Chapter 530 Rich Harvest, Greatly Increased Prestige! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Du Yu stroked his chin.

From his eyes, it is natural to see that Ruowei is not happy in the Red Python team.

Just now, the news disclosed by Rourou is of high value and credibility.

The Red Python team and the White Tiger team are going to join forces to deal with him?
Hou Xiaobai is instigating behind the scenes again?

Du Yu's eyes became sharper.

"Report to the boss, everything has been harvested." Myshela was extremely excited: "We have harvested a total of prey worth over ten million during this hunting."

She whispered: "Will there be such good things in the future?"

Du Yu laughed loudly and scratched Michela's nose: "You accompany me once before I tell you."

Michela regained her tigress momentum, and said in a vicious manner, "Harass my old lady? You're getting impatient!"

When the wolf pupil team successfully returned to the bloody city, the news that they had won a complete victory and gained a lot this time had spread like wildfire.

Countless adventurers from the outer city watched in disbelief as the beaming wolf-eyed team filed in from the city gate, carrying large bags and small bags.

And those well-informed and long-awaited big merchants swarmed up and drove up the purchase price.

In space, Chisel Teeth serve as an important weapon-crafting addition that is highly valued and in short supply.

Although many adventurers covet the value of chisel teeth, but they are afraid of swarms of chisel teeth army, or they can't find the exact chisel tooth lair, so why dare to stroke the tiger's beard?

But Du Yu quickly realized something was wrong.

Although some merchants were sincere in their quotations, they were quickly pulled away. After whispering in whispers, their expressions suddenly changed, they did not dare to stay, and left in a hurry.

The rest are big unscrupulous merchants, and the prices quoted are even less than [-]% of the market price.It seems that someone behind the scenes is working together to suppress the wolf pupil team, trying to minimize this gain.

These unscrupulous businessmen kept winking and cooperating to suppress the purchase price of the wolf pupil team, trying to get a big bargain, and there were even black hands behind them, adding fuel to the flames, and jointly suppressing the wolf pupil team's trade.

In this regard, Mai Shela and Li Tang were very angry.

But the means of the people behind it are really amazing. Even Mai Shela's connections shook their heads, saying that there are experts behind them, and they jointly put pressure on them.

But Du Yu was already prepared.

With a big wave of his hand, he told those unscrupulous businessmen whose quotations were too low to leave.

Just when these big businessmen who were ordered by others and were about to join forces to slaughter Du Yu sneered and threatened, and were about to watch the show, a group of blond and blue-eyed Western businessmen had been waiting for a long time and surrounded them with wide smiles.

It turned out that they were all Shinra royal traders sent by Catherine to buy large quantities of chisel teeth at a fair price.

Chisel teeth can greatly increase the attack power of weapons without any side effects. They are important strategic materials that countries never have too much.

Hearing Du Yu's proposal that Shenluo Royal Traders participate in the purchase of chisel teeth in large quantities, Queen Catherine was overjoyed, and coquettishly promised Du Yu that he would wear a seductive T-shirt and have sex with him next time. As the empress of the country, as a wife, she waited on Du Yu in exchange for 2000 chiseled teeth.

Of course, with a wave of her jade hand, the price she offered was naturally extremely generous, [-]% higher than the market price, as a strategic exchange.

Therefore, the unscrupulous trader of Datang was shocked to discover that the wolf pupil team was really not afraid of the trade blockade.

Du Yu's skills and eyes are so good that he even provoked the traders from the parliamentary country.Many Asan and Xiaohei traders waved their arms and shouted in Chinese "survival point, ready-made" in an attempt to grab a little share from the Shinra traders.

He was on the Wangjing Tower, watching from a distance, trying to see Red Mang and Shi Guodong, who were slaughtered by Du Yu's wolf pupil team, and crushed his wine glass in anger.

But there was nothing they could do.

Even if Hou Xiaobai was able to cover the sky with one hand, those Shinra Royal Traders and Parliamentary Free Traders would never buy him.Unless, the Tang court is going to close the trade between the two countries and launch a comprehensive trade embargo that will not hurt the enemy before hurting itself.Otherwise, no one can stop these crazy businessmen from buying chisel teeth from the wolf pupil team at a high price.

And that kind of power is obviously not something that Hou Xiaobai can be the master of.

Even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty had to think twice about doing such a frenzied thing.

So, these guys watched helplessly as Du Yu blatantly sold these chisel teeth for a sky-high price of 1100 million survival points in front of countless adventurers in the outer city!
All the adventurers who witnessed this large auction were jealous!

Because although the treatment of the wolf pupil team was extremely tempting before, there were always big bosses who preached that they would sit back and eat nothing.

But this time, no one will believe it.

Even if there are five strong teams, the pressure of teaming up to suppress the wolf pupil team cannot stop the masters who are extremely eager for strength and treatment.

Michelle, who was grinning from ear to ear, was shocked to see a well-known ronin adventurer, Le Qun, solemnly mentioning to her that he wanted to join the wolf pupil team.

