Chapter 543 Defeating Du Fuwei, Li Zitong attacked!
However, hundreds of warships were dispatched this time, if this kid can't be dealt with, Du Fuwei's reputation resounding all over the country will be ruined here.

How can Du Fuwei, who has ambitions in the world, be willing to give up?
He let out a low growl, his aura suddenly increased to the limit, he put on his clothes vigorously, and moved automatically without wind.

Ssangyong backed away in horror.With Papa Du's hard work, ordinary people can't stand upright.

"watch out!"

Du Fuwei's eyes were burning, and he punched Du Yu.

He has experienced hundreds of bloody battles, and every move has been honed on the battlefield. When he moves, it seems that he can see a thick bloody air rushing towards his face.

A coldness flashed in Du Yu's eyes, but he did not avoid it, he went forward with a fist.

Like a giant frost dragon, it was born out of nowhere and slammed into the oncoming Iron Mountain.

Both sides had no tricks, fists and palms intersected, only pa, pa, pa pa, the muffled sound of the fight, mixed with the supreme and superb internal strength, heard the great Sui soldiers and the Jianghuai army rebels watching the battle, everyone's face was pale, shocked Almost vomited blood.

Du Fuwei's punch was like a knife, with infinite power. After one punch was bounced by Du Yu, another punch came out of the sky, and the bombardment was violent.

Du Yu took the latter away with his fist, and slammed it heavily on a thick main mast of the five-toothed ship!

This five-toothed ship has a total of five main masts, all of which are made of iron spruce wood that has been around for hundreds of years. The wood is so hard that it can move this 55-meter-long behemoth quickly on the water.This mast was usually chopped off by a strong man with a mountain axe, but even the mast was invulnerable.

But the power of Du Fuwei's punch hit the mast deeply, saw sawdust flying, and the mast made an overwhelmed creaking sound, as if it would fall down at any time.

The Jianghuai army broke out bursts of cheers, and their morale was greatly boosted.

The Great Sui Army was stunned, his face pale.

Kou Zhong shouted: "Good old man, show that kid some color!"

But Du Fuwei, who seemed to be in the limelight, realized in his heart that his punch just now was not aimed at the mast at all.

At his level of martial arts training, he would no longer do such a seemingly fancy but wasteful thing like folding a mast with bare hands.

Just now Du Yu clearly used extremely clever dexterity to bring his internal force to the mast, just like when he boarded the boat, he used dexterity to deal with the Sui general.

Then, he secretly thought something was wrong.

This boy of the Yuwen Clan is using his own way to deal with his own body!

My lower abdomen!
Du Fuwei subconsciously smashed the universe in his sleeve down to defend his lower abdomen.

Sure enough, Du Fuwei's iron arm felt a fiery vibration!
Du Yu's iron palm, with a hard knife and a hard horse, slammed on Qiankun's armguard in his sleeve.

Du Fuwei was invaded by the cold internal force, and felt numb for a while.

"Bastard!" He turned his fists into palms, and used the eagle claws hard work to capture.

Du Fuwei has fought countless bloody battles, and his combat experience is extremely rich. This hard work of eagle claws, combined with the universe in his sleeves, is just a ruthless means of killing the enemy.

With the enemy at hand, Du Fuwei no longer cared about his face, and went all out to attack.

"Your skills are good, but your combat experience on the fly can't compare to me rolling in the dead!" Du Fuwei shot fiercely, with a murderous look.

Unexpectedly, the young man in his 20s and high family in front of him seems to be no worse than Du Fuwei. Yu Jianghuai overlord.

Du Fuwei's face became more and more dignified, only then did he realize that he had encountered the enemy of his life.

"Yuwen Clan, when did such an evildoer emerge? Even if he started practicing from his mother's womb, his experience in fighting the enemy cannot be so sophisticated. Even if the Yuwen Clan focuses on training, he shouldn't be unknown." Du Fuwei The more he fought, the more frightened he became.

How did he know that although Du Yu was young, he had experienced several martial arts worlds such as Swordsman, Legend of Condor Heroes, and Babu of Tianlong, and it was common for him to fight with others, and each of them was a master of the five unique categories.

His experience against the enemy is definitely not inferior to the experienced Du Fuwei.

The two hit fast and hit a hundred moves in an instant.

Du Yu's Lingbo Weibu, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, Dragon Elephant Prajna, and eighteen classes of kung fu all came out one by one to deal with Du Fuwei with all his strength.

The more Du Fuwei fought, the more frightened he became, and finally he took a step back and shouted: "Who the hell are you? I'm sure, Yu Wenshang is not capable of giving birth to such a powerful son!"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Boss Du, if you want to fight, hit him, don't talk nonsense!"

Ssangyong was dumbfounded.

They never thought that someone could be so powerful.

What's more, he didn't expect that the murderer who killed his mother was such a master, even the mighty Du Fuwei couldn't handle him.

Du Fuwei's tiger eyes revealed infinite ruthlessness.

His personality was decisive and decisive, and he was more than ruthless. Since he used such a large force against the Yuwen Clan, he was completely offended.If you can't deal with this kid today and let him go back, the growth of this kid will be unlimited in the future, and he will be in great trouble for the Jianghuai Army!

In any case, this person must be left today.

He waved his hand and said with a smirk: "You are indeed a character, but Sui Jun is a bunch of cowards, let me do it! No one will be left!"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "You really deserve to be the black boss. If you can't win by yourself, you come to gang fights?"

