Chapter 547 Mother and Daughter Join Forces, A Clear State of Mind! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

The icy coldness in Shan Wanjing's beautiful eyes became even stronger, and she jumped off the stage: "It seems that you are Yu Wenyu, who has recently gained fame from the Yuwen Faction?"

Du Yu's eyes were calm, but he was always thinking about what to do in order to maximize the value of his trip.

In the current situation where the world is in turmoil, the strategic value of the Dongming faction who is good at forging weapons is actually higher than that in the peaceful and prosperous age!
In the ranking of the eight gangs and ten associations, this Dongming faction is the object that all major forces must work hard to win over and curry favor with.

Looking at the Central Plains, two gangs deserve the most attention. One is the Dongming faction, which masters magical weapons and forging skills, and the other is the Pegasus Ranch, which masters excellent horse breeds and training skills for war horses.A weapon and a war horse are two sharp weapons in the struggle to dominate the world. Whoever can get them is like adding wings to a tiger.Even compared to the illusory Duke Yang's treasure house, it has higher strategic value.

As for Du Yu, since he is determined to compete for the world, to complete the Great Tang World in the most perfect form, and to obtain the greatest harvest, he must take the Dongming faction and the Pegasus Ranch in his hands.

But he has to deal with two people first.

One is the actual head of the Dongming faction, Dongming Princess Shan Wanjing.

One is Shang Xiuxun, the charming female owner of Pegasus Ranch.

At this time, in order to eliminate the serious trouble in the account book and conveniently frame the Li Clan, Du Yu had no choice but to take action against the Dongming faction, but this was not his original intention.

The best way is to take this Dongming faction completely for its own use, and make it a sharp blade for him to fight for world hegemony!
Du Yu laughed. His burly and majestic body naturally exuded the intimidating aura of a master, and there was even a faint aura of being superior to everyone, which made people admire.

Even in a hostile position, Shan Wanjing's icy and beautiful eyes could not help flashing a trace of confusion and splendor.

This young master of the Yuwen Clan rose rapidly like a comet and became the topic of conversation in the Central Plains.In addition, it is said that he killed the Rakshasa girl of Goryeo, and he is the only person who may obtain Yanggong's treasure house and the formula of longevity, which adds countless mysteries to him.

But today, he actually led the army to attack, and Shan Wanjing's beautiful eyes immediately returned to the ice-cold.

Du Yu smiled: "Your Highness, according to our agreement, if you lose to me again, don't worry about my Yuwen faction's offense tonight, and hand over the account books to me. My Yuwen faction is willing to pay a lot of money to compensate Dongming faction for all losses." , we reconcile as before."

Shan Wanjing said harshly: "That's a dream!"

But everyone on this boat knew that what Yuwen predicted was definitely not a dream.

Because if he can defeat Dongming princess Shan Wanjing, Ming Shuai Shangming, the four guardian fairies and the guardian general, there will be no masters on this Piaoxiang ship who can suppress this powerful Yuwen faction master.

The Yuwen faction and the Haisha gang already had a large number of people, and the Dongming faction relied on their masters to resist the attack.

If they were all defeated by Du Yu, the Dongming faction's resistance collapsed immediately, and they all became prisoners of the Yuwen Clan, and even their lives would be a problem, so Shan Wanjing refused to continue to be friends?

At this time, a middle-aged beautiful woman with elegant temperament and elegant clothes appeared on the deck of Piaoxiang.Just looking at her indifferent and graceful demeanor, coupled with the respectful salutes from the disciples of the Dongming Sect, one can tell that this is the highest helm of the Dongming Sect—Mrs. Shan Meixian of the Dongming Sect.

Shan Meixian said softly: "I also said that the young talent came, it turned out to be Mr. Yu Wenyu who is well-known in Jianghuai."

Shan Wanjing stomped on her little boots and shouted: "Mother, this person led the Haisha Gang to brutally attack my Piaoxiang, killing more than ten people. How can you be so polite?"

Shan Meixian's face was cold, and she shouted: "Wanjing must not talk nonsense."

She turned her face away, a calm smile appeared on her face, which was as beautiful as a fairy: "Although I am also very surprised by the Yuwen faction who has always had a good relationship, this time he suddenly killed the killer. If the Yuwen faction can calm down, come to me Why did the Dongming faction discuss this matter so violently?"

Du Yu looked calm, nodded and said: "The brother who was killed has discussed this matter with the noble faction many times, but was strictly rejected. We were also forced to attack our allies. Let's talk about it, and it will be fine. Please Mrs. Dongming returned the account to me Yuwen Clan, on behalf of Yuwen Clan, I am extremely grateful."

Shan Meixian pursed her lips and smiled: "But as the little girl said, the nobles came up and killed 17 of my disciples. This blood debt is not a mere yellow and white thing, and it can be paid back."

Du Yu's expression darkened: "What exactly is Mrs. Dongming's intention? Please draw the line."

Shan Meixian said indifferently: "Don't dare. To be honest, if Mr. Yuwen hadn't been on the river recently, invincible in water battles, he defeated Du Fuwei and Li Zitong's coalition forces with just five five-tooth ships, which shocked the world. We The Dongming faction suffered such a great humiliation, even if they were unable to take revenge for a while, would they be willing to let it go? My way of saying is, if the young master can defeat my Shuiyun sleeve technique and my daughter's Dongming sword technique at the same time, my Dongming faction will recognize it. It’s wrong. Don’t pursue tonight’s matter, and hand over the account, how about it?”

