Chapter 655 BADGUY Is A Fake Lolita With Poor Breasts? - Ask for a monthly pass

After a wave of beasts, the imperial court was seriously injured and urgently needed a team to hunt monsters, otherwise it would not have issued a reward policy to encourage the team to go.

"very good!"

Du Yu was very satisfied with Shen Luoyan, a handsome military adviser.

"What about the third strategy?"

Shen Luoyan's eyes flashed coldly: "It's about Hou Xiaofeng!"

"What happened to Hou Xiaofeng?"

Du Yu said in a deep voice.

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes flashed fiercely: "Hou Xiaofeng, it is really a sharp weapon against the Hou family. My lord, please don't tell God General Hou the news that Hou Xiaofeng is still alive, and what items to trade. Hou Xiaofeng should act as The key evidence of the Hou family's treason is handed over to the court's supervisory censor, Yimei!"

Du Yu was shocked.

His favorite thing is how to entrap the Hou family.

Hou Xiaobai really has a big grudge against him.

Shen Luoyan is worthy of being an expert in conspiracy and smart warfare, and he uses every hole card to the extreme.

Hou Xiaofeng's soul was used by her to plot against the Hou family, and with Yimei's factor, she could indeed act as a surprise soldier.

Shen Luoyan pointed at Houhou.

Hou Hou said indifferently: "Hou Xiaofeng's soft-boned, Hou'er has just used a little bit of magic tricks, and then he confides everything. Even his father and brother's rebellion are fully exposed. "

"That's right!" Du Yu laughed loudly, but then he became worried: "Recently, General Hou Shen led his army in a battle against the beast horde and won a victory. It is estimated that the imperial court trusts him at this time, so why would they trust him so easily? Hou Xiaofeng's confession?"

Shen Luoyan said bitterly: "You enemy, how did you drive a wedge between me and Mi Gong? The court trusts God General Hou at this time, but how do you know that the old emperor is not an expedient measure? As long as God General Hou rebels The ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and if presented to the emperor, it may not be impossible to shake Hou Shenjiang, the great god. Of course, we need to discuss the details with Yimei and plan the details."

Du Yu nodded.

The three strategies presented by Shen Luoyan are all very good advice and highly operable.

He nodded approvingly to Luoyan: "I'll tell Yimei about Hou Xiaofeng now, but Houshen will be a big mountain, and to bring him down will take hard work. Don't expect too much."

Shang Xiuxun said: "By the way, when you go hunting this time, don't forget to capture some magical beasts. My Pegasus Ranch is best at breeding magical beasts. In the future, in the battle against the beast tide and the battle for hegemony, riding The power of monsters is like the power of war horses fighting for hegemony in the world, it is a supreme weapon."

Du Yu laughed loudly: "The words of the owner of the mall are very much to my liking. My MF this time also has an important goal, which is to capture a lot of powerful monsters for you to keep in captivity. It will definitely become a sharp weapon for the world hegemony in the future. "

Shang Xiuxun's beautiful eyes glared: "You just want to turn me into your breeder, hum!"

Du Yu hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her heart. Shang Xiuxun was acting like a baby. After getting Du Yu's agreement tonight, she naturally turned from anger to joy and said, "I can't wait. Now you just happen to have Lan Xin Bi Python and Rudolph III, these two B-level monsters? Just put them in my Pegasus Ranch. I will first familiarize myself with the monsters and try to breed them. Jasmine also wants to."

When Du Yu heard the word breeding, he smiled wryly in his heart, imagining the embarrassment and helplessness of Lan Xinbi python, Rudolf III, and Molier, the terrifying monsters, who were trained by Shang Xiuxun, and even studied the breeding.Fortunately, Haierfa is an astral creature, unable to reproduce, and finally escaped the catastrophe.

Shan Wanjing said indifferently: "My Piaoxiang is ready. Although I can only build D-level weapons now, I only need to give me a certain amount of time, familiarize myself with the weapon formula of the space, and add enough materials. Naturally, the level will gradually increase to keep up with your needs."

Du Yu was overjoyed, grabbed Shan Wanjing's soft barley and said, "Princess Wanjing, you have worked so hard. But you are a girl, can you build that heavy space weapon? Do you want me to swing the sledgehammer?"

Shan Wanjing smiled and said: "It will be too late when you bastard comes to help. Piaoxiang has its own hydraulic transmission system, which can automatically light the fire with the help of the water flow from the heart of the castle. And dozens of The fire is started together, and the efficiency is extremely high. All Wanjing needs is the forging and inlaying of key links, and your needs will not be delayed."

Du Yu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "From now on, if I want monsters, I want weapons and weapons, who else should I be afraid of?"

Shen Luoyan said: "The next problem is the headquarters construction of your wolf pupil team. It can't be in this place where fish and dragons are mixed. It is easy to be raided by enemies such as the White Tiger Team, and it is not easy to raise monsters in captivity and make weapons on a large scale. I suggest buying a set from the empire." A large piece of land, throwing the Castle Heart openly. On the one hand, the defense has been strengthened, and the Castle Heart is equipped with facilities such as Immortal Defense Restriction, Defense Arrow Tower, and Yang Gong’s Treasure House. Under the protection of the wolf pupil team, the Castle Heart is almost safe. On the one hand, this majestic castle standing in the bloody city itself is the best advertisement for the strength of the wolf pupil team."

