Chapter 654: Fallen Geese offer advice to dominate the space! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Du Yu stood up, looked up at the starry sky and said, "It's not easy to come to this chaotic place where everything can be given. Since I am a villain of space, I will rebel to the end! My ambition is to overthrow the rule of this chaotic place." , become the supreme ruler! And explore the deepest secret behind the space."

Shen Luoyan and the five girls looked at each other, their beautiful eyes were full of smiles.

As a subordinate, the most fearful thing is that the boss has no ambitions, that's really aggrieved.

Shen Luoyan is obviously a person who is not afraid of big things. The greater the ambition of the lord, the greater the challenge, the more exciting she feels.

This woman is destined not to be a weak beauty who lives deep in the harem, facing the mirror with yellow flowers every day, waiting for her husband to come and pick her up.She is a pretty military strategist who dares to love, dare to hate, and plots schemes!
"Since the lord's ambition has been set, Shen Luoyan has to say that the lord has made at least three mistakes so far!" Shen Luoyan stretched out three magnolia fingers.

Du Yu didn't feel disobedient at all, and said with a smile: "Since you are invited, it is natural to use your clever little head, why don't you quickly offer your opinions and strategies?"

Shen Luoyan paced, walked to the window, looked at the blood-red sky outside the window, and sighed: "This city is now divided into four by powerful forces and ruled by four great empires. My lord will become the supreme existence , we will unify the four kingdoms and become the only master of space!"

Du Yu's body shook.

Although he vaguely had this idea, but with his previous strength, he was a bit reluctant to survive among the major forces. How could he say such domineering words?

Even if he told others, they would only treat him as an idiot talking about his dreams, adding more jokes.

But Shen Luoyan was not polite, and immediately proposed Du Yu's future direction!

This pretty military division is really sharp.

Shen Luoyan said leisurely: "To achieve this goal, my lord, you can't do it yourself. Even if you become a master in the Zifu District, you are still far away from achieving supremacy. Otherwise, the masters in the Zifu District have already established their own empires. "

"Your own strength is definitely a necessary condition, but it is by no means that you can unify the empire with martial arts and practicing the way of heaven. You need an army, you need a team, you need intrigue, and you need a strategic plan."

Shen Luoyan pressed on step by step.

Du Yu nodded.

A frenzy for hegemony flashed in Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes: "But my lord, you have already seen this. No matter how difficult the situation is and how tight the resources are, you have finally pulled together a team. In my opinion, this team can be defeated You firmly control that Michelle, although she is not beautiful enough, she is also loyal to you and is a usable talent."

Du Yu smiled wryly.

Shen Luoyan said: "But having your own power is only the first step. A strong space team stronger than you is just a lackey vassal of the empire. If you want to fight for hegemony, one is your wolf pupil team, my lord, which needs to be greatly strengthened , One is the lord, you must enter the power core of the empire!"

When Du Yu heard the word core of power, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

He fought wits and bravery with the empire before, but it was forced by the situation, and it was a coincidence that he got rid of his status as a prisoner. He never thought that he would actually enter the empire?
"To become an imperial official like Hou Xiaobai?" Du Yu murmured.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes: "That's right! Although God General Hou and his son have extremely bad character, their path is extremely stable, and they are climbing to the highest peak of power step by step. I He Houer interrogated Hou Xiaofeng day and night, and obtained a lot of valuable information, which should be of reference value to you."

Du Yu was moved.When these beauties came to him, they put into work without having to explain themselves, which left him a little speechless.

Shen Luoyan said coldly: "Think about it, even if you become a master in the Zifu District, once the overwhelming beast horde comes, you are just a stronger cannon fodder, and you will still be sent to the front line by the empire to deal with the beast horde. And once you become the empire The emperor, with every gesture, can decide the life and death of countless people in this city, which one is good and which one is bad, you can tell at a glance."

Du Yu couldn't help but nodded with a wry smile.

The concubine Shixuan and Wan Wan next to her also deeply agreed.

Once the beast tide comes, what can one do with one's own power?
It was just sent to the front line by the empire to fight against the beast horde.

To fundamentally change all of this, apart from the powerful force of the individual, one only needs to seize the power of the space city, become the leader of hundreds of thousands or millions of adventurers, and become the ruler.

"The three mistakes I mentioned, the first one is that when you first entered the space, my lord, you didn't have a high vision, and you seemed to be muddling along. Although you are a prisoner, saving your life is a problem, but you don't pay enough attention to these aspects. .”

Shen Luoyan said slowly: "The root cause is that your strategy is not clear, this is one of them."

