited the pride and loyalty of every teammate.

The second group is responsible for patrolling and protecting the residential area of ​​the wolf pupil team.

After asking the chief security officer, the imperial court allowed the registration of the adventure team, and at the same time allowed the adventure team to purchase land and establish a headquarters in the urban area.The headquarters can even build a certain defensive fortress within a certain scale after reporting to the imperial military department to resist the sneak attack of the hostile team.

In space, because there is no protection mechanism, it is not uncommon for adventurers to fight among strong teams.Many grievances and grievances that were not resolved in the plot world were brought to the bloody city to disintegrate.

Of course, due to the jurisdiction of the six gates of the imperial court over the public security of Chang'an City, except for the arena, any fights in the city will be punished.But if no personal evidence was left behind and enough benefits were given to Six Doors, then the police might treat it as an accident.

It is said that the headless corpses of adventurers can often be found in the moat outside the city.These are the victims of the vendetta in the city.

As for the wild blood field, let alone.That is a place where there is no law of the king. Except for the noble relatives of the royal family like the prince and princess, the six doors will not even pay attention to ordinary adventurers who die in the wilderness blood field.

But in a city where every inch of land is expensive, buying land is not an easy task.In addition to a large number of approvals, there is also a sky-high land fee.

It is said that even the headquarters of the White Tigers is nothing more than a low fortress of 10 acres, and the Red Pythons are similar.

In the absence of forts, patrolling can only be done by hand.

Instead of training, Michelle concentrated on patrolling.

The sniper's intuition always made her feel uneasy. The enemy is a strong team in the outer city, and she will never tolerate the provocation of the wolf pupil team.At the same time, she spared no expense to buy news from some newly opened information channels.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Michelle suddenly received an anonymous message.

"Not good!" Mai Shela ordered sharply: "Li Tang, immediately call all the teammates from the practice field back."

She then walked towards Du Yu's mansion.

The news that the informant had spent hundreds of thousands of survival points to buy it was the news that the White Tigers were planning to sneak attack tonight.

In space, all interests come first.As news is the most precious resource, there are naturally a lot of organizations selling it.

In a word, as long as you are willing to spend a lot of survival points, you can even know which concubine the emperor is favoring tonight.

Although the White Tigers are very careful, their preparations for tonight's war cannot be hidden from the pervasive spy organization.

Michelle handed the note to Du Yu: "We are in trouble tonight."

Du Yu took the note: "How much did the news cost?"

"80 survival points." Myshela smiled wryly: "It's still an old seller I know, with a 8% discount."

"This news is worth it!" Du Yu smiled: "You are indeed capable."

He stood up and smiled: "However, tonight we will earn back all the expenses for this news from the White Tigers."

"What should we do?" Maishela asked, "This time the White Tigers are really serious. I heard that Shi Guodong is going to use us to make a name for himself, and annex us with a thunderbolt. He has dispatched the strongest lineup."

"What's the matter?" Du Yu's eyes flickered faintly: "Use us to stand up? Unfortunately, I also have a similar plan. Shi Guodong!"

He slammed his fist on the table: "Just this time, our grievances will be settled!"

Inside the six doors, Hou Xiaobai was sitting in front of the file, looking at the file irritably with red eyes.

The case of the disappearance of the Heshibi Seal has become the top priority of the Six Doors, and Hou Xiaobai is not even interested in asking for flowers.

Three or four days have passed, and the imperial study was inspected over and over again. I tried everything, but I couldn't find any clues about the daring thief.

The old emperor, he only gave himself a world of time.In less than a month, if he can't find out the truth, he will be killed.

Although his father, Hou Shenjiang, had been prepared for a long time, it was not yet ripe for a big event.He reported the matter to his father, and his father asked him to handle it himself.

"Damn it!" Hou Xiaobai was so angry that he smashed the file to the ground.

He intentionally planted the blame on that bastard, but Zhuge Xiaohua wanted to find evidence, saying that otherwise the emperor would not have given the decree.

"What evidence do you want!" Hou Xiaobai really wanted to order the arresters to arrest Du Yu and serve him with severe torture. It was not he who did it, but he did it!It's fine if you can make a job. If you can take this opportunity to advance a step higher, of course it would be even better.

At this time, a policeman walked up to Hou Xiaobai quickly, looked at his furious expression, and said in a low voice: "Chief arrester, an informant reported that the White Tiger team in the outer city will sneak attack on Du Yu's wolf pupil team tonight. This is against the law. The law and order of the six gates, so I report to you."

"Get out!" Hou Xiaobai was furious: "I can't wait to burn my brows, why do you care about fighting and killing in the outer city? It's better if everyone is dead."

The policeman Nuonuo retreated.

"Wait!" Hou Xiaobai suddenly reacted: "Du Yu's wolf pupil team? When did this kid organize an adventure team?"

"Recently." The policeman whispered, "But he has recruited all the rookies into his wolf pupil team. Those rookies couldn't stand being bullied by the old man, so they all defected to him. Now, Du Yuke offended everyone in the outer city." A strong team. No, the White Tigers took the lead."

Hou Xiaobai rolled his eyes.

"I have been worrying that I have no excuses, so I brought this kid back for interrogation. He fought with others in the city and violated the law and order regulations. Can't he be arrested and questioned?" Hou Xiaobai was full of tricks, showing a sinister smile: "As long as he enters the city Take care of these six doors so you don't even think about going out in one piece!"

The leader of the police was naturally clear: "Then, we don't care about the sneak attack of the White Tiger Team?"

"Is it important who hits whom?" Hou Xiaobai said impatiently: "The key is, no matter whether Du Yu wins or loses, he must be arrested and interrogated properly!"

"But the last time we took action against this kid, the supervisor Yimei was furious, and he played us a book in front of the emperor, ordering us to conduct a self-criticism. Six doors haven't come up with the self-criticism report at this time." The policeman spread his hands.

"With the fight in the city. Presumably, no matter how much that bitch Yimei defends him and violates the law and order regulations, he can't care about our six doors?" Hou Xiaobai said decisively.

"Hurry up and take the policemen to the headquarters of the wolf pupil team. I will also be there tonight. Let's splash the rats with boiling water, and the nest will die!" Hou Xiaobai said harshly.

The lights are on, and the night is getting darker.

The area where the wolf pupil team is located is the side of the outer city near the city gate. This area is the latest to be developed and relatively remote.

In the darkness, teams of adventurers, fully armed and murderous, quietly approached the headquarters of the wolf pupil team from different directions.

 Thanks to volt002, So Leng Bing, Zhenchi, Mind Control Demon and other enthusiastic book friends for their generous rewards!The old pig bowed to thank you, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a recommendation ticket, and asking for a subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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