Chapter 549 Get the ledger and capture Shan Wanjing alive! - Ask for a monthly pass

Du Yu smiled lightly, and his hands were like the wind, as if two beautiful butterflies were being plucked, four or two, and a light swipe.

[Dongming Youyu] and [Liuyunshuixiu], there is no time to let them pass by!

Shan Wanjing's [Dongming Youyu] pierced fiercely into the second mast of Piaoxiang, and the long sword full of pure internal energy penetrated deeply through the hard iron wood, and then burst out with internal energy!
The secondary mast was blown to pieces in the center, and the whole body crashed down!

The Dongming faction and the Haisha gang changed their expressions when they looked at each other.

Piaoxiang is a large ocean-going ship, which needs to travel across the ocean from Ryukyu to the middle of the earth. If it is not strong, it will not be able to withstand the storm.

The power of Shan Wanjing's move actually broke the secondary mast.

And her mother, Shan Meixian, was even more terrifying.

The [Liu Yunshui Sleeve], which seemed weak and flicked gently, was flicking on the main mast.

The main mast, which was stronger than the secondary mast, cracked loudly.

Then it fell silent.

Then, the whole thing collapsed.

A female disciple of Dongming Sect stepped forward to check, and couldn't help being shocked.

The main mast looks unscathed from the outside, but if you look inside, it's all broken into sawdust!

[Liuyunshuixiu] It is worthy of being the top skill on the top list of all corners of the world, and it is the most feminine.

Everyone on the Piaoxiang was dumbfounded.

Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing, two peerless masters, used their strongest moves to deal with Yu Wenyu together.

Double defeat!

This is the result.

Shan Wanjing's pretty face was pale, and it was obvious that continuous use of [Dongming Youyu] would definitely consume a lot of burden.

Shan Meixian was stronger than her daughter, panting for a while, then suddenly turned her face, with a graceful and beautiful face, blushing bursts, her beautiful eyes fixed on Du Yu.

"You are definitely not a member of the Yuwen Clan!" Shan Meixian reluctantly swallowed a mouthful of blood, and said firmly: "Even if Yuwen hurt his relatives just now, he couldn't do this step. If you are a member of the Yuwen Clan, you are too against the sky."

Du Yu said lightly, "Mrs. Dongming was joking. Now that I have won the duel with your mother and daughter according to my promise, can I fulfill my promise and return the account books to us?"

Shan Wanjing shouted: "I would rather die than surrender." Her beautiful eyes were full of hatred.

But Shan Meixian secretly sighed.Although my daughter's martial arts is high enough, but it's her turn to see, see, know how to advance and retreat, and understand the overall situation, she is obviously far behind.It seems that entrusting Dongming faction to her will take time to practice.

The two of us, as the highest martial arts masters of the Dongming School, were defeated by Yu Wenyu in one move, so how could I say no to him?

Now it's not a matter of who owns the account book, but the lives of her mother, daughter and hundreds of members of the Dongming faction are all in the hands of this Yuwen faction master Yuwen Yu!

As long as someone gives an order and rushes up with the Haisha gang, the Dongming faction will wipe out the entire army!
In fact, Du Yu at this moment was looking at Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing with great interest.This mother and daughter, who are as beautiful as heaven, are planning how to maximize the benefits of tonight's big victory.

Just taking away an account book obviously couldn't satisfy Du Yu's appetite.

He wants to take this opportunity to control the Dongming faction.

Fight for hegemony in the world, do everything you can.

If you are kind and soft, you might as well go home and pick up the child.

When Shan Meixian saw this master, his aggressive gaze was sizing up on himself and his daughter, and his heart trembled.

Sure enough, there are no good people in Yuwen Clan.

She hurriedly ordered Shan Wanjing to go to the account book.

Shan Wanjing stomped her foot and said, "Mother, if you are attacked by the Yuwen faction this time, put your hand on your ear and obediently present the account book. How will my Dongming faction gain a foothold in the Jianghu?"

Shan Meixian shouted: "At this time, I am still the head of the Dongming sect, when will it be your turn to be the master? Hurry up and get it!"

Shan Wanjing walked down the deck angrily, turned around and took out an account book, walked up to Du Yu, stared at Du Yu fiercely, and handed it over: "Here! Get out!"

Du Yu received a reminder: "You have completed the task of [Eliminate hidden dangers], obtained the account books of the Dongming faction, eliminated the scourge of the Yuwen faction, and can frame the Li faction. Mission reward: 2000 villain points. The court contribution is 300 points." , Yuwen valve contribution is 1000."

Shan Meixian's face darkened: "Wanjing, don't be rude to distinguished guests!"

She walked slowly to Du Yu's side, bowed down, and said, "My Dongming faction is wrong about this matter. Secretly recording the details of the transaction has added so much trouble to the Yuwen faction. Three thousand pieces of weapons, all of them should be transferred to the nobles."

Shan Wanjing was shocked and said: "Mother, that is a sharp weapon custom-made by the Li clan. It will be handed over to Li Shimin in Pengcheng ten days later. How can we give it to the Yuwen clan? Don't we want to lose our trust in the Li clan?"

Shan Meixian gave Shan Wanjing a hard look.

This time he kicked to the iron board, Yuwen pre-beat the whole army, life and death are in the hands of manpower.The Yuwen faction became ruthless, even the Piaoxiang ship was taken over, and all the weapons on the ship naturally fell into their hands, so why not give them away as an apology at this time.

Shan Meixian has only one thought at this time, which is to understand this matter earlier, and lead the Dongming faction away from this place and return to Ryukyu.