"The second is your tactical problem. Although you have formed a lover relationship with Princess Catherine of the Shenluo Empire, to a large extent, you did not use her power to secretly develop your power. And you are in the big In the Tang Empire, they fought wits and courage with Hou Xiaobai, entangled in the details, but did not develop their own power at a higher level."

Shen Luoyan said in a deep voice: "Take today as an example, if I were you, the first time I met Princess Yuli, the emperor's eldest princess, I would start to make friends, try to make friends, even if I can't sit on the son-in-law If you want to take the position, you also need to get some information about the emperor. This will be of great use to your future struggle for hegemony. Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle.”

Du Yu nodded and remained silent.

Shen Luoyan smiled and said, "My lord, don't blame Luoyan for speaking directly. From my point of view, your level in space is not one-tenth of your level in the Tang Dynasty! If you always deal with space with the mentality of a weak person Business, once the good luck runs out, you will be in trouble."

Du Yu thought so.

Unexpectedly, this female Zhuge is so strategic, and being able to ask such sharp questions to herself is really helpful.

"What about the last question?" Du Yu asked.

Shen Luoyan's pretty face blushed: "Your last problem is that you have too many girls! The villain value advantage given to you by your talent can improve your skills without limit, but in order to regain many beauties, you have a cloud of beauties around you, but the villain What is worth using in martial arts and improving the combat power of the beauties is far from enough. This is the third level besides strategy and tactics, your personal cultivation and strategy!"

"That is to say, there are problems with my strategy, tactics and strategy?" Du Yu smiled wryly.

Shen Luoyan giggled coquettishly and said: "This is just Luoyan's own opinion, and I'm a bit picky. To be honest, with your bad situation, my lord, even if Luoyan comes, it is absolutely impossible for me to have the present after only 7 worlds. This is a great situation. After talking about the shortcomings, let’s talk about your advantages. You now have three hole cards, which no adventurer can resist."

"First, it's your villain attribute, wolf and madness." Shen Luoyan said in a deep voice: "You can enter the world and play the role of a villain. With the cooperation of people, you can give full play to unexpected advantages. Not to mention your villain value, you can instantly increase your skill level and achieve unexpected surprise effects."

"Secondly, there is always space for you." Shen Luoyan said: "We all know that you left the golden core avatar in the Tang world. From Luoyan's point of view, this is really a peerless move. Not only can you With one more life, you can also have almost unlimited training time. In space, no adventurer can replicate this experience."

"The third is your personal charm, which allows you to have many potential allies and a good team." Shen Luoyan continued: "Catherine, Yimei, Maishela, Rourou, and even the dragon who can't see the end The girl in white clothes, An Huaqing and monk Yizhen, etc., these people have good energy. In addition, in the plot, you have met Yang Guo, Zhang Junbao, Jueyuan and others, and established a good friendship. In the outer city, All these plot characters may appear and become your support! Even Luo Yan is fascinated by you."

Shen Luoyan winked, Du Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

First, Shen Luoyan's three big mistakes hit her body badly, and then she was blown away by her three big advantages. This Shen Luoyan really said everything.

"Then what is our top priority now?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes flashed, she giggled and said, "I have three strategies, which I want to dedicate to my lord!"

"First, it is at the strategic level. My lord must comprehensively strengthen the relationship with Catherine, Yimei, Yuli and others, comprehensively win over the high-level people of the Shenluo Empire and the Datang Empire, and people who have a good impression of you, and improve your upper-level environment. .”

Du Yu nodded deeply.

"Especially that Catherine." Shen Luoyan chuckled and said, "My lord, you might as well go and steal this beautiful and lonely Princess Shinra with a complicated life experience, and take her back completely. Then you can control the powerful empire of Shinra at least Half of the national power is for you to use. It is convenient and quick."

Du Yu couldn't laugh or cry.This Shen Luoyan's first strategy is to do face-to-face interviews by himself, so as to use public relations, how to do it?

Shen Luoyan stretched out her second finger: "The second strategy is the team building level. My lord, you must use the Datang strategic map in your hand to the extreme. This holiday, I still have to organize a hunting MF. And go to Recently, the imperial court has encouraged hunting in the East China Sea. On the one hand, it uses the map to obtain huge hunting income and expand the financial base of the team. Any team that dares to hunt in Jieshi to the east at this time will be rewarded. You don't have to worry, my lord, the court will attack you again because of the relationship between the Hou family and his son."

Du Yu's eyes lit up.

This is really killing two birds with one stone.

The wonderful thing is that I have the strategic map of the Tang Dynasty in my hand, so I can safely know the information about the monsters in the wild blood field, and at the same time, I can make friends with the court.

(End of this chapter)

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