Chapter 522 The Field of Shouhua!Chisel-tooth beast! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

However, I encountered two waves of adventurers, an ordinary team from the outer city with 6 people, and an expert team from the inner city with 7 or 48 people. The team is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke.

Everyone in the wolf pupil team immediately puffed up their chests and became even more arrogant.

It really is the wolf pack effect.

Du Yu frowned as he stared at the undulating iron pine trees on the hill of Shouhuazhiye.

"The chisel teeth don't gather in these iron pine forests, do they?" Myshea smiled wryly.

Du Yu nodded.

That's right, as shown on the map.

"This is a bit tricky." Michela frowned: "The chisel tooth is a C-level monster, and its strength is equal to that of our adventurers in the outer city. If we adventurers hunt monsters of the same level, if we want to have fewer casualties or even no injuries, It mainly relies on tactics and long-range firepower. If these guys gather in the iron forest, the terrain is complex, and the shooting field of view is limited, it will be difficult to use long-range firepower."

Li Tang added: "This iron pine tree is a unique big tree near Shouhua Field. The tree is as hard as iron, and what's more terrifying is that the pine branches are like steel needles. Even if you wear armor, you will be injured and bleed if you touch it accidentally. It is said that Chiseltooth has a keen sense of smell, and is even more sensitive to blood. Injured adventurers will never be able to escape the siege of Chiseltooth."

"That is to say," Du Yu mused, "We must not fight chisel teeth in the iron pine forest in Shouhua Field. Otherwise, our team may suffer heavy casualties."

"Exactly." Li Tang nodded, pointing to the defenders in the team: "These bastards are very few qualified to be called MTs, and many of them are barely classified as defenders from melee attackers, and their strength is really limited. .”

"And myself..." He rubbed the back of his head and said with a chuckle, "To be honest, although I have rich defense experience, and I am quite confident in attribute allocation and skill mastery, it is a pity that I lack a good shield. The reason why the chisel teeth are so valuable is that these Humanoid wolf-headed beasts, those three-foot-long chisel-like sharp teeth! Once they get close, these chisel-toothed sharp teeth will cause terrible harm to these bastards. I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it."

Du Yu nodded, and threw a shield to Li Tang.

"This is..." Li Tang stroked the shield in surprise.

"A shield made of Edelman steel, one of the test items of Captain America's shield." Du Yu smiled slightly: "Can this shield block the sharp teeth of the chisel?"

Li Tang laughed loudly: "This shield is actually made of Edelman steel alloy. It is no problem to deal with chisel teeth. I will do my part. I will borrow this shield first, and I will be at the forefront of the battle later!"

Du Yu nodded slightly.

Mai Sheila frowned and said, "Don't forget that chisel teeth live in groups. Even if you can hold a few chisel teeth, Li Tang, once they attack from all directions, we will still be overwhelmed and the defense line will be penetrated. It will not solve the fundamental problem. "

Du Yu chuckled and swung the Doomsday Blade.

"These chisel teeth, since the iron pine tree has the advantage of terrain, then we will use a stupid method to drive them out with a fire!"

"You want to use Doomsday Judgment?" Michelle asked in shock.

"This is a barren wild blood field, why not?" Du Yu said with a smile: "With such good conditions, it would be a waste not to use MF."

"But your Doomsday Judgment is our trump card against strong teams in the wilderness blood field. Don't forget that this is the place where gangsters are the most rampant." Myshela is thoughtful and experienced: "This is the most indispensable place. It is the oriole that is spying in the dark. Don't let us work hard to lay down the chisel tooth group, but be attacked by others and take away the fruits of victory."

Du Yu nodded and said, "You have a good idea. But I also thought of it."

He took out the 5G mobile space communicator that was exchanged at the Scarlet City Gate and distributed it to the captains: "This is the space of the black heart, a tool used to cheat the survival point. The communication terminal is as cheap as a mobile phone, but the call fee, haha, black dead people .But it has to be used.”

"Our deployment is like this." Du Yu pointed at Ma Quan: "You take the scouts and scatter in the surrounding hills and highlands to monitor the surrounding monsters and adventurers. Once you find something, use the communicator to report immediately."

Ma Quan nodded with a calm face: "With this communicator, it is impossible for anyone to sneak attack us. I am going to test the effect of the training ground for 20 days."

He led 10 agile adventurers with wolf pupils, jumped high and low, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Du Yu pointed to Li Tang: "You take the melee defense team, choose a high ground that is easy to defend, form a defensive formation, and use various tools to strengthen the defense."

Li Tang nodded, but he was straight-minded, and said bluntly: "It's a pity that the surrounding terrain is too flat to be foolproof. If I force it, it's there."

He pointed to the top of one of the tallest hills: "Barely usable."

Du Yu circled the top of the hill twice.The altitude of this place is about 200 meters, and the terrain is a semi-circular milk peak. It is backed by a cliff standing thousands of feet high, which prevents the possibility of sneak attack from behind.Just defend the front and flank 200-degree fans.

