Chapter 661 New Enmity, Old Enmity, Exploding With One Punch! - Ask for a monthly ticket
The red python calmed down from his rage.

Now, it's just him and Du Yu.

As long as he can kill Du Yu, he can still take the dragon princess back to the bloody city and enjoy the emperor's many rewards.

Red Python has also seen Du Yu's strength.Judging from the brief battle before entering the portal, Du Yu's strength was improving by leaps and bounds, and Red Python was also a little uncertain.So he planned to use a team battle, with a higher-quality core team, to deal with the newly established wolf pupil team.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu was so despicable that he would use such a precious bait to lure him and make him abandon the team.

It is also the result of careful consideration that Du Yu dared to use the dragon princess to seduce the red python, killing two birds with one stone.

He has already seen through the behavior of the red python.

Red pythons belong to the kind of people who are extremely selfish and never reflect on themselves.

Everything he does is taken for granted. The sacrifices made by others for him are taken for granted, and it is taken for granted that he enjoys all the results.

Seeing that the team may not be able to withstand the situation, Red Python has a high possibility of abandoning the team and escaping alone to enjoy the emperor's reward.

In this way, the Red Python team, a strong team, can break down without attack.

Of course Du Yu hoped that the wolf pupil team would be trained, but if they could win without a fight, why would they exchange bloody team battles for a tragic victory?
After eliminating the Red Python team, the team can reduce a strong enemy and gain some time to become stronger. When the time is more ripe, it will be more stable to fight against the strong teams in the outer city.

The red python put Qinglian down, and said bitterly: "Come on, only one of us can take the princess alive, but it must not be you little brat!"

Do not move your muscles and bones.

He is extremely confident in his own strength.

This self-confidence is based on the solid strength and the rich income of Datang World.

The red python is doomed today.

He didn't kill Red Python because he didn't want to expose his strength and hole cards in front of many strong teams.

Killing this big bastard in private can solve the team's troubles without anyone noticing.

The most wonderful thing is that everyone will think that the Dragon Princess was kidnapped by the red python, and no one can suspect Du Yu.

The momentum of the red python is also constantly improving, and it is worthy of being the black overlord of the strong team in the outer city.

As the boss of the captive team, he drank the blood of newcomers, was extremely rich in resources, spent a lot of money to strengthen his strength, and was never stingy.

"Die!" the red python roared.

His fists turned into a pair of boa constrictors in the air. They opened their bloody mouths and shot at Du Yu.

On the chest of the red python, on the thick chest hair, a force of weather suddenly rose, and a crazy red python seemed to appear behind it, constantly giving the red python stronger power and more tricky ruthlessness!
In an instant, the aura of the red python reached its peak!

Du Yu felt a gust of wind blowing towards him.

This is the Xingyi Fist that Red Python learned from the world of "The Great Master" - Snake Fist.

Snake boxing emphasizes cunning and ruthlessness.

Every move must be like a snake, fierce, precise, and ferocious.

This snake fist and the atmosphere of the red python are quite consistent, complementing each other, and the momentum is even stronger.

Red Mang once had a boxing competition with a boss in the inner city. Although he lost in the end, the two sides fought more than 100 moves, which was extremely fierce.

Even the boss in the inner city admired the red python's boxing skills.

Although Red Python is arrogant, his arrogance is also based on absolute strength.

As for the strength attribute of the red python, with the accumulation of huge resources, it has been trained to a full 53 points, and its agility has reached 48 points, reaching the level of the inner city.

With this punch, the red python can smash the head of an adventurer!


In an instant, the Snake Fist was like five poisonous snakes, hitting Du Yu's head, throat, and eyes at the same time, all of which were vital organs of the human body.

The five punches at this moment have already brought out the essence of the snake fist and the spirit of the red python!
Red Python was very satisfied with his performance.

Seeing that Du Yu was hit, he even laughed grinningly: "Watch the snake strangle!"

His fists changed again, bypassing Du Yu's neck, and turned into a back style. The veins on his fists were bulging, full of strength, and the joints made a crackling sound, like an Amazon anaconda, fighting with a huge blow. The power of entanglement kills a buffalo.

The strength of the giant python is enough to crush the breastbone of the prey and suffocate it to death.

The red python is even more proud of its own strength, so it is absolutely impossible for it to survive.

As expected, Du Yu was bound tightly, and his face gradually turned purple.

The red python laughed maniacally: "You really are a big rookie, I only used two tricks and it's no good. I don't know that little bitch Rou Rou, what does she like about you?"

Although Du Yu was pinched by the neck, he smiled gracefully: "I think she at least thinks that I can satisfy her in bed, and doesn't want you to be an eunuch."

The red python was furious, with more force in its palms, and its two thick arms, whose muscles were about to explode, grabbed Du Yu's neck fiercely: "How dare you talk about it! Look at me!"

At this time, a person came out from the haystack, smiled obsequiously, and looked at the red python: "Boss, you are so majestic! This Du Yu is really a scum when he meets you."

