Chapter 671 Destroying the Enemy with Lightning, Shocking the Small Group!

Du Yu nodded, and a yellow light fell on him. It was Yilin's buff that returned blood. He thanked Xiaoxiao, and struck the Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, hitting Wolfe who looked like a mad tiger.

Wolf's bone broke, pierced into his internal organs, and howled miserably.

He was shot in the head by the murderous Serena!
This kind of opponent with high attack power and low defense is the favorite prey of vampire beauties.

Seeing that Du Yu was severely injured, she had already held back her anger, and finally grabbed a gap in Wolfe's position and killed him on the spot.

Wolfe's head was like a broken watermelon, with white brains, red blood, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and the liver and brain were smeared on the ground.

The last remaining gray dwarf, Cable, witnessed with his own eyes that his powerful dark elf team was killed by the enemy Du Yu who fell from the sky in just 2 minutes, leading a team of beautiful women and masters to kill him. Barely dying, he furiously pulled out a poison-enhancing crossbow and shot at Shan Wanjing.

Shan Wanjing was caught off guard, and was hit by the crossbow, she let out a coquettish cry, and fell to the ground.

This Cable jumped up crazily, trying to use the huge shield in his hand to smash Shan Wanjing's head to pieces in order to avenge Du Yu's killing.

But how could Du Yu watch Shan Wanjing disappear?
As soon as he enrolls the Death Talisman, he throws it far away and hits Cable.

That Houhou was even more elusive, appearing next to Cable in an instant, and the Heavenly Demon led Baiyun Piao to transform into white lotuses, grabbed Cable and threw it into the air suddenly.

Cable, who lost his defensive position in the air, became an excellent sniper target for Serena!

A bullet fired, and Cable exploded in a cloud of blood!
"It's too late! Let's go!"

Shen Luoyan's voice sounded, and there was a dragon chant. She was riding the giant dragon Jasmine, and she had already swept up from the air.

Jasmine was still breathing flames in the air, but her body was covered with scars from all kinds of magic and long-range weapons. It could be seen that the joint attack of the two powerful teams had cost the sniper team a lot.

Rudolph III was seriously injured and dying, but he was taken back urgently by Li Mochou.

And Li Qinglu's metal warhead was already a little damaged, spewing black smoke, and galloped over.

Du Yu cast a bitter glance at Cable, who was hammered by all the beauties in the air, and glanced at Yue Buqun, who was fighting to the death with his concubine Shi Xuan and Ning Zhongze.That Yue Buqun had a ghostly figure, and his speed was unimaginably fast. It seems that the Evil Resisting Sword Manual and the Sunflower Collection can greatly increase the speed of a practitioner.

Leaving aside the negative factors such as self-defense and personality changes, this evil sword manual can indeed greatly improve the ability of a practitioner.If Yue Buqun didn't practice this evil kung fu, or if he couldn't master it, he would have been chopped off by Shi Xianzi's Se Kong sword long ago.

This time, it seems that there is no time to kill everyone.

Du Yu stared fiercely.

Li Mochou understood, she waved her hand, and an ice blue light flashed across.

The cable heavy hammer frantically resisted in the air. As an MT, his health and defense were of course the strongest in the team.Especially that heavy shield can be called invincible in defense.The talent of the dwarves is that they have a lot of blood, and even with the cooperation of many beauties, they can survive until now.

But Li Mochou's research and development of poison for so long is definitely not a waste of time and Du Yu's money.

The gift before leaving this time is the newly prepared highly poisonous Lengxiang pill extracted from the belly pouch of the chisel-toothed beast.

Lengxiang pill is a chronic poison, but it is incurable, and can slowly reduce the life value of the poisoned person.

Unexpectedly, Cable was hit by Li Mochou's hidden weapon.

Du Yu waved his hand.

The beauties retreated one after another.

Only Ning Zhong was concerned, and he was in chaos, frantically swinging the Quanzhen sword, trying to fight Lao Yue desperately.

Du Yu picked up the beautiful wife and said to Lao Yue, "I don't have time to fight you this time. See you next time!"

With a long laugh, he jumped up suddenly.

Although Yue Buqun smiled coquettishly, his voice was like a night owl, and he was extremely penetrating, but beside him at this time, there were scattered corpses of Westminster, the elf girl with bow and arrow, Wolfe, and the halfling illusionist. It is a miracle that he was able to survive the siege of Du Yu's unit by himself, how dare he chase him alone?
Cable hit the ground with a heavy hammer and couldn't get up for a long time.

The siege by Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Hou Hou, Li Mochou and others caused him to be seriously injured.

Bei Ye Nan was dressed in a leather jacket, and her two fat breasts swayed and landed on the open space. Obviously, when she received the police call, she was in such a hurry that she didn't even have the time to collect milk. Anyway, she has a dissolute personality, so this is not a surprise up.

Looking around, Kitano Nan couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine when he saw the dark elf team's horrific annihilation.


Raid of the wolf pupil team!

This elusive Du Yu has already caused great losses to the Black Dragon Society, and for some reason this time, he got the news of their ambush and launched a surprise attack!

