Chapter 653 Rich Rewards!Princess Yuli! - Ask for a monthly pass

[Returning with Beauty] Task You have successfully won the favor of 11 heroines in total including Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Shen Luoyan, Li Xiuning, Song Yuzhi, Dugufeng, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang. Reward 22 basic attribute points and 8800 villain points. (Reminder, you still have Song Yuzhi and other six heroines who haven't signed a contract yet, you need to sign a contract to appear in other planes)

[Yuwen proclaims the emperor] The mission is to flatten all the heroes in the world, expand the power of the Yuwen Clan to Chang'an, Luoyang, and Jiangdu, control the entire line of the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, surpass the four Clans, and finally proclaim the emperor.The difficulty factor of the task is 3, and the basic reward attribute point is 3. After calculation, your final completion rate is 154% (because you have a high degree of national unity, many famous ministers and good generals, and foreign enemies such as the Eastern Turks have been weakened.) Your basic reward attribute point is 3*3*154%=13.86, rounded to 14. "

You have obtained a total of 38 attribute points! "

Du Yu was so elated, he never expected to have such a rich harvest.

Among them, embracing beauty and attributing more completion times, and Yuwen proclaiming emperor because of its high difficulty and higher degree of completion, have become the main way for Du Yu to obtain attribute values.

Du Yu's villain points were basically squandered after being exchanged by Shi Feixuan and other five beauties, leaving only 5740 points.

After taking stock of the world's gains this time, Du Yu cast his eyes on the bloody city with piercing eyes.

"I came back alive. Hou Xiaobai!" Du Yu grinned in his heart, "I'm so sorry, your brother has only a soul left, and I imprisoned you. I also got the He Shibi you wanted. I really want to go Look at the picture of you being executed by the emperor, it must be very beautiful."

He walked out of the teleportation point slowly.Due to random teleportation, he was outside a shop in the outer city at this time.

"Quick, quick!" A group of adventurers ran past Du Yu in a desperate gust, as if hordes of women were tempting them in front of them.

"That shop has finally opened? Did you read that correctly?" Another adventurer tremblingly said.

"That's right! Hurry up! If you're too slow, those strong teams in space will get the news, send people to squat in the pit, or even clear the field. We can't even catch up with eating shit." A wretched-eyed man running in the front shouted.

Curiosity rose in Du Yu's heart.

What are they looking for?

That being said, there are many mysteries in the space, and Du Yu dare not say that he can exhaust all the secrets.In fact, he is the kind of person who doesn't like to socialize and has limited information.

Now that Du Yu heard about it, he followed Daliu and chased there.

One after another, sweaty and hurried adventurers rushed out from every corner of the street. When they saw these charging teams, their faces were startled, and their eyes shot out complex lights of hatred, anger, and jealousy.But everyone refused to lag behind, and they were rushing towards a certain place crazily.

Du Yu was secretly amazed.

What kind of store is it that can attract so many adventurers to go there desperately?

He followed these early-moving adventurers and rushed to a certain shop block in the outer city near the inner city gate, but he faintly saw a dessert shop called "Sweet Glutinous Rice Dumplings"!
Dessert shop? ! !
Du Yu was stunned for a while.

He thought he must have read it wrong, but the sweet little fairy billboard, with pink neon lights and double signs in Chinese and English, reminded all passers-by that this was a genuine dessert shop.

What is especially weird is that those adventurers rushing in from all over the place, as if scrambling for S-level equipment or natural treasures, began to fight for who would enter this extremely cute dessert shop first.

Seeing how desperate they are, is there something mysterious about the items sold in this dessert shop?

Du Yu looked at this dessert shop and felt a little weird.

Because this is a bloody city, it advocates blood and fire, absolute power, not a modern city that advocates romance.

On this street, even in all areas of the space, there are always equipment and weapon stores, supply and item stores, and even brothel bars. There are very few shops that specialize in desserts and do not provide accommodation and drinks, but this style does not meet The small shop in the environment is now crowded with people, there is an endless stream of customers, and there is even a fight over who will enter first.

Du Yu looked at the sweet "sweet glutinous rice dumpling", but underneath was a group of murderous and vicious adventurers who were lining up in a long line, cursing and refusing to leave, fighting each other for a position.

And the adventurers who entered the shop anxiously, when they came out, either carried a big bag full of various desserts and pastries with a satisfied face, and left as quickly as a thief, for fear of being targeted by others, or The face came out empty-handed in frustration.

Du Yu couldn't help it, and asked the obscene bespectacled man in front of him, "What's the secret of this "sweet glutinous rice dumpling"? Can it attract so many people?"

