Chapter 537 Get the formula of longevity, meet the Song Clan! - Ask for a monthly pass

Because, the two portraits painted with the flow diagram of the human body's qi and blood have been blown by the river wind, fluttered and landed on the small boat.

As a master of martial arts, Fu Junmao naturally understood that any martial arts secret book must be complete before he can practice.

This longevity formula is written in oracle bone inscriptions. It is difficult to understand, and the ancient sages could not decipher it. Now that some pages are lost, even if the faint king gets back the remaining pages, he cannot practice with confidence.

If he practiced, maybe he would go crazy instead, practice him to death, and save himself from assassinating.

Du Yu put all the remaining black gold silk pages into his arms.

At this time, Yu Wenhuaji's cavalry troops were not far away, and the ground vibration was clearly felt.

At this time, Du Yu received the belated reminder.

"You have passed the tests, defeated Fu Junmao and Shi Long, and obtained the formula of longevity (fragmented volume). You can put the formula of longevity into the space at this time."

"After judging, your longevity formula has passed the inspection. The villain's mission [Secret of the Immortal Family]: Capture the "Longevity Formula" written by the ancient immortal Guang Chengzi. Help Yu Wenhuaji, from Yangzhou Prefecture Shilong and Yangzhou Shuanglong Kou Zhong , Xu Ziling, capture the "Secret of Longevity" and complete it!"

"You got 500 villain points. The current villain value is 1250 points."

"Damn it!" Du Yu cursed secretly. Is it really the Longevity Secret?

He could only put away the formula of longevity and hand it to Wang Yuyan in the heart of the castle to study.

Wang Yuyan's eyes were like lightning, and after scanning around, she reported two pieces of news.

"The formula of longevity is complete."

"However, the sixth and seventh pictures are missing from the seven attached pictures." Wang Yuyan sighed.

Du Yu smiled wryly in his heart.

In the original book, Kou Zhong practiced the sixth image, while Xu Ziling practiced the seventh image.

No matter how I change the plot, in the end the plot still goes on the track of history.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling finally practiced the formula of longevity.And the rest, all fall into their own hands.

Seeing Yu Wenhuaji's cavalry army getting closer and closer, Du Yu was quick-witted, and secretly hid the real longevity formula, took out the copy that Shi Long kept privately, and quickly tore off the last two pages of the album.

In this way, even no one knows whether the longevity formula in Du Yu's hands is true or not.

Yu Wenhuaji finally arrived. It seemed that the search in the city was very hard, but he didn't even see Fu Junmao.

It was beyond Du Yu's expectation that Yu Wenhuaji passed by Fu Junmao, but the effect of Tiaohulishan was better.

Yu Wenhua and saw Fu Junmao, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling on the boat speeding downward, with pale faces, and asked Du Yu, "Did they escape?"

Du Yu's expression was also gloomy: "That's Fu Junmai, the eldest disciple of Fu Cailin in Gaoli. Her martial arts are superb, and I can't stop her."

Yu Wenhuaji stomped his feet and said: "Bastard, I will definitely smash her to pieces. Come on! Mobilize the five-tooth warship to catch up with me. At the same time, notify the general manager of Yangzhou to mobilize the navy to chase and intercept her."

Du Yu pondered for a moment, and finally decided to present the formula of longevity.Otherwise, once Yu Wenhuaji intercepts Fu Junmao and compares them twice, he will easily reveal himself.Besides, after Fu Junmai went out, in order to frame the Yuwen Clan, she would definitely publicize that the formula of longevity was on her, causing endless troubles for herself.

Anyway, it's a fake, don't feel bad.

He respectfully presented the counterfeit: "Brother, don't worry, although I can't stop the Rakshasa girl from Korea, but the formula of longevity, luckily I got it."

Yu Wenhua turned his head in disbelief, looked at the formula of longevity in Du Yu's hand, took it over and opened it carefully, it was exactly the same as the rumored formula of longevity, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Good! Good! Good!"

He patted Du Yu on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, my Yuwen family would come out of a thousand-mile horse without making a sound! After getting this thing, I tampered with it secretly and dedicated it to that stupid king. He is not dead?"

Du Yu received a reminder that his contribution in Yuwen Valve had increased by as much as 500 points.

He inquired carefully, only to find out that among high-ranking and powerful families, the right to speak does not depend entirely on status.Contribution is also very important.

For example, now, he has 500 contribution points.This contribution value can be exchanged for various skills and treasures in the valve, and can even be used as a consumable bargaining chip to strongly propose a certain action that must be passed.With my 500 contribution points, I can propose 500 brave fighters from the Yuwen Clan's private soldiers for my dispatch.

It can be seen that he has made a great contribution to the Yuwen clan by presenting the formula of longevity this time.

Yu Wenhuaji was still interested, he patted Du Yu and said, "Yu'er, haven't you always wanted to learn Xuan Bing Jin? How about I turn around and teach you two tricks?"

Du Yu thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled, "Thank you for your cousin's suggestion, but my father said that I should practice gradually, and it's not suitable to practice Xuan Bing Jin until the fire is ready. I'll ask my cousin for advice in the future."

Yu Wenhuaji nodded: "Okay, young people win without arrogance, that's great. I will arrange to hunt down Luocha girl and these two boys now. The secret of the longevity formula must not be known by others. Shilong is also dead. Bar?"

