Chapter 542 One-on-one against the Overlord Du Fuwei! - Ask for a monthly pass

In an instant, boulders were like meteorites, arrows were like locusts, and they flew towards the Yuwen clan's five-toothed ship like raindrops.

Even the screaming flames on the surrounding shore seemed to be covered by the fierce battle on the water.

On the five-toothed ship, Du Yu looked at the locust boulder indifferently, and waved his hand. Elizabeth, Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou and other beauties appeared on the large ship in military uniform.He turned his head and said to the surprised Yuwen faction soldiers: "These are my guards, don't make a fuss. Prepare to fight."

In the water battle near the river, Elizabeth did her part and stood at the bow of the five-toothed warship. Immediately, her water battle skills were added to the fleet.The speed of the five-toothed warship, which was originally somewhat sluggish against the current, suddenly increased, accelerating forward like an arrow leaving the string.

The boulders thrown by the Jianghuai army fell into the air one after another, and fell into the river, causing splashes all over the sky.One can imagine what kind of trauma the battleship will suffer if it is hit.

The rocket was blocked by the elite soldiers of the Yuwen Clan, raising the beast-mouthed ring-shaped oar one after another, without any danger.Even if it landed on the side of the deck, it would only leave spots of burn marks on the hard-as-iron ship wood, unable to ignite this behemoth of naval warfare.

The five-tooth warship was originally a sharp weapon used by Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty to sweep the world and conquer the Southern Dynasties. It was most beneficial to water warfare. How could it be easy?

Du Fuwei wanted to intercept and kill the Yuwen Clan with a big plan. Apart from coveting Duke Yang's treasury and the formula of longevity, the five big ships themselves were also things he wanted to obtain.

Seeing that Yuwen faction is so well-trained, the morale of the Jianghuai army is depressed. This water battle does not rely on numbers to fill the gap.

However, Elizabeth, the beautiful captain, still had a stern expression on her face.

Because the Jianghuai army had already flowed down the river and rushed over suddenly.

The first batch of battleships to charge were all warships captured from the Sui Army's navy!
These mighty warships on the water have sharp spikes on their hulls, and the underwater bows are equipped with sharp spikes that are several meters long. Once they hit an enemy ship, they will cause huge tearing damage and cause deep damage. It penetrates deeply into the hull and cannot move, which is convenient for the next step of boarding the ship.

What Du Fuwei wants is a boarding battle.

In terms of the quality of the sailors and warships, the 55-meter-long five-toothed warship is the overlord on the water, and these patchwork warships of the Jianghuai Army cannot be compared in any case.But when it comes to side-to-side battles, Du Fuwei, the overlord of the underworld, has no opponents across the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and his military strength is far above the Yuwen faction fighters.

Like a group of sharp-toothed wolves, the warships rushed towards the mountainous five-toothed ship, just like a pack of wolves attacking a bear.

Du Yu's face was as usual, it seemed that he didn't care about Du Fuwei's terrible opponent at all.

Du Fuwei's 艨艟 rushed down the water at high speed, relying on the sharp thorns underwater, it slammed into the five-toothed ship, shaking the Sui soldiers on the ship who were waiting in full battle.

This warship is originally used for collision, and it is most beneficial for side-to-side battles.

Subsequent warships rushed over one after another, locking the five-toothed ship firmly.Judging from today's situation, the Jianghuai army and the Yuwen faction will never be kind if they don't kill each other.

The impact was not over yet, Du Fuwei's strong and powerful figure leaped up like a big bird from the scorpion several meters apart, and like a chicken in both hands, one in each hand, he also captured Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, and landed steadily. On the five-toothed ship.

Just by holding the two of them in this hand and leaping a few feet, Du Yu knew that Du Fuwei was by no means a vain name, but a generation of overlords.

Du Fuwei's tiger eyes swept towards Du Yu coldly.

At this time, Du Yu hadn't changed into the clothes he was injured in. The clothes were stained with blood and torn here and there, obviously after a hard struggle.

The underworld overlord snorted coldly with disdain, and then looked at the Sui generals and soldiers around him.

A Sui general in fine armor and with a strong back was eager to show himself in front of Yu Wenyu. With a long spear, he shouted violently: "The traitor Du Fuwei, die!"

With a loud shout, the spear came out of the hole like a poisonous snake, turned into a flash of lightning, and stabbed at Du Fuwei.

Du Fuwei's gaze was fixed on Du Yu all the time, as if he didn't see the Sui general's violent attack at all, and said to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling indifferently: "You two puppies are watching, how will the father kill these Sui dogs. "

On the side of his head, he avoided General Sui's fatal blow just right, understatement, and took advantage of the situation.

The heavy-backed general of the Sui Dynasty couldn't bear to stand under Du Fuwei indifferently, he staggered and ran forward.

