Chapter 523 Wolf pupils are sharp!Try your skills! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

As a result, hundreds of chisel-toothed beasts poured out of the burning iron forest like a tide, and rushed towards the culprit, Du Yu.

Du Shu took a closer look, and saw that these chisel-toothed monsters were really extraordinary.

As Huainanzi recorded, they have human-shaped wolf heads, three-foot-long teeth, chisel-like shapes, and a sharp jaw. They hold spears and shields, and rush towards Du Yu and Hai Erfa like a tide.Generally speaking, they are like werewolves in the east, only more wild and brutal than werewolves, full of ancient mythology.

The wild bloodland is filled with all kinds of creatures, warcraft and monsters that exist in Eastern and Western mythology.While the bloody city adventurers hated these monsters and devoured the lives of themselves and their companions, they wanted to use resources and even make a living from them.

"It seems to have stabbed a hornet's nest?" Du Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and performed his lightness kung fu, making small steps, his body turned into phantoms, and rushed towards the main formation.

Chisel teeth are willing to give up?Hundreds of chisel teeth, whose combat power is enough to make the group of B-level monsters feel afraid, immediately chased Du Yu like a wild bee that had been stabbed in the nest, and charged over.

Seeing that Du Yu had succeeded in luring the enemy, Li Tang gave an order that all the melee defenders go to Tucheng to defend, and Mai Laxue's sniper rifle also brought long-range adventurers to aim at the charging Chiseltooths.

1000 meter

Du Yu's speed was raised to the extreme, and the whole person looked like a faint shadow, but the chisel-toothed beasts behind him were like a flood of natural enemies, following closely behind, the speed was not much slower than Du Yu's.

"Sure enough, it's a group of monsters known for their attack and speed." Du Yu's eyes narrowed, and he secretly applauded.

The stronger these guys are, the more they can sharpen the wolf pupil team.

A bullet suddenly shot from the wolf pupil team's position.

A chisel tooth that was leading the charge was hit by the sniper rifle bullet in the center of the forehead with incomparable precision while moving at high speed.

It tried to raise the shield in dismay, saving its own life, only to find that the power had gone with it.

The sniper tooth was lifted high by the sniper bullet belt and smashed into the same kind behind it.

The chisel teeth were not affected at all, instead they became even more frantic, screaming and rushing towards Du Yu.

"A thousand meters away, maintain such accuracy." Du Yu raised the corner of his mouth, "It seems that Michelle hasn't stopped training."

In an instant, a tragic corpse explosion suddenly occurred on the fallen chisel teeth!His wolf head was blown to pieces in an instant, leaving no bones, only the two valuable chiseled fangs were preserved because of the proper distance.

The 4 or 5 chisel-tooth companions who were running were suddenly blown up by this tragic corpse!

The power is like a grenade thrown into the group of soldiers.

Immediately there were heavy casualties, and an open space was vacated.

"Explosive Bullet" Michela gritted her teeth, pressed another bullet into the sniper rifle, and put it firmly on the chiseled boss's face behind Du Yu.

The XM109 large-caliber sniper rifle Du Yu gave her became a terrifying murderous weapon in the hands of Michelle.

At the sniper distance from 500 meters to [-] meters, it becomes Michelle's personal performance show.She used five different sniper bullets, explosive bombs, gas bombs, flame bombs, penetrating bombs, and electric shock bombs, causing terrible damage to the chasing chisels.

16 chisel teeth were killed by her explosive bombs, gas bombs, flame bombs, penetrating bombs and electric shock bombs.

There are more than a dozen other heads that have suffered injuries of varying degrees.

After rushing within 500 meters, the rest of the long-distance team fired eagerly.

From bows and crossbows of cold weapons, throwing knives, to modern gunpowder weapons, more than 20 long-range weapons of various calibers are fired at the same time.The chisel teeth were hit hard again, bursting with blood and mist, roaring miserably.

But instead of being repelled by this wave of guns and arrows, these hundreds of chisel teeth were completely inspired by the madness of beasts, and violently rushed towards Du Yu.

Even the remote adventurers at the top of the platform felt suffocated by that crazy momentum.

Myra Xue yelled sharply: "Little bastards! This kind of formation can scare you? Have you ever seen the devil army at the gate of the bloody city? Keep shooting and don't stop! Aim and shoot!"

Michela's scolding, not only did not dampen the morale, but instead inspired the fighting spirit of the long-distance team, and the firepower became fierce again.There are chisel teeth from time to time, and they are blown up.

Adventurers must rely on powerful long-range firepower to deal with large-scale herds of beasts. Otherwise, if they kill one thousand enemies, they will lose eight hundred. No matter how strong the team is, they will not be able to hurt them.

Du Yu inspected the field strength of the wolf pupil team for the first time, showing a satisfied smile.

"In addition to Mai Shela, there are at least 6 or 7 people including Hu Yijun. The accuracy and power of shooting are not bad. The difficulty in the outer city is also very characteristic." Du Yu nodded secretly: "If you train well, you can become a great weapon. "

But the performance of the Chisel Tooth Group also made these confident adventurers feel cold.

These ferocious monsters with wolf heads and human bodies possess impressive intelligence. They discovered that this group of vile intruders had strong long-range firepower. During running and jumping, the shields in their hands were always raised high to protect their vitals.

