Chapter 666 Yishi Qinglian, exchange the fake for the real! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Throughout thousands of years, although the spheres of influence of the two sides have been constantly changing and fluctuating, the overall balance can be maintained."

"But since your space has been completely broken, the human race is no longer satisfied with the current territory. The establishment of the four empires and the four legions is a clear proof. These legions continue to push the border between the human race and the monsters. Far away. It didn't stop until the endless East China Sea!" Qinglian was furious.

"And then?" Du Yu took it for granted.

Qinglian jumped up like a night cat whose tail had been trampled on, and said angrily, "Aren't you ashamed? Slaughtering monsters like this?"

Du Yuqi asked, "You monsters, aren't we the source of our materials and food?"

Qinglian said word by word: "If you dare to say that again, our conversation will be over!"

Du Yu coughed, "Okay then, go ahead."

Qinglian's face was clear and cold: "Although many monsters can't speak, they are not inferior to you humans in terms of intelligence. We are the masters of this land, and you are the colonists!"

Du Yu smiled bitterly and said, "So we are Israel?"

Qinglian snorted coldly and said: "Your retribution is coming soon. After a mess, the greater the pressure, the greater the rebound. After our monsters were suppressed to the border, did you not notice that the frequency of the beast tide is accelerating? The distance is shortening?"

Du Yu's heart was awe-inspiring, Yimei also told him these things.

Qinglian's beautiful eyes said coldly: "What's more, you humans still have chronic diseases! That's internal strife! I was constantly hunted down by Hou Shenjiang's people, and I accidentally discovered Hou Shenjiang's secret. He actually had a wishful thinking, so I As a hostage, I forced my father to delay the beast tide, "

"Wouldn't that be great?" Ning Zhong interjected.

"You only saw it for a while." Qinglian said proudly: "One beast swarm is enough to let your human's crumbling defense line recuperate for a long time, and according to Hou Shenjiang's method, we will have several beast swarms, superimposed together, Shock your defenses! General Houshen's little army can't stop our fury at all."

"Then" Du Yu's heart sank.

"Then we will drive straight into your bloody city!" Qinglian said coldly.

Du Yu suddenly realized,

"Paralyzed, this Marquis God General is indeed extremely cunning!" Du Yu gritted his teeth and said, "He probably will deliberately get out of the way of defense, let the unprecedented tide of beasts pass, and rush directly to the bloody city, destroying the Great Tang Empire!"

"The Tang Empire doesn't have any other troops for protection?" Shen Luoyan asked coldly.

"Yes! But if you are caught off guard, the price you will pay will be extremely heavy." Du Yu said bitterly, "You must inform Yimei about this matter. If you are handed over to the imperial court, there will be no problem, right?"

Qinglian sneered and said: "The situation won't be too bad. With the power of the stupid king, even if he controls me, there will be no guarantee that there will be a memorial from Hou Shenjiang, saying that he can't stand the front, and he will take me as a hostage My father the king asked for the withdrawal of troops. The result is the same."

Du Yu thought about it, and it really happened.

With this Qinglian in the imperial court, they could hold the Dragon King of the East China Sea hostage, so how could they not use it to death?At that time, once the beast tide breaks out on a large scale, the Dragon Lord will not be able to suppress it.

"Then what should we do?" Du Yu looked at Qinglian.

Qinglian proudly said: "The only solution is to let me go back safe and sound. In this way, the beast tide should break out in the future, and if it breaks out again, your human race can stop it for a while. There will be no big rage level Beast tide."

Du Yu couldn't help laughing for a while: "In the final analysis, you want to let me release him unconditionally by virtue of your sharp tongue? This is really a good wishful thinking."

Qinglian rolled her eyes and said, "Anyway, I'm not afraid of death. What do you want to do?"

Du Yu was in a dilemma.

He intends to hand it over to the imperial court in exchange for a high-ranking official, but he is also worried that the imperial court will be stupid and will harm the space.

He intended to let her go, but he was unwilling to rescue her after taking such a big risk.

Shen Luoyan remained silent, her beautiful eyes staring at Qinglian.

Du Yu asked, "Do you have any good advice from Military Division Qiao?"

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "My lord's thinking, is there only two ways to let it go and send it away? Can't we keep it for ourselves?"

"Keep it for use?" Du Yu began to think about it.

Although this Qinglian's figure is indeed good, but what about her temper?Miss princess, I can't afford it.Besides, he has the physique of a monster, so his psychology is still not good enough.

Qinglian's face also changed drastically, and she glared at Shen Luoyan.

Shen Luoyan pulled Du Yu past, walked to a secluded place, and said angrily: "I knew you would be wrong. I mean, we can send Qinglian back to the Dragon Palace by ourselves! In this way, the Dragon King's power will be owed." Are you alone? The power of this kind of beast tide can be called the ultimate rule power of space. It is no worse than the power of the legion of any great empire. If you use it well, it is equal to mastering a powerful force in the palm of your hand. Why? Are you happy?"

Du Yu patted his thigh: "That's right! Why didn't I think of sending her back to the Dragon King."

