Chapter 541 Yuwen's relic, Du Fuwei strikes! - Ask for a monthly ticket
The generals heard this, and although they were a little suspicious, they rushed to execute it.It's a pity that the Rakshasa girl drifted very fast, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight, and it was too late to salvage it.

Among the generals, there were many Yu Wenhuaji's confidantes, whispering in their hearts.

Yu Wenhuaji's kung fu is well known to everyone, and even he died under the sword of the Raksha girl, which shows how high this woman's kung fu is.

But she died tragically at the hands of Yu Wenyu.

This Yuwen pre-name is unknown, but he is a rising star. Could it be that he has already surpassed the blue?
But when everyone saw Yu Wenyu's serious injuries, they immediately believed it.

"This Rakshasa girl fought fiercely with Huaji brother for a long time, and finally stabbed Huaji brother to death with a sword, but she was also seriously injured. I arrived at the last moment, but failed to save brother, so I fought with Rakshasa girl Do it. Fighting and fleeing all the way, when we got here, we finally killed him with all our might."

Du Yu panted, and picked up Fu Junmai's life tablet jade pendant.

Everyone suddenly realized.

In this way, it does make sense.

Fu Junmao's martial arts was slightly higher than Yu Wenhuaji's, but after the two fought desperately, they couldn't afford to kill Yu Wenhuaji and was seriously injured, and was finally killed by the young master Yu Wenyu who came after hearing the news.Yu Wenyu was also seriously injured.

When it comes to this, everything is seamless and reasonable.

Du Yu showed a look of infinite grief on his face: "My brother, General You Tunwei came here for the emperor's errand, and he died fighting hard to chase and kill the emperor's assassins. We buried him thickly, Follow me to the north and return to Shengjia."

Everyone is sympathetic.

The generals of Yu Wenhuaji knelt down in front of Du Yu and said in unison: "I respect the order of the major general."

The five-toothed ship finally moved slowly, and the flag of the Yuwen Clan was still flying high. However, Yu Wenhuaji, who was standing at the bow of the ship flying domineeringly, was already cold and dead in a coffin, placed in the lowest cabin Now, waiting to return to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

And his generals followed respectfully behind the young master Yuwen who turned out to be born in the sky.

This Yuwen predicts that the change will not be chaotic, and he successfully killed the Raksha girl who killed Yu Wenhuaji. Just by this battle, he can suddenly become famous and become a well-known master in the world.

But only Du Yu knew it in his heart.

His dangerous move was very dangerous.

In addition to dealing with possible investigations by the Hunjun and the Yuwen Clan, he also offended at least three waves of people severely.

One is to severely offend Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.Needless to say, this is equivalent to transferring all the hatred of Yu Huaji to himself in the original book.

The second is to severely offend Cailin, the master of Yijian in Gaoli.He is one of the three great masters in the world, and the beautiful swordsmen Fu Junyu and Fu Junqiang under his seat are gnashing their teeth even more, wanting to avenge their senior sister Fu Junwei.

The third is to severely offend Song Shidao, the son of the Song Clan who loves Fu Junmao.No way, in the future, there will be an imaginary blood debt that will be charged to him.

This time, what a good person did was really unlucky.

But Du Yu's harvest is equally huge.

He took this opportunity to successfully kill Yu Wenhuaji, the actual head of the Yuwen Clan, and possibly replace him. This is the biggest gain.

At the same time, he managed to win Fu Junmao's gratitude.

This kind of gratitude will come in handy one day.

The biggest achievement is that from now on Du Yu, the sky is high for birds to fly, the sea is wide for fish to leap, and the resources of the Yuwen Clan are all in his hands.This kind of sense of steadfastness of destiny and one's own hands is incomparable to any gain.

"The holy driver is in Luoyang?"

Frowning, he asked a valet.

The latter replied respectfully: "Exactly."

At this time, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty had not yet gone south to Yangzhou, but was in Luoyang, the eastern capital.

Du Yu ordered the five-yad warship to go upstream and return to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

He himself walked down the deck slowly and entered Yu Wenhuaji's morgue.

After driving away Yu Wenhua and several crying concubines, Du Yu ordered people to close the door and stood alone in front of Yu Wenhua and his corpse.

After killing Yu Wenhuaji, the dragon and wolf weather became much stronger, but unfortunately it has not been upgraded yet, but Du Yu has a hunch that it will not be too far away.

He put his hand into Yu Wenhuaji's arms, and took back the fake longevity formula.

Du Yu showed a slight smile.

"Brother, let me finish your unfinished business."

Du Yu smiled coldly.

At the same time, a lot of good things were brought out from Yu Wenhuaji's hands.

The first is a seemingly mundane list.

But upon closer inspection, Du Yu became nervous, this list is related to thousands of heads, it can be said to be more important than Mount Tai!
Because, this is a blood book.

Similar to Dong Yun's blood alliance of seven gentlemen in order to crusade against Cao Cao, it is a blood letter that pledges allegiance to Yu Wenhua and private individuals to the death!
Text: "We swear, we swear to follow Yu Wenhua and your lord to the death, if there is any disagreement, God and man will kill together."

Behind it is a series of names, all of which are signed by myself, and there are bloodstains on the back that have bitten my finger.

This is no small matter.

If this piece of paper fell into the hands of Sui Yang, who was suspicious and suspicious, not only the Yuwen Clan would be uprooted, but everyone on it would also have to kill the nine clans.

