Chapter 662 The old enemy died, and the strong enemy came again! - Ask for a monthly pass

Huagou was also stunned.

He clearly felt that Du Yu was hopeless.

No one can survive being strangled so tightly by the boss of the red python.

The strength, agility, and stamina of the red python boss are all first-class among melee adventurers.Every time the world ends, Red Python alone will occupy nearly half of the team's income.Just smashing the attributes can produce a super master.

In fact, Huagou has never seen Red Python deflated in any one-on-one.

The only one who can compete with the red python is Shi Guodong, a true martial arts master.

Unexpectedly, with Du Yu's light palm, the boss knelt down.

What's going on here?

His brain froze, and he forgot to even run away.

Rourou is full of surprises.

She didn't expect that Du Yu was so powerful that he knocked down the boss of the red python with one punch.

"Why didn't you beat him like this in the first place?" Rourou asked timidly.

Du Yu smiled: "Because I sensed that a girl was watching me fight the red python from a distance."

He patted Rourou's face: "You know, the first reaction I felt when you followed me was that you, the red python and the flower dog surrounded me and were going to kill me together. If you didn't treat me, But if you attack me, now you will be lying on the ground with the red python."

With a soft sigh.

This Du Yu thought carefully, the reason why he didn't attack the red python was because he wanted to test himself

If he was a traitor, Du Yu would kill the three of them in one fell swoop.

Of course, Rou Rou has nothing to say, if she realizes that the people who have taken refuge in her and her former enemy, the old master, are approaching her together, her first reaction will be a traitor.

Fortunately, I have withstood the test.

Du Yu smiled: "Then let's finish it quickly. There are still things to do."

Huagou finally came to his senses, let out a scream, and fled backwards.

Du Yu didn't even look at it, the life and death talisman flew out like a snowflake and shot at Huagou.

The flower dog is also eye-catching. It jumped up and turned into various phantoms at the same time, avoiding the two pieces of life and death talismans. But after Du Yu's skill improved, the life and death talisman had added more internal power, and the control was also superb. He hit the flowers in succession. dog.

The unlucky child screamed and fell from the air, twitching in the grass.

Du Yu walked slowly towards the red python.

The red python, when Du Yu first entered the space, took Du Yu as a captive object.

Du Yu walked up to the red python coldly.

The red python had already swallowed a bottle of potion, barely stood up.But in his heart, he no longer had any fighting courage.

Anyone who is knocked down to the ground like someone else will never think about wielding swords and guns again.

The red python stumbled into a defensive posture, squeezed out a chrysanthemum and said with a smile: "Good brother, we have something to discuss. I really couldn't help you before, can you give me a way out?"

Rourou looked at the originally fierce and majestic red python boss who claimed to be able to stop children from crying at night, but was punched out by Du Yu and returned to his original form, almost cowardly than herself, she almost felt This man is very poor.

Unmoved, Du Yu strode forward.

The red python also knew that it was impossible to let Du Yu let him go with words, and said bitterly: "I still have survival points! I still have many, many survival points. How about giving them all to you?"

He initiated a transaction, and Du Yu immediately saw a transfer application for 500 million survival points.

Du Yu did not refuse.

This red python has established a well-known blood-sucking team in the space, and the novices each have to pay more than half of the risky profits to him. It has been impossible for him to not have a huge deposit in his hand for so long.

But after he accepted these survival points, he didn't intend to let the red python go.

The red python finally understood that even if he gave Du Yu all the survival points on his body, he couldn't escape, so he jumped up furiously, and once again used his snake fist to attack Du Yu with all his strength.

The boundary between life and death, this blow, he hit a power that he had never had before.

Even if Du Yu is an adventurer in the inner city, Red Python is confident that he can knock him down with one punch.

After disregarding life and death, he let go instead and was able to display his full strength.

Du Yu finally had a smile on his face.

"That's right! It's not bad, otherwise I wouldn't feel any sense in killing you." Du Yu said coldly, holding the snake fist of the red python that was faster than lightning.

The red python only felt that in Du Yu's hand, bursts of internal energy surged unstoppably, all his internal energy was rolled back, and the meridians were shattered wherever they passed.

The red python let out a loud cry, the pain piercing through his heart, and he backed up.

Du Yu then kicked hard on the red python's dantian.

Red Python's Kung Fu belongs to foreign boxing, which focuses on strength, speed and muscles, but does not pay attention to the exercise of internal strength.That's why Du Yu easily broke through the meridian of internal force, and this kick completely ruined his kung fu.

The red python was in so much pain that he didn't want to live, but the trapped beast was still fighting, and he hit Du Yu's leg with a snake punch.

This was the only hit he had done to Du Yu since the start of the war.

But Du Yu's body only trembled slightly, and then he punched heavily on the red python's temple.

The red python staggered horizontally, vomited blood, and rolled in the air.

Du Yu easily caught up and kicked him on the spine.

The red python's spine was broken, and it rolled weakly on the ground, moaning in pain.

