Chapter 668: Du Yu is invincible and counterattacks in an ambush! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Bei Yenan stomped her little feet: "Am I that untouchable woman???"

Du Yu didn't care to listen to their flirting, his heart was already spinning rapidly.

He had known for a long time that Hou Shenjiang and Hou Xiaobai would not let him go, but he did not expect that instead of attacking Endless East China Sea, they set up a vicious ambush on the way home.

We must break this ambush.

He waved.

Little Dragon Girl, Ning Zhongze, Li Mochou, Yilin, Serena, Shi Feixuan, Wanhou, Shang Xiuxun, Shen Luoyan and Shan Wanjing all appeared.

Currently Du Yu can use these teams.

Although it is not impossible to wait for the wolf pupil team to return and join the team together, but the so-called attacking the unprepared is to take it by surprise.

Now is the most slack and unexpected time for these ambusher teams.

They would never have imagined in their dreams that he was actually beside them, violently attacking them.

This has a high success rate.

As for the breakthrough, Du Yu chose the Dark Elf team!

Because there is Yue Buqun whom he fears the most!

As early as in the novice plot, Yue Buqun was Du Yu's most feared opponent.At this time, he was making troubles in the dark, and the threat to Du Yu and Ning Zhongze was great.

In front of Du Yu's beautiful team, the Dark Elf team is not enough, but the problem is that the adventure team of Bei Ye Nan and the Sultan Empire are also ambushing around and guarding other roads. Besieged by several strong teams.

This was not the result Du Yu hoped to see.

Either he doesn't fight, or if he fights, he will be thunderous and wipe out the Dark Elf team in one fell swoop!
After eliminating one ambush team, the other ambush teams will naturally be unable to continue ambush.

Originally, the ambush was done by surprise, but now he was ambushed by the opponent instead, so he stayed here waiting to die?

The main force of this raid is the newly joined Shi Feixuan and Wan Wan, these two beauties from the Tang Dynasty, are Du Yu's strongest combat power at this time.Followed by Xiaolongnv and Li Mochou, although Ningzhong is powerful, but in the face of Yue Buqun, a beautiful wife with a kind nature, there is always a feeling of betrayal, and he is tied up, unable to let go and fight.

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes flashed brilliantly, and she was using Du Yu's scouting skills to carefully calculate every detail of the battle.She is not only a clever strategist on the battlefield, but also a planner who calculates every detail in battle.

"Looking at the last time you fought against the dark elves, my lord, the opponent's strongest point lies in their cooperation. They have the large shield defense of Cable Hammer, Westminster's double-knife stunt, and the barbarian Wolfe's addiction. The Blood Axe has the long-range precision of the lightning archer girl and the field control of the halfling illusionist. In addition to the newly added plot character Yue Buqun, that disgusting and unfeminine swordsman, the configuration is quite complete and powerful. Their team The number of people is small, but it can be firmly ranked as a strong team in the outer city of Shinra, which shows that each team member is not weak individually. Such a team must be separated." Shen Luoyan analyzed carefully.Her beautiful eyes are on Wan Wan.

"This time we want to succeed with one blow, the key lies in Houhou." Shen Luoyan laughed.

Everyone's eyes were on Wan Wan.

Wan Wan herself blushed a little, and said angrily, "Sister Luoyan, why do you say that?"

Yilin seemed to admire Shi Feixuan, who is also a disciple of Buddhism, and said, "That's right, Sister Feixuan is also extremely powerful, and can be the main attacker."

Shen Luoyan said sternly: "All of you have overlooked a problem. We are not going to fight a one-on-one arena now, but a group raid! We must act like a team. In my opinion, the tactical value of Wanhou It must be greater than her personal force. Her Heavenly Demon Dafa can create a cracked black hole in a local area, sucking everyone around. And at this time, Wanwan is only one step away from breaking through the golden core, and her skill has greatly improved. The threat spectrum is larger."

Du Yu laughed and said, "You want to use Houhou as the queen in the interstellar world, and the Heavenly Demon Dafa is the trapping net. Collectively control the field and slow down the other party, right?"

Shen Luoyan said solemnly: "That's right, the biggest advantage of Houhou is that the Heavenly Demon Dafa can climb infinitely like the magic of a cultivator, and her skill limit is far higher than the upper limit of resistance of adventurers at this time. Even if the opponent is The strong team in the outer city of Shinra is also completely sure to trap them. And the key point is the illusionist! Although he is the most inconspicuous, he is the tactical core of the Dark Elf team!"

"Where did these materials come from?" Du Yu was dumbfounded.

Shen Luoyan smiled triumphantly: "Don't forget, I'm living with sister Wang Yuyan, she has painstakingly collected a large amount of space data for your cousin, and she has the ability to never forget. I only talk to her at night After a few nights, I have installed most of the data of the strong in the space in my mind."

Du Yu was a little moved.Whether it is Wang Yuyan or Shen Luoyan, they are all so concerned about their own affairs, asking themselves how to repay.

