Chapter 667 Goodbye Destiny!The evildoers are not grouped together!Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!

Before he could think clearly, he saw an oriental swordsman wearing a scarf head on!

The moment he saw this swordsman, Du Yu's blood seemed to freeze!
He finally understood, what was the source of the threat?
That is??? This mysterious oriental swordsman.

Ning Zhongze's voice came: "I??? I really felt that person, he was nearby. He is a nightmare! He is a demon!"

Immediately, the voices of Wang Yuyan and A'Zhu comforting Sister Ning sounded.

A name flashed across Du Yu's mind like lightning!
Could it be??? This person is "Yue Buqun"?
But isn't it true that Yue Buqun was so miserably cheated by himself that he almost lost all his skills?
But Du Yu knew that Ning Zhong and his own feelings were not wrong.

That oriental swordsman was covered in a long robe, so he couldn't even see his face clearly, but his walking posture was very graceful and charming, with willows and willows supporting the wind.

If it were a stunning beauty, she would be so enchanting and pleasing to the eye. This swordsman is obviously a man, but he made such a seductive gesture, which made Du Yu want to vomit.

Could it be??? After Yue Buqun was cuckolded by himself, he learned from the pain, practiced evil sword skills hard, and made great progress?

But I obviously made the evil sword technique upside down and gave Lao Yue a fake sword manual, right?
Could it be said that Lao Yue is also a person with unlucky luck, made a mistake and made a wrong move, and actually practiced the evil sword technique by mistake?
Du Yu smiled wryly.

This is a fortress.

That Westminster smiled and looked at the evil man in black robe: "Mr. Yue, do you think the wolf pupil team will pass through here?"

Du Yu immediately pricked up his ears when he heard the word wolf pupil team.

The black-robed man had a charming voice, and said, "This time Hou Xiaobai paid a sky-high price to buy the team and ambush the wolf pupil team. According to what he said, Hou Shen will use the system maintenance as an excuse to refuse any team to use the teleportation array on the return journey. The wolf pupil team can only return to the city on foot. I have carefully studied the map, and the possibility of them passing here is extremely high. Anyway, there are strong teams from various countries guarding other intersections, and the wolf pupil team will definitely be ambushed. We can rush there in time .”

As soon as the sound came out, Ning Zhong screamed, and Du Yu cursed inwardly.

Although the voice was sweet and soft, like that of a 16-year-old young girl, Du Yu could clearly hear that it was Yue Buqun's voice!
How did Yue Buqun appear in the bloody city?
But this is not difficult to understand. Monk Jueyuan pointed out long ago that the plot characters can leave the plot world and come to the bloody city to become adventurers.

This Yue Buqun became an adventurer, chasing and killing Du Yu and Ning Zhongze!

Needless to say, he joined the Dark Elf team, and one of his goals was to ambush and kill Du Yu and Ning Zhongze.

Du Yu's strength at this time, even the Dark Elf team, did not need to be afraid, but in front of the "Miss" Yue Buqun who had practiced evil swordsmanship here and was full of evil spirits, he had goosebumps all over his body.

But what about the ambush this time?

Westminster said: "However, Hou Xiaobai seems to have tolerated Du Yu to the end, and he did not hesitate to pay a sky-high price to ask all our teams to fight together to deal with that kid. According to intelligence, he should be leading the Wolf Eyes team at this time, Far away on the coast of the East China Sea, we are hunting. When we come back, we must have big bags and small bags, and our vigilance will be lax. At that time, several of our teams will shoot together, and we will surely kill them by surprise."

Yue Buqun laughed and said, "I only have one request, that Du Yu and my wife must be executed by me personally! How about it?"

Du Yu cursed secretly in his heart, but he used the concealment skills in the dragon and wolf aura with all his strength to cover up his aura.

At this time, I heard a woman giggling: "That's not okay, the 26th meeting between me and the man Zhina has already been decided to be Du Yu! At least you can kill him after I collect his DNA. "

"What kind of moth is this?" Du Yu took a peek.

A beauty with a hot face and a figure stood on a tree in the distance, looking proudly at the Dark Elf team.She looks very beautiful, and she is very charming, but she is by no means the most beautiful group. She belongs to the kind of temperament that is very beautiful, fake and artificial, just like the kind of plastic beauties that are artificially mass-produced in space. Beauty is beautiful. , but unnatural and unreal.Du Yu can even analyze from her disproportionately high nose bridge and sharp chin that can scratch people as a weapon, and can analyze that the shop where she has plastic surgery must be a plastic surgery shop in the outer city that is currently on sale.

In the bloody city, getting plastic surgery couldn't be easier. A woman can be any beauty she wants, but she still loses her natural beauty.

