Chapter 544 Shenlong Jiangjiao, Tianwei is invincible! - Ask for a monthly ticket
The people next to him fawned: "As soon as the general comes out, the Yuwen Clan's resistance should come to an end, right?"

At this moment, whether it was Du Fuwei, Li Zitong, or even Yangzhou Ssangyong, they all firmly believed that this Yuwen Clan would never survive this ambush.

Du Yu was silent for a while, then smiled: "It seems that there are quite a lot of rebels in the Jiangdu area. They are Du Fuwei and Li Zitong, but..."

The corner of his mouth curled up: "Since you are so confident, let me show you your strength."

Du Yu flipped his hand.

What appeared in the palm was a dragon ball full of brilliance and alluring pearls.

Seal Dragon Ball.

The inside is like a crystal ball, and you can see that the inside is surrounded by clouds and mist, and soaring in the clouds is an exceptionally strong and majestic crystal dragon.

At the gate of the Scarlet City, the Queen of Dragons subdued by Du Yu——Jasliel!

After Du Yu paid the summon survival points, a ray of light flashed from the dragon ball.

In the clouds, there was a faint roar of a dragon.

The reason why Du Yu wanted to go to war was to summon Jasmine to join the battle, because he wanted to kill people to build power!
Since Yuwen's task of proclaiming himself emperor is inevitable, the first thing Du Yu has to do is to establish his own reputation!

Du Fuwei is right, in troubled times, the fist is the biggest!
Whether it is the Sui army or the rebel army, it all depends on the strong.That's why in the world of Legend of the Tang Dynasty, almost all the tyrants are martial arts masters.

Because as long as the personal force is not enough, it is impossible to command and control the army.

Only by establishing an image of being victorious in all battles, can Du Yu gain a foothold in this troubled world, quickly grow in strength, and finally achieve the goal of proclaiming himself emperor.

This time, Du Fuwei and Li Zitong jointly set up an ambush for the Jue of Longevity and Duke Yang's treasure house, which actually gave Du Yu a god-sent opportunity.

If he can lead this mere five five-toothed warships to turn defeat into victory under the front and rear attacks of the Jianghuai army and Li Zitong, I am afraid that his reputation will quickly resound throughout the north and south of the river.Du Fuwei and Li Zitong will be his two stepping stones to the top.

In the air, there was a faint dragon chant, which shocked the upper and lower reaches of the river, and the expressions of the three troops changed at the same time.

Dragon, in ancient times, was a symbol of heaven.

When the real dragon got angry, it laid down tens of thousands of corpses!

No one can stop the power of this wrath.

With the abilities of Li Zitong and Du Fuwei, they were still unable to resist, and their expressions changed drastically. The rebels below them, who were originally farmers, changed their expressions even more.

Du Fuwei shouted: "Even if there is a dragon, it may be that our Jianghuai army resisted tyranny and auspiciousness descended from the sky. Why are you rats hugging your heads in fright?"

One of his subordinates tremblingly pointed to the opposite side: "But the dragon is clearly heading towards Li Zitong!"

Sure enough, from the clouds, a huge red crystal dragon flew down from the sky and rushed towards Li Zitong's fleet.

Li Zitong's fleet, which was originally aggressive, was in a mess when it saw the giant dragon attacking.

Jasmine let out an angry dragon cry.She was originally the queen who ruled the Gonggen world. After being defeated by Du Yu, she became a thug in order to survive the humiliation.

She suddenly landed and dived towards a battleship, her huge body suddenly pressed against the mast, and the huge ship sank suddenly.

Immediately, Molier let out a ferocious dragon cry, and breathed out a dragon's breath, spraying it at the panicked sailors of Li Zitong's army.

Immediately, the sailors suffered heavy casualties.

Jasmine was even more ferocious, easily breaking the mast.The entire giant ship lost power in an instant, and was powerlessly floating on the river.

Jasmine roared furiously again, and jumped onto the huge ship. The heavy body of the crystal dragon shattered another mast. With a few hits, this huge battleship was riddled with holes and shattered, and hit the ship. Another friendly warship.

Molly let out a long cry of pride, then jumped onto the ship and wreaked havoc.

Countless sailors jumped into the water from the attacked ship in panic, for fear of being stared and devoured by the giant dragon.

In fact, judging from the fight between Du Yu and Du Fuwei, Du Fuwei, Li Zitong and others at this time were as powerful as Du Yu.And Molier's personal force was slightly stronger than Du Yu's in the Scarlet City Gate, but not too much stronger.

In other words, if Li Zitong can stabilize his position and organize the fleet to resist calmly, he may not be invincible in a battle with Molier.

After all, facing tens of thousands of peasants at the Scarlet City Gate, which is difficult for the slums, even a giant dragon would tremble.

What's more, this is the difficulty of the outer city. There are at least ten thousand elite fighters on Li Zitong's hundreds of battleships, plus there are many masters, so it is not too difficult to resist Molier.

But Du Yu played his cards, and the victory lies in a strange word.

Seeing a huge red dragon suddenly, who would dare to offend Tian Yan and touch the dragon against its scales?
As a result, Molier made a big fuss in Li Zitong's army, and she was invincible. She destroyed more than ten ships in a row before being stopped by Li Zitong with a livid face.

Li Zitong's subordinates, a group of masters came at the same time and besieged Molier.

After a face-to-face meeting, the two sides fought back and forth immediately.The two masters were torn apart by Jasmine.

But Li Zitong was happy instead of angry.

Because his palm hit Molier's body.

Similar to Du Fuwei, Li Zitong also relied on his hard work to conquer the entire East China Sea and become the overlord.His kung fu is naturally very good.

