Chapter 656 Tang Lu is arrogant and goes hunting in the East China Sea! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

At first, Du Yu thought that this was a lolita waiter hired by An Huaqing alone to attract some unscrupulous uncles.But when he saw that lolita's emerald eyes, he suddenly realized, and said, "You are the boss of BADGUY?"

He really didn't expect that this BADGUY phone booth, with such a domineering name, would have such a cute and cute loli boss?

Speaking of which, I have been running into loli all the time recently, and it is the princess loli, and the old loli hides the boss, how did I provoke the god of loli?
That older loli, but old-fashioned, sat carelessly by the seat at the bar, her personality seemed a little out of line, she seemed unaware that her appearance would attract the covetousness of many strange uncles and brothers.

Of course, Du Yusu likes beautiful women and young women, and he doesn't have much love for loli, so he can be immune to the influence of loli halo.

She finally opened her mouth and said old-fashionedly: "You are doing a good job in Datang World."

Du Yu stroked her little head, coughed and said, "Little sister, you were sent by Uncle An to tease me, right? It's okay, don't appear in this kind of bar. With your loli halo, don't you Aren't you afraid that there will be strange Shushu coveting it?"

An Huaqing smiled bitterly and said, "You can call her Tang Lu. She is not mine. By the way, don't look at her cute appearance, anyone who tries to rape or fascinate Tang Lu, or deceive her will end up Failed, and within a few days after the failure, he was inexplicably killed by a group of enemies who seemed to be a coincidence in a dangerous place. No exception. This Tang Lu is in the outer city, and he has a very good reputation. People who care about the underworld don't know Tang Lu."

Only then did Du Yu face Tang Lu squarely.But he also couldn't believe it, this delicate fake poor loli, turned out to be such a powerful and ruthless person.

Tang Lubing stared at Du Yu with beautiful green eyes and said, "You used my BADGUY phone booth, entered the world of Tang Dynasty, and left something behind. I'm very interested in this, can we talk about it?"

Du Yu glanced at Tang Lu: "I don't know what you do yet."

Tang Lu was old-fashioned, but extremely cute and said: "Actually, there is nothing mysterious. Just like Monk Yizhen is the most treacherous traveler in the space, An Huaqing is the publisher of hidden missions in the space, and I am the best information dealer in the space!"

"Information dealer?" Du Yu's eyes flashed.

Tang Lu said nonchalantly: "Yes, in addition to operating the BADGUY telephone booth and accepting the client's business of entering a certain world, I also set up a special intelligence shop in the inner city. The external name is Space Communication Telegraph Company. My client , will get a terminal like this.”

Du Yu saw a mobile phone similar to Apple [-] PLUS, and Tang Lu handed it over.

"This mobile phone is very powerful." Tang Lu smiled, showing two small canine teeth, and said arrogantly: "For example, when and where the court will use and how to arrest you, I will give early warning in the form of active intelligence trading advertisement information .You only need to download my APP, and you can trade. The form is also this terminal dialogue transfer mode. This phone is my gift to you, and it will sell at least 40 survival points."

Du Yu put away his phone, coughed and said, "Your source of information?"

Tang Lu said with an inscrutable smile: "Of course this is a commercial secret. But I can reveal a little information to you. I am proficient in computers and hacking techniques, cryptography, hacking techniques, and intelligence analysis are all top-notch."

Du Yu stammered: "I clearly heard the voice of the uncle from the BADGUY phone"

Tang Lu stuck out her tongue playfully: "I used a voice modder to pretend to be that, but last time I almost got caught by you, it was very risky."

She patted her small breasts, as if being able to deceive Du Yu successfully was something she enjoyed talking about.

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

"You asked me, what's your mission?" Du Yu felt that it would be better for him not to deal with such an arrogant and small-breasted loli.

Tang Lu said with her hands on her hips: "What method did you use to keep the golden core clone in the Tang world? I can claim to be a space nemesis, and I can't do this even with mobile bugs."

Du Yu pouted and said, "Just like you, business secrets, no comment. Is there anything else?"

Tang Lu seemed to have known that it was impossible for Du Yu to tell the secret, so she rolled her eyes and said, "Tell me. The reward I gave you was unexpectedly rich, huh?"

Du Yuqi asked, "What unexpected reward do you have?"

Tang Lu stood up arrogantly, puffed up her small chest and said, "Don't forget, I am a top-notch information dealer. In this space, from the emperor's lucky concubine last night, down to the assassination that happened in the slums, I don't know." There is no way to get information. If you tell me how to do it, how about I promise to give you an information for free?"

"Information?" Du Yu said casually, "What information? It's useless if I don't care about it."

Tang Lu smiled slyly: "You must be concerned. It's the inside story of the beast horde in Jieshi to the east, you don't want to hear it?"

Du Yu's ears immediately perked up.

The animal horde facing Jieshi to the east changed the atmosphere in the space and became extremely tense.Du Yu intends to fight for world hegemony, why doesn't he want to know more inside information?
He rolled his eyes and coughed, "Okay, let's talk about it first."

