Chapter 517 Waiting for Your Majesty, Doomsday Judgment! - Ask for a monthly pass

"Listen!" Baihu roared in the team channel.He is dressed in a strong outfit at this time, and it can be seen that since he broke through the bloody city gate, his strength has not slowed down. Don't die, just break off your arms, legs and feet, and capture it. But most importantly, Du Yu must be captured alive for the boss to behead himself! The treasures such as the Doomsday Blade and the compass that can't guide must be captured. Got it!"

Many well-dressed adventurers, all claiming to be in the team channel, are murderous and their morale is like a rainbow.

"More importantly!" Bai Hu sternly said: "His beautiful girls must be handed over to me as soon as possible after they are captured, and I will interrogate them myself!"

The adventurers suddenly burst into obscene laughter.

"Let me tell you, Captain, with a team like the White Tigers, which is well-known in the outer city, it's too embarrassing for them to attack a newly formed rookie team at night?" A big man laughed.

They, the main force, were pulled back from the wilderness blood field, the practice field, and the red card kiln sister's bed by several urgent orders from the team. They thought that the group of red pythons who were not open-eyed were planning to attack their own team.I didn't expect to deal with a group of newcomers.In the hearts of these big men, it is inevitable that there is some disapproval.

"Let me tell you!" Baihu smiled darkly: "Don't take them to heart. These are newcomers. But they just passed the gate of Scarlet City."

"Captain, we have all passed the gate of the Scarlet City." The big man said carelessly, "What's so rare about this?"

"The little thief with the highest score got more than 640 million points. How much were you at that time?"

This time, all the big men were shocked.

"Cheating?" The big man jumped up and said, "More than 640 million, how is this possible?"

"I'll tell you again," Bai Hu said fiercely, "In the team we are going to sneak attack tonight, there are seven of the top ten! Even the third master who went to spy on information was caught! How dare you underestimate them ?”

The big guys stopped talking, but in their eyes, there was a cold and quiet look like a wild beast.

That was a killing intent!
"Very good!" Baihu said with satisfaction: "But they are still a bunch of rookies now, look! Even the patrols are so careless, it seems that they think this bloody city is a safe place, aha! We just need to wait for a signal from Boss Shi, and then we will go to the city." Let's launch a fierce attack!"

The whole team stopped talking, and quietly looked at the wolf pupil team's garrison.

The moon gradually disappeared into the dark clouds, and the bloody city gradually disappeared into darkness.

This celestial phenomenon

The moon is dark and the night is killing, and the wind is high and the sky is on fire!

Hundreds of adventurers from the White Tiger Team immediately geared up, their blood boiling.

It has been heard for a long time that the wolf pupil team just came out of the bloody city gate, fat and oily.These rookies spend a lot of money every day, soaking in the training ground is proof.

Steal his mother, kill his mother, pretty women fuck his mother!

Let these rookies know the horrors of the outer city.

Hundreds of big white tigers, secretly hiding in the darkness, are always ready to suddenly explode into trouble.

However, the wolf pupil team's resident fell into a complete silence, and there were sounds of finger-guessing from several lights.

Shi Guodong squinted his eyes and looked at the wolf pupil team's camp.

At this moment, his communicator rang.

"Hou Xiaobai?" His expression changed.

At this juncture, the six doors are always hunting for him. Could it be that he has leaked the news, and he has received a message to warn him not to kill people and set fires in the city?
Shi Guodong picked it up with a gloomy face.

Hou Xiaobai's deep voice sounded: "I know what you are going to do. It's okay, you can do it boldly. I will take care of the aftermath for you. But I want to prevent it, live!"

He immediately hung up the phone.

Shi Guodong burst into ecstasy.

This means that Hou Xiaobai acquiesced in attacking the wolf pupil team without worrying about being found by the six doors afterwards.

The only problem was that he couldn't kill Du Yu with his own hands to avenge Guoliang.

But Hou Xiaobai only wants to live.

If he cut off Du Yu's limbs and cut off the roots of his descendants, he is still alive, right?
Shi Guodong's gloomy gaze was faintly like a hungry tiger.

"Kill!" He waved his hand lightly.

"Touch!" A magic bullet rose into the air.

"Kill!" Hundreds of elite White Tigers came to attack Du Yu from all directions.

They seem to be in a scattered formation, but in fact they are tightly organized. They use the adventure team as a unit, and under the leadership of the four captains, they quickly attack the wolf pupil team.

Suddenly, in the dark sky, faint traces of red light began to appear!

It's like a harbinger of a volcanic eruption.

When did such a vision appear in this bloody city?
"This..." Shi Guodong frowned.

"What is the celestial phenomenon?"

If he is willing to be nice to the newcomers, there may be adventurers from the Tang Dynasty who will join his team and tell him the news about the Doomsday Blade

But wanton robbery and blackmail, which rookie dares to join the White Tiger Team?

In just a few days, the news of Du Yu's Doomsday Blade has not spread in space.

So these adventurers who bravely rushed to the headquarters of the wolf pupil team became the first victims.

Originally, although there were no restrictions on the use of skills in the space, it was still an urban area, and there were still certain restrictions on the skills of mass destruction spells.

