Chapter 524 Defensive Artifact, Heart of the Castle! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Haierfa finally got a chance to take revenge. In the crowd, he roared wildly, leaped high, bit the chisel tooth that was trying to rush up, bit his throat, sucked a mouthful of blood, and then rushed to the other chisel tooth.

Its strength was originally higher than that of the Chisel Teeth, and it was naturally extremely powerful and murderous if it held the line of defense so firmly.

"Keep going. We will definitely win." Michelle let out a strange cry and threw a powerful grenade.

There was an explosion, soaring into the sky, and the bottom of the trench was full of chisel teeth, which were blown to pieces.

The adventurers were extremely excited when they saw the chisel-toothed corpses strewn all over the ground with blood flowing like rivers. As long as they pulled out their chisel teeth and transported them back to the bloody city, this was a survival point.

Unfortunately, if chisel teeth were so easy to deal with, they would have been extinct long ago.

A gigantic chisel tooth, 2 feet tall, with white wolf hair growing on its chest, came to the edge of the trench howling wildly.

Behind it, followed by a group of equally strong chisel-tooth guards.

"King Chisel Teeth!" Li Tang's expression changed.

"Finally, a change has come!" Myra Xue's tender body shook.

The level of chisel tooth kings is not comparable to that of ordinary chisel teeth. Some chisel tooth kings have even reached the strength of B-level monsters.

Seeing the same kind of dead and wounded people in the trench, the wolf pupils of the chisel tooth king were blood red, looking at the human beings who were struggling to kill on the other side, he let out a mad and bloodthirsty howl.

The chisel-toothed elites behind him, eager to try, retreated one after another.

Looking at the hundreds of chisel teeth on the other side, not advancing but retreating, Du Yu was puzzled for a while.

"What are these guys doing?"

Answers coming soon!

The Chisel Tooth King quickly charged.

His bronze chest muscles, as strong as a demon god, trembled in the charge!
The Chisel Teeth that followed also charged forward one after another.

The halberds in their hands shone with a faint cold light in the sun!
"Not good!" Wang Yuyan exclaimed in the heart of the castle: "These chisel teeth are trying to launch [throwing halberds]! Their long halberds are all made of dead chisel teeth and fangs! They are extremely sharp, and once stabbed , in addition to causing huge damage, it will inevitably cause bleeding and disability. It is very fatal."

Du Yu's eyes flashed, and the wolf in front of his chest looked at the weather, which was a warning sign.

Maybe a halberd with chiseled teeth could not threaten Du Yu.

But hundreds of chisel teeth, including the chisel tooth king of the B-level monster, are enough to threaten any adventurer.Even the adventurers in the inner city are here, and they dare not underestimate it.

Quantity is everything sometimes.

In the wolf kiss of the chisel tooth king, he let out a low roar, and threw the halberd in his hand first.

The brute force of this kind of ancient warcraft can lift mountains and carry a tripod, and evolve to the point of chisel tooth king. It is even more talented and infinitely powerful.

The sharp halberd made of chiseled fangs shoots like lightning!

In the sky, it was like a rain of long halberds.

Hundreds of extremely sharp chisel-toothed halberds covered the fighting wolf pupil team with firepower!
The Chisel Tooth King showed a cruel smile.

After this wave of throwing, there should be few humans left alive on the opposite side.

In its long life, as an ancient monster, it has been used to all kinds of strong winds and waves, led the chisel teeth group, and even defeated the attack of a strong team in the inner city.

Without him, the chisel-tooth group has long evolved the organization and offensive and defensive skills similar to the human army, and it is by no means comparable to monsters with brute strength and physical body.

The previous crazy impact failed to break through the human defense, but it was just a tactic to lure the enemy.

Once the enemy thinks they have the upper hand, they will use the terrifying halberd throwing skills to turn the fangs of the chisel-toothed ancestors into thunderous rain of halberds, piercing the chest and lower abdomen of human beings, and let the chiseled teeth of the ancestors drink the enemy blood!

Human beings absolutely cannot escape this catastrophe.

Mai Shela, Li Tang, etc. have already been completely shocked by the crazy halberd throwing skills of the chisel teeth.

No one can survive the halberd throwing skills of hundreds of C-level monsters with all their strength!

Including the powerful boss Du Yu!

If he can survive, it is considered a skill.

Everyone's eyes showed despair.

The sharp chisel-toothed halberd, armed with the brute force of ancient monsters, shot towards it.

"It's all my fault, I'm too careless!" Michelle closed her eyes in pain: "With the lineup of the Chisels, it's time for the boss to cast Doomsday at the center. Who would have thought that the Chisels would have B-ranks?" Your Majesty?"

Seeing that the fledgling wolf pupil team is about to suffer a tragic defeat because of this variable, and is about to be destroyed.Suddenly, a magnificent castle fell from the sky and hit the top of the hill heavily!
The shape of the castle is naturally the elf barrier that Maishela and others are familiar with just coming out of the blood-colored city gate. At this moment, they saw the turquoise barrier wall standing tall on the simple mound, forming an incomparably strong castle. Jincheng Tangchi, Maishela and others were stunned!

"Where did the castle come from?" Li Tang also beamed with joy.

"Except for our boss, who can have such treasures?" Mai Laxue gave Du Yu a hard look, and blamed him for not taking out such treasures earlier.