The red python looked up, but it was a flower dog.

This cunning flower dog, seeing that the boss had slipped away, naturally wouldn't just stay where he was waiting to die, and followed the red python to escape.

The red python snorted coldly, but at this time it would be safer to have an extra flower dog, and said with a grin: "See if I don't pinch his neck."

Huagou watched Du Yu being strangled tightly with a smile, and said with a sinister smile: "You have today too? Nima, when you were teasing me in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, you would not have thought that you would die tragically at the hands of the boss and me, right? Let you bleed."

He swung a dagger in his hand and stabbed Du Yu.

But Du Yu didn't have the slightest idea that he was about to be flanked back and forth, and consciously died on the spot, he was still spitting out trash talk: "You two are wretched or not, and you all ran away, leaving your teammates to block the inner city masters and monsters? Tsk tsk tsk, inhumanity, inhumanity."

Suddenly, there was a ray of light above his head.

Red Python and Huagou can recognize it naturally.That was the light of someone giving him the blood-replenishing skill.

The two were furious.

At the critical moment of this murder, if someone replenishes the blood of the prey, it is naturally their enemy.

This is how the boss's hatred for the priest in the online game came about.

Huagou brandished the dagger, and angrily burrowed into the grass, looking for Du Yu's accomplice who might increase blood.He is not afraid, because those who have the ability to increase blood are either priests or mages, and they are all crispy professions.

Rourou's body appeared beside the distant tree, finished singing again, and cast a bark technique on Du Yu to increase his protection.

Although Rourou is a good pharmacist, she still has to go to the battlefield. She has also learned some of these blood-boosting skills. Although she is not proficient, it is very effective.

Seeing Rourou appearing and adding blood to Du Yu, Red Python and Huagou were furious at the same time.

"Little bitch! Die!" The red python's veins bulged, and the aura of a murderous maniac was terrifying.

Huagou's face was gloomy, and he quickly approached Rourou.

Although Rourou is talented in medicine, she is basically a scum when it comes to fighting.

Rou Rou fled back in fright.

He slammed and slammed twice, disintegrating Rou Rou's resistance, and captured her alive.

The red python's eyes were red, and he roared angrily: "You little bitch, I treat you well, why do you follow this little boy?"

Although Rourou was trembling with fear, there was a hint of stubbornness on her weak face: "I don't want to be your mistress! You domineering and cruel bastard."

The red python was stunned.

It was the first time he heard this comment from Rou Rou.

Although he has long been used to other people cursing him more viciously, Rourou has a weak character, being able to scold him like this shows that Rourou would rather die in her heart than hang out with him anymore.

The red python laughed sinisterly: "Since you don't want to be my mistress, that's fine. After I kill this kid, I will rape you and kill you! You can go on the road with him."

A trace of determination flashed across Rourou's face, she had already hidden the poison in her gums, just in case.

When she saw Du Yu transform and leave, rushing towards the Red Python team, she couldn't help but follow.

Although Du Yu's defeat took her by surprise, but now that the matter has come to an end, she doesn't want to live anymore.

But Du Yu winked at her and said with a smile, "Don't be in a hurry to die."

The red python strengthened its fists and roared: "You are not dead yet!"

Unexpectedly, before his strength passed through Du Yu's neck, he was kicked head-on by Du Yu's kick and kicked hard on the chin!

Immediately, Du Yu jumped up into the air like a rocket, and slammed into the red python's chin heavily.

There was a bang sound, the red python's jaw was crushed by Du Yu, and then Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit the red python's chest.

The eyeballs of the red python bulged out all of a sudden!
He was hit by Du Yu's full strength, almost knocking out two eyeballs alive.

But what blinded him even more was that on the attribute panel, the damage of Du Yu's punch was a terrifying blow that was on the verge of death!
He lost almost all of his life in one blow!
You know, the red python is extremely rich in resources. He has raised the attribute of physical strength to 49 points, and has taken a lot of special potions that increase his health, so his health has reached 630 points.

The plot boss with difficulty in the outer city, under one blow, even if his body is strong, he can't be seriously injured.

But now Du Yu's simple palm smashed his breastbone to pieces, almost spitting out heart fragments!
This power is simply

The red python staggered and backed up more than a dozen steps before falling backwards.

He seemed to have lost his sense of pain, Du Yu's blow completely blinded him.

There is no tragic feeling of a duel.

He seemed like a kid fighting a martial arts champion.I tried my best, I used my strength, I strangled my neck, I even used the energy of breastfeeding.

He kept smiling and didn't move, and he still wanted to irritate him with trash talk.

And then just one click.

A light palm.

He vomited blood and fell down.

If it wasn't for the spatial mechanism that gave him the chance to beg for mercy or take medicine, he would have no doubt that he would be beaten to death by Du Yu's light palm.

This prediction is too scary!

(End of this chapter)

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