Otherwise, everyone can use large-scale spells, skills, and weapons. Wouldn't this bloody city become a pile of ruins long ago?

But at this time, the Heshi Jade Seal owned by Du Yu greatly increased the priority of all his skills!
Moreover, Du Yu still has the power of space.

The two phases superimposed, and this small doomsday trial broke out completely around the relatively remote wolf pupil team headquarters!

In the sky, countless howling meteorites and flames suddenly fell.

As if the end is coming, a large-scale and destructive attack will be carried out on the adventurers of the White Tiger Team who are trying to kill and set fire!
This is Du Yu's character!

If you want my life, I'll take your dog's life!
Although it is said that taking out a weapon of mass destruction such as Doomsday Judgment as soon as it comes up, and using it in a bloody city, there will definitely be something wrong, but in space, winning the king and defeating the enemy, crouching the tiger and fighting the rabbit, still needs all our strength, not to mention The White Tigers are a well-known strong team in space, and they have been famous for a long time?
There are no worthless people under the famous name.Du Yu didn't want his wolf pupil team to suffer a huge loss as soon as it was formed.

So, he shot!

Unusually fierce shot.

Looking at the meteorite and fire rain roaring down in the sky, the muscles on Shi Guodong's face twitched violently twice.After all, he is a master of space, and he is well-informed. Just judging from the destructive aura of the doomsday trial, he can tell that this is definitely a crazy destruction.Although my own people are strong in the outer city, they can't withstand this terrifying vision of heaven's power.

"Bastard! Such a terrifying treasure, where did this bastard get it?" Shi Guodong's face changed in horror, and he roared wildly: "Don't rush! Get back! Run!"

When he yelled like this, the teammates of the White Tiger Team were thrown into chaos!

Who would have thought that what was thought to be a surprise attack at night and a massacre like slaughtering pigs and sheep turned into a slap in the face that the enemy had prepared for a long time and used mass destruction moves to counterattack fiercely!

These ruthless people are attacking the open space outside the wolf pupil team headquarters.In the front, due to the deliberate care of the security chief, the residence of the wolf pupil team is close to the city wall, which is relatively remote. There are no adventurers living around, but a large open space.

Now, the Doomsday Blade controlled by Du Yu shrouded the open space, and the White Tigers, halfway through the charge, were suddenly in a dilemma.

Someone shouted, someone shouted, someone intended to charge forward, someone shouted that they should retreat, someone screamed, and they were in a mess like headless chickens.

When Shi Guodong saw such a situation, his teeth itch with hatred.My White Tiger Team is usually divided into several strong teams to operate, and the unified operation is suddenly attacked by the enemy, so it is not easy to deal with it.He took out an emerald jade tablet from the space.

The auspicious beast unicorn is engraved on this jade tablet. What is rare is that the horns of the unicorn flow like water ripples. At first glance, it is a rare thing in space and is of great value.

Shi Guodong took a look, his eyes showing heartache, but then he looked at the wolf pupil team station, the dozens of houses hidden in the night, his eyes were fierce and vicious.

"For me to pay such a price, I will definitely pay back ten times." Shi Guodong threw out the unicorn jade token.

The unicorn jade tablet flew up in the air, and quickly transformed into a black unicorn in the air.

Mo Qilin raised his head and glanced at the red doomsday storm in the sky. As if facing an enemy, he roared suddenly. The black water on his body surged and spread around, forming a protective net composed of water waves.

The fire and rain of the doomsday judgment covered the sky and covered the earth, while the ink unicorn's water net also covered the sky and the ground. Two rare visions appeared in this bloody city at the same time.

"Boss Shi, what a trick!" Bai Hu applauded loudly, flattering him.

But Shi Guodong's mouth twitched.This black unicorn is the reward he received for passing all the way in the difficulty of the outer city in the last Four Kingdoms Martial Arts Tournament, and forcibly breaking into the final semi-finals - [Black unicorn jade card], and he has only one chance to use it.Being able to get the help of Mo Qilin, which is famous for its defense, the defense area and defense ability are extremely high, and it is even better at dealing with weapons of mass destruction.

Unexpectedly, Shi Guodong had to use such a powerful hole card just after making a move against Du Yu, which caught Shi Guodong by surprise.

But since the fire and rain meteorite of this kid is so powerful, it should also be a wave.Otherwise, he would have gone against the sky.

After the ink unicorn jade tablet neutralized his offensive, it was his turn to slaughter one-sidedly.

Shi Guodong's muscles twitched twice, and he said harshly to Bai Hu and the other captains: "Keep running! I want to see that kid within 10 minutes. He's alive!"

Bai Hu waited for the captain, and shouted loudly: "I know."

The rain of fire in the sky raged towards the bloody city and flew towards the ink unicorn to defend against the black water net.

Fire and water, spear and shield finally meet in the sky!

The center of the wolf pupil team continued to remain silent, only Du Yu stood in the darkness, looking up at the ink unicorn black water net, showing a hint of sarcasm.

"If I got the Heshibi before, your black unicorn jade card might be able to resist my doomsday judgment. After all, the black unicorn jade card is a full-time defense, and the priority of defense treasures is generally higher. In addition, there is still space power here. Blocked, unfortunately, I have He's Jade Seal!"

(End of this chapter)

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