Chapter 536 Goryeo Rakshasa Girl Fu Junmai! - ask for monthly pass

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling got this book very hastily, it is impossible to have time to make such an exquisite fake book to deceive themselves.In addition, the pages of this book are made of black gold silk, which is invulnerable to swords and guns, impenetrable by water and fire, and two poor boys cannot imitate it at all.Shilong's fake copy had no choice but to deceive Emperor Sui Yang or others who had never seen the rare copy.

In other words, this book is true.

Before Du Yu woke up from the sudden ecstasy of winning a treasure, a cold female voice sounded behind him: "Using all your kung fu to bully two teenagers who don't know martial arts, where is your dignity as a warrior?"

Du Yu turned his head to look.

At some point, a female warrior with outstanding demeanor stood proudly behind her, staring at herself coldly.

The woman was dressed in a snow-white samurai uniform, standing gracefully by her sword.The sun-shading bamboo hat was on her head, and the heavy veil was hanging down, covering her pretty face above her fragrant lips, but only the part of her chin that was exposed made it possible to conclude that she was a rare beauty.He is quite tall, with a kind of arrogant posture that stands out from the crowd, with a fine fit, and a beautiful figure that is indescribable.

What is particularly impressive is the small mole on the corner of her mouth, which looks like a spot of paint, adding to her mysterious beauty.

Du Yu sighed.

Sure enough, the formula of longevity is not so easy to get.

Fu Junmao.

In the plot, she later became the mother of Yangzhou Shuanglong.

Du Yu smiled wryly. Is it really a matter of compatibility? Just when he attacked Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, he attracted such a powerful master.
But his determination to win the longevity formula is extremely firm, even if the three great masters Ning Daoqi, Fu Cailin, and Bi Xuan came in person, he would not hand over the longevity formula again.

But when trying to store the longevity formula into the space, I received a prompt: "You have not yet completed the test of the longevity formula, so you cannot store it in the space. If you are killed, you will definitely drop it."

Du Yu sighed.

Fu Junmao said lightly: "Do you feel ashamed? Yuwen Clan's running dog Eagle Dog?"

Du Yu knew that Fu Junmai's visit to the Sui Dynasty this time was to stir up the situation in the Central Plains, and also to assassinate Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty who had a deep hatred with the Goryeo nation.The Yuwen Clan was Emperor Sui Yang's most trusted minister, so of course, he became her target.

If you love Wu and Wu, you will naturally hate Wu and Wu.

"How does the girl know that I am a member of the Yuwen Clan?" Du Yu was still curious.

Fu Junmao smiled mockingly, and pouted at the flag of the Yuwen Faction on the five-fanged warship: "Maybe I don't know yet, but the Yuwen Faction clothes you are wearing have unique patterns embroidered on the cuffs of the Yuwen Faction. I can't wait to taste the Yuwen Faction Meat, and living in the Central Plains for a long time, naturally knows."

Du Yu raised his head, looked at the flag on the five-fanged ship without words, then looked at the cuffs, and coughed: "So, the girl must be looking for some bad luck?"

Fu Junmao's small mouth under the bamboo hat that shaded the sun showed a happy smile: "Although I didn't kill Hunjun, killing a few Yuwen clan boys is also very satisfying! Look at the sword!"

Her clothes fluttered all over her body, her sword light soared, and her murderous aura immediately permeated the audience.

Du Yu knew very well that this woman was Fu Cailin's first apprentice, and her martial arts were superb. Even Yu Wenhua and her at this time were no more than a loser, so he did not dare to be careless at all. , stabbing at Fu Junmao.

Fu Junmao saw that Du Yu was young, but he looked like a master when he struck out, so he couldn't help but let out a little gasp, but the long sword in his hand burst out immediately.

The swordsmanship of the two sides, one is the Dugu Nine Swords, which has no moves to break and has moves, and the other is the skill of playing swords that can be counted as perfect. It is a wonderful duel through time and space.

Fu Cailin's swordplay technique is really unique. He compares fighting against the ground to a game of chess, and uses the sword to play swordplay.

No wonder Fu Cailin has extremely strict standards for accepting apprentices. Apart from being beautiful, he must also be talented and intelligent. Otherwise, how can he learn the essence of this swordplay technique?
But Du Yu's move happened to be the Dugu Nine Swords, which uses no moves to overcome moves.Wherever the heart goes, where the sword goes, the antelope hangs its horns, and the clothes are seamless.

Du Yu and Fu Junmao, two master swordsmen, became more and more frightened as they fought.The Yangzhou Ssangyong, who is interested in martial arts, is even more interested in watching it.

Kou Zhong yelled: "Master Beauty, kill that Yuwen Clan kid! Ha! That kid wields a big sword, he can only slash wildly, he has no rules at all. If I hadn't been caught by mistake, maybe give me a knife. I can beat him too."

Unexpectedly, this flattery was patted on the horse's leg.Fu Junmao was busy dealing with Du Yu's Dugu Nine Swords, but she still couldn't help but said coldly: "Who is your beauty master? Who said he was hacking randomly?"

Xu Ziling's acupoints were tapped, he struggled several times, and sighed: "Young Master Kou, think about it, this guy from the Yuwen Clan can force the beauty master to do this, is it still called hacking?"

Kou Zhong was speechless.

Fu Junmao only felt that the swordplay skills taught by his master, combined with his own Nine Mysteries Dafa mentality, should have no opponents in the middle of the earth.She had been wandering in the Central Plains, and under her sword, there were many dead souls, but she was invincible, which further fueled Fu Junmao's pride.

Gao Li's swordplay is the best swordsmanship in the world.

