Chapter 538 Shocking Backlash! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Suddenly, eight giant trebuchets were pushed onto the deck by the lifting deck, and the burning kerosene bombs began to be loaded.

At the same time, hundreds of elite soldiers from the Song Clan poured out from each huge ship, with longbows and hard crossbows, bow strings and arrows unsheathed, shining coldly in the sun.

Seeing that the Song clan was sharpening their knives and preparing to go to war, Yu Wenhuaji's face was full of murderous looks.

"Okay. It's blatantly reversed!" He burst into anger: "Let me do it! If one of the Song clan escapes today, I will be killed."

Du Yu did not persuade Yu Wenhuaji either.

This person has a murderous nature, his eyes are above the top, and his persuasion is in vain.

With Yu Wenhuaji's wave of his hand, 800 guards of the Royal Forest Army poured out from each of the five-toothed warships, with shining golden armor and swords and guns like forests.

"Kill!" Yu Wenhuaji was about to wave his big hand and order the five-toothed ship to kill, but he saw a flat boat floating out from behind the Song Clan's huge ship, sailing to the opposite bank.

Du Yu looked sad.

Apparently, it was Fu Junmao, the Rakshasa woman from Goryeo, who couldn't bear to hurt Song Shidao, took the Yangzhou Ssangyong by herself, left the Song Clan, and fled by herself.

Fu Junmao stepped on the bow of the boat, with fluttering white clothes, like a Guanyin master, with a solemn treasure appearance, and looked directly at Yu Wenhua and Du Yu with provocative eyes.

As a result, Yu Wenhuaji no longer cared about fighting the Song Clan, and excitedly ordered the five-toothed warship to pursue it.

After all, his main goal is to assassinate Fu Junmao, the emperor, and get credit for it. As for the Song Clan's crime of covering up today, we will talk about it another day.

On the huge ship of the Song Clan, Song Shidao cried like a tearful man, and was hugged by Song Lu, otherwise he would jump into the river to chase Fu Junmao.

The five-toothed warship of the Yuwen Clan pursues Fu Junmao.

Fu Junmai reached the shore, shed a boat and landed, and then disappeared into the dense forest.

"Search!" Yu Wenhuaji proudly waved.

On the five-toothed ship, sailboards were dropped, and thousands of officers and soldiers of the imperial forest army were divided into dozens of teams, and a carpet search began.

Yu Wenhuaji was also afraid that Fu Junmao would escape, so he personally led the expert team and began to search.

Du Yu was also assigned to lead another expert team to search the net.

But in Du Yu's mind, an idea gradually sprouted.

He quickly ordered the experts to disperse the search, and disappeared into the dense forest by himself.

Maybe this is an opportunity.

Although it was very hasty, it seemed a little unprepared, and there were still some unresolved issues after the attack, but once Du Yu decided to act, he would only follow his beast-like intuition.

He had a hunch that this was an opportunity to drastically change the plot.

It is also an opportunity to change history.

According to his inquiry, some experts pointed out the direction of Yuhua and the search, and Du Yu naturally chased after him.

Fu Junmao is really extraordinary, leading Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to change directions in the dense forest time and time again.Yu Wenhuaji was so anxious that he finally left all his subordinates behind, relying on his lightness, he pursued lightly by himself, like a bloodthirsty wolf chasing a beautiful deer.

Judging from Yu'er's description, with his martial arts, he can fight Fu Junmao equally, and Fu Junmao seems to have suffered a little injury, which makes Yu Wenhuaji, who is so high-minded, look down on him.

Yu Wenyu's martial arts, he knew very well, was at least two ranks worse than his own.

That is to say, even if he pursues alone, it is more than enough to deal with Fu Junmao.

But behind this wolf, there is another figure hidden in the darkness.

Another wolf.

After a day and night of tracking and fighting, finally, it seemed that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling couldn't run anymore, Yu Wenhuaji was overjoyed and chased after him.

Fu Junmao did not leave Ssangyong alone and escape alone, but meditated on the ground to adjust her breath, preparing for the final battle.

There are Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, two oil bottles, who can't escape if they escape.

There is only one battle.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were as tired as a dead dog, and fell to the ground sticking out their tongues.

Yu Wenhuaji laughed wildly: "If it weren't for these two puppies, they would be holding on to the girl. With the girl's light work, I, Yu Wenhuaji, would have to eat dirt behind. But today, hey, I'm here to learn the secrets of swordplay. "

Fu Junmao looked indifferently, and looked deeply at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling behind him: "Why don't you run away quickly?"

The two rushed over, crying and calling for their mother.

It seems that during the mere few days of fleeing, the three of them have forged a bond of close and close kinship, and Ssangyong has regarded this Rakshasa girl who sacrificed her life to protect her as her own mother.