If Du Yu's raid target was not the handsome guy Westminster, but his own Black Dragon Club, would he be able to escape?
Bei Yenan let out a cold sweat.

hard to say

It's really hard to tell.

With the configuration and strength of the Westminster team, it is also a well-known strong team in the outer city of Shinra, and the whole team will soon enter the assessment of the Scarlet City Gate to challenge the difficulty of the inner city.

But now, there are only two people left.

Bei Yenan's heart was hit hard, and his face turned pale.

For the first time, she had doubts about the intelligence of the Black Dragon Society.

This is an adventurer in an outer city, can it be done?
The point is, how on earth did Du Yu deceive General Hou's military spies and move the entire team over without him noticing?
With the precise and professional ability of military spies, Kitano Minami believes that there will be no mistakes.She took out the walkie-talkie again and confirmed with Hou Xiaobai.

"Hello?" Hou Xiaobai's voice came: "What's the matter? I won't agree to sleep with you"

Bei Yenan said angrily: "Fuck your sister! How did you get the information? Is the wolf pupil team really still in the Liaoyuan tidal flat?"

Hou Xiaobai's voice became serious: "Of course! I just confirmed it."

Kitano Minami was shocked.

She confirmed that what she said just now was absolutely true, it was Du Yu.

But Du Yu's team as a whole is still thousands of miles away on the coast of the East China Sea.

In other words, he had stumbled across the ambush of himself and others by accident, mobilized those beautiful experts who accompanied him, and completely wiped out the entire Dark Elf team from the list of strong teams.

This Du Yu's strength is so powerful!
Kitano Minami was almost speechless.

"Hello?" Hou Xiaobai sensed that the situation was wrong: "What happened?"

Bei Yenan said coldly: "Dead! They are all dead!"

Hou Xiaobai's pupils shrank. He planned to ambush Du Yu just now, but was Du Yu ambushed instead?Thousands of miles a day, surprise attack, such a fast movement?
Bei Ye Nan looked coldly at Cable Heavy Hammer, who was on the ground, screamed furiously, and beat the ground to kill Du Yu and avenge his dead teammates, and said coldly: "As a professional intelligence officer, what I said is not accurate , To be precise, there is only one person left alive in the dark elf team you hired."

Before the words were finished, Cable Severe Hammer, who was gnashing his teeth and scolding, suddenly yelled, and his whole body swelled up.

He is a duergar himself and is of short stature.When it inflated at this moment, it was like a liquid-filled balloon, swaying and rolling all over the ground.

Bei Yenan looked infinitely horrified, almost speechless with frightened eyes.


This is definitely a sign of poisoning.

She has never seen an adventurer who can turn a digital body into such a powerful and domineering poison.

That Cable Heavy Hammer also realized that his doomsday was coming, he raised his head and roared angrily: "Du Yu! I'll wipe you!"


Like an invisible needle piercing Cable Heavy Hammer's belly, the gray dwarf who was already big and round unexpectedly exploded!

The human body explodes.

This tragic toxin turned a strong man in the outer city into a human bomb!
Li Mochou's toxin has evolved to a terrifying level.

Even Yue Buqun, who was standing beside him, was blown up by the gray dwarf's self-explosion, and his face was covered with blood and flesh. He was already smeared with rouge to cover his pale face, but his blood was even less, and his head was covered with blood and flesh, just like a boy. The ghost that eats people.

Kitano Minami's walkie-talkie fell to the ground.

Hou Xiaobai's anxious voice came from above: "Hello? What happened? Where is Du Yu?"

Bei Yenan picked up the blood-stained walkie-talkie and said viciously: "You have the ability, so kill that Du Yu yourself. I have other things to do, so I can't play with you!"

She was furious and walked away with her hands shaken. A pair of breasts dangled in the air, and the walkie-talkie was thrown to Muhammad Yakun who was beside her.

Yakun picked it up, looked at the human tragedy on the field with a wry smile, felt Du Yu's cruelty, and said to Hou Xiaobai: "We were raided by Du Yu, and the Dark Elf team was completely wiped out within 2 minutes. The position was also exposed. There is no way Carry out the task again. Your deposit will be refunded to you later. Goodbye."

He took the adventurers of the Sultanate and retreated quickly.

When Hou Xiaobai received this news, he was so shocked that he even forgot to stop Kitanonan and Yakun.

Then Du Yu was the only one who killed God Luo's famous outer city team within 2 minutes?
My dear mother.

What's happening here?
Even if he does it himself, can he kill the Dark Elf team in 2 minutes?
Hou Xiaobai evaluated it and gave a negative answer.

Then the problem is coming.

Could it be that he is not as strong as Du Yu?

This ruthless reality almost drove Hou Xiaobai crazy.

"The hatred of killing my brother, the hatred of humiliation, I must avenge it!" Hou Xiaobai glared angrily, his eyes almost burst into flames.

But at this time, the ambush he painstakingly organized has collapsed.Both the Black Dragon Society and Yakun withdrew, and his own shadow thief power was not enough to ambush and kill Du Yu.

Even the wolf pupil team, which is leveling + MF in the Liaoyuan tidal flats, no longer needs to besieged.

It is impossible to mobilize the army to openly besiege the wolf pupil team that came in response to the imperial court's call.

(End of this chapter)

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