Chapter 669: Wan Wan controls the field, Yue Buqun is an evildoer! - Ask for a monthly ticket
The illusionist suddenly realized that his team was in an extremely dangerous situation.


And it's an absolute master!

A master at the level of an Eastern Immortal Cultivator!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to create such a large-scale illusion and field control?
He gritted his teeth fiercely, and at the same time activated a hidden device on his body. Using severe pain and props, he barely resisted Houhou's terrifying demon magic, and immediately activated the illusion.

Once he is allowed to enter the illusion, he will become an invisible person on the battlefield, and the endless mirror images, copies, and illusions behind him will make the opponent enter an extremely painful situation.Until he cooperates with the team and completely plays to death.

But this time, his opponent is the so-called ghost witch!

If this agile halfling illusionist successfully enters the invisible state by means of Houhou, she will not have to mess around.

Wan Wan smiled and said: "It's hard to get close, why do you want to leave? Look at Bai Yunpiao!"

Her demon belt bit the halfling like a poisonous snake!

As long as he is entangled by this demonic belt full of demonic inner power, let alone the halfling is the number one master of illusion in the outer city, even the master in the inner city will be entangled to death!
The illusionist turned pale with fright, his agility had reached an unbelievable 56 points, and even an ordinary assassin could not do anything to him if he got close.This is also a tactical trap for the Dark Elf team.

But the problem is, the opponent this time is not an ordinary assassin.

Her posture is extremely delicate and charming, but every move is full of killing intent and extraordinary momentum.

Wolfe and the female archer were attracted by the Heavenly Demon Dafa and were unable to respond or support them.

The closest one was Cable Heavy Hammer. With a roar, he picked up his shield and charged over, trying to interrupt Houhou's attack and cover the halfling into invisibility.

But two beautiful and slender figures descended from the sky, the Merchant Swordsmanship and Dongming Swordsmanship, the twin swords shone, piercing Cable's vitals.

Shang Xiuxun and Shan Wanjing.

Cable roared again and again, with his strong strength, he could handle the sharpness of the two beautiful swordsmen, but he was tightly entangled and couldn't save it.

Yue Buqun giggled, the indescribable Xiemei's figure flashed, and he had already broken through the interception, flashing to get close to him!
Everyone was taken aback, including the master planner Shen Luoyan!
No one thought that Yue Buqun's speed could reach such a monster!

It is not an exaggeration to describe him as a monster.

Yue Buqun's weapon could not be seen clearly at all, only a gray flash flashed, threatening Houhou.

But at this moment, the beautiful and heroic figure of a fairy fell down, the sword was sharp, and the sharp light flashed, unexpectedly blocking Yue Buqun's attack at the critical moment.

Everyone screamed in surprise before letting go of their minds.

Shi Feixuan, with piercing eyes, and Cihang Jingzhai's swordsmanship to the extreme, fought against Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun licked his tongue and made a sound like a beautiful snake: "A woman? Or a beautiful woman? I'm really jealous! Hehe, I'm going to goug out your eyes. Who told you to be so seductive?"

Concubine Shixuan remained silent, the Sekong sword collided with Yue Buqun's weapon several times in a row, sparks shot out, and everyone saw clearly that there was only half a broken sword in Yue Buqun's hand.

Ning Zhong's expression changed drastically, and he said in a trembling voice, "This is clearly Lingshan's sword. You, you devil, what did you do to Lingshan?"

She cared about it but was confused, she rushed out of the formation and rushed towards Yue Buqun.

Du Yu sighed softly, with Shi Feixuan around, Ning Zhong would have no problem with Yue Buqun, so he turned around and rushed down, landing in front of Westminster who was drawing out his double blades and preparing to rush into the battle group!

Westminster was really taken aback when he saw Du Yu, his face was as wonderful as it was.

Originally, he planned to ambush him, but who would have thought that the ambush would fail, and instead he would be caught off guard and fall from the sky!

Du Yu chuckled: "Brother Dark Elf, are you safe? Has the broken bone healed from last time?"

The last time he fought against Westminster and others by Catherine's side, Du Yu used Eastern martial arts to break through the Western grudge and magic system, and the entire Dark Elf team was disgraced.

But this time, the two sides are enemies and are extremely jealous when they meet again!

Westminster yelled wildly: "You bastard! It's time to die today!"

His confidence is not without source.If you are beaten all over the place looking for teeth, and you want to take revenge, that is not ambition, it is brain damage.

Du Yu's strength has increased a lot in the past 4 worlds, but the Westminster team has also encountered many adventures and has greatly improved in strength. The next world will go to challenge the Scarlet City Gate in the inner city. With the certainty of killing Du Yu, he agreed to Hou Xiaobai's reward conditions and came to ambush him.

Full of confidence, the dark elf swung his two knives and slashed at Du Yu.

Bursts of golden battle energy gushed out from his body, greatly increasing the attack frequency and lethality.