Du Fuwei was not angry, and said lightly: "This is a troubled world. Only big fists are the truth. I, Du Fuwei, raised troops based on the ruthless methods of the underworld. It's not just today."

Du Yu looked at Du Fuwei with great interest, and nodded: "Yes, your old Du is indeed a ruthless person. But unfortunately, this time you want to use the tactics of crowds and the underworld to kill people, and you used the wrong target."

Du Fuwei smiled contemptuously. He knew the Sui army's combat effectiveness very well. In long-distance warfare, the Sui army's strong bows and crossbows were still lethal, but close combat could not stop the morale of the rebel army.

He waved.

Du Yu waved his hand at the same time.

Elizabeth, who was high up, shouted loudly: "Turn the rudder!"

The 55-meter-long huge five-toothed ship, like an aircraft carrier at this time, slowly turned its rudder on the river.

The five five-toothed warships, under the mobilization of the flag of the beautiful pirate captain, turned like arms and fingers, unified and uniform, and turned at the same time.

Five large ships almost completely cut off the entire river.

Having seen countless bloody battles, Du Fuwei suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he turned around and shouted: "Stop, retreat!"

But it was all too late.

After the five-tooth warships crossed over, the wheels of each of the warships were turned on, and huge boulders weighing hundreds of catties had already been lifted!
Standing tall on the top of the mast, Elizabeth was dressed in a pirate costume, wrapped in plump boobs, revealing a playful and delicate waist. Under the majestic triangular pirate captain hat, her blond hair was blown back by the river wind. He held up a gleaming pirate knife high and shouted, "Smash it!"

Hundreds of kilograms of boulders were suddenly lowered from the wheel mechanism!

The free-falling boulder slammed heavily on the top of the warship colliding with the five-toothed warship!
If we draw an analogy, the warship with a sharp angle of several feet long is a pack of wolves, jumping in front of a bear to bite, then the five-toothed warship with a wheel mechanism, which can lift a hundred catties of boulders, is a bear as strong as a mountain.The bear slapped the wild wolf with all its strength!
As a result, Du Fuwei's warship made a burst of crisp noise, and the hull was torn apart by hundreds of catties of boulders, and the river flooded back!

In the Linjiang water battle, the five-toothed warship is invincible!
The five five-toothed warships lying across the river, with six sets of wheel mechanisms on their hulls, continuously hoisted boulders and giant trees, and smashed them at the warships of the Jianghuai Army. People in the Jianghuai Army kept diving wildly, trying to save their lives.

The wild wolves were slapped by the bear, causing their fangs to break and bones to break!

Seeing his subordinates suffer heavy losses in front of the majestic Wuya warship, Du Fuwei glared at Du Yu with hatred.

What's even more unfortunate is that the warship that accompanied him was also completely smashed and sank to the bottom of the river.

Du Fuwei had nowhere to go.

As Elizabeth continued to issue orders, hundreds of catties of boulders were hoisted up one by one, quickly transferred, and smashed into the enemy ship. In exchange for the screams of the enemy and the collapse of the hull, the ship was destroyed and people died.

Although there were only five five-toothed warships, the Jianghuai Army sailors were beaten to the point of crying, and for a while they didn't dare to force them up again.

Du Fuwei's eyes were ruthless, furious, and he rushed up suddenly.

Two Sui generals saw that it was cheap, one on the left and one on the right, trying to besiege this beast.

Du Fuwei's head is very valuable, if he can be killed, it will be a great achievement.

But they picked the wrong opponent.

Du Fuwei was so angry that he blocked from left to right, and his power was unstoppable. The two Sui generals couldn't even get out of three moves, so their necks were wrung out one after another, and they fell powerlessly to the ground and twitched.

He stared at Du Yu coldly: "You think you can defeat me, Du Fuwei? You are so wrong!"

He suddenly raised a flame cylinder in his hand.

As early as the Han Dynasty, China had flame cylinders for making fireworks.

So did the Sui Dynasty.

Du Fuwei immediately sent a signal.

Only a desolate sound of horns could be heard downstream, and a huge fleet slowly approached from the mist on the faint river.

On the five-toothed ship, everyone's expressions changed.

A Sui general said in a trembling voice: "That's Li Zitong's fleet! This man captured Guangling and blocked the river east of Jiangdu. Unexpectedly, he joined hands with Du Fuwei to attack us."

Du Yu's expression also turned serious.

Du Fuwei raised his head and laughed loudly: "To be honest, your strength has greatly exceeded my estimation. If I hadn't been unable to eat it alone, why would I not ask Li Zitong to come and share Yang Gong's treasure house and longevity formula together! But since He is here, how many boulders can you carry in total with these five five-toothed ships? I’m afraid it’s already used up? Attack back and forth, let’s see how you can survive?”

On the flagship of the fleet coming from downstream, there is a handsome man in his 35s and sixties.The hero with two temples, Xingshuang, and slender eyes stood with his hands behind his back, watching the Jianghuai army fighting fiercely with the five-toothed warship, and snorted coldly, "Du Fuwei, an idiot, actually used a hundred warships to deal with five five-five warships." I can't even take care of the big warship. It really gives the Yuwen clan a face! If I wasn't interested in the formula of longevity and Duke Yang's treasury, I wouldn't be bothered to help this kid."

(End of this chapter)

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