Chapter 546 Princess Dongming, Beauty Wanjing! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Thousands of rockets suddenly shot from the shore at the anchored Piaoxiang, setting the ship on fire.

Hundreds of big men, all wearing white belts, yelled: "The sea sand is showing its power, Dongming is in trouble." They rushed to the Piaoxiang.

Suddenly, Piaoxiang was alarmed.

The water ghosts of the Haisha Gang, armed with ship-chisel tools and water hammers, dived into the water, preparing to scuttle the Piaoxiang.

On the Piaoxiang, it seemed unusually calm.

It was too peaceful.

It wasn't until Han Gaitian led the Haisha Gang's gang to the hatch, but was suddenly killed by waves of crossbow arrows shot from the dark.

The Ryukyu Dongming faction is responsible for making weapons and supplying them to all parties in the Central Plains. Naturally, the weapons in their hands are first-class and excellent.

These crossbows are fired by Ji Kuo, Dongming faction regardless of men and women, holding this machine crossbow, can become a long-distance shooter.

A wave of Haisha gang members, under the arrows like locusts, the arrow fell into the water, and wailing was everywhere.

The water ghosts in the water, armed with chisels and water hammers, were about to dig a boat, but they were also killed one after another by the masters of the Dongming faction who had been deployed underwater, and the river was stained red with blood.

Sure enough, the Dongming faction was well prepared for this surprise attack.

Han Gaitian's face was gloomy. He took the Haisha gang to besiege a ship sent by Dongming. If he couldn't take it down, he would lose his prestige in front of the major general Yu Wenyu.

"Come on!" Han Gaitian brought You Gui, Chuang Jiang, You Qiuyan and other fierce fighters into the deck of the Piao Xiang of the Dongming School in a gust of wind, slashing and killing them wantonly.

They are indeed the leaders of the Haisha gang. The men and women of the Dongming faction who came to meet them were hacked and killed on the deck one after another, stumbling around.

The Haisha gang took the opportunity to push the battle line into the cabin of the Piaoxiang.

But Dongming Pai is not vegetarian either.

Soon, four pairs of beautiful young women and men with high martial arts came out from the cabin door.

"Damn it, the four guardian fairies and four generals of Dongming faction are all here!" Han Gaitian shouted angrily.

The four guardian fairies of Dongming School are all dressed in white costumes, and the river wind blows, outlining beautiful curves very attractively.And Shang Ming brought Shang Bang, Shang Kui Tai, Shang Ren and Shang Wannian to protect the four generals, and they also rushed out one after another.

But the most eye-catching thing is a youthful beauty with a jade face and vermilion lips.Her hair was jet-black and shiny, which set off her fair complexion even more so, making her bones and icy muscles extremely moving.On the head, there is a boy's bun.Wearing a white hero scarf and wearing a masculine attire, she was dressed in such a charming way.

Dongming Princess, Shan Wanjing!

At this time, Shan Wanjing walked out of the cabin slowly with a cold face, her sword was still dripping with blood.

"Haisha Gang Yuwen Clan, you are really impatient." Shan Wanjing's beautiful cherry lips uttered these words bitterly.

The Dongming faction has a detached position in Middle-earth, because it has excellent weapons and can largely control the chaos in Middle-earth.

But today, being raided by the Haisha Gang under the Yuwen faction finally completely annoyed this powerful Dongming faction.

Du Yu sighed.

It was really killed by pig teammates.

It can't be said that the Haisha Gang has been completely defeated now. Shan Wanjing and the four guardian fairies and four generals have already killed the heads of the Haisha Gang and turned them into gourds. It is quite collapsed.

If Han Gaitian, You Qiuyan, Yougui and others hadn't fought desperately in front of their master, the Haisha Gang would have been defeated long ago.

But they alone are not enough to defeat Dongming faction.

Du Yu walked out steadily.

Shan Wanjing's beautiful eyes stared viciously at this young master of the Yuwen Faction.

"Are you a member of the Yuwen clan?" Her tone was very light, but the icy murderous aura contained in it was like a tigress who was completely enraged: "Yu Wenhuaji just died, and you can't wait to die? Very good, our Dong Ming sent a free method to deliver this account book to the Hunjun's desk, just wait and see!"

Du Yu smiled and said: "We are afraid of Princess Dongming's actions, so we made this decision. If Princess Dongming is willing to hand over this thing to me, I will immediately apologize, stay away, and compensate all the losses of the Dongming faction. "

Shan Wanjing sneered and said: "It's a good one to compensate for all losses. Seventeen of my Dongming disciples died, and you brought them back to life?"

Du Yu smiled: "At the end of the day, if your Dongming faction hadn't insisted on recording the secret accounts of our purchase of weapons, which led to us taking advantage of others, how could we have turned against each other? It is true that I, the Yuwen faction, were wrong about this matter, but if the princess If you refuse to hand over the account books, today's affairs may be difficult to deal with."

A young man in white clothes stepped out with tiger strides, and said proudly: "Wanjing, don't talk nonsense with him, I'll kill him!"

Shan Wanjing yelled: "Shang Ming, it's not your turn to take care of my affairs. Step back."

The young man named Shang Ming is Shan Wanjing's nominal husband.In Dongming School, the status of women is higher than that of men.Shan Wanjing is the sole heir of the Dongming School in the future.In order to "marry" Shan Wanjing, Shang Ming really racked his brains.