At that time, it will not be too late to look back at the Yuwen Valve.

Du Yu was not in a hurry.

In troubled times, fists are the biggest.

Since Mrs. Dongming and Princess Dongming were defeated by him, he is not afraid that the Dongming faction will rebel against heaven.

He nodded: "My Yuwen Clan has already felt Madam Dongming's sincerity. But it seems that Princess Dongming has a deep hostility towards my Yuwen Clan. In this way, it will be difficult for me to let you go with confidence. Dongming The Ming faction is the central plains' weapon supplier, and they are the only ones with a wide network of contacts. What if after returning to Ryukyu, the princess secretly contacts a few heroes to besiege my Yuwen faction, I can't afford it."

Shan Wanjing's beautiful eyes widened, and she said bitterly: "Yu Wenyu! What exactly do you want to do?"

Du Yu took out a red elixir, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "If I want to let Piaoxiang go, it's not difficult. You just need to take this poisonous elixir, Your Highness. Then I will take the princess away, Dongming Madame promises to supply me Yuwen Clan weapons on time, and she will never make things difficult for me."

This elixir is the last Jiuxiaoyunwaiwan that Du Yu got in the Xiaoao Jianghu world!

For women, this is an unsolvable shackle that can ensure their loyalty to Du Yu.

The elixir that had been dusty for a long time was finally taken out by Du Yu to deal with the rebellious pink wild horse Shan Wanjing.

Shan Meixian's towering chest rose and fell sharply, and her beautiful eyes looked at Du Yu with hatred: "Yu Wenyu, don't bully me too much!"

Du Yu said indifferently: "Really? Madame, you know. Ever since you and the princess were both defeated by me, the fate of the Dongming faction can no longer escape the grasp of my Yuwen faction. If I want you to die, you will die." , You can only live if you live.”

Shan Wanjing was as angry as a female leopard, she rushed up, but she was injured by Du Yu, her true energy had not recovered, Du Yu easily tapped her acupuncture points, and captured her alive.

Shan Wanjing was so ashamed and angry that she wished she could kill herself, only then did she realize that she had fallen into such a situation.

Shan Meixian shouted: "If you dare to move a finger of her, I guarantee that the Dongming faction and the Yuwen faction will never end without end."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows: "Threatening me?"

Shan Meixian looked frustrated, and finally lowered her head: "I am the master of Dongming faction, give me the pill, and I will take it."

Du Yu smiled: "No! It must be eaten by Princess Wanjing. She is the one that Dongming faction must save."

Shan Wanjing snatched the pill from Du Yu's hand and swallowed it.

"Wanjing!" Shan Meixian cried out in grief and indignation.

Du Yu laughed, hit Shan Wanjing's acupoints, picked up the delicate and limp Princess Dongming, picked up the account book and jumped up, darting towards the dark shore.

"Madam Dongming, don't forget the agreement between you and me. This ship of weapons belongs to me, and we will agree on the location of the next transaction later!"

Du Yu's hearty laughter and Shan Wanjing's hateful kicks resounded in the night sky.

Han Gaitian laughed, and directed the members of the Haisha Gang to carry all the 3000 sets of weapons and armor originally ordered by the Li clan that were fully loaded on the Piaoxiang.

On the Piaoxiang, everyone in the Dongming faction looked livid.

This time, the Dongming faction was really hurt.

Dongming Princess Shan Wanjing was plundered by the Yuwen Clan villain.

There was hatred in Shan Meixian's beautiful eyes.

But soon she sighed with hatred.

Even her only daughter, Shan Wanjing, was plundered by that bastard Yu Wenyu, and took extremely poisonous poison, which was equivalent to grabbing her vital point. How could she not be obedient?

All the weapons I handed over to Li Clan this time were taken away by Yuwen in advance, and I still don't know how to explain to Li Shimin.

In the next step, the Yuwen faction will definitely use Shan Wanjing as a threat, ordering her to gradually cut off trade relations with other parties, and monopolize the arms trade of the Dongming faction.

She was powerless to resist.

She can only obediently follow Yu Wenyu's request and work hard to complete it, unless she can be cruel enough to abandon her only daughter.

Looking at the night view of the Grand Canal outside the window, Du Yu poured himself a drink, and a stunning beauty sat opposite him.

Princess Shan Wanjing of Dongming stared at Du Yu viciously with a frosty face, wishing she could pounce on Du Yu and bite him.

Du Yu never had much patience with this savage and capricious beauty, so he chose the most straightforward way - Jiuxiaoyunwaiwan.

"If you dare to violate me, I will commit suicide immediately." Shan Wanjing said with a blush on her face.

"Very well, everything is up to the princess." Du Yu smiled: "I have prepared a room for the princess, please rest at ease."

Shan Wanjing stared at Du Yu: "Your purpose is not only for this account book, but also for my Dongming faction, right?"

Du Yu nodded: "I do have the intention to further strengthen cooperation with the Dongming faction."

Shan Wanjing suddenly stood up, and said loudly: "You Yuwen Clan, you are helping the tyrant beside that stupid king. Yu Wenhuaji's death, hasn't taught you enough lessons? Do you still want to fight for world hegemony?"

Du Yu drank the wine and said calmly: "The world is impermanent, how can human beings predict it? Your Royal Highness Dongming Princess, don't worry, I will not force you to do anything, as long as you stay by my side."

As Li Mochou's research on poisons has become more and more in-depth, she has deciphered Jiuxiao Yunwai Pills, a drug that is indiscriminate. By improving the properties of the poison, the effect of this poison can be weakened, and it can even be controlled by Du Yu. Drug control.

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(End of this chapter)

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