Chapter 527 The Magical Use of Maps, Triggering a Beast Tide! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

But boss, Michelle is a mixed-race girl with a good figure, tsk tsk, I have nothing to say, hehe"

Many men laughed sinisterly.

With a gloomy face, Rou Rou turned her head to the side.

These guys, murder and arson have long been commonplace, and there are not a few female adventurers who have been ruined by them.

The Red Pythons have long been notorious in the outer city.

That flesh-faced man continued to spout feces, but he was hit by a sniper bullet that flew in the air and flew into the air!
Michelle has fired the first shot!
The Red Python team 2000 meters away, this big man was hit directly without warning!

Red Python, Master Gu and the others looked at each other, and then retreated in embarrassment.

The XM109 large-caliber sniper rifle is the sniper rifle with the longest sniper distance on the earth, and its effective range is still 2000 meters!
Although the sniping at this time is extremely difficult, Maishela can still do it, and the first hit!
The man who was spouting dung and insulting Mai Shela and Du Yu just a second ago, shot directly to the brink of death with a single shot from the M109 large-caliber sniper rifle!
The power of this gun is too great, not to mention that Mai Shela hates this person's poisonous tongue, so she took out special sniper bullets that are not used in the collection. Each one costs 2000 thousand survival points, and the killing power reaches 200 points.Coupled with the strong kinetic energy of the XM109, even adventurers in the outer city who are hit unsuspectingly are in danger.

Blood gushed wildly from the thick wound, like a fountain. The man's lips turned white due to massive blood loss. He swallowed the first aid potion, pointed at Rou Rou and wailed, "Help me! Help me!"

Rourou glanced at him in disgust, sighed and was about to step forward to rescue him, but heard a slamming sound.

That unlucky guy was attached to special sniper bullets with magical power by Michelle, causing a second explosion in the body of the ferocious fireball technique.

That flesh-faced adventurer with a fat belly, like a watermelon stuffed with a grenade, was blown to pieces in an instant!
Michela's [Explosive Bomb] is a bullet attached to the fireball technique. After hitting the target, it will produce a secondary explosion, which is equivalent to the power of the big fireball technique.

The explosion made fat and white fat, bright red viscera, and yellow tissue fluid all over the sky, and every face of the Red Python team was covered with unknown flesh and blood!
Even though these guys were killing people like hemp, their hands were covered with blood, and their faces changed greatly due to this terrifying scene, and they retreated one after another.One sissy guy even screamed.

That unlucky man was blown to the point where only half of his spine was left. Of course, he kicked his legs and died on the spot.

The red python woke up from the explosion, looked at the horrific half of the corpse, and slapped the sissy boy who was still screaming fiercely on the face!
"Cousin Pi! Rourou woman hasn't barked yet, what's your name, you rabbit ghost?"

The little white face was still in shock, covered his face with resentment, looked at the red python, and said in a coquettish voice: "Brother Red Python, my friend"

Rourou felt nauseous for a while.

This little boy came two worlds earlier than her. The reason why he stood out from the newcomers in captivity was because he sold his ass to the red python, you know.

This is also the reason why she refuses to accept the red python, men and women take it all, disgusting.

But in the space, the pressure of survival makes people either crazy or abnormal.This little boy is not so disgusting at the beginning, he just has no ability, and he is not willing to be a cow for a long time (the collective name of the Red Python team for newcomers in captivity).

The red python kicked away the little boy who was trying to snuggle up to him, and looked at the city wall with a livid face: "Maxela, those who dare to kill me! You are bastards who are determined to eat the weight! I will kill you one by one later."

He watched viciously, the poisonous Gu had already flown to the city wall, and it was about to cause heavy casualties to the wolf pupil team.

Even the red python admired Master Gu's ability to make living people into poisonous Gu and cultivate them.

But what turned people's faces was that a seductive Taoist nun in yellow clothes waved her jade hand, and the overwhelming black poisonous mist actually stopped moving.

Li Mochou had a sneer on her face, she moved her jade hands, layer by layer of poisonous gas, and drove away the poisonous Gu that rushed forward.

Although the priority of the poisonous Gu was very high, Xun Xun still refused to retreat, trying to find a breakthrough, but Li Mochou's poison was also very powerful, and with all his strength, fighting poison with poison, the two sides fought evenly.The poisonous Gu refused to recede, but could not invade the castle either.

"There is also a Poison Master on the other side?" Master Gu faintly felt that the poisonous Gu connected with his life was very afraid of these poisons. Moment, there is no way to take the other party.

"Bastard!" Red Python's face became more gloomy, and he ordered sharply: "Shooters, the opponent can hit us, what about your boastful shooting skills?"

A young man with a crew-shaven head stood up and nodded, and rushed to the opposite side.

His shooting range is not as good as that of the XM109 sniper rifle, and he can only test it if he is closer to 500 meters.

Several other shooters also jumped up and down, using the cover of the terrain, to approach the castle of the wolf pupil team.