Fu Junmai stood up, and said with emotion: "It's really not because of any injustice, I actually feel close to the two of you. I hold Yu Wenhuaji and run away quickly!"

Each of them hugged Fu Jun's thigh, and they were determined not to leave.

Kou Zhong yelled: "Yu Wenhua bone, look at your grandpa Kou Zhong's rock-throwing skills."

Fu Junmao said helplessly: "Yu Wenhua and martial arts are too high. You two are here, and you are almost hostages he can attack at any time. Instead of being a mother, you are tied up and it is not easy to show your strength. Yu Wenhua and I have similar skills. The difference between victory and defeat The number is unpredictable. Are you planning to kill your mother?"

After Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling heard this, they looked at each other and realized that staying here would not only fail to help their mother, but would become a burden instead.As long as Yu Wenhuaji attacked the two of them, it was enough to mobilize Fu Junmao to rescue and take the opportunity to kill.

Feeling that they were useless, the two looked at each other, and repeatedly asked Fu Junma to take care, and if they couldn't do it, they ran for their lives, turned around and fled away.

Yu Wenhuaji lazily said: "The Rakshasa girl is really kind-hearted. She would rather die than hold Huaji. It's a pity. Even if you work hard, you can't hold me for a long time."

He grinned grimly, and his hands began to condense a lot of internal energy, which was immediately covered with white Xuanbing energy.

Fu Junmao's face was as calm as water.

She also knew that this confrontation would be more dangerous than good.

Just by observing Yu Wenyu's martial arts, he is only higher than himself, and Yu Wenyu is still unable to rank among the four masters of the Yuwen Clan.Then she knew that she was facing Yu Wenhua and the chief of the four masters, but it was a pity that she had too much affection for Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, and she couldn't stand by and watch.

Fu Junmao had already made up her mind to die.

As soon as the two sides fought against each other, the long sword collided with Xuan Bingjin, both of them were stunned.

It's just that Fu Junmai was amazed that Yu Wenhua's martial arts were not much higher than Yu Wenyu's. He really didn't know how the so-called four master rankings came about.

But Yu Wenhuaji, under the arrogance and arrogance, suffered a dark loss. Fu Junmao's sword energy invaded his left arm. It's not true.

Saying that he can defeat Rakshasa is simply bragging. If I hadn't listened to his nonsense, I wouldn't have misjudged the situation, and suffered a loss as soon as I came up.

But Yu Wenhuaji is the four masters of the Yuwen Clan after all, this cannot be faked at all.

Although she suffered a loss when she first came up, but she calmed down and worked steadily, Fu Junmao's situation became more and more difficult.

Of course, Fu Junmao's swordsmanship is indeed excellent, and Yu Wenhuaji is also very afraid, not daring to press too hard.

Yu Huaji finally got impatient as the two of them came and went.

He looked at the background where Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were fleeing farther and farther away, and if he didn't kill Rakshasa quickly, the two little thieves would flee far away.

Although these two little thieves have no special martial arts skills, Yu Huaji hates to leave troubles behind.When he looked at the two of them, there was always a feeling of trepidation.

If these two sons are not eliminated, it will always be a future trouble.

In order to kill Rakshasa, he also had to fight.

Fu Junmao put away her long sword and gathered all her strength. She had a premonition that with the next blow, the two would decide the winner.

Yu Wenhuaji grinned grimly: "It's been a long time since I've fought with anyone. This time I'm going to use the full power of Xuan Bingjin. Come on!"

He slapped Fu Junmao with the momentum of thunder.

Fu Junmai only felt Yu Wenhuaji's terrifying palms in all directions, and knew in her heart that there was no way to avoid it, so she raised her long sword, scolded fiercely, and once again entered the peak state of dealing with Yuwen Yushi!
One sword, one palm!
Fu Junmao's long sword pierced deeply into Yu Wenhuaji's lower abdomen, and the vertical and horizontal sword energy stirred up the internal organs of this archenemy into a mess.Even though Yu Wenhua and martial arts are high, the injury caused by this move is enough for him to find a place to recuperate for a year, and Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling can be saved.

But Yu Wenhuaji's blow also hit Fu Junmei's heart!

This move almost broke the heart of this super beauty!

Fu Junmao spat out a mouthful of blood, and her fragrant body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

She fell heavily to the ground, panting for a long time, unable to get up.

This time, even escaping became a problem.

Yu Wenhuaji's blood gushed like a fountain, and finally stood up unsteadily.

"Stinky bitch!" Yu Wenhuaji was furious.This time I really kicked the iron board, and the injury was extremely serious. It hasn't been a year or so, and I can't even think about returning to action.

But comparing the two, his skill was higher than Fu Junmao's, and his injury was correspondingly much lighter.

Yu Wenhuaji grinned ferociously, and walked towards Fu Junmao viciously.

"You die!"