When she was in the slums, she had long admired this expert senior, Le Qun, for his beautiful marksmanship.Le Qun also taught her for a while at that time, he could be called her half teacher.

Now, this ronin master, who can be called a god of marksmanship, proposes to join the wolf pupil team?

She was in a daze, and three more masters she had heard of were about to be transferred from another team.Moreover, it is guaranteed that the transfer fee will be paid by itself, and there is no need for Langtong to be responsible.

In an instant, the wolf pupil team was almost surrounded by enthusiastic applicants.

Looking at all kinds of veterans from the outer city who tried to join with their faces unable to hide their longing, Mai Shela and Li Tang looked at each other in blank dismay.

All the newcomer adventurers couldn't help puffing out their chests.

It's true that we are rookies, but in the wolf pupil team, hehe, we are your seniors.

Once again, they felt extremely fortunate that they chose Du Yu as the boss.

There is no need to worry about training, the 1100 million team fee is enough to support the team to squander three worlds.

Now, it's our turn to pick and choose the seniors who apply to join.

Du Yu didn't know anyone, so he was happy to be at leisure, and handed over the power of the first trial to Mai Shela, Li Tang and others, but Du Yu was in charge of the final trial interview.In addition, applicants go through a series of complex reviews and have a one-world probationary period.

But these harsh conditions can't stop enthusiastic applicants.

It seems that the world's top 500 companies, no matter how harsh they are and how much they don't treat applicants as human beings, still receive piles of job applications every day.

According to the research results of Maishela and Li Tang, the next world is about to enter, and we will not introduce newcomers for the time being, we will talk about it after observing.This kind of thing still needs to be cautious.

After the last few days of recuperation, the injured teammates recovered extremely quickly under the generous medical expenses paid by the Wolves.In the bloody city, as long as you have enough survival points, the flesh and bones of the living dead are nothing.

In the last few days, Du Yu did not cultivate deliberately, but accompanied the beauties in Yanziwu, had fun and enjoyed a few days of happiness in the gentle village.

The supply, equipment, self-cultivation, training and other important tasks of the wolf pupil team were all thrown to Maishela, Li Tang and others, and Du Yu himself became the shopkeeper.

But in his hands, he holds the secret of the wild bloodland and the antidote to the poison of love, so he doesn't have to worry about any mutiny or conspiracy.

The happy days passed by quickly, and Du Yu and others were finally about to enter the next world.

Before he was about to enter, Du Yu said to Maishela: "The team and I will not take risks together in this world. During this time, how is your relationship with Rourou?"

Mai Sheila frowned: "You don't stay at home, but you know the information in detail. Even I contacted Rourou secretly, trying to find out the details of the attack by the Red Python Team and the White Tiger Team."

Du Yu nodded: "How is it?"

Maishela showed a smile of victory and confidence: "Rourou seems to be cornered by the red python. This time she escaped to our city and returned safely, which aroused the extreme suspicion of the red python. Team Red Python The first time I got caught by you, 4 players died, which is not a small loss. Red Mang has already had a showdown with her, either after the next world, she will marry and commit herself directly, or he will forcefully occupy Rourou. They are all women, Rourou She confided to me for a long time, saying that she regretted it extremely, but at the time the situation forced her, she did not dare not cooperate."

Du Yu waved his hand: "Conclusion?"

"The result is that Rourou revealed the plan of the Red Python team, including every detail." Mai Shela calmly said: "At this time, no matter how the Red Python and the White Tiger team chase and kill, I am sure that I can bring the team together." Bring it back safely."

"Don't believe anything lightly," Du Yu said between his teeth.

Michelle was silent.

Du Yu was betrayed by Rourou and was deeply hurt.She knew a little about these things.It was the information provided by Rourou that allowed the court to grasp some details of Du Yu and arranged several chases.

How angry did he have to be to say such a thing?

"I know. Rou Rou may not be credible. So I bought news from more sources, compared it repeatedly, and finally finalized the details of the action." Mai Shela looked up at Du Yu and said, "If you can join us Take action, the white tiger and the red python will never have the slightest chance."

Du Yu was silent.

He has the attribute of wolf and madness, and every time he will stand on the villain's side and issue tasks for the decent and the protagonist.

Take the Great Tang World this time as an example, once he enters, he will probably be assigned to the camps of Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan, Wanwan, Bian Busheng, etc., and attack decent people such as Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.How can I feel safe and take risks with the team?
If the task of the villain in the space is assigned to him to kill all the adventurers on the justice side, otherwise they will be wiped out, will he do it or not?
What's more, the madness of the wolf is the top-secret information on him, an undisclosed secret, even if Catherine, who is pressed by him all day long and wants to have sex with fish and water, doesn't know his details, how can he be so Trust, tell the team this secret?

Even if Maishela and Li Tang can be trusted in the team, what about the others?
(End of this chapter)

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