Du Yu smiled: "Princess Shan Wanjing, I think it's better to use fists to decide the victory. I, Yu Wenyu, am alone, and I will challenge you, Shang Ming, the four guardian fairies and the four generals one-on-one. If you can win, then you will win." Hand over the account books to me, we will reconcile as before, and continue to do business. If I lose, I will be willing to be imprisoned in your Dongming faction, and let you kill and vent your anger, how about it?"

Shan Wanjing's beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't believe her ears.

This Yu Wenyu is so arrogant!
Dongming School has its own system of martial arts, which is extremely mysterious.Between the Ryukyu and Middle Earth, there have never been pirates and gangs who dare to make trouble.

It's not that they are benevolent, but that the Dongming faction's powerful force is enough to deter any unruly people.

Shang Ming showed hatred.

Although Shan Wanjing hated the murderer very much, Shang Ming knew Shan Wanjing's character.Shan Wanjing showed his goodwill to him many times, without false words, thinking that his martial arts and character were not heroic enough.

In troubled times, women admire the strong most.

If he can defeat this Yu Wenyu, it is possible to make Shan Wanjing look at him differently.

Shang Ming shouted: "Wanjing, since this Yuwen Clan doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and commits suicide, I'll meet him first."

He didn't wait for Shan Wanjing to refuse, he jumped in front of Du Yu first, and said coldly: "Ming Shuai Shang Ming, Shan Wanjing's husband, learn from the best tricks."

Shan Wanjing's ears turned red all of a sudden.

This bastard, everyone would say that he was his husband.

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Since you are handsome, please."

Shang Ming showed an evil smile, then suddenly disappeared in place, stabbing out a sword like lightning.

The sword in his hand is obviously not extraordinary, the blade is transparent, like a pool of clear spring, which can be seen from the Dongming School's superb sword refining skills.

The sword pierced towards Du Yu fiercely, like a poisonous snake.

Du Yu smiled, and instead of using his sword, he confronted the enemy with his bare hands.

Shang Ming was furious, this was obviously contempt for him.

The sword in his hand became even fiercer, stabbing at Du Yu's vitals.

Since the Yuwen faction wants to fight against Dongming faction to the end, there is no need to hold back, it must be a fatal blow, kill this beast, make great contributions to the Dongming faction, and make Shan Wanjing look at him with admiration.

But his thinking was obviously too naive.

Du Yu's agility reached 89 points at this time, even in the difficulty of the outer city, it is still at the top level!

He has completed every task in the most perfect state, and the rewards are so rich that there is very little space.

Shang Ming's swordsmanship is not as good as his Lingbo dodging with small steps.

One sword, nothing, two swords, nothing.

Shang Ming could hardly believe his eyes.

He can become handsome at a young age, so he naturally possesses martial arts superior to other men.Su Shangming thinks highly of himself, and no one thinks highly of him except Shan Wanjing.

But when it comes to Du Yu, there is a huge gap.

It just made him feel ashamed.

Du Yu didn't seem to fight back at all, but just dodged, which made him very embarrassed.This Du Yu was not fighting him at all, but deliberately making him look bad in front of Shan Wanjing.

The more anxious and furious he was, the more chaotic his steps and breath became, and the more opportunities Du Yu could take advantage of.

When Shang Ming was led away by Du Yudou Zhuan Xingyi again, and the long sword stabbed at his own people, Shan Wanjing finally couldn't bear it anymore, stomped her foot and said, "Shang Ming is back!"

At this time, Shang Ming's eyes were already red.

Being humiliated wantonly by Du Yu made him lose his mind.

"I kill you!"

Shang Ming looked like a mad tiger, rushing towards Du Yu frantically, as if he was going to die with the enemy.

Du Yu frowned.

Shang Ming stabbed in the air with his sword, Du Yu kicked heavily on his chest, and flew backwards.

"To be my opponent, you are not even qualified enough." Du Yu said coldly.

Shan Wanjing glared at her.

Du Yu hooked his hands lightly: "In this case, let's go together with the four guardians and the four generals. I'm afraid you will waste too much time."

Shan Wanjing was furious, and even her fans' ears turned red with anger: "You underestimate my Dongming faction so much? Since the Yuwen Clan wants to die! No way, eight of you go up and learn his brilliant tricks together."

The four guardians and the four generals looked at each other, and rushed forward together.

The Dongming faction has always been in the weapon business, and the disciples of the sect are naturally proficient in martial arts, forming a school of their own, and the method of combo attack is even more mysterious.All of a sudden, there were many white shadows in the field, swords, lights and swords, killing moves constantly, greeting Du Yu.

But the result is not any different.

Du Yu's arrogance had reached the extreme level, the dragon and wolf roared above his head, punched and kicked, and killed the four pairs of men and women quickly, without even forming a siege.On the contrary, it seemed that Du Yu was besieging them, and Du Yu's fists and feet were everywhere.

The four guardians and the four generals were quickly defeated.

What shocked everyone in the Dongming School the most was that in the face of the siege of eight people who could be listed as the first-class masters in the rivers and lakes, Du Yu seemed to be able to handle it with ease. On the other side, the eight people were so depressed that they almost vomited blood.

Just imagine that you will greet your teammates when you make moves. After a long time, do you still dare to make moves?

The bigger the eight people were, the more restrained they were. They were unceremoniously prevented, and with a few beautiful and neat moves, they were beaten like gourds one after another, completely humiliated.

Han Gaitian, You Qiuyan and others roared and cheered loudly behind them.

These pig teammates of the Haisha Gang can only be cheerleaders.

(End of this chapter)

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