Chapter 660 Strong Enemies Arrive, Harm the Red Python! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Although it is not known whether the acupoints of the dragon race are the same as those of the human race, Du Yu's attempt still yielded positive results.

Qinglian couldn't move for the time being.

But she is not without countermeasures.The group of Dongming salamanders in the distance had already received the call from the daughter of the boss of the sea, the Dragon King of the East Sea, and suddenly became furious.

On the seashore, the princess who bullies our dragon king, doesn't she put us in the eyes of these powerful monsters in the sea?
Come on guys!

Hundreds of Dongming salamanders roared like cows and rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu picked up Qinglian resolutely, trotted all the way, and rushed in the direction of the Red Python team.

This wretched guy was still yelling: "I caught it! Captain! I succeeded! Go back quickly. Go back and get promoted and get rich."

The Red Python team is rushing towards the location where the wolf pupil team disappeared. Master Gu has a deep scheming mind, and has already marked a member of the wolf pupil team with poisonous Gu, which can track thousands of miles away.

The red python had the image of a black boss who was about to lead troops to kill people, his mouth was slanted, his eyes were slanted, and his murderous look was cold, but he never expected that a strange adventurer, carrying a woman on his back, rushed towards his team.

Those three swords and Chi Yun and other elites in the army, seeing that they were about to succeed, grabbed Qinglian and promoted him to rank and rank, but an adventurer killed Cheng Yaojin halfway, picked up Qinglian and ran away.Although he was amazed at the skill of this adventurer, how could he sit back and watch the fat in his mouth be taken away?

Immediately turn around and chase.

Seen from the air, Du Yu was carrying Qinglian on his shoulders and rushed towards the Red Python team, while behind him, he was closely pursued by the large group of Dongming salamanders and the army of General Hou Shen.

The red python was startled, and was about to order to attack, but Du Yu laughed and threw Qinglian towards him.

Subconsciously, Red Python stretched out his hand and caught Qinglian.

Qinglian was about to die of anger from this scarred hero.

She was originally an incomparably noble dragon princess, how could she be thrown around so rudely by humans?What is the system?
As soon as the red python caught Qinglian, she froze for a moment from her incomparably beautiful face, and then saw a pair of dragon horns on the girl's head.

This is the most obvious dragon blood.

He immediately realized that he had found the treasure by himself!

Unexpectedly, just after arriving in this land of the East China Sea, before deliberately looking for this dragon princess, this beautiful princess fell from the sky and fell on her body.

It was really effortless!

As long as this beauty is brought back to the bloody city and dedicated to the emperor, she will be able to get a high official and generous salary.

That was the coveted position that adventurers coveted.

The same as Shen Luoyan's analysis, any space adventurer will use his brains, he will go up all the way, practice martial arts, and he will be nothing but a peerless master when he reaches the extreme.

But how risky is that?

It's better to be safe and stable, find a job in the imperial court, be an official, domineering, how majestic and comfortable?

Red pythons are no exception.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to the East China Sea with a team to hunt down the dragon princess.

Just when the red python was in ecstasy, the three flying knives in the air and the group of Dongming salamanders charging on the ground could see everything clearly!
That scar-faced hero really belonged to the Red Python gang, otherwise, why would he throw the princess to the Red Python boss, and sneak into the Red Python team in such a wretched manner?
The three knives were furious.

He is a cultivator of immortals, and he is extremely arrogant, if he is not greedy for the generous gifts from the God General, he would not come to vote.

But as a high-ranking expert in the inner city and an elite in the army, how could he put an ordinary adventurous team in the outer city in his eyes?
Although killing the rebels of the imperial court seems to bring some negative effects to Hou Shenjiang.But as long as it is done cleanly, all of them are killed, no one is left alive, and the dragon girl is snatched away, Hou Shen will naturally annihilate this team afterwards and push it to the Dragon Prince search team that haunts around.

The three knives thought thoroughly, sneered, urged the fairy sword, and immediately launched an attack.

On the ground, Dongming Salamander also launched a collective charge, trying to rescue the Dragon Princess.

It only took Red Python a second to figure out that the princess of the Dragon Clan who descended from the sky was not a blessing, but a disaster!

How powerful are the attacks of those three knives?

As soon as it came up, the flying sword turned into a hundred swords and shot at the Red Python team.Just the fierce imposing manner of the fairy sword was the first to catch everyone's attention, beating the Red Python team for a moment.

The red python roared angrily, even if you are the army of General Hou, it is unreasonable to attack me so unreasonably, right?

He didn't care about heartache props, and threw out a range protection prop.

That is the web of nodes of the Earth Defense Forces in the world of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

Of course, this is a reduced version of the prop, which cannot defend against the impact of spaceships, but it is useful for intercepting flying swords.

The biggest feature of this node network is the use of surface tension technology, which can greatly reduce the speed and impact of flying objects, making it tough and difficult to break through.

The flying sword attack of the three knives was quickly stopped by the node network and could not exert its effect.

Chi Yun, a warrior of the yellow scarf, let out an angry roar, and charged into the red python team with a yellow ray of light.

Gu master flicked his sleeves, and one after another the vicious poisonous Gu flew towards Chi Yun, trying to interfere with Chi Yun's attack.