Du Yu stepped forward, stepped on his chest, and said in a deep voice, "Hand over all your survival points, and I will spare your life."

The red python burst into ecstasy.

"Forgive me? You're a liar!" Red Python tremblingly said, "How could you let me live?"

Du Yu shook his head: "You idiot, I'm not even interested in killing you. Hurry up and hand over everything, including survival points, equipment, and props, and I'll spare your life."

The red python was completely helpless.

Even if Du Yu didn't swear, he could only take a gamble.

Du Yu received the remaining more than 200 million survival points from the red python, and stripped off all the equipment on the red python.

It has to be said that the Red Python's equipment is at least B-level equipment, and there is no shortage of top-quality equipment.But Du Yu has already passed the era of needing equipment to support his appearance. What he wants to pursue is the ultimate of oriental martial arts.Instead, you can give it to your own woman to wear and increase your strength.

The red python was naked, looking at Du Yu pitifully.

He was most afraid of Du Yu going back on his word and killing himself.

Du Yu kicked the red python: "Get lost!"

He didn't kill the red python, but he injected enough true energy into this kick.After the red python escaped for a while, the true energy would explode at regular intervals, blasting the red python into pieces.

It wasn't that Du Yu was ruthless, it was really that he decided to make the Dragon Princess disappear and throw it on the Red Python team, so that the truth would not be leaked.

The people present, except Rou Rou, are not allowed to live.

As if being pardoned, the red python immediately turned around and fled.

Envious, Huagou hurriedly turned around and crawled over, knelt on the ground, followed the same pattern, and dedicated all his deposits and props to Du Yu.

Seeing Huagou kneeling in front of Du Yu like a beggar, begging for his life with all his wealth, Rourou smiled wryly.

In her eyes, the red python and the flower dog are both hated and hated demons.

But as soon as Du Yu made a move, the two demons turned into pugs, the kind of dog legs.

Du Yu looked at the more than 50 survival points, and said with a half-smile: "Hey? You have a lot of money."

Huagou didn't dare to hide it, and said with a smile: "I'm the team leader, and I usually do a lot of bad things. I accept bribes and forcefully ask for them, hehe."

Du Yu took the survival point, kicked the flower dog away with a flying kick.

Huagou's bones were all shattered, he hit the rock, and died tragically on the spot.

He flicked his fingers and said two hoots, but finally his eyes dimmed and despaired, and his head hung on one side.

After Du Yu collected it, he took the time to say: "I'm sorry, your method lacks originality, and if you don't innovate, you will die, don't you know?"

He said to Juju: "You return to the team immediately and follow Michelle's command. I still have something to do."

Rou Rou nodded and left.

Du Yu walked up to the Princess of the Dragon Clan and said with a grin, "I'm sorry, it seems that we are destined. I still have to serve you."

Qinglian smiled and said, "Really?"

Du Yu immediately felt something was wrong.

Why is this princess so calm?

At this moment, the scream of the red python suddenly came from a distance.

A warning flashed in Du Yu's heart.

The scream of the red python was not because of the delayed explosion of his internal force, but because he was killed by someone!

In addition to the Red Python Team, Houshen General Chasing and Killing Team, and Wolf Eyes Team, there is a fourth team here.

Most likely, it is the reinforcements of the dragon princess, the dragon princes!

Du Yu shot like lightning, and hit Qinglian who was about to escape secretly by unlocking the acupoints.

Qinglian stared fiercely at Du Yu with her beautiful eyes.If eyes can kill, he has already been slaughtered dozens of times by Qinglian.

A ripple of water flashed across the void ahead.

Wearing a necklace and hair, wearing a jade robe and green armor, holding a white wax spear, a tall and tall man with a face like pearls and jade, slowly walked out of the rippling water ripples in the void.

Although he is smiling and amiable, but the corners of his eyes are raised, showing a hint of arrogance and conceit unconsciously, which makes people afraid to get close.

The young man looked down at Qinglian behind Du Yu, and a soft smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I told you to be obedient, but you insist on running around, now it's all right, how does it feel to be a prisoner? "

Qinglian stomped her feet, angrily turned her head to one side, not looking at the young man.The younger sister was ridiculed by her brother, but she couldn't refute her cute appearance, which was no different from that of a human being.

The young man laughed loudly, as if he was very satisfied with his younger sister, and sighed to Du Yu: "Oh, sister She has been spoiled by strict family rules since she was a child, and she has to suffer a lot to get over her arrogant temper. Brother, you can't just watch your sister being taken away. How about it?"

He seemed to be chatting with an acquaintance brother, and the spring breeze was blowing in his words, which made people feel good.

Du Yu sighed.

This red python really deserves to die.

If he hadn't wasted his time, he should have taken the dragon princess with him and flew away.

but now

Du Yu looked at the young man.

The young man looked very handsome, with a pleasant smile, but with a hint of playfulness.There are still drops of blood dripping from the tip of his spear, which should be brought from killing the red python.

Du Yu sighed and said, "If my guess is correct, even if I am willing to hand over this dragon princess, you will not let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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