Du Yu was overjoyed and called Maishela and others to discuss.

Michela was working on business at this time, and when she heard Du Yu's suggestion for building the headquarters, she took it seriously: "I have long wanted you to contribute the Heart of the Castle as the team's headquarters. But it is your treasure, so I can't tell. You can think of the best. However, other adventurers are not allowed to enter the castle when there is no war, so as not to disturb your cultivation and privacy. In addition, we will build a wall fortification next to the heart of the castle as an outer barrier to prevent the enemy from Take advantage of your opportunity to go out and take away the heart of the castle, and sneak attack the team."

Du Yu agreed, and called the security chief to inquire about buying the land.

Baochang looked distressed: "To be honest, in the bloody city of Chang'an, every inch of land is expensive. Even in the outer city, the land area is the largest, and it can be built relatively larger. But the price of the land is not cheap."

Du Yu asked, "I intend to enclose all the surrounding open space. How much will it cost?"

The Baochang was frightened, and said in astonishment: "Could it be that the land you are talking about is not the current residence of the wolf pupil team, but also includes the surrounding area to the bottom of the city wall. Isn't this a large open space?"

Du Yu chuckled: "These lands are vacant land anyway, and there is no need to relocate the residents. Can the chief protector tell me the number?"

Bao Zhang said with a wry smile: "I have no right to be the master of such a large piece of land. I need to ask my superiors for instructions. But I estimate that in any case, the value will not be less than 3000 million."

"So much?" Du Yu said in a low voice.

Bao Zhang nodded: "That's right, it still needs the approval of the court, and even the emperor himself, to go through the formalities and agree to sell it to you. In this city, as the situation is tight, the space seems to speed up the intake of adventurers. The number of adventurers recently The number of people in the entire four countries has risen to one million. More adventurers will naturally occupy more space in the city. In the core area of ​​the city, it is difficult to find a room at this time. You still need to occupy such a large area, as a team Headquarters, naturally the price will skyrocket.”

Du Yu nodded.

The team's maximum assets of 1300 million, after excluding the consumption of a world, are only 1000 million, which cannot afford to spend so much.

But he had already thought of a plan.

That is to use the Datang strategic map to conduct another hunt.

The hunting income, plus the hunting in the East China Sea, after sharing the worries of the court, the court should give a little discount, which is enough to buy it.

Before that, he was going to find An Huaqing on business.

Arriving at the door of An Huaqing's chapel, An Huaqing greeted him.

Du Yu handed over the Evil Emperor's relic, An Huaqing didn't seem to care about the fact that the Evil Emperor's relic was sucked dry, so he accepted it casually.

"Your skill seems to have improved a lot?" An Huaqing asked in surprise.

Du Yu smiled, absorbed the evil emperor's relics and other treasures, and naturally increased.

An Huaqing said with great interest: "Okay, since you have fulfilled your promise and brought back the evil emperor's relic, I will give you my mustard seeds. We owe you nothing. If you are interested, let me know." Do a mission?"

Du Yu said indifferently: "I've been busy recently, I don't have time for now, let's do it next time."

An Huaqing also followed suit, nodded, and handed him a glass of whiskey.

The two drank and chatted happily.

Du Yu got up to leave, but An Huaqing finally said, "Actually, my mission is about BADGUY. Are you interested in listening?"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows.

Since Shen Luoyan had made clear his direction, he was so busy with everything at this time that he really didn't have the time or energy to do other tasks.

But the tasks An Huaqing released here have always been mysterious, and the possibility of chance cannot be ruled out.

The BADGUY phone booth is one of the few things that Du Yu is interested in.Because he still has to rely on this phone booth to enter the world he wants to enter.The strategic implications are important.

"What's wrong with BADGUY?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

"The boss of Badguy wants to meet you." An Huaqing smiled and said, "You visited the business last time and left something behind. He is very interested in it."

Du Yu's pupils shrank.

I left the Golden Core avatar in the world of Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty, which is extremely confidential.

The boss of BADGUY, how do you know?
Seeing the murderous look in Du Yu's eyes, An Huaqing hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, Boss Badguy and I have absolutely no chance of leaking this news. What's more, the space is dead at this time. Nowhere to complain."

Only then did Du Yu feel relieved.

This secret must never be revealed.

That being the case, then the boss of BADGUY also had to meet him.

An Huaqing smiled: "He's already here."

Du Yu turned his head to look at the chapel-style bar, but he didn't find any tall and thick men.

There is only one fifteen or sixteen-year-old loli, with B-cup pseudo-poor breasts, but with a high cuteness, wearing a conservative and cute white cotton dress, but the white base clothes are colorfully painted, covered with various This kind of graffiti with unknown meaning is individual and wild, giving people the feeling of an oriental version of Super Killer.The iris of the eyes is a grass green color that normal people don't see, like two finely crafted ice jadeites.

(End of this chapter)

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