Du Fuwei snarled, and hit Sui Jiang's ribs hard with his elbow like lightning.There was only a scream, that Sui general's ribs were broken, his bones were broken, his tendons were broken, he spurted blood backwards and flew backwards, falling straight into the river.

one move.

With just one Thunder move, a titan will be the result.

On the side of Yuwen Valve, everyone's expressions changed.

This Du Fuwei, able to rise from the grass, cross the Jianghuai River, capture Liyang, threaten Jiangdu, and defeat the Sui army repeatedly, is really not easy to deal with!

Kou Zhong's eyes were shining brightly, and he said with a smile: "If Daddy, you are willing to teach me this skill, maybe I will really be willing to be your godson."

Du Fuwei really cherished his talents, and even smiled and said: "If you two are willing to offer Yang Gong's treasure house and the formula of longevity, and then stay in the Jianghuai army with peace of mind, what's the matter with me accepting you as the only heir? "

Xu Ziling looked at Du Yu bitterly and said, "Father, kill all these Sui dogs first, and then talk about taking in your son."

Du Fuwei glanced at Du Yu, and laughed loudly: "If Yu Huaji is not dead, he can still be my opponent. Now, there is really no one on this boat!"

He was so arrogant that he immediately aroused the fighting spirit of the Sui generals. One Sui general shouted: "Kill this traitor!" Then dozens of Sui generals and soldiers rushed out bravely.

At this time, the Sui Dynasty had only been established for decades, and many of the founding generals were still there. The Sui soldiers under them were brave and good at fighting.

But Du Yu waved his hand: "Everyone back down!"

He strode forward.

Seeing that although Yu Wenyu is young, he is not afraid of the battle, has a clear mind, has a fierce spirit, and has a faint aura of walking like a tiger (He's Jade Seal), even Du Fuwei has a tiger's eye Shan, cheered in a low voice: "It turns out that Du was mistaken, there are really masters in the Yuwen Clan. It seems that you are not completely taking advantage of others' danger to kill the Rakshasa girl."

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling both rushed out, their eyes filled with infinite hatred: "You really killed our mother? Where is the body?"

Du Yu secretly sighed.

Really good fortune.

If it was a private battle, then Du Yu could of course reveal the truth secretly, telling Ssangyong that their mother, Fu Junmao, did not actually die, but was let go by him privately.If you don't believe it, just go to Koryo Fu Cailin, and you will see the result.

But at this moment, in front of Du Fuwei and many Yuwen clans, Sui soldiers and Sui generals, how could Du Yu tell Ssangyong this unspoken secret?He also wanted to take advantage of the credit for killing Fu Junmao and replace him with Yu Wenhuaji.

This is also part of his deal with Fu Junmao.

Misunderstandings are destined to be made.

It can only be said in detail when it is convenient in the future.

Perhaps, this erroneous coincidence is just destined by space.

Villains, there must be missions for villains.

Du Yu played the whole set, raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "You two puppies didn't see that your mother was stabbed in the heart by my sword, and her body fell into the river. Now it is estimated that she has flowed to the East China Sea to feed the fish. .Look!"

He flipped it in his hand.

Fu Junmao's fate card appeared in the palm of his hand.

The word "婥" is engraved on it.

Ssangyong and Fu Junmao are familiar with each other, so they naturally know that this fate card is a personal thing that Fu Cailin's disciples will never leave.All these things fell into Du Yu's hands, so his own mother was naturally in danger.

The hatred in Shuanglong's eyes became more solid, wishing to skin and bone Du Yu and eat his flesh raw.

Many Sui generals who were skeptical about Fu Junmai's death saw Du Yu showing off Fu Junmao's personal gems, which aroused Fu Junmao's two adoptive sons. They were so angry that they immediately believed in Du Yu's killing of Fu Junmao.

At that time, the situation was a bit mysterious. Everyone only saw Fu Junmao's body floating down the river, but failed to salvage it in time.

Even Yu Wenhuaji died at the hands of that big disciple Fu Cailin, how can you kill her, a brat?
However, this time in front of Ssangyong's adopted son, the truth told, coupled with Ssangyong's reaction, is convincing.

Among the generals of the Sui Dynasty, there were many spies and lackeys of Emperor Sui Yang.Although Yu Huaji cleared the imperial army several times, the emperor is the emperor after all, and he will never lack loyal ministers.If Du Yu could not produce decisive evidence and performance, he would not be able to get the credit for killing Fu Junmao in the end.

Sure enough, Du Yu immediately received a space prompt.

"You showed Ssangyong and Sui generals the evidence of killing Fu Junmao."

"Your achievements have been recognized by the Sui Dynasty and the Yuwen Clan."

"Since you killed the Goryeo assassins who assassinated Emperor Sui Yang several times, your contribution in the Sui Dynasty has increased by 500 points, and you will be received by Emperor Sui Yang."