There is a platform of hundreds of meters in the upper part, which can be used for long-range group shooting. Li Tang is indeed a veteran adventurer, and his vision is not bad.

Du Yu nodded: "Let's start building the fortification."

Li Tang led more than 20 melee adventurers, sweating profusely, building fortifications.

The sharpness of the chisel teeth is famous for its space.These new adventurers had never provoked hordes of C-rank monsters, so they didn't dare to be careless at all. With the help of the hilly terrain, the fortifications were carefully constructed.

Li Tang really has a lot of talents, his talent is limited, but he is very serious and meticulous in his work.First, he commanded everyone to dig a gap around the peak, which was 6 meters wide and 4 meters deep. Using these earthworks, with the assistance of long-range magicians and qi trainers, he used freezing magic to break Ma Chao's ice city. The construction method is to forcibly build a 4-meter-high earth wall.

Up and down, the drop reaches as much as 8 meters, forming a defensive chain.The melee fighters stood on the earth wall that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. They did not seek to kill the enemy, but to defend and prevent the chisel teeth from breaking through this place.

And Michelle led more than 20 long-distance and legal professionals to stand on the top platform, condescending, and responsible for the output of firepower.

Due to the layers of defense in front of the trenches, earth walls, and melee fighters, these shooters and magicians seem to be at ease, and they are sorting out their firearms, crossbows, throwing knives, and attack spells, ready to show their talents.

It took a whole day to build the fortifications.Li Tang was indeed very patient. He meticulously checked every detail of the defensive earth wall and trench before showing a satisfied smile.

Mai Laxue scouted the top of the mountain to prevent monsters such as Chiseltooth from taking advantage of the terrain and descending from the sky to raid the rear. It was concluded that because the vertical height exceeded 200 meters, C-level monsters such as Chiseltooth could not survive by jumping off.

With everything ready, Du Yu walked slowly towards the iron pine forest alone.

According to the accurate map, the habitat of the chisel tooth group is ahead.

Du Yu's wolf, Gu Xuankuang, is most sensitive to danger, and his intuition tells him that in the iron pine forest, there are countless malicious eyes staring at him coldly.

Du Yu smiled slightly, and summoned a B-level monster, Hellfa, the lion of the star realm.

As soon as Haierfa appeared, he immediately felt the breath of the chisel teeth, and roared furiously!
The sound shook the four fields.

The lion's roar caused the chisel teeth in the iron pine forest to commotion.Du Yu could even hear the sound of chiseling teeth and the clashing of shields and halberds, as well as the low howling of wolves.

But the chisels soon calmed down.

The reason why the monsters are able to form the current balance of power in the wilderness bloodland is that their strength is relatively balanced.Although the Chiseltooths have only C-level strength individually, their terrifying numbers make Haierfa, even as a B-level, hard to beat the pack of wolves. Roaring wildly, trying to spur the chisel teeth out to fight on the plain.

But the Chiseltooths were unmoved, and seemed to have made up their minds to face a powerful enemy in the lair of the iron pine forest.

But Du Yu's goal is to confirm the position of these chisel teeth, so as to facilitate the next step of planning.

"It really is here."

The corner of Du Yu's mouth turned up, and he stretched out his right hand to the void, and the Doomsday Blade had quietly appeared in his hand.

"Since you are unwilling to leave your lair even if you die, then die here."

Du Yu began to cast Doomsday Judgment.

This doomsday judgment, when used on the wild blood field, is more powerful than the bloody city!
Because there are no various defensive spells on the bloody city here.

In the sky, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared. Countless billowing red clouds broke through the black iron curtain and gathered towards Du Yu's location.

"Unfortunately, if you hit these chisel teeth, although you can kill the chisel teeth, you can't get their sharp teeth." Du Yu curled his lips regretfully: "Otherwise, it would be much simpler."

The Doomsday Judgment is too powerful. Once the chisel teeth are hit, they will instantly turn into a scorched mass. Naturally, the precious chisel teeth cannot be obtained.Besides, Du Yu's main goal is to train soldiers. After the Doomsday Judgment has killed all the chisel teeth, what else is there to train?
Therefore, he deliberately controlled the scope of Doomsday Judgment, and deliberately released it to the Iron Forest area where the chisel teeth were not there.

The meteor fire rain of the doomsday judgment rained down on the iron forest.

Although the wood of these iron trees is extremely hard, they are plants after all, and the wood is dry. When encountering fire and rain, they will naturally catch fire.

The dark and terrifying iron forest suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

Countless magical beasts, wolves running wildly, escaped from the sea of ​​fire and iron forests, fleeing frantically amidst the world-destroying power of heaven.

Chisel teeth also cannot stay in place.Although Du Yu's doomsday trial only killed a few chisels, the chisels already felt a great threat!

If this person is allowed to release a large-scale rain of fire in this way, the living habitat of the chisel teeth will no longer exist.

It's like someone broke into your door and set fire to it, how could you let it go?Hiding in the house as a turtle?
(End of this chapter)

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