Chapter 665 Controlling the Beast Tide, Hou's Conspiracy! - Ask for a monthly ticket
If the three knives are granted amnesty, they will retreat knowingly.

Hou Shenjiang immediately said: "Come back!"

The three knives tightened their hearts and looked back.

Hou Shenjiang said kindly: "This time, the brothers worked hard, and each went down to receive 5 survival points, and the masters in the inner city are all 20."

The three knives were overjoyed, nodded and left.

I'm so fucking witty.

Hou Shenjiang didn't pay attention to these details at all. He looked at the bloody city in the distance, and said with a sneer, "Brother Wang, you also want to meddle in my affairs in the East China Sea? It's no wonder I, Hou Shenjiang, don't give face. "

Hou Xiaobai slowly walked out from behind the scenes, and said in amazement: "Brother Wang, could it be that the emperor's younger brother is nine thousand years old?"

Hou Shenjiang nodded grimly: "Yes, although the Red Python team claims to be an independent team of adventurers, how can we hide this matter from our Hou family? The boss behind the Red Python team is Taidi Wang Jiuqian Of course, Taidi Wang's main confidantes are all in the inner city, and the Red Python team in the outer city is just a small branch. But this time, Taidi Wang used these cannon fodder to intervene in the affairs of the East China Sea, there should be no doubt. What kind of deputy captain is clearly Taidi Wang The hidden masters sent to mix in are at least masters in the inner city."

Hou Xiaobai nodded: "Actually, I have never understood why my father decided to capture Qinglian? Even if there is a dragon princess as a hostage, the Dragon King will never stop launching the beast tide, right? This beast tide seems to be destined by the heavens. There is a definite number in the middle, and it will definitely be launched when the time comes, and the scale will become larger every time."

Hou Shenjiang laughed loudly: "You are still too young. There are indeed laws in space, but we adventurers, didn't we turn these laws into our own use, otherwise how did the four empires riding on the neck of space come from?"

He paced back and forth, and said in a deep voice, "I have found interesting phenomena after repeated trials. The beast tide is like a volcanic eruption. Since the end of the last beast tide, it has begun to accumulate energy. If it is forced down, it will only make the next time The outbreak of beasts became more violent! And the controller of the beast tide, at least in the East China Sea, is the Dragon King of the East China Sea! So, I conducted an experiment."

"I deliberately provoked the Dragon King and asked him to launch a small-scale beast swarm. Then, let those generals and captains who were loyal to the faint king go to die." Hou Shenjiang showed a sneering smile: "They died in all directions , and the Dragon King was also defeated by me, and I achieved multiple goals in one fell swoop."

Hou Xiaobai smiled and said: "Father is so clever, Xiaobai admires it."

"What do you admire?" Hou Shenjiang suddenly became angry: "Where is your brother now? You still don't know!"

Hou Xiaobai was in a panic and said, "It's probably Du Yu's bastard who killed Hou Xiaofeng. I just got rid of the Emperor's Yuxi case, so I must do my best to investigate it clearly. Then I will avenge Xiaofeng."

Only then did Hou Shenjiang let him go, and said in a deep voice: "Let's talk about Qinglian. Of course, I can't rely on Qinglian to prevent the Dragon King of the East China Sea from launching a beast tide. But within the scope of his authority, he can use his daughter's life , to lure him to control the scale of the beast swarm, for example, to postpone the next beast swarm, and then postpone it until several beast swarms join together and then erupt together!"

Hou Xiaobai was dumbfounded when he heard that: "Wouldn't that be earth-shattering?"

Hou Shenjiang sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "What our Hou family wants right now is earth-shattering?"

Hou Xiaobai lost his voice: "Father, what are you going to do?"

A hint of fierce madness flashed in Hou Shenjiang's eyes: "That's right! I want to launch an unprecedented wave of beasts, and then I will take the initiative to give up the line of defense, save my strength, and let the furious Dragon King of the East China Sea lead several times of beasts The huge legion of superimposed tides swept across the entire territory of the Tang Empire until it invaded the bloody city and wiped out all the remaining power of the faint king. After both sides were wounded, they returned to Chang'an City with a legion that was absolutely loyal to me. Clean up the affairs, settle everything, and become the new emperor!"

Hou Xiaobai was so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

He usually thinks he is cruel and violent, but compared with his father, he is really a kind person.

This Marquis God General actually intends to use the East Sea beast tide to completely wipe out the Great Tang Empire and replace it?
"Then Qinglian has such a great effect?" Hou Xiaobai asked eagerly.

Hou Shenjiang looked at his son's absent-minded expression, and sneered slightly: "Look at your potential. Yes, I don't need to collude with the Dragon King of the East China Sea. As long as I receive news of the beast tide, I will threaten him with Qinglian's death and ask him to cancel this trip." The beast tide. Then, like a volcano accumulating energy, it will be postponed continuously until the Dragon King is about to violate the rules of heaven, and has to abandon Qinglian, launch an unprecedented beast tide, and then give up the east Jieshi fortress, and let the dragon army sweep past. You can spend your free time sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight."

"But in this way, the bloody city will be turned into ruins?" Hou Xiaobai's mouth was thirsty.