Fortunately, the enemy team has only three inner city adventurers and Chi Yun, and the rest are from the outer city.This time, in order to find Du Yu's bad luck, almost all the main force of the Red Python team was dispatched. There were hundreds of people, and there were only 15 or 6 people with three knives. You can hold your ground.

As for the charging Dongming salamander, the Red Python team was caught off guard.

Red Python looked at Master Gu, also in a dilemma.

He intends to retreat, but he has to throw out the fat in his mouth. Not only do his brothers look down on him, but he also feels annoyed, and he is even more reluctant to part with that high-ranking official and rich salary.

He finally made a decision, and roared angrily: "General Hou, your mother is better than you! I'm going to fight this time!"

He made up his mind that even if he offended the local snake general, he would desperately dedicate this beauty to the emperor's old son in exchange for a high official and generous salary.As for his brothers and the captive cannon fodder Death Red Python, do you care about it?
As soon as he gave an order, the Red Python team had a large number of people, and quickly joined the battle, and began to face the following three-knife team and Dongming Salamander.

The two sides quickly entered a fighting state.

Du Yu was really insignificant, he immediately disappeared into the chaotic red python team, hid aside, and watched the fight of the three armies with cold eyes.

The victory of the Three Swords team is that they are from the military, and there are two inner city masters, Three Swords and Chi Yun, who are extremely powerful.The weak point is that the number of people is small. Although a warning signal was issued to inform other teammates to come for reinforcements, this place is not facing Jieshi to the east, but a distant tidal flat. The teams are scattered and it takes time to arrive.

Needless to say, the Dongming salamanders rushed up in a disorderly manner, but they were numerous and powerful.If it weren't for the Red Python team's main force, they really couldn't stop these terrifying and angry C-level monsters.

The three parties fought in a melee, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, and everyone was red-eyed.

The red python secretly took the dragon princess and slipped backwards.

From the very beginning, he knew that on the shore of the East China Sea, robbing people with General Hou Shen would not end well.

Even if General Hou Shen failed temporarily, with such a large team, he would not even think about passing through the teleportation array in his barracks and returning directly to the bloody city.

What's more, he also recognized that the ones leading the attack on the opposite side were clearly immortal cultivators and wrestlers who were difficult in the inner city. These two guys are rare even if one counts as ten, and the hundreds of C-level magical beasts, Dongming salamanders, are even more so. Like crazy, he desperately charged the red python's melee group.Although the Red Python team has a large number of people, it is in jeopardy under the attack of the two sides.

Red Python is faced with a choice, either hand over the Dragon Princess, which is very simple, and he can get away with the team immediately.Or run away with the princess by yourself.Sacrifice these cannon fodder teammates.

Red Mang decided to sacrifice these cannon fodder teammates for the sake of high officials and generous salary.Don't forget that the Red Python team is a captive team, and Red Python doesn't have much affection for these teammates.If he was a sentimental person, he would not set up a captive breeding team and drink the blood of newcomers.And once he was promoted to three levels in a row and became a middle-level official of the imperial court, the leaders of the five major teams in the outer city would all look at him.

He winked at Master Gu, and signaled Master Gu to organize a team to resist the queen.Gu master is good at all kinds of Gu escape techniques, no worries about saving his life, he nodded.

The red python took the opportunity to slip away.

Under Master Gu's organization, although some teammates found the red python and escaped, they were unable to get off at this time. If they wanted to flee, it would only take a few seconds for the three swords team and the Dongming salamander army to crush them. Desperately resist.

The red python carried Qinglian on its shoulders, and ran away into the distance in ecstasy.

Turning around a mountain, wading across a river, and finally leaving the battlefield far behind.

With ecstasy on his face, he cursed in a low voice: "Damn! I hope the old emperor will keep his word, otherwise I, Red Python, will be paid home this time."

He looked down at Princess Qinglian with an angry face, and said with a smile: "I don't know why the emperor and God General Hou want to get your hands on you, a princess of the dragon clan. It is probably a rare commodity, and they are going to hold you hostage and threaten the Dragon King of the East China Sea. But This has nothing to do with Lao Tzu. Give you to the imperial court, and you will be able to exchange for a high official and rich salary, hahahaha!"

But his wild laughter soon stopped.

Because in front of him, there was a scar-faced hero.

The red python's expression changed several times, and he screamed wildly: "You! So you did it on purpose! Who are you?"

Du Yu slowly lowered his mask to reveal his true face, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry, it's me."

In the eyes of the red python, a fierce look flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay! Okay! I should have thought it was you."

Du Yu said leisurely: "The so-called people make money and birds die for food. Some people know that a thing that falls from the sky is not necessarily a blessing, but a disaster. They still enjoy it and swallow it. They even abandon their team and flee alone."

The red python roared: "You bastard, you're clearly playing tricks on me and setting up a trick, and that's why I came up with this trick. Do you think it's easy for me to build a team?"

Du Yu clicked his tongue and said: "I also had a good idea. In view of your consistent performance of captive newcomers, I decided to try it out. I didn't expect you to hit it with one move. If Shi Guodong had replaced this move, he would not have succeeded."

(End of this chapter)

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