Chapter 518 Night battle in the outer city! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

In his pocket, the He's Jade Seal suddenly emitted majestic rays of light, and the speed and power of the doomsday meteor shower suddenly increased!

Shi Guodong's eyes were even more horrified.

"Why is this doomsday flame becoming more violent! Not good!"

The black water net finally smashed together with the Doomsday Judgment!
The group of meteorites that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth, wrapped in flames soaring into the sky, rushed into the defensive water net transformed by the ink unicorn!
The defensive water net was smashed down by the fire meteorite and pulled out extremely long!

But the net, which seems as soft as water, blocked the huge meteorite falling from the sky, which cannot but be said to be a spectacle.

The black water net also has a corrosion function, and the falling meteorites are quickly dissolved, sizzling, and finally disappear.

It can be seen from this that the black unicorn has a strong defense.

But the doomsday judgment is endless, and waves of meteorites fall like torrential rain.

The black water net caught meteorites one after another, but was gradually stretched to the limit.

Shi Guodong looked at his treasure in disbelief, and was forced to the breaking point by this kid's skills.That is a treasure as high as a B-rank defensive item.

To be able to break through the defense of the black unicorn jade tablet, isn't Du Yu'er's fire rain skill as high as A-level?
Is it too high a priority?
Finally, when a huge meteorite hit the overwhelmed black water net, the net could no longer bear it, and it became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

"Crack!" The huge meteorite fire rain broke through the defense net, and the speed slowed down slightly, still rushing towards the white tiger team charging on the ground.

"I'll wipe it!" The captain Bai Hu watched the meteorite helplessly, broke through the bloody city's forbidden sky technique, and broke through Boss Shi's black unicorn treasure, and smashed it hard at himself, almost peeing in fright.

Fortunately, he reacted fairly quickly, without caring about other people, he directly used the power of weather "Three Mysterious Changes of White Tiger" to turn into a white tiger, speeding up his escape from the area where the meteorite hit.

The huge rain of meteorite fire slammed heavily towards the location of Baihuyuan, and hit the three Baihu members who were standing there dumbfounded!

One of them was like a soldier hit by a shell, before he could even scream, he was smashed into meat paste!The other person's body flashed with white light, and he used the most precious defensive item. He barely held it for a second, and then it burst. Using this time, he escaped ten meters, and was hit by the aftermath!

He screamed and flew up, his body flashing white, trying to survive this shocking blow.

But this meager wish was also crushed alive!
Another meteorite broke through the defense net, hit his body, and smashed him into the ground!

Shi Guodong watched with his own eyes a hand convulsing and twitching under the meteorite, gradually losing its vitality.

The last person, covered in flames, screamed and fled backwards.

The meteorite fire rain continuously broke through Mo Qilin's defense, and smashed devastating fireballs towards the White Tigers on the ground.

It was as if a group of infantrymen who were assaulting were being targeted by enemy artillery, and the intensive artillery fire smashed the adventurers of the White Tiger Team to pieces, rolling and crawling, and trampling each other.

One after another, the fireballs dyed the night sky of the bloody city blood red, mercilessly hitting the poor fellows of the White Tigers

Fortunately, Shi Guoliang used the black unicorn's jade card. Although he couldn't stop the Doomsday Judgment, which had a greatly increased priority, it delayed the coming of the Doomsday Flame for a while. The guys from the White Tiger Team were scared out of their wits. escaped back.

Under the power of the doomsday judgment, the various defensive skills of the adventurers in the outer city are useless!

These bloodthirsty ruthless people, facing such a heaven-defying Du Yu, had no choice but to flee with their tails between their legs.Those who run slowly and react slowly are in bad luck.

Du Yu stood on the dark flagpole, the night wind blowing the wolf-headed flag of the wolf pupil team under his feet, making him look more ferocious and bloodthirsty.

"Although there is no space protection mechanism in this bloody city, the Four Great Empires have still imposed a lot of defensive curses. In addition, Shi Guodong's ink unicorn props have reduced the power of the doomsday judgment by at least 6%." He saw Looking at the adventurers of the White Tiger Team running wild on the ground, he licked his lips regretfully and smiled: "Otherwise, none of these guys will be able to go back."

Shi Guodong's face was as gloomy as iron, and he stared at Du Yu on the flagpole.

His subordinates rushed over to attack and slash people with arrogance just now, but they were blasted to death by a wave of doomsday judgment by the wolf pupil team, which had been prepared for a long time!
Right in front of his eyes, those 12 mighty outer city powerhouses were smashed into meat paste by meteorites and fire rain, and burned to ashes

There were as many as 20 more adventurers who were burned to varying degrees and fled back in disgrace.

"Boss Shi, you must avenge us! My brother was crushed to death by these bastards." A big man with a bloody head yelled angrily.

"Understood!" Shi Guodong looked gloomy, with uncertain eyes, looking at Du Yu on the flagpole.

Although he was sure that Du Yu had no choice but to use this devastating skill again, even if Shi Guodong was willing to let him take another risk, his subordinates might not have the guts to charge desperately again.

