Chapter 540 Concealing the sky and crossing the sea, an amazing plan! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Du Yu said coldly: "The pursuers will arrive soon, why don't you leave? I'm afraid you won't be able to leave if it's too late."

Fu Junmao sighed: "I was hit by that thief, Yu Wenhua, and I was hurt so badly that I couldn't leave even if I wanted to!"

Du Yu turned his head to look, and saw the neighing sound of people and horses in the distance, getting closer and closer. It was obvious that the pursuers were approaching, and it would be too late if they didn't leave.

He picked up Fu Junmei, and amidst the screams of the beautiful swordsmen from Gaoli, he swept up like a big bird, and flitted quickly in the dense riverside jungle with lingering waves and small steps.

Fu Junmao was surprisingly calm and did not resist, but stared at Yu Wenyu closely.

"What conspiracy do you have?" Fu Junmao asked Du Yu with a pale face after running thirty miles away in one breath to a safe place for the time being.

Du Yu threw Baiyun Xiongdan Pills and Tianxiang Intermittent Glue prepared by Fu Junmao Yilin, both of which are holy products for treating trauma.Ordinary adventurer potions cannot be shared with the characters in the plot, but the drugs configured by the characters in the plot can cross the plane of the world and play a normal role.

Fu Junmao did not refuse Du Yu's kindness, and took the two medicines internally and externally. Immediately, the injury was under control, and the body no longer felt the coldness of death.

"Don't think about Duke Yang's treasury." Countless thoughts passed through Fu Junmai's mind, and she finally decided that this ambitious young man must have killed his brother in order to rob Duke Yang's treasury: "I will never tell you .”

Du Yu knew that Fu Junmao at this time should not have the opportunity to tell Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling about the whereabouts and specific location of Duke Yang's treasure house.He smiled: "You take good care of your wounds, I'm leaving."

Seeing that Du Yu turned his head and left, Fu Junmao walked so resolutely that she couldn't help the suspicion in her heart.

She finally shouted: "Why did you kill Yu Wenhuaji and save me?"

Du Yu didn't turn his head back: "No reason, because I am not from the Yuwen Clan at all! Although Yu Wenshang is my father in name, I am actually the son of the enemy of the Yuwen Clan. For me, Yu Wenshang felt that my bones were strange, and that I was a material for martial arts, so he hugged me back and lied to the outside world that I was the third son. But I recently learned the truth about my life experience and decided to take revenge. It’s as simple as that.”

This statement actually resonated with Fu Junmao.

She was originally an orphan and was adopted by Fu Cailin. She had a miserable life experience, so she can deeply understand the pain of having no father or mother.

And this Yu Wenyu and the killing of Yu Wenhuaji were what she saw with her own eyes.Having said that, if the Yuwen clan is willing to give up one of the most outstanding masters, Yu Wenhuaji, and use this bitter trick on her, Fu Junmao, she will also admit it.

Fu Junmei's color finally softened, and she said softly: "I misunderstood you before. I kept scolding you. Then what should I call you?"

Du Yu smiled: "It's okay. Without you, I wouldn't have found a chance to kill Yu Wenhuaji so cleanly. My surname is Du, and I'm called Du Yu."

Fu Junmao let out a smile.

With her beauty, with such a smile, all kinds of charms were born immediately, even Du Yu, who was used to seeing beauties in the world, couldn't help being stunned.

Fu Junmai regained her solemn expression and said, "You killed Yu Wenhuaji, what are you going to do next?"

Du Yu smiled: "Of course I will go home, back to the Yuwen Valve."

Fu Junmao lost her voice: "Go back? Are you not afraid?"

Du Yu's eyes flashed with hatred: "My Du family was ruined by the Yuwen Clan, and only one Yu Wenhuaji was killed. How can I solve the hatred in my heart? As for Yu Wenhuaji's death"

He smiled: "Of course it will be counted as you, and the Rakshasa woman Fu Junxi of Goryeo is on the account!"

Fu Junmao was taken aback for a moment, and only then did she realize that Du Yu used her sword every time he attacked Na Yuwenhua.

"But you have been missing for so long, it will definitely arouse suspicion. In addition, the time is short, and there may not be any clues about you left at the scene. Yu Wenhuaji is the most favored person in the Hunjun's account. His death will definitely arouse the Hunjun's full strength. Investigate," Fu Junmao said in a deep voice.

Du Yu smiled: "It's okay. The truth is, you fought with Yu Wenhuaji. Goryeo's sword skill is very mysterious. Yu Wenhuaji missed and was killed, and you were seriously injured. I arrived in time to fight fiercely with you." After a while, you fled to this point, and you were finally killed by me, the Yuwen Clan's low-level martial arts and little-known low hand, and avenged your brother."

Hearing this, Fu Junmao finally understood that this Yu Wenyu, no, Du Yu had already planned everything clearly.

"Are you still going to kill me in the end?" Fu Junmao was silent for a while.

Du Yu smiled: "No need. I just need you to take out a token to prove that you died in my hands. I need this token to return to the Yuwen Clan as credit for promotion."

"You killed Yu Wenhuaji, and you want to replace him?" Fu Junmao was not a simple person, and he quickly figured out the joints.