The concubine Xuanman said: "Humanity and heaven are interlinked. If we can treat these monsters well and live in harmony, it will be a great thing. Let the Dragon King owe you a big favor. In critical times in the future, it may save the lives of countless people in space. It's unknown."

Du Yu admired: "A fairy is a fairy, and he will never forget to do good deeds."

Du expected to turn to Qinglian: "Where is your East China Sea Dragon Palace?"

Qinglian asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Du Yu rolled his eyes: "I'm alone, what else can I do? Of course I'm taking your young lady back."

Qinglian pursed her lips and smiled: "I know you can't turn the tide. As long as you send me to the nearby rivers and lakes, it will be fine."

Du Yu didn't want to go to the Dragon Palace either. After all, he had offended the third prince, Ao You, and he would be hacked if he went there.Since Qinglian said that she could finish her business as long as she went to the side, she was happy to be free.

Not far from this cave, there is a big river with a width of hundreds of feet, which can directly flow into the East China Sea.Du Yu sent Qinglian to the riverside.

Qinglian lightly jumped into the river.She was originally from the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, like a dragon entering the sea, and then disappeared with a wave of spray.

"Let's go now, it's really rude." Du Yu muttered.

Qinglian's beautiful head protruded from the river, her wet hair made her look like a mermaid, and said coquettishly, "What nonsense are you talking about? Catch it!"

She threw Du Yu a dragon horn shell necklace with a flick of her hand.

"What's the use of this thing?" Du Yu asked in surprise after accepting it.

Qinglian snorted coldly and snapped her fingers.

The dragon horn shell necklace suddenly turned into a living green lotus!
It turned out to be a clone!
Du Yu was startled.

Could this also be the golden core avatar?
Qinglian smiled triumphantly: "This is one of the life-saving props that the Dragon King father gave me. It can transform into my appearance and persist for a long time. Presumably no one in the Tang Dynasty has seen my real body. You can dedicate this thing to that stupid king as me. See if he will reward you with a three-level promotion?"

Du Yu hit the snake with the stick and took the opportunity to say, "This can't repay my kindness for saving my life."

Qinglian said impatiently: "Jiji is crooked, like a girl, you know!"

She then dived into the waves.

Du Yu looked at the vivid and angry fake Qinglian beside him, and smiled wryly at Shen Luoyan.

Shen Luoyan nodded and smiled and said: "This is the best result. My lord, you have made friends with the imperial court and the East China Sea Dragon Palace at the same time, and both sides will accept your love and reward you. Wouldn't it be better than offending one of them? ?”

Du Yu nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie purchased at a high price from the gate of Scarlet City, and called to Maishela who was thousands of miles away: "How is your place?"

Michelle scolded, "Where have you been? Why have you disappeared?"

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "I've encountered an unexpected situation here. I can't go back for the time being. How are you doing?"

Maishela said: "In the distance, there are more and more hunting teams of Lord Hou, carrying out a dragnet search. The Red Python team has been completely defeated, and the remaining troops are fleeing back to the bloody city. And the group of Dongming The salamander, because of its endless entanglement, has been used as a punching bag by Houshen's army, and it has been beaten up and down and defeated. Can we take advantage of this opportunity?"

Du Yu nodded: "You must be careful of Hou Shenjiang's troops, they will trouble you."

Mai Xuela said: "Seeing that they can't find anyone, they have already returned to the barracks. There is no pressure here. It is estimated that there will be another bumper harvest! You don't need to come, just wait."

Du Yu reminded Maishela to try her best to catch alive and reel up the line with satisfaction. On the wilderness blood field, the most difficult thing is how to find a group of monsters that can be eaten. It seems that Maishela should be able to bring the wolf pupil team to give herself a surprise.

He is short on time and has a lot of things to do. After leading the way, he can let his subordinates do things like hunting.

Later, he will take Qinglian to find Yimei.

Du Yu was chatting and laughing with the beauties. Walking on the road, he suddenly had a sense of ominous foreboding.

There seems to be an enemy ahead.

He didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, chose to trust the weather's detection and intuition, jumped into the bushes beside him, and watched with cold eyes.

Walking towards him turned out to be an old acquaintance, the Dark Elf Team.

Two-knife dark elf adventurer Wilminster, gray dwarf Cable Hammer, giant ax barbarian Wolfe, bow and arrow girl, halfling illusionist in a cloak who can't see clearly

This dark elf team is a strong team in the outer city of the Western Shenluo Empire.

Du Yu had clashed with them and was deeply impressed.

But Du Yu thought he was himself at this time, even if he was alone, he shouldn't suffer any big losses against this strong team. Why is the dragon and wolf breath so nervous?
At this moment, in the heart of Du Yu's spatial castle, Ning Zhongze's voice came nervously: "What do I feel? The breath of that person?"

"That person? Which one?" Du Yu was surprised.

Since Ning Zhong followed him, Ning Xia has always been fearless, heroic, and will do whoever she says.

Who is it that makes Ning Zhongze's voice tremble?
(End of this chapter)

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