The 48 adventurers looked at each other.

I thought that if a B-level monster chiseled the king to appear out of nowhere, and launched this wave of throwing halberds, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.Unexpectedly, with a turn of events, the boss waved his hand, and an elf city flew across the sky, smashing in front of hundreds of halberds, forming an extremely safe shelter!

"Boss!" Everyone's eyes focused on Du Yu.

What Du Yu sacrificed was naturally the heart of the castle with strong defense.

Since An Huaqing's heavenly and earthly treasure Sumi Mustard Seed came into existence, this growable treasure, the heart of the castle, can grow bigger or smaller at any time, and when put into actual combat, it instantly becomes a natural and dangerous city that the enemy cannot surpass!
He smiled: "This time it's military training. I didn't intend to use the castle heart. One is easy to develop a dependent mentality, and the other is easy to scare away the chisel teeth. Seeing that we have hid in such a majestic barrier, they still don't want to use it." Hairy? But I didn’t expect King Chisel Tooth to be so powerful. It’s a fire line rescue. Pity my [-] survival point summoning fee.”

Michelle screamed strangely: "Since we are fine, it's the turn of the Chisel King!"

The Chiseltooth King looked at the opposite side with a gloomy face. A magnificent castle flew in the air and blocked all the halberds he had with hundreds of Chiseltooth Thunder Strike.These incomparably sharp halberds hit the large turquoise stone city wall, naturally leaving nothing but some cracks, and fell to the ground one after another.

"Roar!" he roared sharply.

Although the Chisel Tooth King could retreat at this time, hundreds of them were trapped under the ditch by the castle, facing a dilemma.If it took the guards and took the lead in fleeing, and allowed so many of its kind to be killed, not to mention its prestige, even whether the group could continue to gain a foothold here would be a problem.

The wild blood of the monster flows in its veins, and only by letting the blood of the human beings on the opposite side flow into a river, can the hatred in the heart be relieved!
King Chisel Teeth, order an attack across the board!
A bloodier battle broke out immediately.

The wolf pupil team was condescending, standing on the ten-foot-high city wall, counterattacking the attacks of the chisel teeth.

But the Chisel Teeth, with their nimble skills, kept climbing up and launching surprise attacks.

The two sides killed blood and blood, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Fortunately, Du Yufang had a geographical advantage, and the firepower advantage of the long-distance group such as Mai Shela was brought into full play.Taking advantage of the thick city walls, the melee defenders organized by Li Tang also played impressively. They were obviously more confident than those simple frozen mounds.

Du Yu used all his strength, put away the Doomsday Blade, and relied on his great martial arts fists and kicks, every time he hit the chisel teeth on the city wall, his bones broke and his tendons broke, and he fell down spurting blood.

Wherever the fighting situation was most dangerous, Du Yu rushed there.

Once this humanoid monster was in berserk mode, the ordinary chisel teeth couldn't stop his three punches and two kicks at all, and they suffered fractures and died miserably.

The chisel-tooth king rushed to Du Yu furiously.

The two fought fiercely.

The razor-sharp fangs of the chisel-tooth king are 2 feet longer than ordinary chisel teeth, and reach the length of a sword. The shape is somewhat similar to that of a saber-toothed tiger, and it launches a sharp bite.

Its speed was also astonishingly fast. A melee adventurer holding a shield tried to join forces with Du Yu to attack him, but he was caught by a phantom and bit the right arm holding the shield tightly!
The entire right arm was cut off at the root in one bite by the Chisel Tooth King!

The power of this B-level monster is almost like a top inner city player rushing into the outer city team.

Only Du Yu can limit its speed and power.

Both sides come and go, fighting fiercely.

Those chisel-toothed guards are also extraordinary. If it weren't for Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv, Serena and other first-class masters, these guys could break through the city wall guarded by the wolf pupil team and break into the city.

"These bastards are simply against the sky!" Li Tang struck a guard with chiseled teeth, and took a step back, but shook the wolf's head, and then woke up. The blood-red wolf pupils became even more crazy. kill it.

The biggest difference between these chisel-toothed monsters and ordinary social monsters lies in their shields and halberds. They are skilled in warfare and cooperate with each other tacitly, like a well-trained army.Once in close combat, the power doubles.

"It seems that we still underestimated the power of these chisel teeth." Michela shot blindly and rescued an adventurer who was knocked down by the chisel teeth. The figure as strong as a leopard flew into the air and kicked away The other end attacked Hu Yijun's chiseled teeth.

"There is a situation in the distance!" Suddenly, Ma Quan's report came from the communicator: "At three o'clock."

Du Yu, who was in the middle of a fierce battle with the Chisel Tooth King, raised his gaze coldly and looked into the distance: "Who is it?"

"It seems to be the Red Python team." Ma Quan's voice was calm: "The main team has more than 20 people."

"At this juncture, the Red Python team appeared?" Michelle said bitterly, and fired another shot, knocking down a chisel tooth that jumped up suddenly.

"Night owls come into the house and come for nothing. No matter why the red python team came, it's not a good thing." Li Tang erected his shield, blocked an elite chisel-toothed attack, and pushed the latter down the city wall with one blow of the shield. Those who were in the air were shot and killed by long-range teammates.

 Today is still four more!Everyone please subscribe to this book!The following development will become more and more exciting!Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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