Chapter 663 Donghai Dragon Clan, Third Prince Aoyou! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The young man's smile was even more open, and even a little evil: "Yes, brother, I am very impressed with you for killing these two people just now. Especially the internal force stays in the human body, waiting for the running process, jumping There was a sound, and the flesh and blood flew all over the place. I was fascinated by the scene. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it until I started. But brother, you are a good person. If you do it to the end, you have to perform it for me and my sister.”

Du Yu smiled coldly: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill this girl?"

The young man's playfulness was even stronger: "If I, Ao You, let you kill Sister She under your nose, I'm afraid that when I go back, I will be cramped and skinned by my furious father."

He holds a long gun, but does not fire.

But Du Yu felt a deadly threat from the motionless tip of the spear.

It seems that as long as he moves, it will attract crazy attacks.

This Aoyou is by no means weak.

It's a matter of course.He once heard Wang Yuyan say that Ao You is the third prince of the Dragon King, and his martial arts can be said to have reached the peak.The princes of the Dragon King are about at the top level in the inner city, and the prince Ao Guang has even reached the level of a master in the imperial city.The boss of the Dragon King is naturally a strong man at the district level of Zifu.

By the way, this is the weakened combat power in the inland area.In the sea or in the river, the dragon clan has been promoted by a whole level.

The only way for the Tang Empire to deal with the beast horde led by the dragon clan is to be in an inland area like Jieshi in the east. Don't even think about it.

As soon as Ao You came out, Du Yu's body was enveloped by that piercing murderous aura.

Du Yu's face was serious.

Ao You sneered: "Brother, don't do it? You're welcome. But I don't have time to waste, so let's do it."

From his eyes, it was natural to see that in front of him was a mere adventurer from the outer city.

For Ao You, killing the adventurers in the inner city is a bit challenging, while the adventurers in the outer city are not even interested.

These words of his are nothing more than playing cat and mouse.

Usually, when fighting against adventurers like Datang, Ao You can deter the enemy as long as he releases his true dragon aura.Even an inner-city expert with a profession of cultivating immortals could not stop his blow.

His hands were at least stained with the blood of hundreds of master adventurers.

Du Yu's aura was not affected by Ao You's aura at all, and it was still rising.

The spirit of dragon and wolf jumped out of the top of his head suddenly, howling wolf at Ao You.

Ao You didn't take it seriously, and stabbed Du Yu's chest with a lightning-like spear.

There is also a search and arrest team sent by General Hou Shen. Although Ao You is not afraid, but with Qinglian as a mop, it is better to finish work early and go back to do business.

If Du Yu had entered the Tang Dynasty before, he would have been shot through the heart by Ao You without any suspense.

But at this time, Du Yu had entered the state of Dongming's mind, and immersed all his thoughts in Ao You's earth-shattering shot.

Ao You is not a red python, how can the strength of the two be counted?

In order to survive Ao You's hands, Du Yu must exert his full potential and use all the kung fu he has learned in order to save his life in the hands of Prince Long who stepped into the strength of the imperial city.

The internal force of the Longevity Art moves quickly and gathers in both hands.

Lingbo's microsteps are incomparably exquisite, and he steps forward suddenly.

Aoyou's Lombok has undergone some changes.

He could naturally see that Du Yu was avoiding his attack with delicate steps.

"It's interesting." The corner of Ao You's mouth curled up: "It's worth killing me."

His long spear, like a dragon going out to sea, was out of control and stabbed at Du Yu.

Du Yu only felt that Aoyou's dragon spear seemed to be attached to the thick internal force of the water system, which strongly sucked his body, making him unable to move.Du Yu is very familiar with this method of using the power of heaven and earth, turning it into his own use, and assisting in the attack.

Congenital master.

Ao You is also an innate master!
Du Yu was as calm as a rock, his mind analyzing every step and every movement of the two sides.

Many of his trump cards flashed through his mind.

Du Yu didn't summon the beauty team to help him.

Because in front of the top players in the inner city of Ao You's level, ordinary experts really don't have much meaning.

As for the masters who can threaten Ao You, Du Yu seems to have only Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou in his hands.

But calling out at this time will only make Ao You wary.

What Du Yu wanted was a one-hit kill.

Although the enemy is the strongest in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Du Yu does not intend to let it go.

A master is a master!
How did Ao You know that the "prey" on the opposite side wanted to cramp and skin him?

The point of his spear was about to stab Du Yu in the shoulder.

The corners of Ao You's mouth curled up.

All his gentleness and elegance are all disguised.

In fact, from Qinglian's disdainful eyes, it can be seen that she, the third brother, is the one who likes to fight, cause trouble, murder and set fire the most.

Who would have thought that at the last moment when Du Yu was about to hit Du Yu's body, a flash of brilliance flashed by Du Yu, dodging the dragon spear in time, and grabbed it!
Move the stars!