Fu Junmao firmly believed.

But this time, I met a mere 20-year-old master from the Yuwen clan, and he couldn't fight for a long time. What's even more surprising is that the opponent's swordsmanship is so natural that it seems that there is no trace at all.

Without traces, without rules, naturally there is no way to talk about the skill of playing swords.

The art of playing swords is like a scheming national player playing chess with a strong opponent. After seeing the opponent's chess move, he will make a fatal move.

But Du Yu's Dugu Nine Swords had no moves at all.

There is no trick at all, how can it be broken?
With Fu Junma's ability, I still shed a lot of fragrant sweat.

But it is not easy to prevent it.

His Dugu Nine Swords has only been practiced to the 6th level, and it is still not round and smooth, and the sword and heart are united. Although he can fight Fu Junmao evenly, it is not easy to beat this woman in a short period of time. .

But Du Yu doesn't need a quick victory.

Judging from the fact that Fu Junmao has no appearance of dust, it can be seen that Yu Wenhuaji's search seems to be in vain.

The reason should be that Fu Junmao settled down from the small temple on the outskirts of the city all the way, after killing Jiao Xie, the life-threatening knife under Mantianwang who was going to seize the secret of Duke Yang's treasure, he wandered here, and came across the secret of longevity that he had seized Ssangyong.At this time, Yu Huaji should search in the city.

But Du Yu believes that Yu Wenhuaji should find the trace and track it down soon.

When Yu Wenhua arrived, the two of them joined forces, even with Fu Junmai's extraordinary abilities, they couldn't escape.

Sure enough, the two exchanged more than a hundred moves, and Fu Junmao suddenly saw waves of loess rolling up from the direction of the city, and then heard thousands of cavalry's cavalry clanging.

Yu Wenhuaji is here.

Her eyes were full of brilliance, she kicked up two stones, hit Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's waist, opened their acupoints, and shouted: "The enemy is approaching, why don't you hurry up and get the boat?"

Du Yu's eyes flashed, just from Fu Junmao's beautiful kick, he knew that the opponent's martial arts attainments were by no means inferior to his own.

Martial arts attainment does not refer to the level of martial arts prowess, but rather an understanding and mastery of martial arts.For example, a master who has a deep understanding of martial arts may not be able to beat a young man with a vigorous blood, but compared to the degree of attainment, he is naturally superior to the latter.

Although Du Yu's martial arts is one line higher than Fu Junmao's, in terms of martial arts attainments and background, he is still inferior to Fu Junmao's opponent who practiced martial arts since childhood.

Yangzhou Shuanglong, in a hurry, went to the side to untie the cable of a small boat, preparing for an escape plan.

Fu Junmao looked back abruptly, her eyes flashed, and she stabbed at Du Yu with a sword like lightning and flint.

This sword is completely different from any of her previous sword skills!

It was a sword that gathered all the energy and spirit.

The power surged.

Du Yu's expression changed drastically.

In the plot, in order to protect Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, Fu Junmao fought Yu Wenhuaji on the river to the death, and stabbed Yu Wenhuaji with a sword desperately.

This sword should be the one that she successfully stabbed Yu Huaji - the special skill of pressing the bottom of the box.

Seeing the soaring power of the sword, Du Yu's face changed drastically, and he reluctantly responded with the Dugu Nine Swords.

He can only protect himself.

But who would have thought that Fu Junmao's main goal was not Du Yu at all!

It's the real longevity formula that can't fit into the space!

Fu Junmai hated Emperor Sui Yang deeply, so he had heard that Emperor Sui Yang coveted Yangzhou Shilong's formula for longevity.Witnessing the Yuwen Clan's five-toothed warship heading south in a menacing manner, she inquired about it for a while, and naturally understood the reason for the Yuwen Clan's visit.

She pretended to be a palace lady twice and entered the palace to assassinate Yang Guang, because Yang Guang was surrounded by a cloud of masters, so she could only escape with light effort both times.

Even if it is impossible to assassinate the faint king, at least the foolish king must never be allowed to obtain the formula of longevity. For thousands of years, wouldn't Koryo never have peace?
With this sword, driven by the deep hatred of the sea of ​​blood, Fu Junmao has already broken through the limit of his own strength, and stabbed the most exciting sword in his life!
The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, extremely powerful.

Du Yu had tried his best, but he could barely block Fu Junmao's desperate sword.

"Be on fire!"

His doomsday blade firmly blocked Fu Junmao's sword, but there was no joy of success on Du Yu's face.

Because, the formula of longevity held in his left hand has been sharply pierced by Fu Junmao's sword!

All of Fu Junmei's supreme internal energy is poured into the formula of longevity!
Immediately, the formula of longevity was pierced by this deadly sword, the bound black gold thread was cut off, and countless pages turned into colorful butterflies, flying in all directions!
"No!" Du Yu was so angry that he struck out and stabbed at Fu Junmao.

Fu Junmao threw out a sword with all his strength, broke through Du Yu's defense, knocked out the formula of longevity, and immediately floated backwards.

At this time, Yangzhou Ssangyong had successfully untied the boat by the river and pushed it into the river.Fu Junmao landed steadily on the boat in the middle of the river, and looked at the pale Du Yu with a smile.

Fortunately, the longevity formula is made of black gold silk, so it will not be easily torn apart by the sword energy.Otherwise, it was replaced by sheepskin or paper, which would have been completely smashed.

Du Yu hurriedly bent down, and quickly picked up each black gold page.

But Fu Junmao was still smiling, not at all worried that this master of the Yuwen clan would be able to reorganize the formula of longevity.

(End of this chapter)

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