Chapter 529 Innate breath, save people in battle! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
The hearts of the beauties and adventurers kept raising their hearts, for fear that Du Yu would lose his breath and fall down, and even more afraid that Du Yu would be pierced through the vitals by the halberd that was as sharp as rain, and be nailed to death on the city wall.

The city wall of Yanziwu, if you say it, is ten feet high.

Ordinary experts can barely do it with agile adventurers such as Michela and Ma Quan jumping off from above.

But if they were to jump from the ground to the city wall from the bottom up without changing their breath under the attack of halberds all over the sky, that would be absolutely impossible!
What's more, Du Yu's arms are still holding a Rou Rou!
This kind of kung fu, I believe that even Guo Jing, who is in the world of divine carvings, may not be able to do it when he fought against Jinlun Fawang on the city wall of Xiangyang.

But Du Yu's body was like a spinning top, spinning at high speed all the time. During the halberd throwing all over the sky, he kept his body-protecting zhenqi lingering, blocking the sharp rain of halberd throwing away one after another!
Rourou opened her red lips in surprise.

It was hard for her to imagine that Du Yu, the criminal who was hunted down by the imperial court and many strong teams in space, not only survived after 5 worlds, but also practiced such miraculous skills!
He hugged himself with his strong arms, spinning in the air at high speed, those sharp halberds seemed to have encountered a high-speed spinning machine tool, and were bounced away one after another!

"The stars are moving!" Wang Yuyan, who was worried on the city wall, was overjoyed.

"Yes!" Ning Zhong said with a smile: "This little thief has broken through again!"

"Why is my cousin so powerful?" Wang Yuyan couldn't figure it out: "Although this technique of star shifting is powerful, you can move the throwing halberd to the left and right with skill, but every time you use it, you have to spend a lot of energy. Brother is pulling onions from the dry land, holding a girl in his arms, and repeatedly moving the stars, why is his true energy so thick and continuous?"

"Because he's holding a woman in his arms." Myshea snorted coldly.

Ning Zhong smiled: "Because, after taking the Xisui Pill, he finally broke through the innate realm, which is the method of inner breath!"

"The biggest difference between this innate state and the acquired state is that the self-cosmos inside the body is completely activated. Du Yu can not breathe at this time, relying on self-breathing and rotating around the sky, he can complete the breath of heaven and earth. The combination of machine and machine can draw energy from it! Therefore, his internal force at this time can be said to be endless, and it will never be easily interrupted." Ning Zhong explained.

"Innate masters." Li Tang, Hu Yijun and others looked at each other, hearing the cloudy mountains and fog, but in short, Du Yu is very good.

Enough to make them look up.

Seeing that Du Yu had risen by 7 or 8 feet and was about to charge up the city wall, King Chisel Tooth roared furiously, picked up another throwing halberd, and threw it at Du Yu frantically.

He wants to nail this person to the city wall, otherwise he will lose his wife and lose his army, how can he say this?

In Du Yu's eyes, the sharpness of the halberd flourished, and he used the Dou Zhuan Xing Yi to the limit, and he swung the sharp throwing halberd away.

But the zhenqi in his body was also consumed, and a full blow from a B-level monster was by no means easy.If it weren't for the incomparably mysterious Murong family's brute force that overwhelms these magical beasts technically, it would be absolutely impossible for others to escape from this thunderous blow.

Up and down the city, seeing Du Yu being so unfathomable, they exclaimed at the same time.

Not only adventurers like Mai Laxue and Li Tang are in awe of gods, but even martial arts masters like Ning Zhongze and Xiao Longnv have beautiful eyes with Du Yu's beautiful hand.

Du Yu's breath of true energy really lasted endlessly, with softness, he rushed up the ten-foot-high city wall in one breath, and then gently let it go.

Her soft and beautiful eyes glanced at Du Yu complicatedly, Fang's heart was full of frustration and frustration.


Everything is fate.

She is a weak woman, what can she do?

Ning Zhong stepped up, patted Du Yu on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "From today onwards, you have already left the teacher."

Du Yu laughed and said, "You will always be my beauty teacher."

Ning Zhong gave Du Yu a blank look.

Myshela shouted: "The chisel teeth are attacking the city! Prepare to fight!"

The fierce battle between the two sides broke out suddenly.

The following progress, just as Michela predicted, with a successful defensive experience, relying on the advantageous location of the heart of the castle, the wolf pupil team once again defeated the sweeping chisel tooth army, Du Yu finally showed his might and killed Killed the king of chisel teeth, and pulled out his pair of treasures.

It's just that the wolf pupil team has really reached its limit this time, and everyone is injured. If it weren't for Yilin and Rourou, a pair of beauties who are good at healing, who continue to provide treatments and medicines, there may be a reduction in staff.

But the final winner is the wolf pupil team.

Looking at the dead and wounded beasts below the city, the blood flowed like a river, the wolf pupil team, although everyone was injured, still opened their mouths and laughed endlessly.

Two groups of chisel teeth were slaughtered by them. The harvest this time is simply incomparably rich.

Just selling the chisel teeth can be exchanged for about 800 million survival points.

Don't worry about the team fee.

