Chapter 539 Yuwen Bone, Devouring Weather! - Ask for a monthly pass

On the surface, Yuwen's task of proclaiming himself emperor is to assist Yu Wenhuaji to proclaim himself emperor as historical development does, but that is actually a dead end.

Following Yu Wenhuaji seems to be the safest path, but in fact, it is the safest path to death!

Yu Wenhuaji, in addition to his kung fu and arrogance, has neither political acumen nor strategic vision, and lacks a good image and prestige to contend for world hegemony.To count on assisting him in conquering Chang'an, Luoyang and Jiangdu is simply a dream.

To break out of the encirclement, Du Yu must firmly hold his fate in his own hands!
That is to say, he must first rule out Yu Huaji, who is strong in martial arts, but extremely stupid, and has no political acumen or strategic vision.

After Yu Wenhuaji was killed, Yuwen Zhiji and Yuwen Shiji were both inferior to Yu Wenhuaji in terms of martial arts status.And the lord Yu Wenshang, despite his high martial arts skills, has no interest in fighting for world hegemony.

As for myself, I have to replace him and become the actual head of the Yuwen Clan and an important minister in the court!

The so-called break and then stand, big break and stand big!
Only by getting rid of Yu Wenhua and its influence, and taking control of the rudder by oneself, can Yuwen Faction win a new start.

But Yu Wenhuaji's martial arts are unfathomable, and it is not easy to kill him. If he is not careful, there will be mistakes, and he will become a fugitive from the new generation of masters and hopes of Yuwen Clan.

At this time, Yu Wenhuaji fought with Fu Junmao, and was seriously injured, only half of his life was left. He was also eager to take revenge on Fu Junmao. In front of Du Yu, he held down Fu Junmao and performed the beastly deed. If Du Yu didn't do anything, I'd be sorry for myself!
The second reason is that Du Yu wanted to get news about Duke Yang's treasure house from Fu Junmao.

Since I came here, the evil emperor's relics and the struggle for world hegemony all need Duke Yang's treasury.As a master of the Yuwen Clan, it was almost impossible to hear this news from Fu Junmao.

Since Du Yu wanted to fight for world hegemony, he naturally wanted to attack Duke Yang's treasure house.

He rescued Fu Junmao. Although it may not be possible for this beautiful Korean swordsman to reveal the news about Duke Yang's treasure house, at least there is a glimmer of hope.If he refuses to take action, and just sit and watch her suffer cruelly from Yu Wenhua and his murderous hands, there is no hope.

The third reason is Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

Witnessing the fate of the protagonists of Yangzhou Ssangyong, Du Yu already knew that Yuwen's main opponents in the fight for the world in the future, besides Li Shimin, would be these two boys.

Since it is unstoppable, it is better to keep a hole card and sell it to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling at the critical moment.

The best hole card is naturally to save their mother.

This kindness is enough to make Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling remember Du Yu's love at the critical moment.

Many major problems can be solved with just one thought.

Any one of the three reasons is enough for Du Yu to attack Yu Wenhuaji.

God-given opportunity, at this time, Yu Wenhua and his side have no one to follow, only himself.

If you don't do it now, when will you wait?

Du Yu's long sword pierced Yu Wenhuaji's back sharply!

He has already entered the innate ice-cold internal energy, which rushed into Yu Huaji's body frantically, stirring up all the viscera and internal organs of this sinister general.

Yu Wenhuaji knew that something had become a hindrance, and at the moment of life and death, he yelled loudly, bursting out with a powerful force, forcefully broke the long sword pierced into his body, and forcibly rolled away from Du Yu's sword.

Du Yu used Fu Junmao's sword, of course, for the convenience of explanation and hands and feet when identifying the corpse afterwards.Yu Wenhuaji came here in pursuit of Fu Junmao, so it was normal for him to die under Fu Junmao's sword.

It's a pity that this general is so brave, relying on his internal strength, he forcibly broke Fu Junmao's sword, half of Du Yu's plan came to naught.

But his injury was more serious.

Du Yu's internal strength and swordsmanship had reached a very high level, so he used all his strength just now, killing Yu Wenhua and the remaining half of his life with one blow, and took away half of his life.

Yu Wenhuaji coughed up a big mouthful of blood, before he could ask Yu Wenyu why, he threw himself into the dense forest where he came from like a big bird.

After all, he had rich experience, and he knew that since Du Yu was willing to fight back, it would be useless to beg for mercy, instead he ran in the direction he came from, in case he encountered a soldier who was chasing him, he would have a chance of survival.

As long as he can escape with his life, this guy Yu Wenyu will definitely be mercilessly killed by him!

But how could Du Yu give him any chance?
With a wave of his hand, waves of Life and Death Talismans were fired at Yu Wenhuaji.

Yu Wenhuaji was seriously injured, unable to dodge in time, was hit by all of them, and fell to the ground, unable to twitch.

Behind Du Yu, Long Lang Qi jumped out, galloping and leaping towards Yu Huaji who was lying on the ground.

Yu Wenhua was shocked. He felt a familiar aura from Du Yu's body.

"It's no wonder this kid can turn back on me ruthlessly. It turns out he has such a dark heart. This imposing bastard!" He mustered up his remaining courage, and blasted Du Yu's Dragon and Wolf Qi with a move of Xuan Bing Jin.

The breath of the dragon wolf was frozen by Xuan Bingjin, but it only took a second, and he quickly recovered from the freezing. With a roar, he broke through the block of Xuan Bing and continued to rush towards Yu Wenhuaji.