Yue Buqun let out a low laugh, and was about to make a move. Westminster shouted: "Hold on, this is one of our own!"

His gaze was blazing at the beauty, but the ponytail archer girl in the team let out a cold snort of disdain.

"This is Miss Bei Yenan, the head of the intelligence department of the Black Dragon Society!" Westminster grinned: "She is a stunning beauty, and she is very open. Oh, of course, Mr. Yue, do you need it for the time being?" arrive???"

The girl with the ponytail looked at Kitano Nan with disdain, and snorted in a low voice: "Huh! You men like women with this personality! You probably don't know that she once made a great wish outside the space to sleep all over the world." The men of the country, after entering the space, added another one-male creatures of all races, who dare not attack animals on earth because they are afraid of adverse reactions such as poisoning and allergies, and they will not be afraid if they are guaranteed in space. Captain Do you still dare to be interested in her?"

Westminster laughed loudly and said, "As for the interest? Of course, I would like to thank Ms. Kitano Nan who is not taboo about meat and vegetables. But as a companion, this time the Black Dragon Club will also join the pair under the auspices of Ms. Kitano Nan." Du Yu's siege and ambush made me very happy."

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, I returned to the bloody city ahead of schedule to send Qinglian off, just in time to smash through their plot, otherwise the terrifying Lao Yue and Kitano Nan, who is a master of the Black Dragon Society, joined in the ambush at the same time, and I and the wolf pupil team would definitely suffer. deficit.

This is really obvious.

Du Yu wiped off his cold sweat and continued to wait and see.

The gray dwarf Cable Hammer whispered to the girl with bow and arrow: "Although Bei Yenan is shameless and eye-catching, she is the intelligence leader of the Black Dragon Society. Her own strength is also very strong in the inner city. Otherwise, how can the captain?" Be so polite to her?"

The girl said disdainfully: "What can such a woman do?"

Cable seems to have been in the space for a long time, and he can't hide any news from him. Tan must smile and said: "It's for strengthening! She is similar to Du Yu's bloodline of virus devouring ability, but the focus is different. She is good at The DNA characteristics of the target organisms are recorded and collected, and the outstanding parts are selected to strengthen themselves. There are many ways to collect, but for her. Not only that, she relies on this point to collect information on the bed everywhere, becoming the most important part of the Black Dragon Society. source of information."

"She traded her body for information?" the girl exclaimed in disbelief.

Cable said helplessly: "So, this is a difficult opponent, because no one knows how many non-human races she has slept with that are more capable than humans—the superpowers and excellent attributes of the males she has slept with will Inherited by her to a certain extent: Superman's flying and laser eyes; Spiderman's silk spinning ability to trap enemies; Wolverine's self-healing ability; Magneto's metal manipulation ability; Western elves' bow proficiency talent, etc. It's just the inheritance of her skill characteristics, as for the inheritance of attributes and passive skills, no one can estimate."

"Then why is she staring at Du Yu? Of course I know that the black dragon will be tricked badly by Du Yu." The girl whispered.

Cable said with a smile: "I guess, she may have noticed Du Yu's internal strength and special blood, and she also wants to use her body to collect Du Yu's genes. Or to obtain more information, in short, we only need to take revenge from Du Yu and ask for compensation That's fine, don't worry about the rest."

Du Yu burst into sweat.

He has always been the one who picks up the demon girl.

Now, there is a perverted woman who is looking at him greedily?
Du Yu shuddered.

Kitano Nanmomo glanced at Westminster's strong chest muscles, and said with a smile: "Apart from you Dark Elves and our Black Dragon Society, who else participated in the ambush?"

Westminster said: "Is there any information that you Bei Ye Nan didn't know? I heard that it is a team of adventurers from the Sultan Empire, who also joined the ambush and guarded another pass."

Wolfe disdainfully said, "How are they better than us?"

Westminster said in a deep voice, "Not weak!"

Everyone was taken aback.This Westminster is a proud and arrogant person. To be able to say such a thing must be of great strength.

Du Yu cursed inwardly.Hou Xiaobai found so many masters, he was afraid that he would not die.

Kitano Nan's smile was even stronger: "We have so many masters, if we still can't deal with Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team, we don't have to hang out in the bloody city."

Westminster glanced at Kitano Nandao: "Miss Kitano, you should go back and set up an ambush. We don't need to worry about you here. Signal if there is a situation."

Kitano Nan charmingly raised her small mouth and said, "It's still early. Handsome guy, why don't we go to the side to get in touch first, so that we can cooperate to wipe out Du Yu later."

Westminster waved his hand handsomely: "I don't dare to learn Miss Kitano's kung fu. You'd better go and trouble Du Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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