Du Yu nodded: "Don't worry, cousin."

Where did Yu Wenhua think that this cousin, who looked like a thousand-mile horse, had already changed someone else, and immediately laughed, raised his head to the sky and led the cavalry, and chased him along the coast, but assigned Du Yu to go to the five-yad ship, mobilize the navy, and chase after him. Kou Zhong Xu Ziling.

Du Yu acted on his words, plundered the five-fanged ship, and immediately launched a pursuit.

He is not worried that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling will be caught by Yu Wenhuaji accidentally here, he has already experienced the flexibility of the plot.

Under the pursuit of the five-toothed ship, the small boat was quickly caught up.

But there was no one there.Fu Junmai took Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling out of their shells, halfway through diving, and fled to the other side.

As expected, Yu Wenhuaji was a killer by nature, and he would never leave any trouble behind. In addition, the Rakshasa woman entered the palace twice to assassinate Yang Guang. If she can be captured, it will be a great achievement.

So, the two sides started hunting and fleeing again.

Soon, Yu Huaji, who was chasing after him, lost the trace of Rakshasa and Ssangyong again.

On the surface of the river, four huge cargo ships smuggling smuggled salt came head-on, with the flag of the Song Clan flying on them.

At this time, the government was corrupt, and the Song family, relying on their influence in the south, easily opened up all the joints and blatantly trafficked sea salt.If officials dare to investigate and arrest them, they will use various intimidation methods to deal with them, even secretly assassinating them, so as to achieve their goals.Even if the volunteers from all over the country saw the flag of the Song family, they would not dare to offend them so as not to make such a powerful enemy.

These four ships of illicit salt are about to be transported to Sichuan, and will be distributed by the Duzunbao Xie family, who is married to the Song family, to the local salt merchants.

Yu Wenhuaji had already returned to the Wuya warship, saw the flag of the Song Dynasty, and snorted coldly: "These southern barbarians are trafficking in private salt again? Wait, just received the news that Du Fuwei and Li Zitong of the Jianghuai Army Form an alliance, defeat the Sui army, and attack Liyang together, all the ships on the river are heading east, why does the Song Clan dare to transport private salt to the west at this time?"

"Could it be?" His eyes narrowed: "These guys, there are Tibetans on board?"

He gave an order, and five five-toothed ships lined up on the river, and the giant ships blocked the wide river.

"Order them to stop the ship and check!" Yu Wenhuaji shouted.

"But this is the ship of the Song Clan, will it arouse the anger of the Song Clan?" Du Yu asked.

"Anyway, the Song Clan has always regarded itself as Zhengshuo of the Han family, and has no relationship with our other three Clans. There is no need to save face for them." Yu Wenhuaji laughed wildly: "Follow me up and have a look."

Sure enough, under the threat of the five-toothed ship with six sets of huge potter's wheels and powerful combat power that blocked the river, the four huge ships of the Song Clan had to stop.

A dashing, handsome and personable young man stepped out, and said loudly: "I am the leader of the Song Clan, the son of Song Que, Song Shidao, I don't know who is the general blocking the way, please come out and speak."

Yu Wenhua stood up and said proudly: "It turned out to be Brother Song Xian. Be polite! We are ordered to hunt down the three Rakshasa women who assassinated the emperor here. We are doing business. If there is no way, please stop for inspection. If not, we will let them go."

Before Song Shidao could speak, another middle-aged master stood behind him.This man was about forty years old, but he had white hair and a beautiful silver beard, but he didn't show signs of aging at all. Dragon" Song Lu.

Song Lu proudly cupped his hands and said: "It turns out that it is the chief executive of Yuwen (the chief executive of Yuwenhua and the official worship of the capital). I, the Song Clan, have always traveled on the Yangtze River, and no one does not want to give me face. I also ask the chief executive of Yuwen to show you this time. For face, I, the Song Clan, naturally feel deeply about it."

Compared with Song Shidao, as a master of the previous generation, his speech is naturally much more important.

But it's a pity that Yu Wenhua has no one in his eyes, how can he put this silver dragon Song Lu in his eyes, he laughed and said: "Song Que came personally today, I also want to search. Otherwise, you will be sunk, captured alive, and then sued From the emperor, ask about a crime of covering up Qin's crime."

Song Lu had a murderous look on his face.

At this time, Luocha Nu and Yangzhou Ssangyong were naturally on his boat. Because Song Shidao fell in love with Fu Junmao who had fled to the shore, he insisted on taking their three mothers with him.

Although Song Lu did not approve of taking them in, but now that the three of them were found by Yu Wenhuaji, the Song Clan's face would be lost.It was a disaster for the already neurotic and stupid king to openly attack the Song Clan in spite of everything.

Although the Song Clan was not afraid of fooling the emperor, although the rebel army was everywhere at this time, the strength of the Sui Dynasty was not exhausted.

Therefore, Song Lu was really angry, and with a wave of his hand, the four giant ships began to throw bags of private salt into the river to reduce the weight and make room for the battle with the Yuwen clan's five-toothed ship.

Although the giant warships of the Song clan were not as big as the five-tooth warships, they were huge warships prepared for water warfare, and they had to undertake certain transportation functions.But in today's troubled times, and salt smuggling on the Yangtze River with mixed forces, these giant warships are actually equipped with various impressive combat weapons.

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(End of this chapter)

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