Ao You couldn't help himself, and was taken two steps forward.

Although he was only taken two steps as a congenital expert, Ao You's heart was full of hostility and anger!

Just as he is teasing the other party, the other party is also teasing himself!
He was no ordinary Outer City adventurer at all.

But a congenital master!
There is no difference between him and Ao You in terms of realm!
Moreover, judging from the innate internal force in his hands, the degree of thickness is definitely beyond Ao You's maximum estimate.

That adventurer was simply pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After Ao You found out all this, the anger in his heart almost exploded into the sky.

He is gentle and gentle to others, and then kills them in one fell swoop, and then drifts away, which makes him very happy to pretend to be aggressive in front of his sister.

But now, he was pretending to be coerced, and he was played around.

Seeing the distressed appearance of the third brother being taken away by Du Yu, Qinglian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Although it seems that her elder brother was played by the enemy in order to save people, and as a hostage, she should have the consciousness of being a hostage, but Qinglian couldn't help but laugh.

When she was hit by Du Yu's acupuncture point, she noticed that Du Yu's was different.Why is my brother so slow.

It was no accident that Du Yu was able to deceive Ao You. He used the [disguise] of the dragon and wolf appearance to the extreme, and barely deceived Ao You's incomparably keen six senses as the Dragon Prince.

The dragon and wolf weather, which has been upgraded several times, has played an unexpected effect in this high-end battle.

Ao You was taken two steps, and he forced a heavy weight to stop his body.

But it's too late.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms slammed towards Ao You like mountains and seas.

Ao You couldn't dodge in time, because Du Yu's calculations were too precise, he was dragged away by Du Yu, his inertia was still there, and he couldn't make a tight defense, but Du Yu's palm force with all his strength had already swallowed to his chest in an instant.

With a roar, Ao You was sent flying by Du Yu!

Even Qinglian covered her small mouth.

It was a joke, but she was actually hoping that her third brother would rescue her.

But what about this adventurer?

Naturally, Qinglian could also see that the adventurer's equipment and clothing were undoubtedly from the outer city.

But what is going on with this terrifying palm force?

Ao You was in the air, feeling his chest was numb, his mouth was sour, and with a wow, he spat out a big mouthful of blood.

Du Yu gained power and was not forgiving. With a quick flash, Lingbo Weibu + high agility was activated, and he flashed to Ao You again. He hit Kanglong Yougui, and hit Ao You who had just landed heavily.

Ao You let out another earth-shattering howl, and was sent flying by Du Yu.

He was filled with remorse.

How could you be so careless?
Bewitched by this bastard's clothes and appearance, he thought he was a low hand, with this innate realm, this strong inner strength, Nima is clearly a cultivator who has stepped into the realm of Jindan Dacheng with one foot, okay?

Although in the war, it is not that Ao You has never seen a more advanced immortal cultivator, but this immortal cultivator did not step on the flying sword, and did not show his true skills. Going to war and reaping the benefits of being a fisherman by yourself doesn't look like a generation of immortal masters.

In fact, Ao You had already discovered Qinglian's traces, but he was absolutely confident that he could rescue her, and he was also willing to see the ugly appearance of a stinky girl being chased all over the place. The whole process of framing the red python is extremely wretched.

It was only then that he despised Du Yu and decided that he was a conspirator.

Unexpectedly, these days, the conspirators are so tough, they even have the golden elixir stage, and they still do this sneaky thing.

Du Yu really killed him with one bite, and rushed towards Ao You again.

Ao You was also amazingly talented, shouted angrily, thrust the dragon spear in his hand towards the ground suddenly, made a beautiful somersault in the air, turned himself upside down, and switched to a forward kicking attack!

Du Yu didn't expect that the Dragon Prince would be so against the sky, he was kicked by Ao You and flew back immediately.

As soon as the two of them clashed with each other, ten strokes passed in an instant.


Ao You endured a little bit of hardship, Du Yu's two heavy Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit his chest, causing a dull pain.

Du Yu was kicked in the shoulder by Ao You, and his bones were in pain, and he was even more surprised by Ao You's resistance.

Red Python took a blow from his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and was on the verge of death.

And Ao You was used by him to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and he got two hits solidly, and he was still alive and kicking. The steel and iron bones of this dragon clan are really different.

Ao You said bitterly: "You bastard, you actually pretended to be coercive."

Du Yu suddenly understood: "You bastard, you are actually peeping."

Qinglian suddenly felt that these two people were very insignificant.

One was obviously the third prince of the Dragon King, but he acted like a gentle scholar.

A man who is obviously a master of Jindan stage, but planted and framed him everywhere to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Who can be more wretched?
Ao You heard the sound of fighting in front of him, and gradually stopped, knowing that the team from the outer city could no longer hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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