He is also a little arrogant.

Once in the world of Tang Dynasty, he brought back 11 beautiful beauties. Although Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv and others didn't say anything, he also made up his mind in his heart. In the next few worlds, except for the heroine who must complete the task, other Play tricks, so as not to hurt the hearts of these beautiful girls who love her so much.

"Then!" Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes looked at Concubine Shixuan: "Fairy Shi, your task is the most important. I want you to use the Sekong Sword to block that man and woman Yue Buqun. Originally, Sister Ning could also bear the burden." This task, but ???"

Although Shi Feixuan didn't come here for a long time, she also knew a little bit about the festivals of Ning Zhongze, Du Yu and Yue Buqun, and said a little bit: "I heard that there are many masters in all worlds. I want to learn it. What is so brilliant about the evil swordsmanship that is contrary to human nature and nature, that it makes the swordsman willing to leave the palace?"

Du Yu grinned happily, this concubine Xuan vs. Yue Buqun, does this count as Huang Yi's confrontation with Jin Yong's two major martial arts systems?

Although it seems that the realm of Shi Feixuan should surpass Yue Buqun. After all, one is a cultivator and the other is a master of martial arts. I don't know whether he is insane or has a great achievement, in short, it gives people an extremely evil and dangerous feeling.Shi Feixuan's task is not light.

"What about me?" Du Yu found sadly that he had quickly become Shen Luoyan's pawn from giving orders.What's more disturbing is that with so many beauties under him, after a few battles, they obeyed Shen Luoyan's words and turned against the birds.

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes were clear: "When Houhou descended from the sky and used the Heavenly Demon Dafa to control the opponent's backcourt and surprise the illusionist, Shi Feixuan used the Cihang sword technique to attack Yue Buqun, and the little dragon girl was responsible for cleaning up the lightning bow girl. Li Mochou, you use your poisonous needles to deal with the barbarians, Xiuxun and Wanjing, attack together, and entangle the gray dwarf, and you???"

Her beautiful eyes finally looked at Du Yu: "Your task is the most important. I want you to kill that Westminster in the shortest possible time. He is the captain, the strongest adventurer, and the most likely The person who sends out the signal to call for reinforcements. Remember, it is not to defeat, but to kill, and it is the shortest time to kill, and you must not give him any chance to signal. After killing the captain, the opponent will disperse. You will assist Xiuxun Together with Wanjing, siege the gray dwarves. Yilin, as the blood recovery and buffing priest, Serena, as the distant sniper, is responsible for supporting and delaying the reinforcements. Me, Princess Qinglu, the two-headed monsters and Moliel, as the battlefield reserve team, Prepare to meet the enemy army who comes to help. The key to all success is to be quick! Be the fastest!"

After hearing her plan, Du Yu was also secretly glad.

Thanks to having such a clear-headed, clever strategist who plays chess like a chess player, he can plan in the center, so that the combat effectiveness of his team can be maximized.

If this raid can be successful and the Dark Elf team can be wiped out, then Du Yu can fight against an entire strong team from the outer city with his own strength!
Thinking of this, Du Yu felt a little proud.

When did brother become so prosperous in the space?

"Action!" Du Yu shouted.

The wolf pupil team quickly dispersed.

The dark elves are lurking in their respective positions.But everyone was not too vigilant. According to intelligence, the wolf pupil team was thousands of miles away, hunting the Eastern Sea Salamander.In the space, the battle is tense, if you can't learn to relax, you will die long ago.

In the distance, there was a woman's cry.

The Lightning girl said angrily: "Is this Japanese woman going to finish? Is she here to perform a mission, or to make a fuss? Don't kill us because of pig teammates!"

Cable Heavy Hammer said in a deep voice, "That's right! Go and warn them."

Westminster was about to walk, but Yue Buqun suddenly shouted in a shrill voice: "There is a surprise attack!"

Almost at the same time, a charming white ghost suddenly descended from the sky and landed in front of the halfling illusionist, and then a silver bell-like giggling sound resounded throughout the audience!
"This is the first time to kill people in space, I'm so excited!"

In front of the illusionist's eyes, a series of fantastic scenes suddenly appeared!
Countless witches, singing and dancing in front of him!
Dance can break the devil!Song can wear clouds!
He was horrified.

Fortunately, the illusionist is almost one of the best illusionists in the outer city of Shenluo due to the halfling's talent advantage and his own cultivation is extremely powerful. He has a high resistance to illusions and can barely struggle out. The lightning bow and arrow girls around were already dumbfounded, immersed in the illusion of this witch.

Even more disappointing was the barbarian Wulfgar.This incomparably powerful muscular warrior actually smirked, twisted his waist, and danced clumsily along with the swaying movements of the wanhou.

This guy has killed countless people. In the tavern in the outer city of Shinra, because he likes to break the opponent's hand bones when he wrestles his wrists, he exposes his sharp hand bones to the outside while the other party screams. He is known as the "Wrist Broken Man" The devil.

(End of this chapter)

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