Shi Guodong walked out slowly, looked at Du Yu, and laughed loudly: "You are dying, do you know that?"

Du Yu stood firmly on the flagpole, full of internal energy, making his whole body full of vitality, and said with a smile: "Boss Shi is safe and sound! Death is imminent? It doesn't have to be who?"

Shi Guodong yelled viciously: "You lawless bastard! You definitely don't understand the rules. Do you know that in Chang'an City, the use of mass destruction skills and magic is not allowed! How can you be presumptuous at the feet of the Son of Heaven?"

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "That is to say, Boss Shi is only allowed to set fire to the state officials when the night is dark and the wind is high, but our people are not allowed to light lamps? You just let the horses go, and I will give you justice."

Shi Guodong laughed loudly: "The commotion just now is so big, I'm afraid it has already alarmed the six doors. Your wolf pupil team is about to be destroyed, and you dare to speak hard here."

Du Yu looked far and wide, and sure enough, warning gongs sounded in the distance, and the tyrants came out in all directions, and the six doors were indeed mobilized.

"Hou Xiaobai!" Du Yu said bitterly.

Shi Guodong laughed wildly.

Behind him, those smoky and embarrassed adventurers from the outer city were also laughing loudly.Some people even ran to the front of the battle openly, lifting their crotch to pee and humiliate them.

Suddenly, a sniper rifle rang out, and the adventurer who was peeing screamed, and saw that his thing had been knocked out!

The adventurer who lost his descendants rolled around in pain on the ground, and the companions beside him were also terrified, and their eggs ached.

Michela appeared coldly on the roof, holding a sniper rifle, and shouted: "You bastards! What a strong team you call yourself, and sneak attack on our rookie team at night, and you actually suffered a big loss. Count on Six Doors to stand out for you! After tonight, your White Tigers will be swept away!"

Shi Guodong narrowed his eyes. : "This woman is kind! If you go to prison, I will pay to see you."

Bai Hu and the others laughed wildly.

Shi Guodong shouted: "Where is the third master?"

Li Tang appeared, holding the half-dead third master in his hand, threw it on the ground, and stepped on the third master's face.

The third master endured the pain and howled like a pig: "Boss Shi, make the decision for me! Kill him!"

He was kicked by Li Tang until he was speechless.

With a gloomy expression, Hou Xiaobai walked out of the darkness with hundreds of arresting officers.

"Someone is so daring to use mass destruction skills in Chang'an City?" He looked at Du Yu with a sneer and said, "Bold thief! Take it down for me! If there are rebels, it's conspiracy!"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows, flipped his hands, and the imprisoned dragon ball and the sacred wood king's bowl that imprisoned the queen of dragons, Jasmine, appeared in the palm of his hand.

How could he be caught without a fight?

Today's him is not the little thief who ran away in panic.If Hou Xiaobai deceived others too much, even if he tried his best to fight out of the city, he would kill him on the spot!
Feeling Du Yu's piercing eyes, Hou Xiaobai couldn't help feeling a chill, and took a step back.

"This desperado is so bold that he never fears any authority. He doesn't even pay attention to the court's arrest?" Only then did Hou Xiaobai realize that the other party was a real desperado.

But he sneered immediately, and said loudly: "You are so rebellious, you probably did most of the case in the palace. Go up and arrest people!"

Shi Guodong and the White Tigers continued to sneer, and followed behind the arresters, pressing harder and harder.

Du Yu frowned, anyway, he had the escape tool Angel Wings, so he simply took this opportunity to fight to the death and kill Hou Xiaobai!
There are dragon queen Jasmine, B-level monster Haierfa, Lanxinbi python, and king poisonous lizard. After taking the marrow washing pill, they have made great progress, and the doomsday blade is even more powerful. In addition, there are 48 newcomers such as Maishela. He might not lose to Hou Xiaobaigou and Shi Guodong!
Just when the two sides were on the verge of breaking out, suddenly, Yi Mei's figure appeared in the void, and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

A sternness flashed in Hou Xiaobai's eyes, and he said with a strange yin and yang air: "Yimei supervises the censor, do you hide in Du Yu's mansion every day, otherwise why would you be so angry when I wanted to arrest this person who disrupted public order?" There is an obstruction? This time, Du Yu blatantly used large-scale attack magic in the city, and he has been blamed by the heavens, and he has nothing to pray for!"

When Yimei heard that he had slandered her for having a private meeting with Du Yu, she was so angry that she raised her eyebrows: "Hou Xiaobai, the emperor asked you to investigate the case. It is extremely urgent, and you still have the heart to avenge yourself here!"

Hou Xiaobai was taken aback, and then reacted.

Since the emperor asked the Six Doors to investigate the case, it was natural for Yimei to oversee it, so she also knew that the jade seal was lost.

He sneered and said, "I suspect that the loss of that item is directly related to the traitor in front of me. That's why..."

"It turns out that you already knew that the White Tiger Team was going to bloodbath the Newcomer Team." Yi Mei said coldly, "But you had no evidence of stealing the item, ordered and acquiesced in the White Tiger Team's attack, and then randomly charged Du Is it right or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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