Although this move failed to shake Molier, Li Zitong understood that the monster in front of him was not some supreme dragon, but a beast.

An exceptionally powerful beast.

He roared, "Look carefully!"

With one move, he stretched his fingers and hit Molier's thigh hard.

Jasmine let out a cry of pain, and clawed furiously, trying to tear Li Zitong apart.

Li Zitong laughed loudly, turned backwards, and shouted: "This is not a dragon, but a monster. It has no supernatural powers, let me do it!"

Seeing the leader fight fiercely against the monster, and hearing the monster's roar, Li Zitong's army finally returned to his body, calmed down, roared in unison, and attacked Molier.

Du Fuwei raised his head and laughed loudly: "You actually use a monster to act as a dragon? You are really creative, but unfortunately, with Li Zitong's skill and tens of thousands of warriors, this monster is also dead."

Du Yu saw that Jasmine was actually caught in a hard fight, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Now that you have made a move, you cannot afford to fail.

With a wave of his hand, he threw out the Shenmu King Bowl.

Immediately, on Li Zitong's battlefield where fierce battles shook the sky and dragons roared, under the turbid river, an undercurrent suddenly surged!

A giant blue python with a height of 60 meters rushed out of the river suddenly, and a thick and fishy poisonous gas spewed out from its bloody mouth.

B-level space warcraft——Lanxin Bipygon.

A boat of soldiers was approaching, and they were pouring rain of sharp arrows at Molier, who was on the boat, when he was suddenly attacked by a giant snake in the river, and there was a sudden commotion.

Countless people were sprayed with poisonous gas, their flesh and blood rotted, and they fell to the ground and howled, which was horrible.

More people chose to jump into the river.

At the same time, another terrifying monster, shaped like a giant lizard, suddenly appeared on a giant ship. With a flick of its tongue, it rolled up the leader of the rebel army, and swallowed it amidst the latter's screams.

With a flick of its tail, the mast of the battleship was interrupted, and it lost power miserably.

B-level Warcraft—King Venomous Lizard.

What's more, the lion Helfah rushed out of the void, rushed into Li Zitong's other battleship, ate and gnawed, and the rebel warriors were invincible.

Du Yu dispatched four powerful monsters in one breath, and he must defeat Li Zi's army completely.

Li Zitong can deal with a Jasmine, but at this time, there are fires on all sides, and they are all 60-meter-long and 40-meter-long giant river monsters.Even though he has great abilities and courage, he is powerless.

The roar of monsters in the river, the screams of rebels, the sound of masts breaking, the sound of ships breaking, and the sound of screaming and throwing themselves into the river can be heard endlessly.

The entire river was in chaos, and countless rebels threw themselves into the river one after another. The scene was like dumplings.

This monster of the Yuwen Clan is also a dragon, a giant python, a lion, and a monster, how to fight?
Everyone is out to make a living, so there is no need to play so big, right?

Looking at the chaotic battle group in the distance, Du Fuwei finally changed his expression.

Although it is unbelievable that this terrifying monster was all done by the son of the Yuwen Clan in front of him, but he is the only one who threw out the mysterious dragon ball and wooden bowl just now. If he didn't do it, who else?

Du Fuwei finally started to back away slowly.

When he looked back, the two brats from Yangzhou Shuanglong had already oiled the soles of their feet and slipped away.

In fact, even if Du Fuwei really killed Yu Wenyu, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling didn't intend to really join the Jianghuai Army as his godsons.

The two aspire to the world, how can they commit themselves to a notorious warlord with a predatory nature and corrupt military discipline?

Du Fuwei shouted: "Good boy! Where are you going?"

His original intention was to use the aura of killing the Yuwen Clan to get the Secret of Longevity and Yang Gong's Treasure House from the hands of the two boys, and at the same time improve his reputation in the Jianghuai Army.

Who would have thought that he would lose his wife and lose his army when he met Du Yu's iron plate.

But the two brats must not be allowed to escape, the two treasures are still on them.

Du Fuwei swept up like a big bird and flew towards a ship.

But Yangzhou Ssangyong jumped into the river like a fish, and there was no news of it.

Even Du Yu, who wanted to catch them, couldn't feel the breathing and whereabouts of the two of them.

"The protagonist really has the way of the protagonist. Isn't this water quality too good?" Du Yu raised his mouth and waved his hand.

The five-tooth warships turned their bows one after another, and rushed towards the chaotic Li Zitong fleet.

Li Zitong had just stabilized.It has to be said that he is really a fierce man, not even giant dragons, anacondas, and monsters can scare him away.Under the steady counterattack, even Haierfa was severely injured twice.

Just when Li Zitong's spirit was soaring, the five five-toothed ships that flowed down from the upper reaches became the terminators of this battle.

The huge five-toothed warship rushed into the rebel navy, rammed and overturned several warships, frightening the panicked Li Zitong sailors to flee one after another.

At this point, Li Zitong's fleet was in danger. If Emperor Yangdi of Sui Dynasty hadn't captured the rebels, he would have killed them. I'm afraid they would have surrendered long ago.

 Four changes today!Special thanks to book friend 141113145849022 for the great reward of 002!Thank you for your generous rewards these past few days: Little Taihu, Mind Control Demon, Niyu Gunhun, volt66, 120626223227343 pride, fluctuating waves, book friend 78, low-key refusal, Qiongqiong White Rabbit, Wuma here, m2008 Xingyun comer , I am the bad guy 141113145849022, black light and half drunk, zhenchi, blue and fluttering, random thoughts and innocent, hey, where are you, book friend 141024165829656, so cold ice, book friend [-], imlsh, etc. Great enthusiastic rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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