Although the other party, Maishela, is powerful and well-equipped, the other rookie shooters are all rookies. With so many masters from the outer city, how can she be compared with a rookie?

These powerful senior adventurers are filled with the pleasure of hunting.

The red python continued to look gloomy.

He successfully hunted down the Chiseltooth Group, Thunder repelled the White Tiger Team's night attack, and the wolf pupil team's current combat performance made him more and more fearful.

If this team is not removed early, it will definitely become a serious problem.

Rourou looked at the castle of the wolf pupil team, under the various methods of the Red Python team, Wei Ran stood upright, and various thoughts were spinning in Fang's heart.

At this time, Du Yu was about 50 miles away.

He didn't change his expression, his heart didn't beat, obviously he had plenty of spare energy.

Du Yu looked at the flower dog who was being pulled away behind him, panting wildly with his tongue out, smiled slightly, and threw a grenade into the opposite woods.

After an explosion, the peaceful forest suddenly became agitated.

Countless pairs of faint blue pupils looked angrily at the intruder who dared to openly provoke.

Don't forget, this is the wild blood field!
Du Yu, on the other hand, has an accurate map of every place on the bloodland of the Tang Dynasty.

Here is another habitat where chisel teeth gather in Shouhuazhiye!

The wilderness blood field is not a place in online games. There will not be a group of monsters that will be refreshed after a period of time after being bombarded and killed. It is similar to the natural world, which requires a long natural rest period before gradually deriving a group of people. , the position will also change.Therefore, Du Yu was not afraid that the Red Python team would know the location of these two chisel teeth groups and make profits from it.

He fired a grenade and exploded another huge group of chisel teeth marked on the map.

Hundreds of Chiseltooths rushed out like enraged bulls, and the leading Chiseltooth King was also an extremely fierce B-rank monster.

Du Yu turned his head and ran away.

His idea was to trigger a beast tide!
On the wild blood field, the most frustrating thing is not the hunting of adventurers, but the tide of beasts!

When the tide of beasts came together, the sky and the earth changed color.

Even the masters in the inner city, in the face of the endless beast horde, can only back away and dare not directly attack them.

That is not a natural change that can be resisted by personal strength.

The four people on the opposite side were overjoyed when they saw Du Yu's sudden return, and were about to kill them fiercely, but they couldn't help seeing the overwhelming herd of wolf-headed beasts behind Du Yu.

"This is chisel teeth!" Huagou was still alert, and immediately gave up the attack, turned around and ran: "Run! Or you will die!"

The five of them instantly changed from enemies of life and death to runners who started together, running wildly.

Although chisel teeth run on both legs like humans, they are extremely fast, by no means slower than the agility players in the outer city, and they are also chisel tooth kings and chisel tooth elites. The magical beast is approaching crazily.

They had spent a lot of speeding up their cards in chasing Du Yu, but at this time they were a little bit too late.

But between life and death, even if they were as tired as dead dogs, Huagou and the others tried their best to escape crazily.

They were stunned and extremely annoyed that Du Yu obviously still had the strength to run much faster than them.

What is even more infuriating is that this kid obviously wanted revenge, he kept pulling out the fuses of the grenades one by one, and casually threw them back.

Whether it's blowing up the four of us, or blowing up monsters, Du Yu really has a bad conscience.

"Don't throw thunder!" Huagou was blown away by another grenade, got up dizzy, and shouted in grief and indignation while running.

"Hey!" Du Yu looked back, and was about to tease Huagou, when his face suddenly changed.

The chisel-tooth king unexpectedly took out his long halberd again, and was about to activate the [Throwing Halberd] skill that made people look ashamed.

Once it throws that deadly halberd, hundreds of chisel teeth behind it will follow and throw.

Not to mention the outer city, even the teams in the inner city will be turned into hedgehogs in the face of these hundreds of roaring halberds.

He immediately activated bloodthirsty and other acceleration skills to speed up his escape.

Huagou and the others changed their expressions greatly, and they naturally ran away even more desperately.

With a long chisel-tooth charge, Du Yu crazily rushed towards the red python team that was attacking Yanziwu.

Seeing that the Red Python team was attacking his own wolf pupil team with all its strength, Du Yu's eyes flashed with a murderous look.

"Since you are not welcome, I am also embarrassed." He rushed towards the red python at full speed.

When the Red Python team saw Du Yu rushing forward, they were almost instinctive and opened fire to deal with Du Yu.

But Du Yu has curse armor and soft hedgehog armor on his body, as well as dragon elephant Ban Ruogong and other defense-enhancing skills. Even if these hasty firepower hits him, it won't cause much damage.

On the contrary, once Du Yu gets close to the range of 100 meters, the effects of deceleration and curse automatically carried on the cursed armor will be activated directly, and the speed of everyone in the Red Python team will be passively reduced by 20%.

Facing the artillery fire of the Red Python team, Du Yu rushed forward like an angry bull.

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(End of this chapter)

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