Chapter 528 The unlucky red python! ——One more dedicated to Xihehaha!
The chisel teeth behind him waited for the monster, and charged over furiously.

They were affected by the artillery fire of the Red Python team, and their eyes were red for a long time. No matter who was blocking the road, they would attack frantically.

"Stop that kid Du Yu!" the red python was furious and yelled frantically.

Faced with overwhelming chisel teeth, this time the Red Python team will be in bad luck!

Du Yu rushed to the Red Python team, facing the crazy interception of dozens of people from the Red Python team, no matter how powerful he was, it was impossible for him to break through the interception of these strong men.

After all, he was facing more than 20 senior outer city masters.
Experts are not Chinese cabbage, nor are they the ones Du Yu completely ignores at this time.

Seen from the air, Du Yu looked like a bull at this time, with the red python team's embankment in front and the tidal wave behind.

He was caught in the middle.

If he is not careful, Du Yu will be completely crushed by these two powerful forces.

Red Python seemed to be extremely angry. In front of his team, ten melee defenders joined forces to perform defensive techniques. Their momentum was like a mountain, unshakable!
The strong team in the outer city is by no means in vain.

"If you want to blame Soochow, you should die under the sharp teeth of chisel teeth first!" Red Python shouted sharply.

Fortunately, Du Yu was well prepared. On his Doomsday Blade, Hongmang won a big victory.

Doomsday Blade's incidental skill Breaks the Void: Use the Doomsday Blade to cut through the void and teleport to a random place within 1000 meters.

1000 meters is enough for Du Yu to escape.

The chisel teeth rushed towards Du Yu frantically.

But with a flash of red light, Du Yu disappeared in place.

The Chisel Teeth could not stop their frenzied attacks, and rushed straight to the Red Pythons.

The tide finally hit the dam.

"Bastard!" Red Python's expression changed immediately: "Master Gu!"

Under the black robe of Master Gu, there were bursts of low growls, like the bloodthirsty rage of a monster.

Red Python knew that at the moment of life and death, Master Gu had to use all his strength.

Puffs of black mist flew out from Master Gu's black robe. This black mist was obviously stronger than the one that attacked the city just now, and one could even hear the clank and iron wings of Gu insects rubbing against each other.

Even chiseling teeth cannot ignore these terrifying poisonous Gu.

The black poisonous Gu flew into the center of the chisel teeth, causing terrible damage to the chisel teeth immediately!

The chisel teeth who were leading the charge suddenly turned into white bones, and they collided powerlessly against the wall where the ten defenders of the outer city joined forces, shattering their bodies to pieces.

Gu master Jie Jie laughed strangely, the poisonous Gus absorbed a lot of flesh and blood, and became even bigger, so far, Rou Rou could see clearly!

Those poisonous Gu, sucked full of flesh and blood, each was as big as a golden beetle, and a pair of blood claws, hideous and terrifying like hell creatures.

But the chisel teeth are endless, and continue to pounce crazily.

Although the Red Pythons are very proud, although they are one of the strongest teams in the outer city.

But in the face of the beast horde formed by hundreds of chisel teeth, even if they did not have the right location and were not fully prepared, they couldn't stand it!
Master Gu stretched out a pair of pitch-black hands, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Explosion!"

Those poisonous Gu that sucked the flesh and blood suddenly exploded in the air!
Like hundreds of powerful grenades, with the power of exploding at the same time, the chisel teeth that rushed up in the next wave were immediately blown to pieces!
Huagou and the others who escaped into the camp by chance, gasping for breath, yelled loudly: "Master Gu! Sure enough!"

Master Gu launched such a heaven-defying offensive, but suddenly became sluggish, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

His beautiful two hands have already killed nearly a hundred chisel teeth, the power is terrifying.

The attack of the chisel teeth was suddenly blunt.

Du Yu teleported not far from Yanziwu and rushed to the castle.

Seeing that Du Yu brought back another group of chisel-tooth beasts, the adventurers rejoiced and said with a smile: "Boss is really powerful."

But Michela thought long-term, looked at the terrifying Gu master who showed great power, frowned and said: "Isn't it possible to fulfill these hateful red pythons? If they succeed in annihilating this group of chisel teeth, wouldn't it be us lifting a rock?" Smash yourself in the foot?"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "The chisel teeth are not so easy to deal with. Don't forget that we have the heart of the castle. Under the halberd thrown by the chisel tooth king, we are still in a mess. Besides, there are us. Once the chisel teeth are really hard to eat This group of adventurers, it's our turn to do something for the lovely Chiseltooth."

The wolf pupil team roared with laughter, sharpened their knives, and prepared to make a move.

The outbreak of the Red Python team temporarily choked the beast tide, but it completely angered King Chiseltooth.

This extraordinarily majestic chisel-toothed beast stopped its charge with a wave of its hand, and retreated slowly.

Hundreds of chisel teeth retreated slowly at the same time.

The Red Python team, who didn't know where they were, was triumphant.

"Haha!" Huagou greedily looked at the corpse in front of the line of defense, chiseling teeth all over the place: "There are probably hundreds of chisel teeth, and the materials alone can sell hundreds of thousands of survival points. This Du Yu is simply a boy who gives away money. Ah. It’s not in vain to attack us, hehe.”

Everyone looked at Du Yu and the others on the castle, with a flash of fierce expression.

"Kill all these chiseled teeth, and then go grab his mother."

Master Gu suddenly yelled coldly: "Not good! Gouging your teeth is going to make trouble, pay attention to defense!"

