Chapter 548 Epiphany of state of mind, insight into everything! - Ask for a monthly ticket
In addition, it can be seen what kind of powerful advantages the Heshi jade seal brought to Du Yu.Just like the arrival of an emperor in person, ordinary people in the world can't help but mess up their positions.On the other hand, Du Yu was able to calm down and examine every small mistake of the enemy with the gaze of a superior.

This state of mind is Du Yu's biggest reliance on defeating Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing.

It is similar to Jing Zhongyue, fish and bird posture and the realm of the starry sky that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling later comprehended.

This is the epiphany.

Let Du Yu jump to a higher level on the road of martial arts.

There are no skill upgrades, no attribute increases, not even any data records.

But with the same power and skills, under Du Yu's insightful mentality, the combat power that can be exerted has achieved an astonishing geometric multiplication effect!

"Let's call it Dongming's state of mind." Du Yu smiled confidently, unfolded his figure, and easily dodged Shan Wanjing's fatal sword.

Shan Wanjing's delicate body was shocked.

She is proud that her swordsmanship has already surpassed that of Naimu Shanmeixian, but this Yuwen faction boy is not so agile, but he can dodge by chance.

She snarled, and the long sword turned into dots of cold stars, launching a stormy attack on Du Yu!

Han Gaitian, You Qiuyan and others watched in cold sweat.

Only then did they know that the Dongming faction they were going to attack had such a peerless master as Shan Wanjing.

Just this suffocating Dongming swordsmanship made them unable to eat and walk around.

If it weren't for Mr. Yuwenyu!

His body flickered, his posture was graceful, as if drawing circles, every move was in line with the way of heaven.

Although the Dongming princess's swordsmanship is fast, exquisite, and extremely fierce, it still doesn't even occupy the corner of Mr. Yuwenyu's clothes!

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Yuwen's martial arts seem to have made great progress again."

"Princess Dongming really has a hard idea, but it's a pity that it's completely useless when I meet Mr. Yuwen."

"Young master closed your eyes!" You Qiuyan exclaimed.

Amid everyone's astonished gazes, Du Yuzhen slowly closed his eyes, as if what was going on was not a life-and-death struggle, but a relaxing massage under the catkin massage of a stunning beauty like Shan Wanjing. Bone marrow spa.

Shan Wanjing was so angry that she bit her lower lip tightly with her white teeth, and launched a fierce attack with the Longquan sword in her hand.

With his eyes closed, Du Yu only relied on his feeling to perceive the influence of Qi, and often dodged Shan Wanjing's long sword at the critical moment.

Shan Meixian scolded, and Shuiyun's sleeves were fully activated, and together with her daughter, they flanked this formidable enemy.

Her pair of well-maintained jade hands are tender and crystal clear, and they look ten times more beautiful than the jade hands of Suzhou embroidered mothers and ladies. Sleeve, is it Shan Meixian's stunt that frightens the heroes and ranks on the top list?

This lady has long sleeves and is good at dancing, like a butterfly wearing flowers, flying lightly, her figure is graceful and fascinating, but only Du Yu, who is in it, knows that there are infinite murderous intentions hidden in the blooming flowers, fluttering up and down!
Different from Du Fuwei's inner world, although Shan Meixian's martial arts is also close combat, but it is more feminine, more elegant and less brutal, but the killing intent contained in it is no better than Du Fu's. Weicha!

As the overlord of one party, is Shan Meixian the gentle lady she appears to be on the surface?
If that's the case, she, together with the Dongming faction, has already been swallowed up by those vicious East China sea thieves and coastal gangs, and there is nothing left!
Du Yu's pressure suddenly increased.

A beautiful young woman in a tight-fitting and well-dressed brocade dress, like a gentle dancer, dancing gracefully, with long sleeves like water and flowing clouds, is really more beautiful than a flower, dancing can be captivating, tightly surrounding Du Pre.

A beautiful girl dressed in a white dress, disguised as a man, but still stunning and glamorous, with a flashing long sword, dotted with cold stars, and her moves are inseparable from Du Yu's vitals, dancing into a ball of cold light.

The people present, watching Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, a beautiful mother and daughter, danced around Yu Wenyu, a young talent, all had the illusion of time and space confusion.

It seems that this is not the Yuwen faction and the Dongming faction, the finale top masters of the two sides, fighting for the account books and life and death, fighting the final decisive battle to the death, but in the inner room, dancing and music, beauties and stunners, making people ecstasy.

Only Du Yu knew the terrible threat this pair of women posed to him.

If he faced the joint attack of this pair of beauties with his skills and state of mind when he just entered the space before the epiphany, he would immediately be in chaos.

Lingbo Weibu can solve the tactical problem of dodging, but no matter how strong a skill is, it is only at the tactical level and cannot solve the problem at the strategic level.

Du Yu's insightful state of mind can jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements, and look at Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing with a detached vision. Fingering, pointing, hooking, pinching, and holding, the long sword dotted with cold stars, every move is fierce and useless stabbing, cutting, pulling, throwing, and wiping!

Only in this way can the impossibility become possible under the joint attack of Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, a pair of super beauties, mother and daughter, to seize the one-in-ten-thousandth gap, dodge it, and Xu Tu fight back.

Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, the more they fought, the more frightened they became. The two pairs of water-cutting contact lenses were unbelievable. Yu Wenfan, no, there are such powerful young masters in Zhongtu.

The two are confident. With such cooperation, even if Ning Daoqi came in person, it would not be so easy to deal with.

However, this young man, as if he knew the ins and outs of each of their moves, had rehearsed them countless times, playing with their mother and daughter between applause.

Shan Meixian's beautiful eyes flashed fiercely.

Although she said it lightly and very kindly, why was the Dongming faction ever attacked and humiliated like this?
Shan Meixian's idea was to lure Yuwen to agree to a decisive battle, and then join hands with his daughter Shan Wanjing to kill!

Seeing that Yu Wenyu, who took some kind of medicine, was able to walk around in the yard and avoid the lore again and again, Shan Meixian couldn't hold back any longer, and finally launched this trick on the list of the most famous masters in the world!

[Water Cloud Sleeve Method - Flowing Cloud Sleeve].

After using this trick, the entire Piaoxiang ship seemed to be full of spring breeze, blooming like a brocade, as if the sun was shining brightly, warm and warm.

But Du Yu could faintly feel that Shan Meixian's cloud sleeve had already been infused with special internal force, forming a flowing cloud sleeve. If he was hit by this water sleeve, he would be hit in thirteen big acupoints.

And Shan Wanjing launched a lore at the same time.

The most powerful move in the Dongming School's swordsmanship [Dongming Youyu]!
The long sword of this super beauty turned into a fish in an instant.

There is no trick to follow when a fish swims in the water, it almost turns to the left and sometimes to the right.The magic of using it is all in one mind.

At this time, the long sword in Shan Wanjing's hand was also like a swimming fish, hesitating in and out, spying on the dozens of vital points on Du Yu's chest like a poisonous snake, ready to attack suddenly!
Mother and daughter, at the same time, took out their unique skills of pressing the bottom of the box, and must kill this defiant Yuwen in advance!

Such a formidable enemy must not be left behind.

Shan Wanjing and Shan Meixian believed that even if Bi Xuan, Fu Cailin and Ning Daoqi came in person, they would be terrified and moved when they saw their mother and daughter's perfect combined attack.

Now, this boy from the Yuwen clan has absolutely no chance of dodging!

Absolutely not!

But Du Yu smiled.

If he hadn't had an epiphany to "understand the state of mind", he would definitely not be able to avoid the combined attack of [Liuyunshuixiu] and [Dongming Youyu].

But this time, it was very different.

The enemy is perfect and has no flaws.

Then move, force the enemy to move, and look for openings and opportunities while moving!

This is the supreme beauty of enlightening the state of mind.

Create a loophole for the enemy!

His posture moved.

As high as 89 points of agility, Du Yu can easily perform dazzling lingbo microsteps, and it is absolutely impossible for a bystander to lean back and sideways, drawing multiple phantoms.

Shan Wanjing smiled contemptuously.

Do you think you can avoid your [Dongming Youyu] like this?
There are dozens of vital points on the chest, you can't escape this difficulty!

She suddenly got into trouble, and stabbed Du Yu's chest with her long sword.

"Wanjing, don't move lightly!"

Shan Meixian shouted sharply.

But it's too late.

Du Yu's eyes were calm, and he tried his best to be affected by Shan Wanjing's sword storm. Between Wanjing and Shanmei fairy mother and daughter!
Although his strong clothes were torn to pieces by Shan Wanjing's sword storm, even his strong chest was covered with dozens of bloodstains, but it is undeniable that he stood between mother and daughter!

And Shan Wanjing's moves are already old!

Like the fading of prosperity and the fading of beauty, everything is helpless, Shan Wanjing can only involuntarily follow the laws of physics and run forward.Du Yu was left to face Shan Meixian alone!

There was no gap between the mother and daughter, but Du Yu lured Shan Wanjing to attack by moving. In the impossible, he just found a possibility and broke the mother-daughter combination.

For Shan Meixian, boundless astonishment flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Shan Meixian is sure that even Yu Wenshang, who has the highest kung fu of the Yuwen Clan, will not be able to use this kind of skillful movement to break combo strikes while moving!
There is absolutely no way this can be done.

Otherwise, the Yuwen valve would have already surpassed the other three high valves!

Immediately there was a fierce flash, and [Liuyun Shuixiu] suddenly tapped on the thirteen vital points on Du Yu's chest.As long as one hit, Du Yu's posture will slow down, and then there will be a deadly onslaught.

And Shan Wanjing, also like a female leopard, with her boots a little in front of her, has already slammed back and flew back, another move [Dongming Youyu]!
But there is only a thin line between the masters.

If one move is wrong, the whole game is lost.

After comprehending the state of mind, Du Yu seemed to be watching from the sidelines, as if he was watching the fire. With one move, the stars shifted, and he unleashed his strength skillfully. To Shan Wanjing who charged violently!

[Dongming Youyu] VS [Liuyunshuixiu]!
Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, who were pale in color, exclaimed at the same time!
In order to deal with Yu Wenyu, the mortal enemy, the two of them did not hold back and went all out.

Now seeing the collision of mother and daughter's moves, even if I want to stop, I can't do it!
It looks like a mother and daughter colliding with each other, it's a life-and-death situation!

(End of this chapter)

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