All the people present gasped.

Han Gai was naturally afraid that Du Yu would be young and ignorant of the world, so he laughed loudly and said, "It's ridiculous! Mrs. Dongming's Shuiyun Sleeve Technique is listed in the "Extraordinary Art List" of Jianghu, and it is a world-renowned unique skill.Recently, I heard that Princess Dongming has gradually taken over the duties of the principal. Presumably, your daughter's martial arts has already surpassed the blue, especially better than my old lady.It's really an anecdote that mother and daughter are going to go up together to serve my son. "

He smiled sinisterly, but there was a trace of obscenity in his smile.

The Haisha gang are all desperadoes, and immediately understood the puns in the gang leader's words, and begged Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, a beautiful mother and daughter who are famous at home and abroad, for Mr. Yuwen, and immediately let out a burst of wild laughter that men can understand .

Even if the mermaid swims Qiuyan, her eyes are full of spring, and she can't stop giggling.

The coldness in Shan Wanjing's beautiful eyes flourished: "Yuwen Clan, just based on these words, I, Shan Wanjing, will never give up easily!"

Shan Meixian's face was calm, and she stared at Du Yu with her beautiful eyes: "What does Mr. Yuwen say?"

She has read all the world's affairs, so naturally she will not be taken advantage of by Han Gaitian's tongue, making her breath impulsive, furious, and chaotic before fighting.

She only focuses on the most practical issues.

If Du Yu refuses to accept the move and insists on winning with more, the Dongming faction will be completely defeated today.Since masters can't suppress Du Yu, and they can't stop the wolf-like Haisha Gang and Yuwen faction fighters, I'm afraid that everyone in Piaoxiang will become a prisoner of Yuwen faction.

If the Yuwen faction is determined to kill tonight, desperate to completely eradicate the Dongming faction, then the Dongming faction will be in great trouble.

Under the low eaves, who can not bow their heads?
Shan Meixian, as the scheming master of the sect, wouldn't she not understand the reason why heroes don't suffer immediate losses?
That's why she proposed a mother-daughter double battle.

If it wins, the Dongming faction will naturally not lose face at all, and it will be even more powerful.

Even if they lose, it will only lose the face of her and Shan Wanjing, and handing over the accounts will not hurt the foundation and vitality of the Dongming faction.

Return to Ryukyu in the future, take advantage of the various relations between China and Earth, and then take revenge on the Yuwen Clan to regain their position.

Everyone's eyes fell on Du Yu.

Du Yu was like Yuan Ruyue, he closed his eyes to nourish his energy, and the aura of a master, not to mention the admiration and admiration of Yuwen Clan and Haisha Gang fighters, even Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, who were enemies, were shocked.

He is like a night pearl handed down from generation to generation, even in the darkest night, it can emit a dense and restrained brilliance, and it will never be confused with ordinary treasures.

Because, when Du Yu faced Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, the world-renowned beauties, mother and daughter masters, the strong pressure made him fall into thinking and epiphany again!
This is Du Yu's way of the strong.

Constantly looking for opportunities to sharpen yourself in the face of powerful opponents and crises!
Man himself is like a small universe, a treasure house that even he cannot believe.

You don't even know where the limit of your ability is?
But everything must have a premise.

A firm and strong heart, full and hard training and a strong external threat!

When he first entered this world, Du Yu's personal force was about the same as that of Yu Wenhuaji and the Rakshasa girl of Korea.If he wanted to fight, Shan Wanjing and Shan Meixian, he could only deal with one at the same time.

to cope with two

He will lose!
Finally, Du Yu opened his eyes.

His vision contains the wisdom to see through everything and the courage of King Kong not to lose his ambition!

Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing's faces paled.

Because they are first-class masters, they can keenly sense that Du Yu's momentum is constantly rising.

His demeanor, not only the majestic and upright air of a vast universe, but also the ruthless air of a wolf who is unwilling to be subordinated to others, made this pair of mother and daughter who are equally extraordinary in martial arts, appearance, and life experience feel unfathomable. , unpredictable.

Shan Wanjing was just confused, but the well-informed Shan Meixian couldn't figure it out.

"A mere 20-odd boy from a family, if he is said to be strong in martial arts and commanding, he can also be said to have a long history of family education and well-trained, but where do these complicated and inexplicable atmospheres come from in his aura? A lifetime of experience as a guru is even richer.”

Du Yu said slowly, "Okay."

Before Shan Meixian could make a move, Shan Wanjing couldn't help shaking her long sword, a little cold star, and a stream of light pierced Du Yu's chest.

Shan Meixian's beautiful eyes tightened, and everyone was feeling that Shan Wanjing's swordsmanship was supernatural, but only she knew it.

Just now, Shan Wanjing had no choice but to launch an attack because she was drawn by Du Yu's aura!
Basically passive-aggressive.

Otherwise, Shan Wanjing felt that there would be no chance of defeating Du Yu in this life.

It is said that both of them are similar masters, Shan Wanjing will never make a low-level mistake of being led by others and forced to attack.

After all, Du Yu is not a Ning Daoqi level master.

But he did.

All the mystery lies in his terrible appearance!

The wolf looks crazy.

The power of weather, in the battle between martial arts masters, the effect is better than expected.

That is an awe-inspiring advantage to completely suppress the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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