Rourou also seemed to have a premonition, and threw bottles of potions at the defensive adventurers, and said coquettishly, "Drink it! Temporarily increase defense and life."

Immediately, the Red Python team was shocked to find out that the chisel-tooth king roared sharply, and then charged forward suddenly!
Hundreds of chisel teeth charged at the same time.

They forcefully revealed the 3-meter-long halberd.

The sharp chisel-toothed halberd roared in the air.

The defenders looked terrified, and hastily poured the potion configured by Rourou, which greatly increased their defense and health.

But these didn't bring them much sense of security, because the roaring halberd was really terrifying.

These C-level chisel teeth, gathered together, have such terrifying strength.

A halberd that flashed like lightning pierced through the body of the leading defender, and he, who was still screaming, kept retreating and pierced the body of another mage.

It was the halberd thrown by the Chisel Tooth King!
With its power alone, it defeated the defenders in the outer city.

The power of a B-level monster is vividly displayed.

Before the crazy halberd throwing skills, the defense of the Red Python team, like snow in the sun, quickly collapsed and collapsed thousands of miles away.

In the face of life and death, the defenders of the Red Python team had no guilt, scattered like birds and beasts, and fled in all directions.

The chisel teeth swept in immediately like the tide of a broken dam.

The red python looked horrified, and immediately turned around and fled.

Facing hundreds of chisel teeth led by a B-level monster, he couldn't stop it alone.

The Red Python team quickly collapsed in front of the Tianwei of the beast tide.

"Hahaha!" Michelle and the others laughed loudly as they pointed at the collapsed Red Python team in the distance.

"It's not time to relax yet." Du Yu's face was serious: "These chiseled teeth will be revenged, and they will charge over soon to take revenge on me. Everyone, prepare to fight."

"With the heart of the castle and the previous defense experience, it's impossible for this group of chiseled teeth to be rampant." Li Tang was full of confidence.

The collapsed Red Python team fled in all directions.

As the strong men of the captive breeding team, they were wealthy, and they had no shortage of cards to save their lives. They flashed one after another, fled from the sharp teeth of the chisel teeth, and slipped away.

But there were also some unlucky ones who couldn't escape, and were pierced by the chisel king's halberd in one fell swoop, screaming incessantly.

Rourou's face turned pale, and she dodged and fled.

But the red python who always kept saying that he wanted to protect her had already fled away on his own, leaving Rourou behind, with no escape.

Chisel teeth have a personality of vengeance, they kill everyone they meet, and they are absolutely merciless.

She glanced at the majestic castle a thousand meters away, gritted her teeth, and fled to the surrounding area of ​​the castle.

As a pharmacist, Rou Rou is also quite wealthy. She used the acceleration props, and she was not slow. She quickly crossed a thousand meters and rushed to the city gate.

But the army of chiseled teeth behind him also followed.But it's strange to say that the chisel tooth king, from beginning to end, did not launch a second halberd attack, attacking Rourou, it was like a pack of wolves chasing a white rabbit.

Seeing that the Chisel Tooth King was covered with the blood of the adventurers, he rushed forward with killing intent, Rourou screamed in fright.

She knew very well that her life now depended only on Du Yu's thought.

If Du Yuzhai had a kind heart, she would live.

If Du Yu will take revenge, she will die.

But the gate of the city did not open.

With tears in her soft and beautiful eyes, the teardrops rolled, she looked at Du Yu on the city wall.

Du Yu clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and raised his breath, standing tall, neither sad nor happy.

Rou Rou understood her fate and sighed.

Du Yu cannot be blamed, she chose her own destiny.

Listening to the group of monsters with wolf heads and human bodies, the rustling sound of their sharp claws tearing rocks crazily, as if hearing the footsteps of the god of death approaching, Rou Rou could only close her eyes and wait for death.

Michela looked at Du Yu with her eyes closed, and couldn't bear it, so she waved her hand.

The nimble Ma Quan was about to descend leisurely while tied to a rope.

Du Yu said: "The chisel-tooth throwing halberd is very powerful. If the chisel-tooth king wants to do it on the road, several of Rourou's lives will die. The reason why he didn't launch the halberd throwing is to use it as bait to gain the gate of my city." , don't go to die."

With a flash, he jumped off the Swallow Pier, pulled up Rourou who was waiting to die with her eyes closed, and then spun into the air!

Rou Rou was extremely surprised, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she looked at Du Yu.

But King Chisel Tooth, seeing that someone was able to rescue his bait in the air, was furious, and immediately activated the skill of throwing a halberd!
Immediately, hundreds of chisel teeth threw out the halberds in their hands one after another, and the halberds roared like rain, stabbing Du Yu in the air.

"Be careful!" All the beauties on the city wall exclaimed.

Even the well-informed Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv, and Li Mochou all looked nervous and were ready to reinforce Du Yu at any time.

But Du Yu is in mid-air right now, he has nowhere to borrow his strength, it is really dangerous.

The Chisel Tooth King looked at Du Yu, who was spinning at high speed and rising from the ground, with a hint of bloodthirsty madness in his wolf pupils.

In its eyes, this person is dead.

Although he couldn't borrow the crying woman and earn the gates of the human city, but being able to kill such an expert was considered a golden bait, and it was worth the money.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people and magical beasts above and below the city, Du Yu flew higher and higher with Rou Rou.

 Dedicated to the leader, hehehe boss.Thank you for your support and companionship from the beginning of the American drama.Ten more today!Friends, are your monthly tickets, subscriptions and referral tickets ready?In addition, Datang World will start immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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