Chapter 526 Wolf Eyes Field Battle Red Python! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Facing the pressure of life and death, the fledgling wolf pupil team showed strong combat effectiveness.As the scouts returned to fight, the Chiseltooths had been slain in pieces.

The wolf pupil team paid the price of 6 people being physically disabled and 14 people losing combat power, but fortunately no one died.

They killed more than 300 C-level Warcraft Chiseltooths, including a B-level Chiseltooth King and 50 CC-level Chiseltooth Elites.

Just these 600 chisel teeth, sold into the space, can be exchanged for a huge amount of survival points.Each C-level chisel tooth can be sold for 6000 survival points, the value of CC-level chisels is 2, and the value of B-level chisel teeth is 10.The total value of all down is around 500 million survival points.

This has been too successful for a MF.

You know, an adventurer in the outer city, going through life and death in the plot world, earns only 1 survival points.

This successful hunt is equivalent to 10 worlds of hard work by the whole team.Even after deducting the necessary expenses such as consumption of medicines and repairing the body, it can still be equivalent to the adventure income of 6 or 7 worlds.

Sure enough, the wilderness bloodland has high risks and high returns, and the benefits of this MF are worth the high risks of life and death here.

As the last chisel tooth let out a mournful cry, it was shot dead by Hu Yijun. The battle was over, and the adventurers of the wolf pupil team, who had full strength, began to pull out the precious materials on the chisel tooth one by one in the mountain of corpses and blood of the chisel tooth.

Du Yu on the city wall looked coldly at Hong Mang and the others who were standing in the distance and pointing.

Michela used the field medical kit, reluctantly injected herself with a painkiller, and finally recovered a bit, panting: "These chisel teeth are really difficult to deal with, thanks to the defensive artifact castle heart. But how to deal with these guys?"

Du Yu said mysteriously, "The mountain people have their own tricks."

He performed lightness kung fu and disappeared on the city wall.

When Rou Rou saw the tall figure on the city wall, and saw Du Yu surrounded by more than 40 blood-soaked and murderous adventurers from the outer city, she couldn't tell whether she was sad or happy.

If she had insisted on standing by Du Yu's side, she might have escaped the suffering of the Red Python boss at this time.

Although the boss of Red Python valued her very much, he coveted her beauty, which caused her endless pain.

Softly stroking the Jade Rabbit in her arms, Jian Shui's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of determination.

She must control her own destiny, no matter what the cost and risk!

Not free, or rather die.

"Haha, the boss really has a clever plan!" Huagou began to brag about the red python shamelessly: "These rookies are really rookies. In the wild blood field, they fought to the death with the monsters, but in the end they took advantage of us! Later, they will be forced to hand over all of them. Harvest, give them another one!"

He wiped his neck hard.

The Red Python team was obviously very familiar with murder and arson, so they laughed wildly.

"The only problem is the strong castle." Master Gu's voice was hoarse, as if he was holding some kind of bug, which made people feel chills: "If you want to capture that castle, it will probably cost you some money."

"It doesn't matter if they have a castle or something." Red Python's eyes were full of murderous intent: "They are dead. Go!"

"That kid ran away!" Huagou pointed at Du Yu with sharp eyes, "Could it be that he saw us coming and abandoned the city?"

"Hmph! Don't let him run away, Huagou will follow! Others, prepare to attack the city with me!" Red Python is full of confidence: "Master Gu, let's do it first. Rou Rou brings out the poison! Everyone quench the poison. Follow this There is no need to be polite to newcomers who are trying to kill each other."

Huagou thief Xixi glanced at Rourou's beautiful curves, laughed and said: "Speaking of which, Rourou followed the guy, and entered the space at the same time, right? He never dreamed that the poison that Rourou is deploying now has become an outer city. The best! I used this poison, let alone abolished the two players of the White Tiger Team."

Rourou felt helpless and threw out 10 bottles.

The Red Python guy, with the veterans of the space, robbed the rookie team, and even poisoned the weapons. It's really disgusting to spread the word.But the red python itself doesn't have a good reputation.

Du Yu is like an arrow, galloping across the field.Huagou followed the three of them frantically.

Maishela watched Du Yu leave, although Du Yu didn't say what he was going to do when the enemy was at hand, but Maishela was full of nameless trust in Du Yu!
As long as he says there is a way, there must be a way.

Even the wolf pupil team did not waver or doubt the leader's departure.

In the past, Du Yu has proved his ability and courage with countless facts.

"Ready to fight!" Myshea ordered.

Yilin prayed, and soft rays of light fell on the injured team members.Although this kind of Buddhism can't make human flesh and bones alive, it can indeed recover at a speed visible to the naked eye for ordinary injuries. The blood stopped, life was restored, and the wolf pupil team suddenly rejuvenated.

Maishela was about to take out the field medical kit and the millennium Taisui, seeing that Yilin was so good at recovery, she immediately calmed down and was secretly amazed.

I don't know where Du Yu tricked and abducted such a powerful supporting talent.