In his rage, he even forgot about torturing Fu Junmao and interrogating Duke Yang's treasure house, which shows that he was extremely angry.

"Slow!" Du Yu's voice sounded.

Fu Junmao and Yu Wenhuaji turned their heads at the same time, their expressions changed drastically.

At this time, both of them were seriously injured. No matter which side came, they could easily kill themselves.

After seeing Du Yu's face clearly, Yu Wenhua and Yinyin chuckled softly, while Fu Junmao let out a long sigh and closed her beautiful eyes.

One tiger has not been eliminated, and the wolf comes again. One can imagine his own fate.

Yu Wenhuaji didn't doubt why Du Yu was able to find him, and said angrily, "Why did Yu'er prevent me from killing this person?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "Could it be that my cousin forgot that this Rakshasa woman knew the location of Duke Yang's treasury? That old immortal was rich enough to rival the country, and even secretly stored a large amount of weapons, soldiers and food. After obtaining his treasury, we will There is a foundation for major events.”

Yu Wenhuaji readily accepted Du Yu's suggestion: "Being severely wounded by this bitch's sword, I almost forgot about Duke Yang's treasure house. Fortunately, you reminded me."

He turned to Fu Junmei, and said calmly, "Did you say it yourself, or did I force you to say it?"

At this time, Fu Junmao was powerless to fight back, and her beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu, almost gushing with hatred.

Yu Wenhua laughed, and suddenly lifted Fu Junmei's charming chin, and said evilly: "Looking at it carefully, you are a beauty, and even a young child. It would be a pity to die like this. Don't be reckless."

A trace of panic finally appeared in Fu Junmei's beautiful eyes.

It's not about courage.She could die for Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, but she couldn't be calm in front of this beast.

"What are you going to do?" Fu Jun asked angrily.

"Of course it made you pay a price for your actions." Yu Wenhuaji laughed evilly: "It's just a little interest."

In fact, Yu Wenhuaji would never do such impulsive things to vent animal desires on the battlefield.But today, with his eyes above his head, he was seriously injured by Fu Junmao, almost losing half of his life.There is nowhere to vent out the grievances, so naturally he must retaliate with all his strength.

He tore off Fu Junmao's coat and shirt, revealing a flowery white bellyband and beautiful infinite curves.

Fu Junmao screamed, her face paled.

No matter how advanced her martial arts are, she is a virgin after all, how can she not turn pale and panic?
Du Yu smiled and said: "Since my cousin is in a good mood, forgive me for leaving first, and go over there to watch the wind, so as not to disturb the interest by those reckless big-headed soldiers."

Fu Junmao was so angry that she gritted her silver teeth and said angrily: "When I fought against you before, I thought you were a gentleman because of your sharp swordsmanship. Unexpectedly, you are even more beast than this beast!"

Yu Wenhuaji was so satisfied with Du Yu, he laughed loudly and said, "Who says I'm interested? I'm just trying to force Yang Gong to find the whereabouts of the treasury! Haha. Of course, after I finish the torture, if the woman is not dead , but explain it on the spot, and guide you to question her. Haha."

His maniacal laughter, against the crystal clear tears of Fu Junmao's sorrow, saw that the human tragedy of boiling cranes and burning pianos was about to happen.

Unexpectedly, sudden changes will occur!
No one expected that at some point, Du Yu picked up the long sword that Fu Junmao had dropped, and pierced Yu Wenhuaji, who was stretching his magic hand towards Fu Junmao's lap, fiercely and violently!

Not to mention Yu Wenhuaji's unexpected surprise, even Fu Junmao watched in shock, not understanding what was going on at all?

The young master of the Yuwen Clan unexpectedly attacked the leader of the four masters of the Yuwen Clan behind his back!
With this blow, Du Yu almost exhausted his entire energy!

Yu Wenhuaji is a generation of master villains throughout the Tang Dynasty.

Crushing the tiger and fighting the rabbit still requires full strength, let alone counterattacking Yu Wenhua and such a great master?
If this operation is exposed or fails, Du Yu's villain's mission may all come to naught.

But Du Yu still decided to do it.

There are three reasons.

The most important reason was that Du Yu would never hand over his fate to an idiot Yu Huaji!

Although Yu Wenhua and this person, although the wolf cares about the image, they are not as farsighted as Sima Yi, and they don't know how to advance and retreat. In the end, they turned against Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty. After that, he killed the king again and became self-reliant, which can be said to be heartbreaking.

Yuwen Clan's defeat mainly lies with him.

If Du Yu wanted to accomplish Yuwen's great cause of proclaiming himself emperor under the situation where all the heroes in the world are competing for the throne, the first step is to concentrate all the control and discourse power of the Yuwen Clan on himself!

Looking carefully at the missions of the three villains, there was never a single word saying that Du Yu could not kill the members of the Yuwen Clan!

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(End of this chapter)

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