The obscene bespectacled man glanced at Du Yu disdainfully. He was impatient to answer the layman's question, but seeing the indifference on Du Yu's face, and the faint aura of strength that he couldn't see through, he didn't dare to make any mistakes. , Squeezed out a smile and said: "Brother, you don't know, the desserts produced by this "Sweet Glutinous Rice Dumpling" shop are not just simple food, but a BUG supplement that can save lives or even turn the tables at critical moments. These appearances are Dessert supplements can disregard time, regardless of the environment, regardless of bad state for indiscriminate energy supplement.”

"Oh?" Du Yu thought to himself, this is really a fortress.

Now that the wretched man with glasses opened his mouth, he simply confessed: "Yes, it is said that the various desserts bought from this "Sweet Glutinous Rice Dumpling" shop have magical powers. It is remarkable. A magician who has burned out his magic will eat one piece, and his mana will be full in an instant, and the magic cooling time will be reset to zero; One hits ten refreshed; a samurai who has run out of fighting spirit bites a piece, and the behemoth possessed by a behemoth is full of fighting spirit... Of course, the above effects are the effects of the most advanced desserts. No matter what kind of occupation the adventurer is, what kind He can always find desserts that can replenish his energy. Therefore, adventurers who know the inside story will call this store a sugar bun shop. Even adventurers in the inner city and even the imperial city are willing to come to buy after hearing the news "

Du Yu nodded: "Such a fortified store, wouldn't it be crowded every day?"

The man with wretched eyes smiled wryly and said: "Brother said yes, but the owner of this shop is elusive, and there is no fixed business hours. This time it was me, and I accidentally saw the shop open, so I quickly called someone to buy it, but it was still a step late." Alas, the stock in the store is very limited every time. Even if it is sold at a sky-high price, it has already been snatched up by the wolves in front. Even if the purchase limit is useless."

Du Yu was nodding his head in thought, but he heard a familiar voice: "Isn't this Du Yu? You also like desserts?"

Du Yu turned his head in astonishment, but saw his acquaintance Yi Mei.

At this time, Yimei was staying with a little girl about 10 years old.The little girl is sweet looking and wears a gorgeous gothic loli dress.Like the two-dimensional loli who came out of the comics, she is pure, cute and sunny, but under her innocence, there is always a kind of arrogance of a superior person, which is invisible and makes people dare not be rude.

Yimei and the little girl walked over talking and laughing, took Du Yu's arm, pulled him away and said with a smile, "You also want to go to Yuli's shop to buy desserts?"

"Yu Li? Who is it?" Du Yu asked puzzled.

The 10-year-old little loli said in a childish voice, "She is Yuli."

Du Yu was surprised for a while.

"Are you the owner of this sweet glutinous rice dumpling?"

Na Yuli nodded, her expression was reddish, she said very cutely.

Du Yu coughed, "I was just curious, and I was attracted by the crowd. How did you know Yuli, Yimei?"

Yimei smiled: "I am very familiar with Yuli's sister Yumin, so I naturally know Yuli. This time I came here specially to accompany Yuli to prevent any accidents."

Du Yu thought to himself, why is the name Yumin so familiar?

He suddenly remembered.

The princess who joined forces with Yimei last time to avenge Nagai Kenji was not Princess Yumin?

This little girl is called Yuli?Could it be her true identity?
Du Yu was astonished.

Yimei Bingxue was smart, so she naturally saw Du Yu's thoughts, nodded and said, "That's right. Yuli is the youngest daughter of the Daxing Emperor (the former emperor) of the Great Tang Empire, the youngest sister of the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the youngest daughter of the Great Tang Empire." Princess Yuli, her boudoir name is Yuli. Non-royal adventurers usually call her Sweet Princess in order to avoid the taboo of the royal family. The most gifted thing about Princess Yuli is that she has the ability to absorb and extract energy and transform it into The form is then attached to other items in a stable and absorbable form. Simply put, she can convert any energy form and present it for outsiders to use. Therefore, she often buys it from adventurers, which seems rather useless Items rich in various energies, such as high-tech batteries, spiritual stones from the cultivation world, crystals from the magic continent world, radioactive nuclear energy ores from the bloody wasteland, etc.

Yuli puffed out her chest arrogantly, and said proudly: "Yuli has turned waste into treasure. He is very appreciated by the emperor's brother. If you don't believe me, look at it."

As if offering a treasure, she drew Du Yu into the dessert shop, and displayed her main products for Du Yu to watch.

When Du Yu saw it, he was really full of things to see: magic chocolate, restore magic and magic power; inner force milk puff, restore inner strength; spiritual power cake, restore spiritual power; vindictive sandwich biscuits, restore vindictive energy; true energy pudding, restore true energy; Brown sugar dumplings, restore mind power; spiritual tiramisu, restore spiritual power...

Each dessert is divided into four types: small, medium, large and super large, which can restore 20%, 40%, 70% and 100% of energy respectively.

Of course, the price is also expensive.But under the premise that survival in space is everything, these life-saving medicines, no matter how high the price, will be looted by people.

(End of this chapter)

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