"But I also have a condition. After I rescue you, you must return to Korea immediately and hide your name. Otherwise, my lies will soon be exposed, and you will eventually be punished by the Hunjun or the Yuwen Clan."

Du Yu said solemnly.

Fu Junmao nodded deeply: "I was planning to leave here and return to Koryo. This time I came to the Central Plains, assassinated the Hunjun twice, spread the news of Duke Yang's treasure house, and took in the two sons Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. you"

She gave Du Yu a complicated look.

"I also realize that not all Han people are such heinous villains like Sui Yangdi, Yu Wenhua and others, but there are also good people." Fu Junmei smiled.

"Next, let me give you a life-saving gift." She opened her mouth and said, "The treasure house of Duke Yang is somewhere near the Yuema Bridge in Kyoto. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling only know so much."

"What about more information?" Du Yu smiled and said, "I already know this news."

"You want to know more?" Fu Junmao smiled, and finally shook her head: "This news, I'm sorry I can't provide more details. If you regret it, you can take my head."

Du Yu was taken aback, but he thought about it.

Although Fu Junmai was saved, how could the Koreans take the treasure house of Duke Yang as a trump card to trouble the Central Plains, so how could they easily tell Du Yu about it?Fu Junmao being able to tell the news like Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling is an exception.

Du Yu smiled: "The mansion of Dugu Clan is the former concierge of Yang Su's mansion, and also the entrance to the treasure house, right?"

Fu Junmao's face was shocked.

Obviously, this beauty never expected that this Yu Wenyu looked young, but he couldn't hide everything from him, even the entrance to Duke Yang's treasury was so secret, he knew it like the back of his hand.

Seeing Fu Junmao's expression, Du Yu smiled with satisfaction, turned around and left.

"You don't want to ask me about Yang Gong's treasure house?" Fu Junmao asked in surprise.

Du Yu turned his head and smiled: "Your expression has already told me what I want to know."

Although Du Yu knew the entrance to Duke Yang's treasure house from the plot, but in the plot world, in order to prevent adventurers from taking advantage of tricks, some details will always be changed at any time.For example, Duke Yang’s treasure house could be changed from Yuema Bridge to any place, and the entrance could also be changed from Dugu Clan’s mansion.These are all uncertain things.

But the biggest gain from this trip is Fu Junmao's reaction.

Fu Junmao's reaction has already verified Du Yu's guess.

The entrance to Duke Yang's treasury is the residence of the Dugu Clan in Chang'an City, Xijing.

This information is worth thousands of gold.

Du Yu was already very satisfied.

At this time, Yu Wenhuaji's men and horses had already chased him not far away, and their voices became clearer.

Fu Junmai frowned, she couldn't leave if she didn't leave.

She flickered, and the phantom of the white gauze swayed, and disappeared in place. A green jade pendant was thrown at Du Yu head-on.

"Since you already knew the location of Yanggong's treasure house, I didn't count it as a favor just now. I, Fu Junmao, wrote down this favor. If we meet again later, I will definitely repay it. In addition, my two children need you to support them a lot."

As he said that, Fu Junmao had disappeared into the distance.

Du Yu picked up Fu Junmei's jade pendant, with the words "Fu Cailin" engraved on the front and the word "婥" on the back.

A space prompt sounded: "You have obtained Fu Junmei's fate card."

"According to the rules of Yijian Master Cailin's sect, every time he accepts an apprentice, he will give him a life tablet carved by himself. The life card is there, and the death card is broken. Even if the guest dies in a foreign country, he must find a way to return this thing to Yi Jian The door. This matter is known all over the world. This thing can be used as evidence to prove that Fu Junmao was killed by you."

"This mere jade plaque proves that Fu Junmai is dead?" Du Yu smiled.

But in ancient times, some rules cannot be changed, which are more convincing than the oath of modern people.

Fu Junmao gave this object to Du Yu, one is to fulfill Du Yu's wish, and the other is to hope that Du Yu can better harm the Yuwen Clan and the Hunjun, and indirectly avenge her.

"However, when it comes to taking care of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling," Du Yu smiled wryly: "I can only say that the future achievements of your two sons will be limitless. It is not certain who will take care of whom in the future."

The neighing of Yu Wenhuaji's men and horses got closer, and a trace of cruelty flashed in Du Yu's eyes.

He pulled out a sword and stabbed himself several times, which made him drip with blood. He was not afraid of people, so he lay down on the ground, gasping for breath.

At this time, the sound of pursuing soldiers was getting closer and closer.

"General You Tunwei was killed by the Rakshasa girl. The wound was the Rakshasa girl's sword."

"The bitch's blood is coming in this direction, catch up."

"There's blood, hurry up!"

It wasn't until they saw Du Yu lying in a pool of blood, dying, that they were shocked and rushed forward.

"Young Master Yuwenyu! Young Master!"

Du Yu pointed to the river in the distance.

In the middle of the river, a corpse of a woman in white was rapidly drifting downstream.

This is exactly the acting that Du Yu and Rakshasa had agreed upon.

"Raksha girl!" A lieutenant general was overjoyed: "Young Master Yuwen, did you kill this beast? Did you avenge General Youtunwei?"

"Quickly salvage that bitch's body!" Yu Wenyu yelled sharply, "I killed that woman with all my might, and she threw herself into the river when she was about to die."

(End of this chapter)

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