"Because you killed Yu Wenhuaji's enemy Fu Junmei, your contribution to Yuwen's family increased by 1000 points, reaching 1500 points."

However, the price is that Ssangyong will focus the hatred of killing Fu Junmao on Du Yu.

It is really difficult to explain clearly later.

Du Yu smiled coldly, since the space is destined to allow him to collide head-on with Ssangyong, let the storm come.

He will also use the two whetstones of Datang Ssangyong to sharpen himself even more!

Seeing Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's deep hatred for Du Yu, Du Fuwei laughed and strode out.

As long as this Yu Wenyu can be killed, there will be no worries about these two boys not returning.

"Come on! Boy of the Yuwen clan." Du Fuwei squeezed a pair of iron palms.

"Be careful, Major General!" A Sui general approached Du Yu and said in a low voice, "This man's name is Du Fuwei, and his nickname is Qiankun in his sleeves. In his big sleeves, he hides a pair of steel armguards for fighting. Sneak attack and block are the most concealed."

Du Yu knew all this, nodded and walked out steadily.

"Huh? You don't use a weapon?" Du Fuwei was surprised to see Du Yu's hands were empty.

"That's right! Xuan Bingjin, a unique family tradition, taught Boss Du what's in his sleeve." Du Yu said proudly.

"How dare you speak so boldly in front of me, the Yuwen faction only has your father Yu Wenshang and dead ghost Yu Wenhuaji." Du Fuwei said lightly, but everyone could hear the strong killing intent in his words.

He shouted loudly, shrunk to an inch, and appeared in front of Du Yu in an instant. A pair of iron fists in his long sleeves were clenched and slammed towards Du Yu's face.

As the overlord of the underworld, a generation of heroes, Du Fuwei is full of arrogance, and can kill this young boy from the Yuwen clan into scum.

The fist was not seen, but the wind of the fist had already scratched the skin of the person sorely, and he couldn't open his eyes.

This Du Fuwei really has the power to subdue a tiger and fight a lion.

Du Yu didn't change his face, he took a small step at Lingbo, lightly dispelled the thunder blow, and then counterattacked forcefully.

Du Fuwei let out a light snort, obviously feeling inconceivable about Yu Wenyu's superb skill.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were like a shooting star, the wind from the palms created bursts of dragon chant in the air, blasting towards Du Fuwei's lower abdomen!
Du Fuwei's iron arm suddenly fell and hit Du Yu's palm hard.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon face the universe in the sleeve!

There was only a clang sound, and Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were like a bang on an iron mountain, shaking him so painfully.And Du Fuwei just shook his body.

"This Du Fuwei is really powerful. He has everything in his sleeves, and his offense and defense are integrated." Du Yu admired this overlord of his family very much.

But he didn't know that at this moment, Du Fuwei's heart was filled with astonishment, even horror.

He prides himself on his powerful martial arts, even if he can't be the only one in the world, but when the directors of the four great masters come, he will be happy and not afraid.This time he heard that Yu Wenhuaji went south to find the formula of longevity, and he became murderous.Regardless of Yu Wenhua and the outcome of this trip, he will kill him halfway.

Yu Wenhua and Pingsu are notorious for helping the evildoers and killing innocent people. If they can kill him, their prestige in the rebel army will rise to a new level.

However, Yu Wenhua died halfway at the hands of the Rakshasa girl. It was Yu Wenyu, a young master whom the Yuwen family had never heard of, who made him suffer a big loss with one move.

Du Yu's thousand-year-old ice silkworm's icy-cold inner power, along with the gap created by the powerful eighteen subduing dragon palms, unexpectedly took advantage of the gap.

If Du Yu took the Xisui Pill, before breaking through the innate realm, he would not be able to exert such pressure on the peerless master Du Fuwei who is difficult in the outer city. Unexpectedly, he opened his eyes and made such a mighty blow.

In the masculinity and incomparable, there is a feminine inner force, which makes people hard to guard against.

Du Fuwei's face darkened, and he shouted, "Which disciple are you?"

Du Yu smiled: "Of course it's the Yuwen clan."

Du Fuwei shouted: "Nonsense! Even if Yu Wenshang is here, his Xuan Bing Jin will not even try to break through my sleeves. Your skill is almost as good as his in the one blow just now. How can you be unknown in the Jianghu?"

Du Yu said indifferently: "Besides Xuan Bing Jin, what ice kung fu is there that can break through Boss Du's sleeve?"

Ssangyong looked at each other in dismay, only then did they realize that the invincible father had also suffered a secret loss in front of this mother-killing enemy Yu Wenyu.

Du Fuwei shook his arm, and then drove away the icy internal force that had invaded Du Yu's body, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

After Yu Wenhuaji's death, he thought this trip was to chop melons and vegetables, but he didn't expect this Yuwen clan boy to be more difficult to deal with than Yu Wenhuaji.

(End of this chapter)

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