"Tell me honestly, why do you know the distribution of chisel teeth here so clearly?" Michela said to Du Yu viciously while bandaging herself indifferently.

Du Yu smiled, unfathomable.

Michelle was really curious, she rolled her eyes and said, "Tell me the truth, you can come once."

Since the last love affair, after the war with Du Yu, Mai Shela never let Du Yu succeed.

Like a proud female leopard, she refuses to give in easily.

But this time I was really curious.

Du Yu smiled and said in a low voice, "Secret."

Michela was discouraged for a while, knowing that Du Yu refused to tell.

But Rourou was stunned.

With her intelligence, it is not difficult to calculate that Du Yu's team's harvest this time is enough to cause an uproar in the space.

Du Yu's wolf pupil team was born in space, and the benefits are so good that even the main force of the Red Python team is jealous of it.

Just one thing, the reimbursement of 50% of the training expenses in the training room has touched the hearts of countless strong people.

Renting a practice site in the outer city for one day, although it has 5 times the speed of practice, but also has to pay 3000-5000 survival points, which is heartbreaking for adventurers.

This is simply burning money.

If it is a lone ranger, it is understandable, after all, one person.

But if a team utters big words, saying that it can afford all the adventurers to spend so much money and improve their strength, this level of welfare is enough to attract most of the experts from the outer city to come and join them.

But the wolf pupil team did not attract many masters, and they still had 48 players.

The reason is not that masters don't covet welfare, but that they don't believe it.

I don't believe how long such money-burning and prodigal behavior can last.

Maybe the wolf pupil team really made a fortune at the gate of the Scarlet City, and they couldn't afford to spend so much in the outer city of Chaixin Mizhu.

But this time, Du Yu's wolf pupil team successfully harvested two huge chisel-tooth groups in one MF hunt, and gained 800 million survival points.

The release of this news was enough to convince the masters in the outer city that the wolf pupil team was not a nouveau riche with big brains, a spendthrift local tyrant, but a strong team that made money and was thriving day by day.They will immediately change their contemptuous eyes in the past, and the good birds will choose a tree to live in, and cast their eyes on it.

This is the law of the strong.

Rou Rou looked at Du Yu, her beautiful eyes bloomed with splendor.

With her eyesight at this time, she could naturally see that Du Yu, a potential stock, had exuded a strength that was enough to make everyone in the outer city look at him.

In the space, there are not a few forces that have the ability to arrange traps and fortifications in the wild, and carry out large-scale MF against the chisel-tooth herd.Rou Rou believes that strong teams such as the White Tiger Team, Red Python Team, Tianyu Team, and Bladeless Team can do it.

But the problem is, so far, only the wolf pupil team can do this.

Take this hunting as an example. After I got the information, I took the Red Python team and went through a month of long exploration. The only thing I got was some precious herbs and some scattered monsters. The overall value was only around 80. Even so , which made the boss of Red Python extremely satisfied with her.

And compared to the great harvest of the wolf pupil team, which is almost exhausted, and the chisel teeth of Shouhuazhiye, which is almost wiped out, the income of the red python team can almost be called pitiful.

Du Yu glanced at Rou Rou.Just now, Rourou generously provided medicine to help the wolf pupil team kill no one, killing the chisel tooth group made him full of revenge, and he got a little relief.

Of course Du Yu understood that Rou Rou had no choice but to tell some of her secrets because she was forced by the six doors.

But that doesn't mean he can forgive Rou Rou easily.

Although the relationship between the two is more about transactions than affection, it is still difficult for Du Yu to forgive Rourou's betrayal.

Michela led all the adventurers down to harvest the precious materials of the scuttodons, leaving space for Du Yu and Rou Rou.

Everyone can see that there is a story that has to be told between Rou Rou and Du Yu.

"Thank you for being amazing," Rourou said softly.

"No thanks." Du Yu chuckled, "You're doing well. As a pharmacist, you can directly enter the outer city, and your strength can be seen."

Rou Rou said with a strong smile: "The few prescriptions you gave me back then were the basis for my start. I'm sorry for you."

At this moment, Ma Quan cheered suddenly, and found a precious magic core in the brain of the chisel-toothed beast that was killed by Du Yu.

The magic core is a precious building material, and its value is extraordinary.The magic core of the chisel-tooth king B-level monster is worth hundreds of thousands, which is a big harvest.

Du Yu smiled slightly, and said to Rou Rou: "We can't talk about who is sorry for the other. Just now, I saved you, and you saved some of my team members. We are even. You can go."

Knowing that Du Yu was still concerned about that incident, Rourou's beautiful eyes turned red and she almost shed tears.She suppressed tears, lowered her head and said: "You have to be careful. The Red Python team and the White Tiger team will attack you together in the next world! Hou Xiaobai is behind the scenes."

Du Yu's stern face softened slightly when he heard the news, and he nodded.

With a soft sigh, she turned her head and walked towards the city.

"Will the red python suspect you?" Du Yu asked suddenly.

Rou Rou sadly: "So what about doubt?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Do you need to play tricks or something?"

Rourou gave Du Yu a hard look, and left without looking back.

 Rolling around asking for a monthly pass!Second more
(End of this chapter)

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