Immediately afterwards, Yilin performed various prayers learned at the gate of the Scarlet City to enhance the Dharma. All the adventurers were immersed in the brilliance of the Dharma, bathed in warmth and courage, and their combat power skyrocketed.

Ning Zhong shouted coquettishly, and the power suit of the Dragon King on his body gave adventurers a magic immunity effect, which can directly immunize intermediate and low-level demon-like skills and magic.

Li Tang was full of confidence, holding an Edelman steel shield, standing high on the wall of Yanziwu, and roared: "The dogs of the Red Python team, if you want to fight, come!"

The melee fighters of the wolf pupil team behind him roared in unison, their morale bursting!
Mai Sheila gave the red python a cold look, and took the lead in firing the sniper rifle, loaded it, and took aim.

The long-range team of the wolf pupil team quietly entered the combat position, and aimed at the red python team coldly.

Red Python stared dumbfoundedly at Du Yu's departure, but seemed to have beaten the wolf pupil team, and said angrily for a while: "What the hell is going on with these bastard rookies?"

He has been in the space for so long, after all, he is not a vegetarian. His intuition tells him that the team of pure rookies on the opposite side is on the castle, the morale is like a rainbow, waiting fiercely to tear off a large piece of his own flesh and blood!
If you want to attack, you will definitely pay a heavy price.

The masters of the Red Python team were also dumbfounded looking at the wolf pupil team, which was fighting hard and full of fighting spirit, and couldn't figure it out.

It is obviously a rookie team, and it is a tired soldier after a bloody battle. When seeing the Red Python team ambushing behind, shouldn't their morale collapse immediately, kneel down and beg for mercy, or run away in all directions?

This is the normal reaction of the rookie team, right?

Why is it so tough?
"Don't care about them! These rookies are all strong outsiders." Red Mang waved a big hand: "When a fight breaks out later, if we kill a few, their morale will collapse and they will be beaten back to their original form!"

Gu master Jie Jie smiled strangely and waved his hand.

The big black sleeves fluttered against the wind, and puffs of black smoke flew out of them.

But only the Red Python and Rourou who are familiar with him know that there are poisonous Gu murderous intentions hidden everywhere in this Gu master's sleeves!
These black smokes are actually poisonous Gu.

The Red Python team had encountered a lot of tough guys from strong teams, but under the pervasive poisonous Gu of the Gu master, they soon fell into a miserable and miserable situation. This kind of pain directly chooses to commit suicide.

The defense line of the strong enemy will, logically, be broken by the Red Python team.

Facing the black fog that filled the sky, the wolf pupil team immediately changed color!
For Master Gu, who is one of the few powerhouses in the outer city, Maishela naturally heard his name for a long time, and her expression changed: "Poison Gu! The city wall can't stop it at all."

"Is that so?" Li Mochou looked at the poisonous Gu flying all over the sky, with a hint of disdain on her lips.

At this time, Du Yu accelerated to the fastest speed on the field.

"Damn, it's so fast!" Huagou yelled at the back. He had already used three different acceleration props, but he couldn't catch up. He could only watch Du Yu's figure get further and further away.If it wasn't for the order of the boss of Red Python, this little thief must not be let go. In addition, Huagou and Du Yu really have an endless enmity, so Huagou would have given up a long time ago.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he used another acceleration potion in distress, and then he reluctantly stopped and continued to eat dirt with Du Yu's back.

"We can't hold on any longer." The three Red Python players in the back cried bitterly.They are all agile adventurers, and they were chosen to pursue Du Yu.

"Fart!" Huagou yelled, "He's just a rookie. After all, you've been in the outer city for so long, are you ashamed to say that you can't catch up? The boss has his life, and he must be caught and wiped out. To save him from revenge! "

The four of them worked desperately and chased after them frantically, but they didn't know that Du Yu didn't run with all his strength, and his skills were useless. He just wanted to test his speed and his strength among adventurers in the outer city.

"The Red Python team has a great reputation, but their quality seems to be mediocre." Du Yu sighed in disappointment.

How did he know that under all kinds of adventures and harvests, his agility attribute at this time has reached an astonishing 78 points.Not to mention the adventurers in the outer city, even the adventurers in the inner city may not be able to reach this data!

"I don't know if Mai Laxue and the others can defend the Yanziwu in front of the red python," Du Yu murmured in his heart, "With Ning Zhongze and Xiao Longnv, it shouldn't be a problem, right? We're almost there!"

A wicked smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he quickened his pace.

"Damn it! That kid runs faster." Flower Dog cursed.

At this time, 2000 meters away from Yanziwu, the Red Python team was smiling and waiting for Master Gu's poisonous Gu to kill the wolf pupil team on the castle without bloodshed.

A thick and fleshy man walked up to the Red Python team swaggeringly, and laughed loudly: "Mishela! You bitch, I have heard of you a long time ago. After I capture your castle, how can you Let the boss of Red Python love you a lot! Haha, I heard that you have followed that little white-collar Du Yu for a long time! Let him wear a green hat today!"

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(End of this chapter)

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