But Du Yu's eyes fell on the piece of paper, and he burst out laughing.

Because, the first name is Sima Dekan!

Sima Dekan was the commander-in-chief of Emperor Sui Yang's imperial guards.

And Yu Wenhuaji is the general of Youtunwei and the general manager of the capital.

These two people colluded together and basically controlled the Sui Dynasty army in the entire capital. No wonder they succeeded in killing Sui Yang Emperor.

Du Yu looked back, the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

There are many names on it, and they are all in the imperial court, holding important positions, and they can be called important ministers of the country.

It seems that these are Yu Wenhua and his best friends in the court.

This piece of paper is also Yu Wenhua's means of controlling these buddies. Once he refuses to obey orders, or betrays the Yuwen Clan and falls into the arms of the Dugu Clan, Li Clan, or Pei Ji, as long as Yu Wenhua uses some tricks, his head will fall to the ground.

This blood oath fell into Du Yu's hands. If Du Yu could successfully inherit half of Yu Wenhuaji's network, the other half would of course depend on whether Du Yu had the ability to make these people loyal.

With Du Yu's current status, Sima Dekan and other high-ranking generals and ministers would naturally ignore him.

The second treasure is Xuan Bingjin's practice secret book.

Xuan Bingjin: C-level skills, the Yuwen faction of the four great masters does not pass on the unique skills.The internal force can be connected to the innate realm, and then turned into ice-cold power to injure the enemy.The attack power is equal to the expended internal force value, and can cause damage to the opponent's meridians.

Du Yu returned the object to Shishui Pavilion as a collection.

The third treasure is the two official seals given to Yu Wenhuaji by Yang Guang, namely General Youtunwei and the Chief of the Capital.

But since Yu Wenhuaji died, these two official seals must naturally be returned to Emperor Sui Yang.

However, Du Yu smiled when he picked up the two official seals.

Since it fell into his hands, these two official seals must be kept.

He was meditating, when suddenly there were panicked footsteps on the deck, and a lieutenant shouted: "Major General, Du Fuwei's Jianghuai Army has come up!"

Du Yu stepped onto the deck quickly and looked around.

At this time, the five five-toothed warships of the Yuwen Valve had turned around and turned towards the Grand Canal, approaching the waters of Liyang.At this time, Liyang had been captured by the Du Fuwei-Li Zitong alliance.Looking from the river, Liyang, which used to be a colorful and prosperous place, is already full of flames and ruins.

A fleet suddenly appeared from the upper reaches, going down the river, quickly approaching our own fleet, it seemed quite unkind.

This group of fleets is densely packed, with about a hundred ships, including warships that captured the Sui Dynasty navy, and simple ships that captured fishermen. There are many in number and various types. From land to water.

The leading warship, with its flag flying, is the sailor of the Jianghuai Army.The person in charge, with a high crown on his head, is about fifty years old, with an ancient and clumsy face, a bit rigid.But he has strong muscles and a tight-fitting outfit, and he has the majesty of the overlord of the underworld faintly.

Beside him, there were still two people standing with angry faces, they were Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

At this time, the Yuwen faction went to Yangzhou, under the orders of the Hunjun, to seize Shilong's longevity formula, and fought fiercely with Fu Junmao, the daughter of Luocha, Fu Cailin's first disciple.In the end, Yu Wenhua, the head of the four masters of the Yuwen Clan, lost to Luo Cha Nv's sword skills and was beheaded alive.And Yu Wenyu, a young master of the Yuwen Clan, was born out of nowhere, killed Fu Junmao, and the rumors that his body drifted down the river have been known all over the world.At this time, there were many witnesses, including spies from all walks of life, so it spread very quickly.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, with tears still on their faces and red and swollen eyes, saw the familiar five-tooth warship of the Yuwen Clan, and immediately gritted their teeth.

Xu Ziling pointed to the battleships and said to Du Fuwei: "These are the five battleships. There is Yu Wenyu, the enemy who killed my mother! If we can kill them, we are willing to offer the Secret of Longevity and Duke Yang's Treasure with both hands." superior!"

Du Fuwei said indifferently: "Who is afraid of Du Mou when he crosses the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers? Once Yu Wenhuaji dies, there will be no opponents on this boat. But if you two puppies afterwards, you will not hand over the formula of longevity and Mr. Yang as you said. The treasure house is secret, so stop blaming Du for being cruel!"

Kou Zhong smiled and said: "The two of us are in the hands of the father now, so we will not bow our heads? Hurry up and start a war."

The corners of Du Fuwei's mouth curled up. When Kou Zhong called him Dad, a strange feeling rose in the heart of this murderous mafia hero. He waved his hand: "Kill all Sui dogs!"

Immediately, the Jianghuai Army navy from upstream burst into roars and rushed towards the Yuwen Valve fleet at high speed.

On some warships, hundreds of well-dressed archers poured out from all over the place, raised the rockets in their hands high, and shot at the five-toothed warship like raindrops.

Other cheap giant ships refitted from cargo ships carried out the trebuchets seized from the warehouse of the Liyang government army, loaded with boulders, and threw them at the Yuwen Fleet fleet.

There is also an assault ship commanded by Du Fuwei himself, taking advantage of the upstream water, going down the current, crashing into five giant ships at high speed, trying to engage in a boarding battle.

(End of this chapter)

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