He felt that his thinking still couldn't keep up with Hou Shenjiang's conspiracy theory.

Hou Shenjiang sneered and said: "If you can't break it, you can't stand it! When the space was first established, how could there be four great empires? Since Trajan, Long Aoshi and others can create miracles, why should I not? Do you know? The stupid king of the Long family has already ordered The supervisory censor and others are secretly investigating my Hou family! When the conditions are ripe, you and my father and son will be ordered by the faint king to commit treason and beheaded!"

This flash of lightning shocked Hou Xiaobai again, his face turned pale, and he murmured: "Is this impossible?"

Hou Shenjiang said coldly: "Impossible? Do you think that Yimei was transferred to the sixth door just to hinder you? Her first mission is to follow you secretly and investigate you. It's ridiculous that you still have lust for this woman , I want to subdue her! This woman, Yimei, has an absolutely extraordinary relationship with the Long family. Both Princess Yumin and Princess Yuli have an inseparable relationship with her. Your next step, besides tracking down Xiaofeng's whereabouts, is killing her. In addition to Du Yu, I still need to continue tracking Yimei to find out how far she has brought the surveillance department to investigate my Hou family? After all, this beast tide has just passed, and Qinglian failed to catch it. Even if I think of other ways , let the Dragon King delay the beast tide, and it will not be launched in a short time."

Hou Xiaobai nodded heavily.

Ever since he learned of Hou Shenjiang's plan, he was in absolute excitement.

Because, he is Hou Shenjiang's son, and now he is the only one.

The reason why Hou Xiaobai was not very enthusiastic about tracking down Hou Xiaofeng's whereabouts was because he always felt that his father favored Hou Xiaofeng a little bit.

Hou Xiaofeng died, that was just right.Once the Hou family's rebellion succeeds in the future, he will be the only candidate for the crown prince!
Of course, Hou Xiaofeng's hatred, as an elder brother, he couldn't ignore it indifferently, Du Yu must kill it.

Du Yu appeared in a cave about [-] kilometers away from the bloody city.

In his hand, he held Qinglian.

Du Yu's first plan was to hand over Qinglian to Yimei in exchange for huge rewards and official positions from the court.

Qinglian didn't say a word, but looked at Du Yu coldly with her beautiful eyes.

Du Yu coughed and was about to call Yimei.

But Qinglian said: "Are you going to hand me over to your court?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "I can't roast you, can I? Dragon meat tastes like tsk tsk."

Qinglian was unmoved, and said with a sneer: "Do you know that if I fall into the hands of the imperial court and Hou Shen general, your city will definitely be destroyed?"

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "When the sky falls, there will be a big one standing on top of it. I'm afraid of a bird? Little female dragon, just accept your fate."

Qinglian shook her head and sighed: "You are self-inflicted, you can't live. You human adventurers are really stupid! There is no cure!"

Curious, Du Yu squatted down and asked, "Have a story to tell? I can listen to it."

Qinglian turned Zhenshou aside: "This princess is not in the mood to talk to you anymore, she should die!"

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders, his malicious eyes lingered on Qinglian's exquisite and delicate body.

Qinglian finally couldn't bear the lecherous gaze, and said angrily, "What are you looking at with those thieves' eyes?"

Du Yu smiled: "You are my prisoner, remember? I can see it however I want?"

Qinglian almost gritted her silver teeth, how did she fall into the hands of such a bastard?

She had no choice but to bow her head under the low eaves.

In short, my own life cannot be ruined in the hands of the human race because of this guy's short-sightedness.

She said patiently: "Since you want to hear this shocking secret, this princess will be patient and let you hear it. Now, please put away your evil eyes, okay?"

Du Yu laughed twice, and invited out Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv, Shen Luoyan and Shi Feixuan, all of whom he relied on most.

Qinglian said calmly, "You know who I am, right?"

"I know who your father is"

Qinglian gave Du Yu an angry look, "You're not too blind."

She said in a deep voice: "This beast swarm is a conspiracy by General Hou!"

Du Yu already knew part of the truth from Yimei's mouth, so he nodded.

"and then?"

"General Hou slaughtered hundreds of high-level sea monsters by the sea, and took the initiative to provoke my father. In a rage, father led the dragon army to attack in a big way, killing you human race."

Qinglian proudly puffed out her chest.

Du Yu sneered and said, "Yes, but after that I couldn't do enough, and was driven into the sea by the human race."

Qinglian said angrily: "You have many people who died, do you know that?"

She coughed: "Then, after getting my track, Hou Shenjiang started chasing me crazily. Do you know why?"

In fact, Du Yu didn't know much about Hou Shenjiang's many plots, but his face became serious.

Hou Shenjiang is not a fool, but a conspirator. His every move must have the most reasonable conspiracy implied in it.

Although Yimei didn't speak clearly, her words were full of doubts about what Hou Shenjiang did.

Qinglian glanced at Du Yu and said: "Perhaps you know that in space, we monsters and you humans are a pair of contradictions. It's like the tide and the beach. When your human race is strong, the survival line of the monsters will be greatly reduced. Push away from the bloody city, and when our monsters become stronger, we will approach the city where you live."

(End of this chapter)

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