Du Yu's internal strength is deep, and he keenly heard the neighing of people and horses in the distance. Yu Wenhuaji's subordinates should have searched for them.It must be done quickly.

He jumped up and swung Fu Junmao's broken sword, pouring in his inner strength, and attacked Yu Wenhuaji fiercely.

Yu Wenhuaji took a deep breath, knowing that his life was hanging by a thread.Although he was severely injured by Fu Junmao and Du Yu, as a generation of masters, he tried his best and turned back when he was dying, so he must not be underestimated.

Yu Wenhuaji's Xuan Bingzhang raised his whole life's skill, and blasted at Du Yu recklessly.

He knew it was hard to escape today, so he decided to use a desperate plan to slap Yu Wenyu, the rebellious traitor in the back of his head. Even if he was killed by Yu Wenyu, he would not be able to escape the sight of the backup soldiers, leaving a major flaw. Go back and be executed by your cronies.

Who knows, Du Yu sneered, and the dragon-wolf spirit crazily bit Yu Wenhuaji.

This dragon and wolf always cherish their feathers and will not come out to fight with others easily, but Yu Wenhuaji's wolf looks at the weather, and its attraction to it is like delicious food to a glutton, and beautiful women to a pervert, so it can't help it not to die.

With a howl of a wolf, a majestic white wolf jumped out of Yu Wenhuaji's body. His eyes were exactly the same as Yu Wenhuaji's. They were filled with darkness, exuding extreme ruthlessness and coldness. What is amazing is that this wolf The wolf's pupils are all white, which is the legendary white-eyed wolf phenomenon.

Yu Wenhuaji's dragon-wolf weather was very similar to Du Yu's aura, but even darker and colder.He followed Sui Emperor Yang's family for three generations. He was deeply favored by the country and almost reached the extreme of honor and favor. In the end, he betrayed his master and murdered the king.

Seeing the white-eyed wolf of the same kind, the dragon wolf roared wildly and rushed greedily.

Devouring the weather of the same kind can greatly improve one's own strength.

Baiyanlang's abdomen and back, like Yu Wenhuaji, suffered two deep traumas, but the near-death battle still posed a great threat.Especially its huge body, it should be that Yu Wenhua had killed countless equally precious meteors in the previous killings, and completed the devouring, which made the white-eyed wolf weather so strong.

Ordinarily, the weather battle between the dragon wolf and the white-eyed wolf should be a tragic cannibalism.

but it is not the truth.

Yu Wenhuaji's white-eyed wolf, in the face of Du Yu's dragon-wolf appearance, seemed timid and shy away from the fight, and did not fight back furiously until he was bitten by the dragon-wolf appearance in the ribs. Far from functioning normally.

Yu Wenhua and his complexion became more and more serious.

Only Du Yu knew that the fighting power of the white-eyed wolf was definitely more than that, but there was only one reason why he was completely restrained by him.

That is, in addition to the Dragon Wolf itself having the Qi of the Son of Heaven, which restrains 30% of the combat power of other weathers, he also got the Heshi Jade Seal, and the Qi of the Son of Heaven attached to it can be boosted again, suppressing 30% of the combat power of other weathers.

As a result, the combat power of the white-eyed wolf was suppressed by 60%, even if he had all-powerful abilities, he still couldn't show it!

Coupled with the fact that he and Fu Junmao were severely injured twice in a row, Bai Yanlang was undefeated.

Seeing the white-eyed wolf, Yu Wenhuaji was completely suppressed by Du Yu's appearance, biting and dripping with blood, and finally changed color.

When masters compete, the weather is the momentum.

The momentum ebbs and flows, pulling the air of masters.

Du Yu's weather suppressed him so much that he was flustered and unable to raise the strongest combat power, while Du Yu's aura had already reached its peak!
Du Yu let out a loud roar, and Fu Junmao's sword, pouring all his strength into it, pierced deeply into Yu Wenhuaji's chest!
Although it is a broken sword, it can kill people!
Yu Wenhua was completely cut off from all vitality by this fatal sword!
His Xuan Bing Jin turned back at the end of his life, but was dodged by Du Yu's Lingbo with small steps.

In his wolf eyes, there was a look of incomparable anger, resentment and unwillingness. To the end of his life, he didn't understand why his cousin turned against him at a critical moment.

But all the truth is hidden deep underground along with him.

Yu Wenhuaji fell heavily on the ground.

The dragon-wolf weather, full of vigor, bit the throat of the dying white-eyed wolf!
Although the latter fought back desperately, his limbs could only twitch weakly, and he was gradually swallowed by the dragon and wolf.

The dragon wolf killed this powerful kind, screamed wildly, and began to bite greedily.

Du Yu was relieved.

Maybe martial arts masters also have many unknown methods, such as turtle breathing technique, which can fake death.

But once the weather is swallowed, it is equivalent to the human soul being sucked away by the impermanence of black and white.

Without a soul, how can a person come back from the dead?
Sure enough, Yu Wenhuaji, who was already "dead", screamed again, his legs twitched, and finally swallowed his last breath.

Sure enough, he has a method of feigning death similar to the Turtle Breathing Kungfu, waiting to deceive Du Yu and Fu Junmao, and then turn his life back to life when the pursuers arrive.However, he didn't expect Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura to swallow his white-eyed wolf aura, and he died completely.

Du Yu went to Fu Junmao's side.

Fu Junmao looked at all this in disbelief, and it happened in a flash. The Yuwen Clan had infighting, and the young master Yu Wenyu actually shot and killed the mortal enemy Yu Wenhuaji. She could hardly react.

What is going on with this Yuwen Valve?

(End of this chapter)

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