The ice-type deceleration on the dual-knife weapon not only greatly enhanced the damage, duration, and effect, but also increased the priority. I believe Du Yu will definitely not be able to escape this killing.The golden grudge is the result of his hard work + adventure!
His guess was right, the pair of double blades, which were spared no expense, did send Du Yu into a frozen deceleration state, but Du Yu's palms also unceremoniously hit his double blades!

The two sides are fighting!

Westminster is most proud of his speed and combat skills, and now he is even more golden-yellow, but the signature cross-press block is still swayed by Du Yu's strong internal force!

Westminster could only feel layers of icy internal force coming from the blade, and it was extremely thick. He fell into the ice hole like a cold day, and his whole body was covered with waves of ice. Freeze completely!

Even his so-called invincible golden grudge can't stop Du Yu's innate qi.

In the western adventure system, vindictiveness is equivalent to the internal force of the east.Therefore, after western adventurers have cultivated the attribute of fighting energy, it will display the attribute of fighting energy, which is replaced with the attribute of internal force in the east.

Westminster let out a furious roar, gushing out his vindictive energy, pouring all his strength into his hands, trying to resist the invasion of Du Yu's innate zhenqi.

He didn't believe that he, a strong adventurer who was about to enter the inner city, would be crushed again by Du Yu, who had just entered the outer city!
In these four worlds, he worked harder than anyone else.

But the truth is relentless.

As an oriental adventurer, Du Yu, once he cultivated his innate qi, his western fighting qi would really have to stand aside!
Du foresaw a moment of amusement at Will Smith's tremendous progress, and his bruised resistance.

The stronger the enemy, the more enjoyable it is to fight. Like the red python, it is too boring to be on the verge of death with one blow.

If possible, he really wanted to fight Lily with Westminster, a Western master, but unfortunately, the powerful enemy looked around, and Shen Luoyan confessed to kill this dark elf as soon as possible.He couldn't afford to delay.

Du Yu shouted loudly: "I'm coming!"

His innate qi rushed into the double blades of Westminster in a spiral shape, and through the double blades, penetrated into the tendons of this powerful enemy!

Even if Du Yu's golden elixir avatar took away half of the innate zhenqi, he had an adventure along the way, he was the marrow washing pill, He's jade, and the evil emperor's relic, and he still practiced solidly in the fairy cave for three years. The remaining innate qi is enough to crush Westminster!

The look of horror on the dark elf's face was hard to erase, and he wanted to retreat away from this terrifying eastern enemy, but Du Yu's innate true energy was enough!

Du Yu shouted loudly and used all his strength. Westminster Kong had a pair of knives, but he didn't even make a move, so he let out a painful howl!

His hands were numb from the shock of Du Yu's true energy, and he almost lost consciousness.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms slammed into the dark elf's chest.

Finally, it was Westminster's powerful skill, and in an instant, his battle qi formed into a battle qi armor, protecting the vital points on his chest.But how powerful is Du Yu's attack power at this time?

one move.

With just one move, Westminster's battle qi armor collapsed into pieces and fell to the ground.

A murderous look flashed in Du Yu's eyes, and he leaped into the abyss with a move, dashing in the middle, and the strength of his small hand, containing the majestic innate qi, blasted between Westminster's chest and abdomen.

Finally, the dark elf couldn't avoid it, howled and flew backwards, spitting out a mixture of internal organs and blood.

Another trick.

Hit the dark elves hard.

Du Yu was full of innate qi, and with the technique of longevity, he moved quickly and raised it to the extreme.

He has entered the wonderful state of insightful mind, and all movements on the battlefield cannot escape his calculations.

At this time, the halfling illusionist was pulled out from the void with the demon belt without any hindrance by Houhou's coquettish smile.Even if his body is covered with all kinds of escape and invisibility props and gadgets, in the eyes of the celestial demon who is a master of magic, it is just an interesting toy, and there is no way to hide.

As for the belt of the demon, it became tighter and tighter, strangling the halfling illusionist tightly.The halfling didn't even have the breath to catch his breath, and he was full of shocking illusion magic, but he didn't do anything at all.

And Xiao Longnv's golden bell rope also took advantage of the fact that the archer girl was shocked by the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and entangled her bow and arrow.The girl with bow and arrow is really strong, and she also practiced high-level bow fighting skills, but in front of Xiao Longnu's strength and lightness, she could barely resist.

The savage Wolfe was attacked by Li Mochou before he woke up from the demonic illusion. On the ice needle, various newly developed poisons pierced Wolfe's vital organs faintly. .The muscular man with explosive muscles suddenly turned black and fell into a state of rapid blood loss.Immediately after waking up, Li Mochou's life-threatening whisk took away large pieces of flesh and life time and time again.

In the past three years, Li Mochou did not relax her cultivation, her skills continued to improve, and she also touched a trace of the way of heaven.

The gray dwarf shield warrior was even entangled to death by Shang Xiuxun and Shan Wanjing, and the double swords were continuously extended, creating wounds on his body.Apart from waving his shield and constantly blocking, he has no other power to fight back.

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(End of this chapter)

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