Tang Lu didn't seem to be afraid of Du Yu's recklessness, so she smiled and said, "Okay! Let me tell you the inside story of the beast tide in Donglin Jieshi. In fact, this is a conspiracy directed and acted by Hou Shenjiang himself!"

This earth-shattering sentence shocked Du Yu, and he lost his voice: "Direct and act by yourself?"

Tang Lu's face was solemn, and he sneered and said, "That's right! Then God General Hou wanted to control the elite army of the Tang Dynasty in the east of Jieshi, but he was unable to succeed for a long time. Because the court and the emperor were also aware of his plot, they sent many loyal court officials The lieutenants and lieutenants of the generals firmly controlled the middle ranks of the army. General Hou Shen simply provoked the Dragon King of the East China Sea, launched a large-scale beast tide, and then sent out those disobedient generals who could not be recruited. In the area of ​​Jieshi to the east, there was a great battle. Although the legion won in the end and was loyal to the power of the imperial court, it lost seven to eighty-eight under the circumstances of General Hou Shen's deliberate actions. General Hou Shen controlled the eastern legion!"

Du Yu was shocked by this information.

"Hou Shenjiang did this? The emperor didn't even notice?" Du Yu said angrily.

In his opinion, this marquis general is worse than the emperor.

The emperor has pardoned him, and Hou Shen will become the greatest threat once he succeeds.

Tang Lu sneered and said, "Even if you didn't realize it before, you should have realized it after this incident. But God General Hou already has a heavy army in his hands, so it's not easy to move him?"

Du Yu nodded.

He said: "I accept your information. But recently the imperial court issued a decree to encourage adventurers to go to the land of Jieshi to the east, hunt MF, and help destroy some monsters. Will the God of Hou block it?"

Tang Lu said disdainfully: "Although Hou Shen will lead the troops to win, it is still a tragic victory. After all, he cannot control the beast tide, and the casualties of his confidant army are not light. He should not be interested in such things as hunting MFs." yes."

Du Yu nodded: "What I left in the world of Tang Dynasty is my own avatar, using the artifact Doomsday Blade brought out from the gate of the bloody city. Do you have any questions?"

Tang Lu was lost in thought.

Du Yu dared to speak out, because he was confident that no one could replicate his power of space, and even Tang Lu couldn't do it.

Tang Lu finally said dejectedly: "Your success cannot be replicated. Well, I will let this secret rot in my stomach. To buy information, just make a phone call."

Du Yu laughed it off and walked out.

But in his heart, it was heavy.

The more powerful the Hou family is in the imperial court, the harder it is for him to be safe.

It is necessary to implement Shen Luoyan's plan, provoke the imperial court, and attack the general Hou Shen.

He called Yimei.

Yimei quickly replied: "Meet me at Xingyue Bar."

Xingyue Bar is the busiest place in the outer city of Datang, featuring sexual passion of single men and women.

After Du Yu entered the bar, he went to the back room and saw Yimei after passing the prompts and signs.

Yi Mei is also a good hand in intelligence work, she frowned and said, "What's the matter in such a hurry to see me?"

Du Yu took out a jade tablet and handed it to Yimei.

On it is Hou Xiaofeng's confession, of course, it is the many plots of the Hou family's rebellion.

The more Yimei looked at it, the more frightened she became.

Recently, the royal army's tragic victory in Jieshi in the east made the Tang Empire feel the biting chill of the beast tide.

At this moment, General Hou Shen, who led the troops on the front line, had evidence to prove that he was plotting a rebellion!
And it was proved by his own son.

This is a big problem.

Once it is not handled properly, it may even cause civil strife in the empire.
But Hou Xiaofeng, as the son of God General Hou, his testimony is as solid as a mountain, and it is incomparable.

As the supervisory censor, Yimei is emotional and reasonable, and there is absolutely no reason to turn a blind eye.

She took a deep breath, turned over her hands, and took out a small jade bottle.

Pulling off the cork, Hou Xiaofeng's soul in the Summoning Tower immediately turned into a ball of green fluorescent light and flew into it.

"Okay. Your loyalty to my emperor, I believe the emperor will receive it." Yimei nodded: "What else?"

Du Yu grinned and said, "I heard that the imperial court now has an order to go to the East China Sea to hunt monsters, and the imperial court will reward you a lot. I want to ask, what rewards can I ask?"

Yimei looked at Du Yu in disbelief, and said in disbelief, "You, an adventure team from an outer city, dare to go deep into the East China Sea? Do you know how powerful this beast swarm is? There are tens of thousands of elite fighters from the outer city, and the lieutenants and lieutenants are all masters from the inner city and even the imperial city, but they fell like rain in front of the beast tide led by the Dragon King himself. Do you dare to stroke the tiger's beard? What's more, to be honest, after this battle, the imperial court has been greatly injured, and it is not enough to recruit new legions in a hurry to enrich the frontier defense. The so-called heavy rewards are just saying that, I heard that there is no strong team willing to respond."

(End of this chapter)

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