Except for deadly weapons such as the XM109 large-caliber sniper rifle, which can still ignore shield defense, many bows, arrows, throwing knives and other weapons have a sharp drop in attack power.

Looking at the well-organized Chisel Teeth like the Roman Legion, even though these adventurers have been tempered by blood and fire at the Scarlet City Gate, they can't help but feel chills in their hearts.

Du Yu rushed to the edge of the ditch, jumped up, and flew across the sky.

A mere 6 meters, like a white horse passing through the gap.

Behind Du Yu, hundreds of chisel teeth rushed up like a tide.

"Shoot with all your strength! The strongest firepower output!" Michelle changed to a blind sniper that she is good at. Based on her feeling, the XM109 large-caliber sniper rifle fired at the dense group of chisel teeth.

An extraordinarily strong chisel tooth was striking violently with a shield and a halberd, roaring towards the sky, ordering its own kind to attack, but it was shot with blood by Myrazy, and flew back high, dying in sight.

The golden pistol in Hu Yijun's hand was exchanged from the gate of the bloody city. His face was calm, but his hands were extremely fierce. He shot 8 consecutive shots, hitting the opposite side with four gouges. life.

This chisel-toothed monster is an ancient legendary beast. Even though it is a lower C-level weapon, its body is extremely strong. An ordinary D-level pistol weapon can only cause a blood hole when hit, and it is even blocked by a shield.Only weapons that have not reached level C or above can deal normal damage.But it takes at least several times to kill one.

Chisel teeth, of course, would not be willing to be beaten and not fight back, and immediately screamed wildly and jumped over.

But their jumping distance cannot exceed the ditch width of 6 meters, so they can only fall down.

After falling into the bottom of the ditch, the chisel teeth frantically used their hands and feet, trying to climb the 8-meter-high earth wall and break into the team of adventurers.

"Go!" With a wave of Li Tang's hand, the melee defenders formed a tight formation and rushed to the top of the earth wall one after another, holding their shields high, holding knives and guns in their hands, and they were ready to fight.

The Chiseltooth hated the adventurers to the bone, and jumped up one after another, trying to grab the earth wall.

"Shoot!" Michelle drew out a large-caliber melee pistol, rushed to the edge of the ditch, and fired a series of shots, causing a chisel tooth that was climbing up from the bottom of the ditch to bloom all over its face, and wailed and fell.

The long-range team took turns to step forward, pouring all their firepower on the chisel teeth at the bottom of the trench. Because they were condescending, they shot one by one.A lot of chisel teeth were killed in confusion, without knowing why.

But the Chiseltooths are not to be outdone. Their monster bodies contain incomparably wild and explosive power, and they can jump to the edge of the earth wall in one leap.The three-foot-long sharp chisel teeth on the wolf's head frantically bit the adventurer.

Li Tang led the melee defenders, and resisted the onslaught of the chisel teeth.

"Ah!" A melee adventurer screamed.

His square shield, which blocked the attack of a chiseled tooth, was pierced by the shield and his arm at the same time!
Blood spurted out, and the chisel teeth biting him tasted the smell of blood, and became more violent, and the wolf pupils instantly turned blood red.

"Get out!" Li Tang rushed forward, with the Edelman shield in his hand, a shield strike hit the chisel tooth's head heavily, smashing the monster to pieces, and then kicked it down again.

Another chisel tooth rushed up and bit the Captain America's experimental shield containing Edelman alloy, but only left a trace of white marks, and was immediately thrown away by Li Tang.

But there were too many chisel teeth, and hundreds of chisel teeth poured into the trench and hit the mound.

Some clever chisel teeth began to use halberds and shields to dig under the trenches, trying to create a landslide and destroy the geographical advantage of the adventurers.

Thanks to Li Tang's meticulousness, the trenches and mounds were built very solidly, and the chisel teeth could not destroy the fortifications for a while, but it will only be a matter of time if this continues.

Both sides are competing.

Whose side is time in the end?

Is it because the adventurers slaughter and attack faster, or the chisel teeth have a greater destructive impact.

"I can't stand it anymore!" Li Tang let out a roar on the battlefield, and drove the chisel teeth in front of him into the trench with force. Looking back, he saw more and more chisel teeth, breaking through more than 20 close-combat defenders. The line of defense jumped onto the frozen mound.

Michelle's fears were fulfilled.Although Li Tang is fierce, there is only one person. The other adventurers are not professional MTs, and their defense experience and positioning are not as good as Li Tang.Under the siege of hundreds of chisel teeth, he was in a hurry and full of loopholes.

"I still don't have enough training." Du Yu shook his head and summoned Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou and Serena to join the battle group.

After these beauties joined, the defensive pressure suddenly eased.Xiao Longnv's poisonous lizard whip, Li Mochou's death whisk and Ning Zhongze's Quanzhen sword set off a frenzy, knocking down the crazy chisel teeth.

Du Yu himself, even holding the Doomsday Blade, rushed up to the mound with a single rider.Under the full infusion of his internal energy, the Doomsday Blade dragon roared, slashing and killing, invincible to those who blocked it.

A sturdy chisel tooth tried to block Du Yu's Doomsday Blade with an ancient large scull shield, but was cut into two by the shield, and was kicked down the ditch by Du Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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